Stereotopia, The Manhatten Center.- NY. 8/25

Well, we might not be as clear as to the whereabouts of the meetup, but it's not hard to miss us, though we might not be as kandied as years ago, i'll still be wearing mah kat ears, and i may pursuade linz to wear her bunny ears... we'll be with rita and jerry, and her sis julie- totally cool peeps bestest buds,
if you're not quite sure as to what we look like, just check out the bluelight couples in the picture link.
hopefully it'd be a phat time.
buzzy and crissy and jessy, we be making plans to come by beforehand and shoot down to the scene together true true?!? then we're going to chill afterwards??? verify this. hehe..
Bizzum sizzum,
The one and only Midnight Asian.
*mating call*
[email protected]
׆© PezBunnE ~n~ Pkat
____( Y )_______/ V \
OMG woot! We're driving up to Hartford to get the ticks on Friday, OMG woo we'll be there!
I'll be all candied out wit mah boys booyah
The only real drug problem is scorin real good drugs -- aim: Diskchucker
oh no. i'm a lazy ass and don't want to read all the posts. where and when is the meet-up inside the venue. i've been out've the bluelight loop fer a while. what's goin on yo??
apologize about all the bumps Kart.....
I guess I did get a little carried away.
I don't know.... it's addictive or something....

Kinda excited I guess.
Hope I get to meet you this weekend.
No problem...deleted my dumb messages. Were you at Inhale2? You might have seen me there, I use a scooter to get around.
Kart, I see you all the time, man.
*kicks self in ass for not saying hi*
I think I've seen you at most of the Asylum parties, Aww Yeah, Inhale2....
Looking forward to formally meeting you this weekend, man!
[This message has been edited by Speekah Phreekah (edited 24 August 2001).]
Like I said before, I will be in attendance for this party. Me & my MD peeps are coming up to have a phat-ass time. I'm also down to meet more blers. Me and my girl will most likely be wearing the same basketball jersey #53 & #55. see ya soon!
Go on.......Get your dance on.......Get your smile tight.......I know you're feeling this rave shit......."THIS SHIT IS DEAD RIGHT".......Get your bounce on! ~sugafist~
ok, so here again is the meet up place.
11:30 and 3:30 to the left of the stairs near the entrace to the grand ballroom. be there or be...someplace else.
**Come Original**
Ok kids, the mighty Bug needs a bit of assistance for his return. Anyone by chance have a place in the city I can leave a bag? (change of clothes, etc.) Any help is appreciated and, hopefully, able to be rewarded. Either post some info for me here, or drop an email to [email protected].
Thanks in advance.
Peace Love and Empathy,
The Bug Out Kid
"Do you wanna play with me?"
hey all! this is going to be my first rave since some bluelight meet up feb 00 (or was it feb 99? i can't remember anymore!).
it has been so long. i am so excited!! going sober though and bringing two rave and drug (excluding of course mary jane) virgins! i can't wait to dance all night to good music. so if anyone there sees three cute 27 year old women who look out of place, that's me and my friends!! one if wearing alittlwe black dress and heels-i tried explaining taht isn't exactly the thing to wear but she insists that those are her dancing clothes..llol.
i am going to try to make the meet up just to see and meet the new faces and people of bluelight (and by new, i mean new to me, like i said it has been years).
YAY, YAY!!! I am jumping out of my seat, i can't wait.
(i just wish dragonfly was coming, is he still around? if you are there somewhere, i sending you a telepathic message and a sorry ass excuse as to how and why i dropped off the face of the earth).
long live bluelight
well, i got someone to cover my shift at one of my jobs, and i told my other boss i "have to babysit for my cousins" so pinkerton and i will be in attendance.
i bought the tickets yesterday, and they're sparkly

/me does a happy-wiggle-dance cuz kay and buzzy and eric and lin-z and pkat and everybody i love will be there!

Aight kidz, party is tomarrow!!
I'll be the redhead in a tight white shirt with dark blue baggy pants. Probably a sky blue bandana too.
Be chillin at the stairs with Jen at 11:30, hope to see you all there
Marbica, RaveToy, pinkerton, pKat, Linz-e (like we could miss you two anyway!)speekah, Jamal (though I know you'll be wrapped up in your jungle), Freddie and your CT kids, sugafist and the MD crew.
All of you! See ya tomarrow nite

XTCscooter: yeah, I was waiting for the best dressed riot ever
-- Kart observing the crowd waiting for PVD during Avalon's power-outage
ok, people...
should things go wrong, OR...should you be looking for people early...
i'll be wearing big impracticle khaki pants, and a blue and red rugby shirt on, prolly a royal blue bandanna, and my hair will be all out and shitty looking (trying to do the dreads thing).
oh, if i find the other one, i usually rock white photons.
stop over and say hi..yes, even if spacegirl is playing at the time.
**Come Original**
Cool cool. If any of you see me and I happen to be a lil intoxicated, whatever you do please don't slap my ass and call me Sally. That might bring back some bad memories and traumatize me even more than I already am. Just kidding. Can't wait for this party. Hope to see you wonderful crazy kidz there. Peas and rice...
Oh yeah, for those that don't know what I look like just look at the pics page or while ur at the party look for the Spanish looking yet notSpanish kid with the slanty eyes due to his Asian side walking with the limp. And that will be me. ok i will go now. ciao.
I guess I'll probably just chill for a minute with you and Jen at the stairs Dayna. So as to make sure I don't miss anyone.
I'll be wearing sort of a Junglist get-up I guess. Look for the black kid wearing a camo hat and bandana, dark army green shirt and tie and black pants...that'll be me.
Really looking forward to meeting you guys.

Hrmmm Lets see our whole crew is leaving from Stamford, CT at 8, so I hope I can make the first meetup in time.
I'll be wearin' sleeveless black shirt and Green baggy pants. Oh and lotsa candy
Or you can just eye my pic in the pictures section whatever.
So psyched!
The only real drug problem is scorin real good drugs -- aim: Diskchucker
Whats up everyone?? I found a ride and I'm gonna be there. Wicked last minute huh? Well anways, I'll see ya all there. I'll be repin a black ecko hat, red shirt, and green UFO's so look out for me. Peace
Uhhh...Mr. President...thats not entirely accurete
JAMAL, just be honest. Your the big black dude that gets his ass kicked by a lil white kid named Connell...thats right bitch. But I'll see ya there...but don't expect I'm gonna go easy on your ass. Peace