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Tell us about today's workout/exercise (v.new thread, finally)

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^^ Dude, never ever try to workout through an injury! That is like the golden rule of exercise.

If your back is hurting, do not do any weights until it's healed. Do some swimming or elliptical machine cardio until your back is no longer hurting.
You are right. Very right. I've been sleeping on the couch the past week and it felt tweaked before I went in to the gym; I only felt pain after working through my sets. I iced it upon getting home and have a chiro apt for either tomorrow or Friday. Hopefully going back to using a bed for rest will help it recover faster.

Thanks for the concern/advice :)
60min pilates class (my abs, gahhhh!!! :!)
20min elliptical machine
Don't you be talking about my Billy Joel like that!


I'll be hoping on a street bicycle today for as long as my legs go.

...need to work on healing more, better, and faster.

^^^we can rebuild you. we have the technology.

last night i was trying out jump rope. holy crap what a work out. i was only able to get up to about a 49 revolution streak. did 15 minutes, then pushups, then i had to move a bunch of heavy shit in my backyard so i count that too. :)

tonight i plan on running, probably will scale it back since i want to do weights. ill do like 20 minutes on a treadmill then do....
-4/10 dumbbell lunges
-3/20 seated rows
-3/15 bench presses
-2/20 shoulder presses
-2/20 dumbell curls
-2/20 tricep pull downs
-2/max sit ups
-2/max woodchops

i think i covered everything
^^ Dude, never ever try to workout through an injury! That is like the golden rule of exercise.

If your back is hurting, do not do any weights until it's healed. Do some swimming or elliptical machine cardio until your back is no longer hurting.

or, rather, don't do the same exercise that injured you. as you noted, doing a different exercise (especially swimming) will generally help the injury heal faster than complete rest.

i know this article is running-specific, but it offers some good insight into the relationship between exercise, injury and healing. (''Injured tissue heals better if it's under some sort of stress.'')
''Injured tissue heals better if it's under some sort of stress.''

This is exactly right. When I tore my quad muscle in December my physio only let me have like 2 weeks rest then I got straight back in to exercise (obviously really light to start with) and started gradually using it more and more.

If you leave an injured muscle to heal at "rest-point", it's always going to be weaker than it was before it got injured.

my wrist has been hurt and so i've rested from weight/resistence training. but i ran 10kms earlier this week.
^^ Nice, how'd the 10kms feel?

I was going to do something today but my abs hurt too much from pilates last night so I had a rest.

Tomorrow is a 14km run, looking forward to it :)
So I guess my tweaked back has to do with the sacroiliac joint... what a motherfucker.

Yesterday I swam for 30 minutes, today I did a short workout:

sled leg press & DB bicep curls superset, 4x6 for each

DB military presses, 3x8

ez-bar curls & machine leg press & tricep cable presses superset, 3x10

DB lateral raises & reverse flies superset, 2x8

I forgot to do core work. My broken hand is almost 9 weeks out but I'm not supposed to be doing work with it for another 2? Fuck that. It's sore but the bone healed in a crooked position so I gotta guess that it's just the muscles which are still bruised and atrophied. In the last two months I've gone from 75 to 68kg and my body image is horrible; having a shit back that won't allow me to row or squat yet is bogus too.
reps reps reps reps reps of kicks
practiced my staff for about 20 mins
helped a classmate testing for black belt with self defense techniques - wristlocks

basically had to throw punches at this girl who grabs my hand and bends it int he most ungodly painful ways possible. awesome lesson in "zenning away" pain (the german in me makes verbs out of anything). my right hand is almost 2x as fat (swollen) as my left hand right now.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fktuYN19MI (6:10)
that scene in kill bill with pai mei snatches beatrix's hand? that was me all night.

is it your wish to possess this kind of power?
Just did 14km (8.6mi) in 80mins. Felt like a million bucks :)
I've been taking it really easy on myself for the most part. I've lost nearly 20 lbs in less than a month so it's hard to have the same strength and endurance when hitting the weights.

Just did some shoulder stuff and like 40 mins alternating eliptical/climbing.
ran 7.2 miles, all downhill first, all uphill the way back, with a quick swim in the lake in the middle.

fucking sore as fuck.
^^ Feels good man :)

Did another pump class tonight, endorphins ahoy!!!!
Fuckin love it!
5 Supersets of:
Clean and press with 24kg Kettlebell 6 left and 6 right
Bent over Row with 2 16kg Kettlebells in one hand 6 on each side again
150 16kg Swings in 5 min for some cardio
3 sets of 15 V-Ups

Felt good to be getting back into things, I've been a bit slack the last week.
So, if I offered you a magical "pill" (in this case, Technotronic) with no side effects other than an immediate 15 min drop off a 1:45 half marathon...

I read then re-read this several times as 1:45 marathon not half marathon. I was thinking wow seriously a 1:45 marathon is even possible. I was stoked with being able to do one in 3:18.
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