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Sydney BL Summer Drinks - Sat 12th March - Pyrmont Bridge Hotel

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I'll probably be the first one there. I'll be the nige sitting over by the pool tables reading 3D world or something. I'm wearing a red t-shirt.
Ill be the dude sitting in the corner with a fake mustouche on a sherlock homes hat... and rubbing my cock through my jeans.

how good is that, i finished work early, just having a quiet wind down beer at home, hitting the showers (makes me soudn SO SPORTY) and yeah basically hauling my ass on a train, i should be there by 8 :D it is 7 now :D
I forgot as well.... until I saw the thread about 2 min ago..... for the best I guess; I've got to work tomorrow.
Pfft to those that forgot!

Anyway a pretty good evening all up.....i think we had about 12 of us there at one point *waits for kat to post the photos*

I'm drunk now and it's 3am so more of a post later

/me waves to all that i met tonight!
lol... i officially call the night a... SUCCESS !!!

yeah, fuckin top night ay, my head hates me at the moment, and i also feel asleep on a fuckin night rider bus... fuck i hate those fuckin things!!!

but yeah... so anywyz...

im with donny here... if you didnt show... u DONT LOVE US *cries like a 3 yr old bitch getting spanked by mummy* so yeah...

great meeting you all. or again, or whatever...

i would also like to say sorry, to CB, for the random fucks that were FINGERED... but yeah... HA HA HA

TOP NIGHT!!! Hope anyone that did show have a top time, i wanna go sleepy now but i just woke up, and im not sure if i should go to the beach, when my head is like this
haha, Im starting to think about hitting the sack finally.

What a great night.

IFrom my first face to face meeting with bluelighters I learnt a very important lesson.


You guys and gals are absolutely fantastic.

Non stop laughs and quality conversation.

Take it easy on the pheromones and keep smiling all.

haha !

Classic night. I had sososososo much fun. The crowd that came was just perfect and I had a ball with everyone !

hehe - i had the worst day at work you can imagine. I thought I was going to drop dead !

I havent had that much fun drinking in agggggessss.
oh and I was still drunk when I woke up this morning. LOL.

You guys are classic.=D
Yes, i think FUN is the optimal word to describe last night :)

The role call, if my memory serves me correctly, was something along the lines of

Donny Don't
Officer Chops
Chaos Butterfly

I would suggest doing it again sometime maybe in the new year if folks are keen.
yeah, i was thinking the same thing, we do have TT, but the whole... tuesday doesnt really sit for people, i would def be up for a monthly BL piss up, changing venues as we go, and seeing how many places we can trash :D

Donny u forgot the most important person... the pirate... who went missing, i think kat knows where he is :/

Im goign to vouch that any pics of me... arent really me, because, it was my evil twin...

But yeah... FUN FUN FUN
I think the staff picked up on our evil pirate-abduction scheme and spirited him away....

And I got to smell Australia's leading pheromone wipe!! I declare the evening a complete success! =D
Wipe on sex appeal... my god, we couldn't keep our hands off macksta after that ;)

I had a top night guys... definitely up for another in the new year!
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