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Tell us about today's workout/exercise (v.new thread, finally)

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waiting for an audiobook to load onto the ol mp3 player so i can go for a run. i love music but when i run i really need something to focus on to motivate me to keep running

Audiobook?? For running? Wow that is a completely foreign concept to me! :D
Each to their own mate :)
What book is it?
Ah, good ol' running music.

Get some Rob Base, C&C Music Factory, Technotronic, and Madonna. You'll wanna run (or just plain boogey) for hours and hours, at paces perhaps even beyond 12 km/hr.
12k p/h is a really good pace, nothing to turn a nose up at!

I run at 10k p/h and I find that hard to keep up, suppose being a weight lifer doesn't help in that department.

My weeks are currently looking like this -

Monday - Chest, Back and core weight training
Tuesday - 30 km Stationary bike (HIIT)
Wednesday - Arms and shoulders weight training
Thursday - 15 km Stationary Bike 5 km Run
Friday - Same as monday
Weekends are generally spent off, occasional light cardio.

I only really weight train from the waist up, as I have no real interest in competition, or having powerful legs. I alternate the weight stuff week to week, so I do Arms twice one week, and Torso twice the next.
20-25 reps with the five pound weights; three different lifts; even tried a few squats--Can you say "improvement"?! I'm happy. :)
Took my doglet for a walk in the park yesterday, which ended up as a 4km run :D
And that was supposed to be my training "rest" day.
But both he and I felt like running, so we did :)
hands wrapped up and gloves on for a boxing session then cycle to work - another glorious morning
PI I didn't chicken out tonight! I did a 1-hour pump class. It was fucking awesome!! I'm hooked :)
Feel the burrrrrrn <3
Yesterday, Chest, shoulders, tris

Military press, 10 x 6-10 reps

Incline bench press, 10 x 6-10 reps, supersetted with lateral raises @ 12-15 reps.

Tri set, triceps overhead extension, pushdown, dips. 5 sets total.

Dude, who said I wanted to go faster than 12km/hr?

So, if I offered you a magical "pill" (in this case, Technotronic) with no side effects other than an immediate 15 min drop off a 1:45 half marathon, you'd still say, "No, I'd rather stick with my solid-but-not-superstar-level 12km/hr, kthnksbai"

tonight i plan on running a 5k (3.1 miles) in under 30 minutes. i did it for the first time a couple weeks ago, gonna give it another shot today. but regardless, i aim on running no less than 3.1 miles, no less than 30 minutes, and burn no less than 500 calories (according to the treadmill).

then, im gonna try this tonight. a pushup challenge i had read about.
wish me luck :)
Today =

*Back extensions with 12 pound weight - 3 sets of 16 reps (working up to 20 before I move up to 15 pound weight)

*Face pulls at 40 pounds - 3 sets of 16 reps

*Dips with 65 pounds taken off my body weight- 3 sets of 8 reps

*"Pull ups" with 65 pounds taken off my body weight- 3 sets of 8 reps

* Leg presses at 70 pounds- 3 sets of 16 reps

I look forward to the day I can do actual dips and pull ups with my full body weight. I would feel SO strong. I have a very tiny and naturally weak upper body. So for me to do dips and pull ups with even some body weight is a huge feat for me!

tonight i plan on running a 5k (3.1 miles) in under 30 minutes. i did it for the first time a couple weeks ago, gonna give it another shot today. but regardless, i aim on running no less than 3.1 miles, no less than 30 minutes, and burn no less than 500 calories (according to the treadmill).

then, im gonna try this tonight. a pushup challenge i had read about.
wish me luck :)

5k in 29 min 37 sec last night, which was better than my previous record of 29 min 51 sec. shaved my time by 14 seconds and i was pretty stoked about it.

didnt get a chance to do pushups because my gal called and was heading over to my place so i had to bolt. gonna run again tonight but probably wont have time again because ive got tons of laundry to do later. :p
Just went biking today something like 12 km, felt pretty good, but I did the same with some good old backyard weight lifting yesturday...

I always crave leg day, I'm getting back up into the 250+ range for deadlifts and squats and I just keep feeling better by the week!
-4 mi hilly fartlek
-8 x 50m stride drills
-8 x 100m leg-turnover sprints
-1 mi cool-down

today am
-30 min body weight exercises for chest/core

today pm
-8 mi run, big hills
I did a 1-hour pump class. It was fucking awesome!!
I was saying to Impacto the lunge segment is crazy. So are the triceps. I assume we are doing the same Les Mills release (74).

I was going to go tonight but I worked later than expected and shame on me I did not bring my gym clothes to work!

We bought a Bowflex yesterday and I WAS going to do that with the husband but effed off on that idea too.
^^ I have no idea if it's the exact Les Mills program but it's good nonetheless!
In fact, the leg work is something I have no problem with. My legs are naturally really damn muscly for a chick. My upper body is the part that takes it hard :)

So, if I offered you a magical "pill" (in this case, Technotronic) with no side effects other than an immediate 15 min drop off a 1:45 half marathon, you'd still say, "No, I'd rather stick with my solid-but-not-superstar-level 12km/hr, kthnksbai"


Correct :)
hang cleans 3x5
back squats 6-7-8
db military press 4x8
pullups 3x8
leg raises

my back was pulled before i went in, now its like AHHH

but i hadn't worked out in 2 months since breaking my hand so i needed to go.
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