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Sydney BL Summer Drinks - Sat 12th March - Pyrmont Bridge Hotel

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yeah it was good fun, was great to meet Mazdan too! What a genuinely nice fella.

I think next time needs to be a little funkier. Seriously wtf is wrong with The Bank. Esp. compared to the Paragon...
For someone who wasn't going to go, i sure had a really good night, even if it did take me an hour and half to get a carpark. :D
Good to see everyone again, especially good to meet Mazdan for the first time.
Big thanx to Kat for walking all the way back to Darling Harbour to get my car with me. =D It took us a while, but we made it in the end. hehe.

woudl have been great to see everyone again. it used to be wicked having a massive meetup at every party yeras ago, thats how i met alot of ravers when i started partying back in 2000. sorry cant make it as i now live in london, but the bluelight crew over here are as just as keen on meet ups and goin out as the aussie crew
Macksta said:

I think next time needs to be a little funkier. Seriously wtf is wrong with The Bank. Esp. compared to the Paragon...

It sounds like you've just volunteered to organise the next one!

The bank sucks arse. We need to find a bar with a dancefloor, breaks and a really fucking hot crowd. Yet laid back and retro with a splash of cheap alcohol.


The answer is of course, Melbourne. That'll solve all your problems ;)

In Sydney however... hrmmm...
Kaylene said:
sorry cant make it as i now live in london,

Sorry, but I just cant accept that as a fair and reasonable excuse.

We all have to make the effort..........including you.

See you at the next one OK.
Yeah I second the motion that Macksta is el presidente for the next one.

I reckon that Donny did a top job this time round though..........no probs from me.
MazDan said:
Sorry, but I just cant accept that as a fair and reasonable excuse.

We all have to make the effort..........including you.

See you at the next one OK.

sorry dude! im buyingmy plane ticket back to sydney right now! see u in 24 hours :)
Chaos Butterfly said:

The answer is of course, Melbourne. That'll solve all your problems ;)

In Sydney however... hrmmm...

but people in melbourne drink from funny looking smaller glasses

PFFT !!!

I agree with Breaka...

FUNKYNESS - somewhere to get ur groove on, cheap drinks and a mad crowd...

As long as we can all hear ourselves speak to each other, its all good :D
Thread Update

^^^ LOL been there done that, lets try somewhere new.

That said, i have no suggestions. :p

Anyway, what i'm going to do is change the heading of this thread and it can be used to discuss a future venue and date for said Summer Holiday Drinks.

Updated Thread!!!


The bank sucks arse. We need to find a bar with a dancefloor, breaks and a really fucking hot crowd. Yet laid back and retro with a splash of cheap alcohol.


We should go to the Bird in Oxford Street, that place is very cool :)
Um does it have to be drinks each time???

Maybe it could be a few to start and then........whatever.
^^^ Looks like Backo has just assumed the mantle of captaincy. God speed and good luck young Timothy!
so what are the must-haves for the venue...

Music, Dancefloor, Beer, Toilets, Pool tables, and WIPE ON SEX APPEAL
Sounds good.

Can we please make it somewhere with a little class but not overly expensive... I would be into that... !

shals :D
shal said:
Can we please make it somewhere with a little class but not overly expensive... I would be into that... !

On that note I was going to recommend the Century Tavern but I think it's closed for good now. :(

Can one else recommend another pub where nothing in the jukebox was released 1995?
Yeah backo just suggested the place where we should go.

Lets do what Backo says.

backo is god.


Ps: century tavern is absolute shit hole - still open i think.
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