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The Big and Dandy 4-AcO-DMT thread - New incarnation

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4acoDMT is shorter acting than 4hoMIPT (duration about 7-9 hours for me) , has a much less stimulating effect (even sedating), and the visuals are different. 4HoMIPT has a more pronounced body high and is more extroverted, though at higher doses both make it difficult to deal with other people. Overall, I have found all the 4 substituted tryptamines so far to be pretty similar.
Yeah I have that too.

To the person that said they don't experience the mind movies, what kind of doses are you taking? I'm talking ~40-45mg here.
Me too. I also meant to mention(but forgot, damn bong!)that i've had similar experience to the mind movies although I wouldn't call them movies their some of the most powerful and vivid cev's i've ever had.
^Hmmm... sounds like I need to try 4HoMIPT. If 4AcoDMT is too sedating for me (psychedelic doses cause me to become unconscious), perhaps the 4HoMIPT will keep me awake.

It has been suggested I try 4AcoDMT along with a stimulant, though I fear the stimulant will just act as a multiplier and simply make ALL properties of 4AcoDMT more strong, including its somnambulating effects on me.

("somnambulating"... heh heh ... funny word, fun to say, never imagined I'd use it.)
i don't know of any subjective differences between 4-ho-dmt and 4-aco-dmt, all i've seen is comparisons between mushrooms and 4-aco-dmt, which is a huge difference. Also, i'm assuming the people who have compared the two use the 4-ho-dmt when they really meant mushrooms.

I believe someone in this thread (Xorkoth?) has tried actual 4-HO-DMT as well as 4-Ac0-DMT and reported the effects of the two to be different
Not doubting he feels that way, but I tend to look at the structure and how it's metabolized (quickly into 4-ho) and see them almost equally. Every trip is different which can have suggestive effects. I've demonstrated that with someone doing a little experiment (2ci). They said how different it was, but actually was 2ci both times.

To those finding it sedating, is this an effect that goes beyond what mushrooms do? I get little bits of sleepiness feeling on other psyches, but along with intense insomnia. just little 'serotonin bursts' of sleepiness. Does this stand out as a sedating psychedelic, or does it compare roughly the same as others?
^Hmmm... sounds like I need to try 4HoMIPT.
It has been suggested I try 4AcoDMT along with a stimulant, though I fear the stimulant will just act as a multiplier and simply make ALL properties of 4AcoDMT more strong, including its somnambulating effects on me.

("somnambulating"... heh heh ... funny word, fun to say, never imagined I'd use it.)

Amp would certainly not make it more sedative. I mean, how would that even make sense. I'd think your biggest worry about the combo would be the potential anxiogenic side effects of the amp. Also, crashing while tripping might be really shitty, so try to avoid it (it might not be a problem depending on how low you dose).

If you try it out, be sure to report back on how it works out.

Edit: Oh wait, you just said stimulant, for some reason I read it as amphetamine.
It goes REALLY well with 2ci, much more stimulated and buzzy :)

That sounds like a good hippie flip... guess I need to try that combo.

As to the earlier question, yet it seemed far more intense than mushroom's typical effect of making you a little sleepy. This was like I had been given a dose of something intended to knock you out, and it feels like I am being pulled into a black hole vortex of total blackness unless I stand up, keep fidgeting and moving around etc... my entire head actually feels like it is under pressure or in a vise or something... scary and unpleasant... I did just let it happen once hoping it was transitory and I would "come to" in a few seconds tripping like crazy, but nope... straight out like I was konked on the head by a whisky bottle haha... I was merely "asleep" for a few hours, but it was a total waste of chemical and all effects were gone once I awoke.

But dont let my problem dissuade you from trying it.... this effect seems present in only a small portion of people... many people seem to enjoy 4AcoDMT on its own and get visuals etc with no "knock-out-effect"... I guess I just have some unfortunate quirk of brain chemistry that leads to this. Oh well, plenty of other chems under the sun to try!
Not doubting he feels that way, but I tend to look at the structure and how it's metabolized (quickly into 4-ho) and see them almost equally. Every trip is different which can have suggestive effects. I've demonstrated that with someone doing a little experiment (2ci). They said how different it was, but actually was 2ci both times.

To those finding it sedating, is this an effect that goes beyond what mushrooms do? I get little bits of sleepiness feeling on other psyches, but along with intense insomnia. just little 'serotonin bursts' of sleepiness. Does this stand out as a sedating psychedelic, or does it compare roughly the same as others?

Is it metabolized That quickly? before any of it could possibly interact with receptors? My experiences with 4-Aco are a lot of time drastically different than an mushroom trips I've had. Completely different time frame

though I agree it's a lot of subjectivity, but for what it's worth...I went into my first AcO experience expected it to be nearly identical to the mush
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Is it metabolized That quickly? before any of it could possibly interact with receptors? My experiences with 4-Aco are a lot of time drastically different than an mushroom trips I've had. Completely different time frame

though I agree it's a lot of subjectivity
Mine don't match up anywhere. AcO lasts a lot longer, at lower doses is more gentle. is sedating but in a different way than mushrooms.
FYI - Cross Research Experience...

Whilst already "up" on 45mg Methoxetamine, adding 18mg 4-aco-dmt to the equation is fun.

This produced a very very interesting variation on the usual psilocetin visuals, markedly different. Sexy.
How do the visuals of Methoxetamine + 4-AcO-DMT compare to ketamine + 4-AcO-DMT? right now my favorite combo is IM DMT and Ketamine which is visually quite "sexy" (plush, velveteen corridors of beautiful undulation...) , but next on my list is either DPT or 4-AcO-DMT and Ketamine...
I will probably be doing the Aco+K combo tomorrow, will report back with how awesome I bet it will be.
Please do, I tried DPT for the first time tonight (50mg IM) which I think will go great with Ketamine, which seems to be the consensus around here...ha the only problem is I cant decide which I would rather try first, DPT + K or 4-AcO-DMT + K...decisions decisions..
This compound is fantastic! if LSD ever went extinct and mushrooms grew no more I would accept 4-AcO-DMT as a full replacement!

and i've only tried it once! Every trip report that claims it is similar to n,n-DMT or ayahuasca gets me incredibly excited since i've never done either, and am a little shy to!

I personally found it to be similar to magic mushrooms but of such its own quality at the same time, producing visuals i've never experienced before. on 25 mg for my first time I was overwhelmed for a while but it seemed like it was only the come up, I was at a large festival that I had never been to before and was certainly nervous knowing less about the chem than I do now and wondering how my body would react. There was also an EPIC music performance unfolding in front of me there was something intense in the air to the singers voice and the love of the band, i'll always remember seeing his massive grin and eyes closed experiencing his own ecstacy of music and love. I admired everything but the intensity was getting to me and I decided to retreat to the dark of the campgrounds.

Some of the visuals during the middle of the trip included

-punctuation of what I considered "body meridians" people had dots and lines throughout their bodies at the joints and middle that expanded above their head and connected them to everyone else, I noticed this when having to walk in a narrow path with people and seeing everyone move in sync with what was ahead of them, reacting at the same time to obstructions. The lines inside the people seemed more "physical" than the flesh and clothes I saw that held this framework of what I have speculated to be cosmic energy... or chi

- Alot of people were walking on either side of me passing by wearing costumes or saying odd things, some reaching out to interact, and when the sun went down my eyes didn't really adjust to the dark so I would on either side of me picture people that also were not there, usually being less realistic looking and doing odder things, like writhing on the ground or trying to grab at my ankles. needless to say I also tried dodging people that I wasnt really about to run into :p

- nearer to the end of the trip I was blessed with hypnogogic visions of imps and skin demons, ridiculous faces and creatures dancing when I looked up at the sky, I felt size change perspective and I felt like a giant on the surface of the earth, as if I could scoop all the stars up like a speck of salt each. Unfortuneately I stumbled over to the drum circle and saw some dude just bending our and YELLING like his soul was being excorsized and it wigged me out a bit and threw off my mellow mind trance. I see great humour in it all though.

The feeling the next day was of elation and inspiration and even though the peak of the trip was rough as soon as I had my wits about me I was sad to see the trip end so soon! After I came down a little and was no longer mindfucked (I was trying to root through my tent in the dark for joints for 30 minutes with nothing more than a plastic blinking red button while forgetting what I was doing half way through changing my shirt and into pants, it was hilarious now from a sober head, I had to do this thing that my friend said to me once when your tripping you have to repeat constantly the item your looking for to stay focused on task to actually pull it off and not forget what your doing half way through.)

I'm thinking of halfing the dose and working up in trips spaced a few weeks apart each time. so something like 12 mg, 15 mg, 18 mg, 20mg and in more Terence Mckenna-esque situations (lights off, no media) to get a feel for the visuals and body load progression, although I must say besides some intense MDMA like rushing and being a bit edgey about trying a new substance I felt FANTASTIC all throughout body-wise the entire trip which is directly compelling because I usually get squirmy as hell on psychedellics.

TL DR =D lol, basically a trip report.
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Tested 3-5 mg of 4-AcO-DMT Fumarate a few days ago when weighing out capsules

Jitters of anxiety and excitement upon taking...return to baseline within 3 minutes

within 25 minutes, the chemical makes its presence known...

for the next 3 hours I experienced color brightening, interesting headspace, and a noticeable euphoria and generally lifted mood.

smooth come-down

Great for brightening a day, absolutely no negative effects...A wonderful test

I am planning on taking between 27-33 mg for my first real trip with this chem sometime in the next few days
^Interesting its active at that low dose.

Due to lack of experience I take back my statement that the two are the same. I've just learned a lot about placebo effect and power of suggestion, huge subjects in biology (my major) and psychology . xorkoth knows about this i'm sure so i believe they could be different.

Planning my first dose, possibly tomorrow. Going to start low cause I'll be taking with a first-timer (for any psych cept weed) and want to be able to treat appropriately if it goes bad for her. I'm thinking 15mg for me and 12mg for her. Along with a small bit of herb. What do you guys think of these dosages? for fumarate.

Was going to introduce the psych noob with 2ci, since i know its mild, but figured might as well give her the real show. 2ci isnt quite a psych at the lower safe doses i'd want to start her with. Its stimulating with body load and lasts longer, so the aco-dmt sounds like a better choice. tryin to get some sort of sedation as a JIC option. which leads me to my next question of importance, so important i must start another thread! (ambien and psyches, is it good enough to stop bad trip?)
Just had a 2ci/4aco trip last night, about 9mg of 2ci and 10 of 4-aco(fumarate) both insufflated.

I really didn't hallucinate all that much, but I was fucking bathing in a mindblowing body-high, the sedation of 4-aco along with the joy from the 2ci had me just laying there giggling my ass off, with the best "high" I've gotten out of psychedelics, but not a real trip.

I'm really interested to try 30mg 4-aco/15mg 2ci, but it'll be quite the trip. Also really interested in mixing MDAI with 4-aco, and will comment something when I get it.
You might try it again swallowing the 4AcoDMT, at 20mg - I hear it is only weaky active via insufflation compared to oral, and oral comes on really fast anyway. 20mg probably the minimum for psychedelic effect.

Anyway, I suspected they would combine nicely... thanks alot for trying it and making a report for us! Good job!
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