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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Thank you, sameoldshit for answering my question. Im no novice to opiates by any means what so ever so figured that the alcohol was potentiating it to some degree, but i really didnt know it would pontentiate it soo much as to make the euphoria soo much more pronounced. Ive been doing this for years, and just wanted a solid answer as to why this was happening, and you answered my question thank you soo much :)

Im just honestly worried about the long term effects of IVing bupe...ive been doing it for 3 years off and on, and about 2 years of everyday injecting. Ive recently been having alot of troubles with bronchitis and respritory infections...i just hope its not a complication from injecting bupe. Im sure my years and years of injecting Oxy and heroin have had its toll, im just worried sub is contributing to it too...its just hard putting down that needle! If the pills were still around i would just snort em like i used to do, but thats quite hard to do with films. But thanks for replying to my question!

You could try plugging or water-lining. Both can be done with the strips and are much safer than IV'ing.
Captain heroin: First off, let me say that i have been reading your threads and posts for a long time and you have always given great advice when it comes to bupe. I know you're huge when it comes to micron filtering and i never really gave it a thought until i started having problems with my lungs. I mean i smoke caigarattes and have for a long time, but it just seems my lungs have gotten worse and worse, and i feel like IVing bupe has alot to do with it. If you could direct me to a link where i could buy micron filters, bacteriostatic water, and all the essntial items to injecting bupe as safe as possible it would be much appreciated(i dont have a computer and only access this site through my iphone so i cant see everything fully) if you could PM me those sources it would mean a hell of alot. Thank you soo much.

Down508: See thats the problem. I was prescribed suboxone by a doctor for about a year, but had to stop because i joined the army( i actually got kicked out within a few years because my heroin addiction came back full fledged while i was stationed in colorado springs and there was no short of BTH) and since ive been out of the military just over a few years now, ive had to buy them off a friend which is a hell of alot cheaper then having to pay for the doctor visits and such. But ill be sure to mention to my friend that the generics will be available soon! Thats actually great news because i know him and i both would much rather have the pill form then the strips. Thank you for the info, the generics are news to me, this is why i love bluelight :)

Mr. Scagnattie: Yes i have tryed plugging, and honestly it actually does work fairly quite well, but it just doesnt compare to the way that IV Does. But im curious about this "water-lining" you speak of. Can you please explain more to me? Im quite curious.

Thank you all so much, you guys are soo helpful. Bluelight is a true god send.
I'd definitely recommend you try water lining if you can only get your hands on the strips and you believe nasal absorption will help you kick that habit. You just need to cut your bupe tabs into equal dosages so that you know how much your taking. You can easily do this with a normal pair of scissors. Then just fill a vessel with water and dissolve the dose you'd like to try in the water. Suck the water up into a needle-less syringe and slowly inject the water into your nostril allowing it to trickle down. You obviously want to use as little water as possible. Just enough water to allow your dose of bupe to dissolve would be preferred. You want to avoid serious dilution. Once you master this, your good to go. Its just like sniffing the powder and may even be more readily absorbed into your blood. If you continue to shoot, its definitely recommended you get your hands on at least a cheap micron filtration system. I believe they can be found on amazon.com for pretty cheap. You dont want to be injecting that stuff into your bloodstream without filtration. Your not sick from it now but its definitely a possibility and it opens you up to easily getting sick from it eventually the more you shoot it. Good luck with experimenting with water lining and definitely ask your doctor about the new pills, although, I believe water lining would be safer than inhaling the pill dust on a regular basis as well. I've been inhaling the dust for years and I am definitely worried about the sensitive protective layers of my nose and everything else that comes along with sniffing things. Good luck bud. PM me if you need any more help.
i'm currently using subutex to get off of heroin and i'm also trying to detox so i was wondering if it was safe to take a niacin pill and diphenhydramine HCl sleeping pill before i go to bed. i took 2mg sub about 5 hours ago...
I think that would be perfectly fine. diphenhydramine is somewhat of a wonder drug. it's addiction potential is low, it's cheap, it's readily available, it reduses anxiety, promotes relaxation. it does wonders for getting "natural" feeling sleep at the right dose, and it gets trippy at higher doses if your into that. I compare a decent dose of diphenhydramine to a low dose of valium. and best of all it's good for allergies.

oh yeah and it potentiates opiates.

when I use it on top of my buprenorphine dose I ponder why this drug hasn't been made illegal
I think that would be perfectly fine. diphenhydramine is somewhat of a wonder drug. it's addiction potential is low, it's cheap, it's readily available, it reduses anxiety, promotes relaxation. it does wonders for getting "natural" feeling sleep at the right dose, and it gets trippy at higher doses if your into that. I compare a decent dose of diphenhydramine to a low dose of valium. and best of all it's good for allergies.

oh yeah and it potentiates opiates.

when I use it on top of my buprenorphine dose I ponder why this drug hasn't been made illegal
thanks, good to know!
Apparently, I had nothing to worry about. My "follow-up appointment" on Monday consisted on waiting an hour for my "doctor" to show up to his shady office and then walking with him to the pharmacy where he asked if the dosage was good, and then wrote my script right there. Then, he said come back at the same time in two weeks. No testing, no exam, really no dialogue to speak of. Where I live, sub docs are EVERYWHERE and the most expensive one I've found in $250 for the first visit and $150 for subsequent monthly visits. The office itself screams quack, but it fits my schedule and is in a shitty enough neighborhood that I can be sure I will never run into coworkers or family.
As for me not being serious about sobriety, you have no clue what I've gone through to get as "clean" as I am at this moment. Bud helps me function like a normal human being without panic attacks and honestly helps with my RA symptoms. If this doc doesn't like it, I'm sure there's plenty other that will. After this upcoming payday, I'll be able to afford my full script, giving me a window of time to find out my doc's stance on marijuana use. He never said anything about it during my initial visit and the office is definitely crooked, so I think I'll be fine. Thanks for the feedback :)
been on bupe for one year, seeking taper plan advice

Greetings everybody,

Though I have been reading for years, this is my first post on BL. I have learned so much from all of you about buprenorphine; I want to thank you all for the helpful info and harm reduction tips.

A little history about me and my use: My love affair with opiates began 10 years ago. Moving from norco and percs to 20 norco per day over the span of 8 years, then moved on to 15-20 roxy 30s per day for the final 2 years. My ROA has always been oral; however I lived/taught in Thailand for one year and experimented with snorting heroin and smoking opium a handful of times.

I finally discovered suboxone last year, and found a kind dr. who prescribed me generic Subutex in order to save money, and didn't mind that I use medical cannabis (rx'd for chronic pain.) It gave me my life back. I stopped obsessing over how many pills I had, how many I would needed, the cost, missing work--the whole rodeo. Bupe helped with my pain a lot (more than it's given credit for by some), and I could avoid the exhausting ups and downs of dosing my DOC.

So here is my current situation. Last April my doctor started me on 12 mg of Subutex daily; 8mg in the morning and 4 mg in the evening, SL. At the time, I knew that it was a high dose, however, I figured that my habit was quite severe and that the blockade effect was a good psychological and realistic deterrent.

I suffered a severe trauma at the end of last year, which landed me on fairly high levels of anti-depressants. With a fresh perspective on life/health, I decided that I want to be off ALL of my meds by the end of this year. My medical team is on board with this plan. However, I told them I wanted to start tapering over a month ago, and they haven't mentioned it since. So at the beginning of this month I (independently) dropped to 8mg without tapering. I felt/feel no difference physically. How quickly can I taper down from here? 1 mg per week? I have no time limit ahead of me, but want to have as little w/d as possible (obviously.)

Please excuse me if this has been covered before. Thank you all for your time and for all the great sharing that goes on here on BL.
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from my experience, I went from 20mg a day down to 4mg a day with little to no issues whatsoever, over the course of 2 weeks. After that it gets a little tricky, but you can drop way faster than 1mg a week from your current dose, at least until you get down to 4mg if you really want to.
Morning everybody, I have a somewhat stupid question regarding bioavailabilities:

If someone takes 1mg Bupe nasally with ~50% BA and switches to sublingual with ~30% BA, would 1,5mg be the equivalent dose?
(50% of 1mg nasally= 0,5mg, 30% of 1,5mg sublinguallyl= 0,5mg).

Hi looking for some advice, i tapered off subutex, in two weeks went from 6mg to 4, to 2mg to 0.4 to two last days of 0.2. Today is my 5th day of having absolute no subutex or opiates. the one day on 0.2mg and the two days on zero were absolutely hellish and i became close to cracking. but i stuck to it and i knnow i wont crack. In the previous 5days i have been using about a gram of ketamine a day, lopermaide for diarrhea, dph for sleep, mirtazapine (occasionally ) fir sleep, high strength alcohol and phenazepam to try to get rid of some of the pain (but it doesn't really help much) Im just worried about how long this is gonna last, like i said this is my 5th day on zero, feel better day by day but its still very horrible and it fears me to fink how long this is going to last. is it a bad tthing im using benzos alcohol and ketamine to temporarily reduce withdrawal symptoms? Some advice on how to do this with minimal withdrawal symptoms would be much appreciated. it feels as if i may have dropped too fast _by the doc) but i AM NOT going to take a step back now, no methadone, no subutex i NEED OFF NOW! PLEASE HELP!


Hi looking for some advice, i tapered off subutex, in two weeks went from 6mg to 4, to 2mg to 0.4 to two last days of 0.2. Today is my 5th day of having absolute no subutex or opiates. the one day on 0.2mg and the two days on zero were absolutely hellish and i became close to cracking. but i stuck to it and i knnow i wont crack. In the previous 5days i have been using about a gram of ketamine a day, lopermaide for diarrhea, dph for sleep, mirtazapine (occasionally ) fir sleep, high strength alcohol and phenazepam to try to get rid of some of the pain (but it doesn't really help much) Im just worried about how long this is gonna last, like i said this is my 5th day on zero, feel better day by day but its still very horrible and it fears me to fink how long this is going to last. is it a bad tthing im using benzos alcohol and ketamine to temporarily reduce withdrawal symptoms? Some advice on how to do this with minimal withdrawal symptoms would be much appreciated. it feels as if i may have dropped too fast _by the doc) but i AM NOT going to take a step back now, no methadone, no subutex i NEED OFF NOW! PLEASE HELP!



How long were you stabilized on the subutex for? If you were on it for a while, than 2 weeks was probably way too short of a taper, and could be the reason why you're kick sucks so bad. Extending your taper would make it a lot easier, but you said you didn't want to take anymore subutex, so that's that.

Using benzos, booze, and K in combination is a very bad and dangerous idea. The combination of CNS depressants can be lethal, especially in large doses and over an extended period of time.. Benzos by themselves can help a lot during withdrawal, but you risk picking up a dependence on those, which is even worse than an addiction to bupe.

As for how long this is going to last... bupe withdrawals take much longer than full agonists like heroin or oxy. It will take a couple weeks of full acute withdrawal and then another few months most likely of PAWS.

Please be careful and stop mixing benzos, alcohol, and ketamine for your own safety.
Firstly thanks a lot for your reply. I was stabilized about 5 months ago ( i say stabilized but i would take a 6mg tab spit it out and snort 2mg, or use my stash at home) The snorting gradually rose to snorting around 4mg a day and it made me feel good for the whole day.

I was offered to go on methadone but declined like i said, as i don't want no opiates in my system really. (would it help if i did a CWE of codeine and paracetamol? or would it just prolong my withdrawals, im fuckin brikkin it here and dont know what to do + im running out of money)

p.s What do you mean by PAWS?
p.s What do you mean by PAWS?

Post acute withdrawal syndrome. It is the second stage in withdrawal, the first one being the actual intense psychial symptoms that lasts anywhere from a week to a month or so depending on the drug. After that stage, comes the post-acute phase and can last for a long time. Bupe has an especially long post acute phase.

Symptoms of PAWS include:


and many more.

Here is the wikipedia page on PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.
I don't like bumping my somewhat stupid question.... If this is inappropriate I'll delete the post

If someone takes 1mg Bupe nasally with ~50% BA and switches to sublingual with ~30% BA, would 1,5mg be the equivalent dose?
(50% of 1mg nasally= 0,5mg, 30% of 1,5mg sublinguallyl= 0,5mg).
your math makes sense to me although I must warn you I'm a bit retarded in that department.

However why not just try what works? Due to the build up of buprenorphine in your system (if you have been on it for a while) it might just be possible that the step down from Snorting to Sublingual does not produce any or only minimal adverse effects.
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