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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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The oral ROA for bupe has a very low BA, around only 10%. It's supremely ineffective.

they are on about prescribing me oral tablets to be swallowed, perhaps thats why they mentioned the higher dose :?

I will try to see if they can offer sub lingual pills. Im seeing my GP in 50 minutes.
I have a few questions to ask you informed folk.

I started with methadone for around 2.5-3 years at 80mg day, then eventually switched to bupe and have been on doses up to 12mg but have been on 8mg most of the time, I reduced to 6mg last week and yes I felt the difference for 2 days or so, it wasnt unbearable but I definitely felt it. Im worried about going from 6mg to 4mg because my clinic doesnt really know a lot about bupe and they seem to think 8mg is a tiny dose which is not realy true, yes its on the smaller scale of things but its not a tiny dose. So when im going from 6-4mg which im going to do in a few days am I going to feel it much worse than I did the 2 days after the last 2mg drop from 8mg? Im not even sure my clinic would allow me to drop by 1mg, I have a feeling they expect me to jump off at 2mg which I dont want to do. Ive only seen the 2mg and 8mg suboxone strips, are there any smaller doses? Im trying to get off benzos and I dont want to end up using them the lessen the bupe WD like I have done in the past. What should I do because the nurses at my clinic think im just whinging. I think I may have to make an appointment with my doctor.

Im terrified they will expect me to jump off at 2mg, what is a normal dose to jump off at?
Sameoldshit who just pmd me, i can only send 1 pm every 180 mins, so have already used that quota up, but i'll be around for the next 20 minutes or so......
Sameoldshit who just pmd me, i can only send 1 pm every 180 mins, so have already used that quota up, but i'll be around for the next 20 minutes or so......

Stay an active member of the community, and when you gain Bluelighter status, that limit will get lifted. :)
I'd say keep tapering the ketaman. Suboxone is active in microgram levels. 2mg will be an uncomfortable jump. Possible, but uncomfortable.

I also have a question. Please don't ignore the_ketaman's post though. We both need help. But here is my story: I've been using suboxone daily for 2 years now. I'm prescribed subs for a 2-3 opana 40 a day, or 1-2 B a day habit. Within the 2 years I've been on suboxone, I've been using heroin sporadically. When I began using heroin I was a daily user. I was taking 1-2mg or less of sub in the morning and using my dope at night... That was a daily thing back then (over a year now) And taking a quarter on days without dope. I have successfully been staying away from habitually using all street-acquired opiates for quite a while now, but I still use heroin once or twice a month on average. (with stretches of not using dope for up to 1 or 2 months being pretty regular) I am sober, for the most part. I do not attempt to "abuse" my suboxone when without other opiates for long stretches of time. Heres my deal though: I use around 1-2mg of suboxone, nasally, daily. My symptoms are foggy headedness, grogginess, constant fatigue, occasional nausea, discomfort/disphoria/withdrawal symptoms when using nicotine, be it smoking, using e-cigarettes, or oral tobacco. (and I am a habitual nicotine addict) and occasional depression. I am wondering what I could do to perhaps improve these symptoms? I am wondering if these can be a direct result of daily suboxone use. Am I doing anything seriously wrong that would cause long lasting negative effects on my body/mind by using the suboxone nasally, or taking small, unmeasured amounts? Is my problem that I maybe keep varying the level of bupe in my body without realizing it? I understand the precipitated withdrawal in the days after using dope and going back to subs. Thats fine. But why, when I have stayed away from opiates for a month, or two, and have religiously taken my subs, in small doses, nasally, do I still regularly experience foggy headedness, grogginess, constant fatigue, nausea, anxiety, over-stimulation, depression, etc? I am starting to feel mentally ill. I'm starting to wonder if this sub regiment is permanently messing with the chemicals in my brain, causing a bipolar/mania type disorder. Does taking my suboxone nasally in small amounts greatly increase the bioavailability of the bupe? Am I blowing 1-2mg but truly absorbing what someone using 8mg orally is absorbing? I always wonder if it could possibly all be related to something simple, like dehydration. But I'd like some opinions from you all. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Also, please PM me with any helpful advice on abstaining from dope, or any information on rehab if you'd like. Thanks for any help.
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I'd say keep tapering the ketaman. Suboxone is active in microgram levels. 2mg will be an uncomfortable jump. Possible, but uncomfortable.

I also have a question. Please don't ignore the_ketaman's post though. We both need help. But here is my story: I've been using suboxone daily for 2 years now. I'm prescribed subs for a 2-3 opana 40 a day, or 1-2 B a day habit. Within the 2 years I've been on suboxone, I've been using heroin sporadically. When I began using heroin I was a daily user. I was taking 1-2mg or less of sub in the morning and using my dope at night... That was a daily thing back then (over a year now) And taking a quarter on days without dope. I have successfully been staying away from habitually using all street-acquired opiates for quite a while now, but I still use heroin once or twice a month on average. (with stretches of not using dope for up to 1 or 2 months being pretty regular) I am sober, for the most part. I do not attempt to "abuse" my suboxone when without other opiates for long stretches of time. Heres my deal though: I use around 1-2mg of suboxone, nasally, daily. My symptoms are foggy headedness, grogginess, constant fatigue, occasional nausea, discomfort/disphoria/withdrawal symptoms when using nicotine, be it smoking, using e-cigarettes, or oral tobacco. (and I am a habitual nicotine addict) and occasional depression. I am wondering what I could do to perhaps improve these symptoms? I am wondering if these can be a direct result of daily suboxone use. Am I doing anything seriously wrong that would cause long lasting negative effects on my body/mind by using the suboxone nasally, or taking small, unmeasured amounts? Is my problem that I maybe keep varying the level of bupe in my body without realizing it? I understand the precipitated withdrawal in the days after using dope and going back to subs. Thats fine. But why, when I have stayed away from opiates for a month, or two, and have religiously taken my subs, in small doses, nasally, do I still regularly experience foggy headedness, grogginess, constant fatigue, nausea, anxiety, over-stimulation, depression, etc? I am starting to feel mentally ill. I'm starting to wonder if this sub regiment is permanently messing with the chemicals in my brain, causing a bipolar/mania type disorder. Does taking my suboxone nasally in small amounts greatly increase the bioavailability of the bupe? Am I blowing 1-2mg but truly absorbing what someone using 8mg orally is absorbing? I always wonder if it could possibly all be related to something simple, like dehydration. But I'd like some opinions from you all. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Also, please PM me with any helpful advice on abstaining from dope, or any information on rehab if you'd like. Thanks for any help.

buprenorphine is best used on its own without switching back and forth from full agonists, which I'm sure you know. I don't think you are doing permanent damage but you are putting yourself on a rollercoaster ride. try to minimalize this switching back and forth, if you must you should do it once a month tops. and I would split my dose in half, taking 1 mg in the morning and one in the evening, that way you have a more steady level of bupe in your system.
Excellent! :)

Can you list the inactive ingredients? I'd like to add the generics to the resource I created regarding inactive ingredients.

here's what I found online. I'm no chemist but this seems like a pretty benign ingredient list.


and here's the package insert for those interested


the days of spending hundreds of dollars every month to fill a script because the doctor refuses to write one for subutex are now over. unfortunately many patients have already been switched over to the strips, but in order to compete with these I think R+B is going to start lowering the price on the strips.

it's a good week for suboxone users everywhere.
This is my first time posting on here.Been researching suboxone for awhile now.I've been using opiates for 11yrs now but the last 4 have gotten bad.Been using up to 150 to 200mg of oxy or hydro.I've made the decision to get my life back and was wondering if any body has any info on good clinic or doctors in the chicago area
This is my first time posting on here.Been researching suboxone for awhile now.I've been using opiates for 11yrs now but the last 4 have gotten bad.Been using up to 150 to 200mg of oxy or hydro.I've made the decision to get my life back and was wondering if any body has any the info on clinic or doctors in the cthe chicago area
This is my first time posting on here.Been researching suboxone for awhile now.I've been using opiates for 11yrs now but the last 4 have gotten bad.Been using up to 150 to 200mg of oxy or hydro.I've made the decision to get my life back and was wondering if any body has any the info on clinic or doctors in the chicagoland area. area
This is my first time posting on here.Been researching suboxone for awhile now.I've been using opiates for 11yrs now but the last 4 have gotten bad.Been using up to 150 to 200mg of oxy or hydro.I've made the decision to get my life back and was wondering if any body has any the info on clinic or doctors in the chicagoland area. Prices and any other info would be great.Thanks
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Hey everyone, i asked this question a few pages back but it got burried by other posts, and instead of starting a new thread i figured i would just try and ask again in the megathread and hope it doesnt get burried.

Ive been using suboxone, IV, for about 3 years now. I dose about 3 times a day, .5-1mg a shot. I also like to drink my beer which i usually dont drink util night time, and may consume anywhere from 4-8 beers depending on the situation. Now, ive noticed, that when i IV my suboxone when im buzzed off alcohol, the rush from the bupe feels soo much better, and i get a bout of euphoria for about 15-30 mins where as if i IV my doss when im sober, i get minor stimulation and thats it. I was just curious if there was a dirrect correlation between Bupe and alcohol that makes the bupe feel stronger. Thanks for any replies!
well alcohol is going to potentiate any opiate bupetroop so I'm assuming it is potentiating your bupe.
you need to be very careful mixing alcohol with any opiate because it not only potentiates the good effects but also the side effects.
Alcohol will decrease your heart rate and breath per minute much faster when drinking with opiates, than using just opiates alone.
I have noticed that I get almost manic swings when I mix alcohol with a large dose of bupe. So mentally, that is another risk I'd say.
Thank you, sameoldshit for answering my question. Im no novice to opiates by any means what so ever so figured that the alcohol was potentiating it to some degree, but i really didnt know it would pontentiate it soo much as to make the euphoria soo much more pronounced. Ive been doing this for years, and just wanted a solid answer as to why this was happening, and you answered my question thank you soo much :)

Im just honestly worried about the long term effects of IVing bupe...ive been doing it for 3 years off and on, and about 2 years of everyday injecting. Ive recently been having alot of troubles with bronchitis and respritory infections...i just hope its not a complication from injecting bupe. Im sure my years and years of injecting Oxy and heroin have had its toll, im just worried sub is contributing to it too...its just hard putting down that needle! If the pills were still around i would just snort em like i used to do, but thats quite hard to do with films. But thanks for replying to my question!
Thank you, sameoldshit for answering my question. Im no novice to opiates by any means what so ever so figured that the alcohol was potentiating it to some degree, but i really didnt know it would pontentiate it soo much as to make the euphoria soo much more pronounced. Ive been doing this for years, and just wanted a solid answer as to why this was happening, and you answered my question thank you soo much :)

Im just honestly worried about the long term effects of IVing bupe...ive been doing it for 3 years off and on, and about 2 years of everyday injecting. Ive recently been having alot of troubles with bronchitis and respritory infections...i just hope its not a complication from injecting bupe. Im sure my years and years of injecting Oxy and heroin have had its toll, im just worried sub is contributing to it too...its just hard putting down that needle! If the pills were still around i would just snort em like i used to do, but thats quite hard to do with films. But thanks for replying to my question!

check out my recent posts in the last two pages. if your prescribed suboxone tell your doctor you want to switch back to the pills from the film. they just made new generic suboxone by Actavis, and although I don't recommend snorting any pill if it's the only way you'll stop i.v.ing I'd say you should shoot for the lesser of two evils. the new suboxone tabs will be cheaper than the strips.
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