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The Big and Dandy 4-AcO-DMT thread - New incarnation

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You might try it again swallowing the 4AcoDMT, at 20mg - I hear it is only weaky active via insufflation compared to oral, and oral comes on really fast anyway. 20mg probably the minimum for psychedelic effect.

Anyway, I suspected they would combine nicely... thanks alot for trying it and making a report for us! Good job!
Actually, having tried various vendors tan and white powders, I only snort 4-aco-dmt, unless I'm going to shove it up my ass for a near DMT-like experience. If I had the balls to fuck with needles I would have already shot it up after reading about it. I really rate 30mg of 4-aco-dmt fumarate(White or tan) to be equivalent to 1/8 of good shrooms eaten, or closer to a quarter snorted, and ohmygodwhatthefuck when you put it in your ass. Last time I took 40mg oral, it took about three hours to properly kick in, and my trip buddy who snorted it was already done peaking when I was just beginning.

I thoroughly enjoy taking "threshold" doses of different psychs to get a cumulative effect. Also I could absolutely tell the difference from my previous 2cI trip, with only 10mg of 4-aco, the difference is mind-blowing. I'm very excited to try a 4-aco/2cI/MDAI combination, but it's far off, and I need to experiment with them on their own more.
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That doesn't sound like 4-AcO-DMT Ralt... that potency is WAY off... What drugs do you take (prescription) because you shouldn't compare 30mg of 4-AcO-DMT to 1/8th... more like a 1/4 but with more visuals...
Any suggestions as to how best to mix w/ 2c-i? Same time? One before the other?
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^ That sounds precisely right. That's generally about right when the 2C-I is a little bit into its plateau, and the initial jitters it causes (and any related anxiety) have clearly evaporated.
^ That sounds precisely right. That's generally about right when the 2C-I is a little bit into its plateau, and the initial jitters it causes (and any related anxiety) have clearly evaporated.
Its been a formula for success for quite some time now.
That doesn't sound like 4-AcO-DMT Ralt... that potency is WAY off... What drugs do you take (prescription) because you shouldn't compare 30mg of 4-AcO-DMT to 1/8th... more like a 1/4 but with more visuals...

It's most likely because he's snorting it, as I keep saying a lot of people don't get much from snorting this one. I still don't know why, but it's definitely a common theme - people being underwhelmed or finding it weaker than others, tend to be the ones snorting it.

However I dunno if that 1/4 idea is that accurate, I remember seeing a chart somewhere, that gave the (rough) amount of Psilocin in different quantities of shrooms, and another that compared 4-AcO-DMT to Psilocin doses, and I seem to remember ~35mg 4-AcO-DMT seemed to work out to about 5g of shrooms.

Having not tried shrooms though I can't compare the doses. I enjoy any dose of 4-AcO-DMT from 20mg up, and seem to be most satisfied with 30mg+
Maybe I'm just weird, but I don't know how you guys are comparing to weights of shrooms as if they're at all consistent in dose/intensity. I've had 2g doses that were extremely intense and 4-5g doses that were meh. The difference between an eighth and a quarter of the same batch is probably no bigger for me than the difference between a really weak eighth and a really potent eighth. In contrast, 4-aco is easy to dose precisely and I have a much more predictable dose-response there.

At any rate, I wouldn't think someone had a completely different chemical just because the intensity doesn't match up to my own expectations. YMMV, etc., and if anything it seems like it would be more likely to be impure/degraded 4-aco than some other drug. At any rate, it's probably 4-aco and you two just have different scales for comparing to shroom doses ;)

I'm really looking forward to the next time I'm not broke, so I can explore 4-aco a bit further.
Please do, I tried DPT for the first time tonight (50mg IM) which I think will go great with Ketamine, which seems to be the consensus around here...ha the only problem is I cant decide which I would rather try first, DPT + K or 4-AcO-DMT + K...decisions decisions..

Aco ended up being left out of the equation last night so no report on that :/
The K was fantastic though heh
Maybe I'm just weird, but I don't know how you guys are comparing to weights of shrooms as if they're at all consistent in dose/intensity. I've had 2g doses that were extremely intense and 4-5g doses that were meh. The difference between an eighth and a quarter of the same batch is probably no bigger for me than the difference between a really weak eighth and a really potent eighth. In contrast, 4-aco is easy to dose precisely and I have a much more predictable dose-response there.

At any rate, I wouldn't think someone had a completely different chemical just because the intensity doesn't match up to my own expectations. YMMV, etc., and if anything it seems like it would be more likely to be impure/degraded 4-aco than some other drug. At any rate, it's probably 4-aco and you two just have different scales for comparing to shroom doses ;)

I'm really looking forward to the next time I'm not broke, so I can explore 4-aco a bit further.

I agree with the mushroom inconsistency 2.5 grams was the most intense experience of my life! but i've also eaten 6.5 grams in a day and wasn;t off my rocker for long. So potency varies alot, small dark mushrooms have usually given me a more immesrive time than long light colored brancy ones. need to eat more of those buggers..

going to my cabin overnight and I think i'm going to take a little nap, wake up in the night when the rest are alseep and i'm going to go out on a little 4-aco-dmt adventure, I have it weighed out in 25 mg capsules and certainly dont want that much... so i'm thinking of eyeing it, splitting it what I believe will be 50/50 and eat half. I assume theres no danger here because ive already consumed 25 mg in a sitting and did relatively well.

it was a heavy trip though so i'm going into testing grounds mode! worst scenario I take to much like 20 mg and just trip harder... i'm experienced in the field but I love this compound so much I just have to see it at all levels... get back to you all tommorow night with a bit of a trip report :D, I assure you I will mention the stars!
I think that would be decent dose ^ 14mg was a nice first dose and kept it there for a couple of times, then whacked it straight up to 40.

Would like to try a midground, how did you find it? Did you find it sedating at 25mg? How visual was it, like if you would compare visual activity to say dropping a capsule of 2c-b/2c-i, 2c-e (the substances I've done...)??

- I like to get comparisons - see how different people's trips are to mine on the same doses, assuming they are the same substance...although I've been told by someone I've been in correspondence with recently that the 4-aco-dmt from a certain vendor who has just closed up shop, might have been the only vendor with pure 4-aco-dmt, and other vendors were sending out 4-aco-dmt mixed with 4-ho-dmt (degraded?? I didn't think it was THAT sensitive :S ).

I'll prob do a 14/15mg in 2 weeks when my detox is over, and then a week later a 25mg to push it a lil, but not too much. I feel 40 was too much given the setting, but think it could have been much more useful at my home with a few close friends, or my woman there ;)

Would like some more please dude!
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Some tasty stuff

this was.

26 mg was...in some respects...too much, yet in others, not enough...

it is strong yet gentle, immersive yet open...

it was wonderful...

strangely enough though...not much euphoria, and a touch anxious on the come-up...but more than worth it and much gentler than most other options

id rate it at a solid # 2 next to good old clean lucy
I did not get to taste it this weekend as planned but I expect the curiosity will be to much eventually and i'll just have to try it again! maybe just get a new dose instead of splitting my 26 mg capsules by eye though, just for the sake of accuracy.

Thats sad about the vendor ... I'm sure there are sources on this big wide Earth of ours, and if not now then very certainly in the not to distant future... perhaps I will stock up asap anyhow because this stuff is as interesting as all the rest to me! :p

My only experience with this stuff at 25 mg was incredibly visual but immediately different from a 2C-I trip (I have taken this phenethylamine, oddly the day after my first 4-AcO-DMT experience so it will be the perfect comparasin). 4-AcO-DMT led me to see alot of "creatures" or "beings", people that werent there and flickers at the edge of everything, faces on the back of my eyelids and enhanced and fancified the look of dancing people. I didn't feel so alone on the 4-AcO-DMT and it went well with my body very well, no nausea, heart rate wasn't terrible I generally felt comfortable in my own skin, yet not very social due to the immersiveness of what I was experiencing. I would only talk to people about what I was tripping about and figured i'd come off loony so I kept to myself!

The 2C-I the day after, which oddly was also 25mg was a COMPLETELY different experience. I found myself wanting to compare 2C-I to something the whole time but only thought maybe to compare it to mescaline in the way it felt on my body. The visuals were quasi comparable with what I like to call "grids" or "netting" on certain things, The forest looked like it had spider webs made of glorius light. I personally felt more social during this trip but was also... quite UNcomfortable in my own skin, laxative effect and nausea for the first 2 hours, racing heart fear of "losing it" which is odd because I usually have my head on really well during trips but there was an "intensity" to 2C-I that I was not comfortable with, felt like an out of control speed bender on the 3rd day or something... there was warping in my vision when I would turn and blurryness and gut churning when I would stay still. Oddly the best part of the trip was an experience that I deem "the best piece of pizza i've ever had" a simple pepperoni pizza slice was simply encompassing, more enlightening than the visuals was the taste of that perfect slice... lol

4-AcO-DMT - Benign(easy on the body, flowing), Deep, Interesting, Calming(not sedative but I was never to anxious), Visually enchanting, felt great after the trip and until I took the 2C-I the next day

2C-I - Intense, Uncontrolled, Confusing on my body, Want to interact/be with someone, I had perfect rhythm on a hand drum or dancing, watching fire dancing felt very primal, felt a bit crazy having no affiliation with phenyls as allies and more as an experimental substance, brutal headache before the trip was over that codeine couldnt touch.

I took 4-AcO-DMT at night and 2C-I in the day so that leads to a difference in social levels and possibly the headache later but I could go a lifetime without 2C-I again, just feels WHACKY, but 4-AcO-DMT was a pure delight minus the fear at the start of the trip, which soon faded as I came to associate it's qualities to memory.

The fear and ego loss from 4-AcO-DMT I came to realize was no where near as intense as my first LSD experiences and with proper set and setting I would feel very confident with going signifigantly deeper with this substance in time.

For the sake of comparasin I personally found 25 mg of 4-AcO-DMT to be SUBJECTIVELY similar to 5-6+ grams of psilocybin mushrooms. Because trust me... I can pop back an eighth of shrooms and not be anywhere near where I went that night.

The BEST...absolute BEST quality about Psilacetin is its mildly sedative properties, being restless and buggy and squirmy on a hallucinagen is the worst part of it, I just want to chill back and get deep, not stretch for 3 hours hoping that my restless body energy will quell so I can just stare at the wall in peace!
The night vs. day difference when dosing can have a BIG effect on the perceived trip. Not only due to the different feel of different times of the day, but our neurochemistry and mental activity patterns can change quite significantly night vs. day. We are VERY strongly diurnal critters.

Not surprising 2C-I reminded you of Mescaline... they're both modified phenethylamines.
I have a question, I hope it hasnt been answered yet completely at least, search didnt help very much.

Ive obviously read here and elsehwere that the HCL salt form of 4-aco-dmt is less stable and will degrade much easier at room temperature; and that the fumerate salt is much more stable.

However I read (maybe on bluelight, maybe somewhere else i forgot) that the reason 4-aco-dmt is sold in the fumerate form is because heat will degrade the HCL into 4-ho-dmt (psilocin) which makes it illegal.

My questions is, is this ALL that happens in the degrading process of the HCL salt? or does it continue and end up ruining the overall potency and even killing off the psilocin. Because obviously Id love my 4-aco, but I would be just as fine if there was some psilocin mixed in/completely converted. Then it would be just like mushrooms eh?

thanks for any replies!

I've been looking for a definitive answer about that as well, since I've also seen those 'degrades quickly into psilocin' claims but that just sounds too good to be true. My assumption is that it degrades *mostly* into inactive stuff and only a small amount oxidizes into psilocin, and/or that it degrades to psilocin but then that psilocin quickly degrades itself into inactives, or something like that. Maybe that's just me being a pessimist, though.

Someone who knows the ways of The Science wanna jump in on this? ;)
Before I discovered the almost eternally stable aco flavor, I got a gram of 4-ho-dipt. After a few months on not delving I fished its tightly capped bottle out of the fridge to discover in horror it had turned to a deep purple goo.

Still, in the name of science, I weighed out 35mg of the goo, oozed it into a gel cap, and I'll be damned if it didn't have exactly the effects and potency of the original powder. Yay!
Still, in the name of science, I weighed out 35mg of the goo, oozed it into a gel cap, and I'll be damned if it didn't have exactly the effects and potency of the original powder. Yay!
Pretty cool, how thick was the "goo"?
My friend had some 4-ho-mipt one time that turned completely brown after about a year. It was originally white. It also seemed to retain the same potency, or at least very close.

I've had 4-aco-dmt in a safe at room temperature for a few months, and it is still as white and potent as ever, fumarate form.
I have a question, I hope it hasnt been answered yet completely at least, search didnt help very much.

Ive obviously read here and elsehwere that the HCL salt form of 4-aco-dmt is less stable and will degrade much easier at room temperature; and that the fumerate salt is much more stable.

However I read (maybe on bluelight, maybe somewhere else i forgot) that the reason 4-aco-dmt is sold in the fumerate form is because heat will degrade the HCL into 4-ho-dmt (psilocin) which makes it illegal.

My questions is, is this ALL that happens in the degrading process of the HCL salt? or does it continue and end up ruining the overall potency and even killing off the psilocin. Because obviously Id love my 4-aco, but I would be just as fine if there was some psilocin mixed in/completely converted. Then it would be just like mushrooms eh?

thanks for any replies!

I'm still 100% confident that eating Psilocin alone would not replicate mushrooms entirely. Although Psilocin and it's prodrug Psilocybin make up the majority of the mushroom experience, I am very sure that Baeocystin (4-PO-NMT) is active in it's own right, as people have reported big differences in the trip when comparing mushrooms with low Baeocystin and high Baeocystin content.

To me, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-PO-DMT (Psilocybin) and 4-HO-DMT (Psilocin) are means the the same end, but 4-PO-NMT (Baeocystin) like other different 4-substituted tryptamines produces slightly different effects, causing the differentiation between mushrooms and 4-AcO-DMT, or mushrooms and Psilocin.

Quote from Wiki:
but in Magic Mushrooms Around the World, Jochen Gartz reports being aware of a study in which "10 mg of baeocystin were found to be about as psychoactive as a similar amount of psilocybin."

The reason for some people not noticing this difference in effects is likely to be because the Baeocystin content is usually a lot lower than Psilocybin and Psilocin content.
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