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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v2; 2010

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you didnt exactly make it very clear as to how much bupe you are IV'ing/day....

if i;m IV'ing mg a day... ballpark figure... how long until i'm at least able to get 80% of a full agonist?

Im guessing your only using 1 or 2 mg's a day. And if so, I think you will be able to experience 80% of a full agonist ANYTIME you want. WHenever I maintained on a 2 mg or less dose, I was able to feel about 90% of a full agonists effects almost anytime, and then if I waited just a few hours, like 4-12, I would definitely be able to feel pretty much 100% of the full agonist.
But if you are taking a higher dose, it would be different. The more you take, the more it blocks the full agonist....allthough, anything over like 4mg's, in my opinion, completely blocks a full agonist. You would have to wait about 24 hr's in my opinion if you were on 4 mg's.

don't regularly keep up to date with your thread but are there many people here that IV as their ROA od choice?

*FYI.....I was an IV suboxone user and I took 0.5 mg doses everyday, sometimes up to 3 times a day. I got a nice euphoria from the low dose because of bupes full agonist metabolite norbuprenorphine. It also gave me energy, and had anti-depressant qualities. I loved it. But I would also take breaks from my suboxone lots of times. On average about 3-7 days....but the most was 15 days. But now im actually going on like 24-25 days, I forgot the exact number....im planning on staying off for several weeks longer to prove to people that my maintanence/tapering methods prevent withdrawals from occuring, as well as PAWS.
Apparently he does....

What worries me the most though is that he is constantly able to get away with it. I would think the mods would have something to say.

Use the report post button to alert us if you have an issue with the way someone posts. We're not all perfect, and we're also in the middle of going through moderator applications.

damn C.H i was gunna say tram was ok! lol.......

also i like the idea of tapering down 2mg a day


i have an update in regards to my bupe therapy, and in tapering down to a low dose.

i have been on 2mg now for about three and a half pills, so thats two weeks.... last couple of mornings i have got the most "euphoria" or high out of my sub that i ever have.... now that i have stabilized at 2mg SL, its actually a small amount due to BA, i hardly have any in my body and i am getting great results......

layed in bed last couple of mornings half asleep, half awake, just totally happy.....it was awesome.......

having pk oil and blueberry buds also helps

I'm glad to hear that! It sounds like you got some top grade buds man.

is IV'ing subutex exactly the same feeling as suboxone?
Yes, at similar doses, I got indentical effects.

CH, do you think nalaxone or buprenorphine itself is a long term health concern.... especially taking into account IV ROA? coming into summer now and i'm concious of not just wearing a t shirt becuse of my arms. one is noticable from 1-2 metres away and i've just swiched over to my right. there are som many veins that i've had bad experiances with and are scared to attemped bupe, i just tried my wrist, the one near your thumb with a 29 G and it just went under the skin to i just did it in my usual spots. I never ever used a tornicade during my H days. i only started with IV;n 2ml of oc. i've got good prominent veins, but the usual spots are becoming hsrder to hit.

I want to try different areas. i saw a guy shoot dope up his neck before and i remember him saying it was an instant rush and its no worse than IV'ing anywhere else. is that true? Is there an in-depth guide of injecting in alternate sites with pics?
I am not familiar with injecting outside of the arms. I know people use their leg veins but there is a good reason for not using this one. As for injecting in the neck, I also don't recommend doing that just because I wouldn't know how to inform you on how to do that. I have known people on Bluelight to do this and share this info strictly to reduce harm, which is allowed and OK, but I just personally have no idea man, sorry.

As for naloxone, I am sure it's OK for your health. I can't see anything bad coming about from it.

Its good that we can relate from the bupe and our ROA. i don't regularly keep up to date with your thread but are there many people here that IV as their ROA od choice?
There are a lot of people who IV, and a lot of people who snort it too. Some people switch between IV and snorting.

can you be more specific when you say "I don't believe it effects the half life, but it does effect the duration greatly.
A drug's duration of effects is separate from its half life. If you look up a drug's half life, it isn't going to tell you much about that drug's duration of effects.

I hope that made sense.
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thanks CH!!!

and DK, its time to put a sock in it.......

I took care of it. :)

If anyone else wants to be abusive to other Bluelighters, in any thread in Other Drugs or any other sub-forum, you will still get an infraction.

I am sorry I couldn't have taken care of this earlier guys. To those of you who used the RP system: thank you.
still at 2mg, nice euphoria atm, thinking i might try dropping my dose already actually......
Use the report post button to alert us if you have an issue with the way someone posts. We're not all perfect, and we're also in the middle of going through moderator applications.

See the problem with that Captain, is that whenever I do report him(or sometimes other members, but mainly him...for his language and the way he treats other members, usually me)....i am usually told that I am being to "sensitive" and I basically get a vibe from whichever mod it was who responded to me that I am annoying them by reporting these posts and sometimes im even warned about getting MYSELF infracted for becoming involed with these "off topic, and rude" remarks/convo's.....when in fact, all i did was report something that I thought was uncalled for or derogatory.

What to do, what to do........i guess ill follow the most recent advice from you captain and simply report it, but if I start getting told im gonna be infracted or warned for doing so....im gonna have to quote you here.....to back myself up.

Im not saying all this to cause any problems or complain, its just im getting mixed messages on what is the right thing to do in these circumstances.

I have the upmost respect for the mods and all they do for BL and I understand how busy they are and how much BS they have to deal with and I am aware that no one is perfect, its just that I too am trying my best to my job as a Bluelighter and keep these threads nice and clean, on topic, and positive....and its confusing when I am told that im being to sensitive to peoples derogatory language when all im trying to do is help you guys out. But like I said above....I will simply report it in the future like I would usually have done....I was just worried about having a mod come into this thread and start complaining about having to "fix" all these problems, etc...
i havnt been on this since v6.0, hope everyones been doin alright.

i see the issue on wether the naloxone has any peripheral effects while using suboxone is still in debate. ive always shot my bupe and noticed a huge difference between the tex and oxone, and so does everyone i know. i will be shooting subutex all month then run out for a few days and switch to suboxone(same dose(.5mg twice a day)) i end up depressed all day, rolling in bed all night(not sick by any means, just slightly uncomfortable and not able to sleep. the depression and insomnia ive delt with many months where i had to switch back to suboxone for a few days leads me to believe there has to be some effect the nalox is giving me. ive started tapering off shooting my medicine due to track marks. my morning shot would normally be.5mg, but ive halfed it to .25mg and afterwards i sniff .25mg. my tolerance is going down and the combo of roa's is making it easier to taper because going straight from shooting bupe to snorting it; u may feel uncomfortable for a few days. i used two roa's to avoid this.

if anyone shoots bupe and has experience switching from suboxone to subutex id like to hear as many opinions as i can> but that probably wont happen cuz these mega threads, u get one answer if ur lucky then ur question is gone. ive heard mods say theyr doing it to avoid clutter? why not just make a suboxone forum instead of putting it in other drugs??
I havent noticed any negative effects from IV'ing suboxone. I think that some people have these negative side effects from the naloxone probably because they are sensitive to it for some reason. Just like some people are sensitive to any other drug(or type of drugs) as well.
Its interesting to me that everyone you know who IV's suboxone has negative side effects from the naloxone because almost everyone I talk to about IV'ing subs dont have any negative side effects.
Im not sure what your question is exactly. Do you just want people to tel you that they react poorly to naloxone or not? Or do you want peoples opinions on there experiences with suboxone ---> subutex? I think there have been plenty of threads and posts that answer all of that in great detail.
Maybe im confused though about exactly what your question is.
sublingual technique

Lets say you take buprenorphine sublingually.
Try this out.

Crush the piece your taking into powder.
BTW,the lower the dose the better because that equals smaller piece of paper you need to use.
Put it on a small piece of paper.Spread the powder out evenly.You dont want it to thick.
Then stick that piece of paper with the sub on it under your tongue.
The paper will stick and the sub will stay where it is.
Works well if you dont move your tongue around alot of course.
Reduces amount of saliva,for me at least and speeds up absorption..In theory,that is.Personally Im not sure if it does that too..
Either way,it stops it from going all over the place.
i think the paper would make it not absorb as well as it could..
i can't discount this though as i haven't tried it.

this probably could have gone in the suboxone mega thread.
maybe it would, i donno.
but im just thinking that it would only let it absorb into the tongue and keep it from touching and absorbing into the area under your tongue making it more slowly enter your bloodstream because of less surface area. i could be wrong though and it could work wonderfully, i don't know for sure as i've never tried it myself.. it's only a guess.

to be honest i have not figured that out yet.....i have not even tried dosing at night yet.... just 2mg SL in the AM......

maybe ill just do 1.5mg every AM......
^ why not do 1mg AM and 1mg PM and then you can lower one by a little bit when you feel you can, like after a week doing the split doses try .75mg AM 1mg PM and after another week .75mg AM and .75mg PM (you will probably need a liquid solution to measure these doses though) and lower as low as you can.. i think dosing 2 times a day with lower doses is more effective than one large dose a day.
But it's personal preference i suppose.. whatever feels best for you, everyone's different.
im at 2mg now right....so would there be a point taking 1mg in the AM and one more in the PM, cause thats the same dose right.......
yeah it's the same dose, but it would be split up so it might feel like less so might take some getting used to,, but if not than i see no reason that you couldn't reduce it right away.
maybe dosing once a day works good for you. but i found it easier dosing low amounts if i dosed a couple times a day, because it would feel as if it wasn't lasting long enough dosing one small dose. BTW i alternate between snorting and IVing my dose so it could be different since you sublingual it and it lasts longer that way.
See the problem with that Captain, is that whenever I do report him(or sometimes other members, but mainly him...for his language and the way he treats other members, usually me)....i am usually told that I am being to "sensitive" and I basically get a vibe from whichever mod it was who responded to me that I am annoying them by reporting these posts and sometimes im even warned about getting MYSELF infracted for becoming involed with these "off topic, and rude" remarks/convo's.....when in fact, all i did was report something that I thought was uncalled for or derogatory.

What to do, what to do........i guess ill follow the most recent advice from you captain and simply report it, but if I start getting told im gonna be infracted or warned for doing so....im gonna have to quote you here.....to back myself up.

Im not saying all this to cause any problems or complain, its just im getting mixed messages on what is the right thing to do in these circumstances.

I have the upmost respect for the mods and all they do for BL and I understand how busy they are and how much BS they have to deal with and I am aware that no one is perfect, its just that I too am trying my best to my job as a Bluelighter and keep these threads nice and clean, on topic, and positive....and its confusing when I am told that im being to sensitive to peoples derogatory language when all im trying to do is help you guys out. But like I said above....I will simply report it in the future like I would usually have done....I was just worried about having a mod come into this thread and start complaining about having to "fix" all these problems, etc...

James, have I ever told you that you were just being sensitive?

As long as you do your best not to provoke the situation and "don't feed the troll" so to speak, I don't think you should fear getting warned/infractions. Also, if you think you didn't deserve an infraction, you can always talk to senior moderators and administrators.

I understand that you are probably getting mixed messages about what to do, and I don't want to make it confusing for you. Basically, if you have a good reason to use the reported post system, then do so. You can review the rules in my signature if you aren't sure.

As long as you are doing your best not to "feed the trolls", or make the situation worse, and you abide by the same rules everyone else has to, you should be in the clear.

Also we still appreciate your help man so I don't want you to get the feeling that you're between a rock and a hard place. :)


to be honest i have not figured that out yet.....i have not even tried dosing at night yet.... just 2mg SL in the AM......

maybe ill just do 1.5mg every AM......

Well good luck! Keep us posted man. It's great to hear about so many people doing well on Suboxone here. :)
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