STARSCAPE June 8th, Baltimore MD

This party was absolutly PERFECT!! I actually wished it would never end!
I totally underestimated the lineup. ALL the Dj's were good. Especially all the 2-step DJs.. most notably, J Da Flex, Oris Jay and Emma Feline. Andy C ripped the DNB tent to shreds. The Sonar Lounge area had some awesome house/downtempo going on all night long.
Every area was given the same attention to detail as the main area.
Sound and lights/visuals were superb. EVERYWHERE you looked was complete eyecandy. Seriously, I felt like I was at an amusement park. The vibe was 200% positive!
Everything went so smoothly. I've never been to ANY event that was so well organized.
I've had the opportunity to meet lots of BLrs. Most of you were genuinely kind. (I wish I could remember all of your names) Some of you were just plain rude and very shady. (you know who you are!) So I feel it necessary only to name those individuals who were friendly and left positive deposits and lasting impressions on my heart.
Explore: You truly are one of a kind. You care so much for others. I'm glad our paths have crossed. Much respect, my friend.
Aby: It was awesome chillin with you as we bopped our heads to the sounds of the Sonar Lounge area. Hope to chill with you again.
Sebastians Ghost: "I'm watching you!!" lol
E-girl: Nice meeting you. Thanx for the bug spray.
Gmni13: Ah! Finally met you! lol We def' gotta chill again sometime.
Ctrl-X: Even though our meeting was brief, it was a pleasure meeting you.
Sugafist: Thank you SO MUCH for...well, you know. Sorry I didn't hang with you much. I was trippin' pretty hard when you were talking to me about whatever you were talking about. hehe...
Web: You are by far, the chillest person I've ever met. I don't think that smile ever left your face. hehe I really hope I see you again real soon.
Ryanlaughlin,SkippE&Pookie and that red head guy aka "The Ohio Boys" You guys are just too cool. You guys are among the most genuinely friendly people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Pure and true, without pretense, just real! Stay that way!! I sincerely hope I see you guys at One Nation.
Edoky: You and I had to be the happiest people at the party. Always a pleasure to see another smiling face. Hope I see you again.
Mellabopper: Nice meeting you. Sorry for being totally out of it when we met... the awesome splendor of the sunrise literally had me in tears. Thanx for the AWESOME hug. Made me cry even more. Hope to see you again real soon.
Buzzy and JungleFaerie: Great meeting you two again. You two really do make an awesome couple.
BKR: You are one sexy beeeeaaahhtch!!! Nice meeting/spanking you. lol!
Aly: Grrrrl, you are just TOO much!! If I closed my eyes while you were talking, I coulda sworn you were black! hehe. I enjoyed watching you dance. You gots mad flavah!! Had fun talking to you about hogmogs and chit'lins. lol!
(Well, thats the best I can do, given the amount of braincells I've depleted this past weekend lol)
I Must give mad love and respect to my roomates: Kev/Coldshot,Sara/Glow Worm,Jamal/MrJaMaL and Jay/Icey. You guys are the chillest, incredibly awesome and most hygienicly correct people I know. (thank God) I don't think I could find a better set of people I'd rather room with in the future.
Jamal, Never a dull moment with you, man. lol You're so "spon-ta-nee-ous"ly hilarious. I don't think I've ever seen you bust moves like you did when J Da Flex dropped that phat bassline. I wanted so bad to see you go wild like I heard you did during Andy C's set. LOL
Sara, You're truly are one in a million. hehe You're just so cute it's silly. (really. lol)
Jay, I'm SO glad you came, man. Thanx for making my weekend even more magical. I owe you one! I'll never forget the look on everyone's faces as you busted out with the ultra-brights on the grassy knoll during Andy C's set. Priceless. lol
Kev, you've got to be the most laid-back person I know. You're mad chill and very generous. You're too cool!
You guys, lets do it again!!
Jay and Kev, I'll never forget the session we had after the party at our suite. Acid, whippits and Hydro make one hell of an incredibly beautiful hallucination. (serious de ja vu, eh Kev? lol)
Much respect to Kev for driving ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way from RI to MA to CT on down to Baltimore and back. I agree. Next year, we fly.
Oh, Ryan and Jay, "One, two, Phhhhthweeee!!! LOL (I'll never forget that!)
To everyone that made my weekend the most incredible weekend of my life,
Much love and many sunrises.
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
hey what about the lil shops selling "snow balls"....i wonder if they know the real meaning > :) muhahahahaha!!!
To all you BL, hit me up on kats are dope....and if you dont hit me up..i shall come looking for ya...and well ill deal wif ya, MW style,
BTW Speekah Phreekah- thanks bro, i thought of ya the excact same way..and your style..hey great minds think alike!
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: klownny ]
Originally posted by Speekah Phreekah:
Oh, Ryan and Jay, "One, two, Phhhhthweeee!!! LOL (I'll never forget that!)
LMFAO!!!!! that was the hardest i laughed ALL night! shit dude...that shit was mad funny. We completely tore apart a word that doesnt even exist!!! :) Oh yeah and I've never seen a pic of my strings trail before. Thanxs for posting that Junglefaerie. Oh yeah, ryanlaughlin, I was wondering if there was anyway possible i could get a copy of the video you made...if so email me bro cause i want to see that sooooo badly. Thanks bro. Peace!!! :)
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: Icey ]
Well....I stayed in the same hotel and STILL didnt meet any of ya*pout*But the party itself was.....unreal.....besides getting bunk ass shit anyway...Nothing in the midwest could touch on Ultraworlds production team.Andy C definately rocked the shit....when he was done you could see the dust settle!
LOL...I hope i didnt annoy too many people either when i was breaking mad ultra bright glowsticks on the "grassy knoll". Hehehe...if anyone was Teddy made me do it!!! ;)
WHOOHOOOO....again starscape totally blew me away this year. I went last year and have been planning to go back ever since I left. =P
The trip started saturday morning driving down with 2 friends of mine...and planning on meeting up with gmni13, ctrl x, and xena and some of their friends from pennsylvania at the hotel as I had all their hotel reservations under my name. We all rolled in around around 3:00 pm, perfect timing to check in. :D
It was fucking a blast meeting all you bluelighters. I thought that I met alot last year but this year there was definitely more bl'ers staying at the hotel seemed like.
So gotta make all the shoutouts...
E-girl - it was sooo good seeing you again. Seriously I really do have a road map for you...i'm gonna get it to you somehow.
OHIO CREW - You guys are fucken awesome. Drive all the way to Boo 6 and starscape...damn talk about some serious road trippers.
Icey - damn got serious skills on the strings. Very impressive =P
Speekah Phreakah - fun chillin with you. Do you really think we were the 2 happiest people at the party? lol
xplore - nice meeting you dude. Great job on trying to organize things.
Aly - although I only saw you as i was leaving. A pleasure to meet you again this year. I was like definitely look familiar too!!!
MrJamal - are a BIG guy. Don't bump into me at parties ok? Shit i really was scared for a sec.
Glow Worm - You are a SUPER CUTIE. It was a real pleasure meeting you.
Coldshot - although we didn't get to talk much...nice meeting you yo
Web - Truly one of the most friendly people i met all weekend.
Dude this is really hard. And to everyone else that i met...frostygirl, candygurl (you 2 had the really cool costumes right? definitely best dressed) casper, spencer, crow, princess lolita, bkr, junglefairie (NICE PICTURES btw), BKR, kasper, shaddow. And To everyone else that I met, i truly apologize that I couldn't get everyone down here.
Hopefully alot of you people will be in attendance at One Nation. And now that we have an idea of what we will look like it'll be easier to meet up.
And a special shoutout to gmni13, ctrlx, xena. You know I love you guys. Another great party...another awesome time...another great memory with you guys. WE HAVE TO CHILL THIS SUMMER. I won't be here much longer =(
Glad to hear that everyone got home safe
when two doods came in with SgtD82, I was one of them (dood in the visor). YOu and the other people in the room looked kinda shady at the fact that ya werent familiar with the people in the room (and due to the contents scattered about it, i can understand why, no worries!!). Glad to hear ya had a good time
Ya know, i thought that was you... but i wasnt sure.. and by that time i was so tired i was just like wtf... let me sleep get out.. yeah imma bitch! hehe..
And i do not remember meeting glowworm! :(
and readin this over.. i realize.. i got spanked an awful lot this weekend!! sheesh.. i must really be a naughty naughty girl!... :D
PS.. my pics will be ready tonite.. if you want em you can email me.. or i will prolly just send them thru xplore's list.
Jay (icey i guess) i got you doing the strings on video too.. i will copy it and mail it to ya if you send me ur addy :)
Anyone and everyone who has pics send em my way por favor. [email protected]
Thank you oh so much =)~
Ed, don't worry I won't bump into you. lol.
you and Crow both said "Damn you're big"
lol. I guess it's better to have me on your side than an enemy =P
BKR, thanks for that lil comment about me even though it doesn't apply =P
Is it next year yet? I wanna do this again pronto.
A short administrative note regarding pics:
If you plan to post photos from the weekend on any public sites (like our meetups pics section), you need to let the people included know before the pics go up, so we all have a chance to request being removed. I know there of a few people who were around last weekend who specifically don't want their pictures online. Those people should perhaps post a comment to this thread noting that they want not to be included.
(My thoughts about the party will go into a separate post.)
- aby
soo happy to see such an amazing responce
soo upset i couldn't get to MD
There's always next year =)
See ya'll @ One Nation
Originally posted by Noodle:
Those photos got me to tearin'. :(
I'm glad you all had a good time though.

i couldnt have said it better :( im trying really really hard not to kick myself in the ass for getting my ass in some trouble and having to miss this party.
i'm glad everyone had an awesome time tho, you all deserve it. hopefully i wont miss it again next year...
My video from the nite is pretty funny.. you gotta listen to what we’re saying tho.. it’s funnier then watchin us. . ) aly is like freestying, and we spotted Osama. “Osamas not in a cave, he’s at a RAVE!!!!” fuck around… he was dancing too! lol and Aly I need to ask you about when you were supposed to be filming me.. you zoomed in on *sumones* crotch.. lol I was like.. HMMM what’s she up to!?
Ok, first let me say that it took me 15 mins to stop laughing when I read this...Osama was the funniest thing I think I have ever seen...It never even accured to me that what I was saying was on that video...think I should go after that record deal?? ;) and as for the whole crotch thing (sorry Mr JaMal ;) ) I swear I really wasn't up to something this time..I suppose I should have been paying more attention ;) BTW, BKR, When did all this spanking take place and why wasn't I invited ;) It was so good to see your cute self this weekend...I'd missed ya :)
I'm not about to attempt to name all the people that I saw this weekend but I would like to say that Coldshot, Speekah Phreekah, Mr JaMal, & Icey are 4 of the chillest guys I've met in awhile..It was awesome to get to hang out with you!!!
Speekah Phreekah, I think that we were seperated at birth?? MmmmMmmm hogmog and fatback ;)
edoky: it was good to see you again even if it was brief... :)
Shaddow :) :) :) always a pleasure to see you again...and you know, BKR, was do get better looking every time I see you :) Hit me up anytime, you still owe me ;)
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: alykitty ]
Aly, that's quite all right, I would have taken it out if you wanted me to, no big deal. haha.
jay, ill hook ya up with a copy of my video :) but i gotta warn ya, my camera kinda sucks so it didnt turn out as good as i thought it would :( but i could always add shit after it... so you can see how we kick it here in my hometown :) hehe... we're ruthless!
<double posted from the thread in social> it stand right now I am up at 4:30 in the fucking morning and can't go back to sleep (sleep, what?) so I decided that I'd go ahead and put some of this down while it's fresh in my memory.
This weekend was so beyond wonderful I'm not even going to try to come up with other adjectives.
The people: We truly had a great group of people this past weekend. I don't think I met anyone that didn't offer a hug or smile or great conversation whenever you ran into them. Due to circumstances early on, several of us became ultra-cautious and made the decision to move to rooms in another hotel for us to feel safe. Of course this did sort of separate our group from many of the activites that went on. I saw many people this past weekend that I consider close friends, that I haven't been able to see in 8 months. Though I always love meeting and spending time with those I don't know---I just couldn't pull myself away from my old friends. The time I did spend with some of y'all was nice and I can honestly say that there wasn't anyone there that annoyed me or that I really disliked. Oh yeah, I still believe that bluelighters, on average, are cuter than the general population.
My memories:
Friday night---the hotel bar and karaoke, and me with my wine (over ice) in a plastic cup from upstairs. I had a great time talking with everyone there, and I'm sure the bar had to be happy to be making money for all that we were drinking.
Meeting meow (woem!) and riding with her to find a liquor store that actually sold decent vodka while experiencing her racing and cursing skills ;)
The story of Dak and zjabo "arresting" cloud and escorting him through the lobby in front of e-girl (after earlier realizing that she didn't recognize who they were). Nice to see our boys haven't changed...
Our trip to eat at some restaurant on an early afternoon where almost all of us (8 or so) order fruit bowls, and eat like 2 pieces and then get boxes to take it back with us, where we sit it on the dresser for 2 days. The banana bread rawked but aly and dags hoarded it--we just had the mushy fruit in our room. :)
Going all the way to d.c. to eat hamburgers and then coming back. They were really good hamburgers...I just don't exactly remember our original purpose for going, but it probably wasn't the burgers :) We get off track like that sometimes. Actually I think we pretty much derailed somewhere around that point in the wkend ;P
Sometime other part of friday that comes after the original friday...ummm..yeah.
receiving "side of the road hispanic vendor" flowers from a friend i finally got to meet :) That rawked...i took them back to the room and put them in a gatorade bottle of water. who says i don't have class?!
rawked. There is soooo much I could say, but I'm already running long here and I'm not even close to done. Basically the music was fun, the venue is amazing, and generally the crowd is pretty good too. It's interesting to go to a party where the line for food (mmmm veggie wraps) is about as long as that for something to drink (mmm smoothies). Sure we saw some people looking very retarded--but it wasn't us. With that I pretty much mean the whole group. This doesn't mean everyone was stone cold sober, but we didn't really lose people, or have anyone overly obvious, or passing out, etc. There was some great conversation ,dancing and blanket sitting :) I had warm fuzzies of our group---and I totally understand what ryanlaughlin is saying in his above post.
After starscape---we missed part of the after-events. We're not stuck up---just making up for lost time with old friends and still a little anxious of big groups in small rooms :) From the k quotes thread, it sounds like y'all had a good time :)
The third part of friday, or, the morning we slipped off our rockers. I think that is the most confusing and best conversation I have ever had in my life :D
If they don't know what you're talking about that means they don't have it. :)
You know how the edges of a quarter have those little lines cut in all around the outside edges? So does my tounge :(
I don't like to put names in here (except w/ specific stories), because I will inevitably leave someone off the list and have that feeling like when you leave the house and keep thinking maybe you left the iron on ;)
So..basically I had an amazing time, and was really sad to have to leave all of you, and I hope to see you again soon. Those of you who are old friends, I missed you way too much, and this so made my year better to have your company again--even if for a short time. We don't need to let it be that long again. Those of you whom I haven't known as long, it was great to meet you guys, and to put faces to the names that I see so often...the people that make me smile by just reading their words. I'm sappy now...I can't help it. I love you people :)
Oh, and turq says hi too. For those of you that didn't meet him, he held on to my sanity when I wasn't using it. He knows what's up.
Werd...def ryan. I'll email ya my addy a lil later on. Thanks alot bro!!!
Starscape surpassed every expectation I had and blew me away as every minute passed. My only regrets were not getting to know everybody half as well as I would've liked.
My apologies to about 75% of those I met. I was making every attempt to meet each and every one of you all while checking into my room, running out to dinner, checking out, leaving to go back, etc. Even at Starscape I didn't spend much time with any one person.
This event was all about an experience as opposed to checking out any DJ in particular. I danced my ass off in the DnB tent for the majority of the night (when I danced, anyway) and the rest was walking around checking everybody else out. The whole "venue" was beautifully decorated; the eye candy was plentiful. Hell, even the food was good.
Much love, first and foremost, to: xena, edoky145, StonesKid, and Ctrl X for making the journey down and making it happen, in general.
Web: You best be gettin yo ass up here. I didn't get my fix of you while down there. It was great to at least spend dinner together with you, Steve and Alicia (Hell, and even ShaDDoW. Sorry about the arm room ;) ). In the off-chance they're reading this, a big "how YOU doin'?!" And no excuses; we're going to Jen's game in VA.
Now, where do I start? I smoke too much weed, so for those I left out I promise it's nothing against you.
To those I met ever-so quickly at the hotel some more apologies for seeming anti-social:
ryanlaughlin, femmme fatal, abygale (my better NE-half who didn't recognize me even though we first met at the last Starscape :( ), sugafist, kasperBoy, and MrJaMaL ("it was the facial hair" sure, sure... ;) )
A personal thanks to Xplore for setting everything up and for being a sweet guy despite the paranoia. I wish I had a better chance to chill other than random encounters in the hotel and around Starscape.
PLURmonster You know I got yer back. I was dissapointed we saw so little of one another. It was good to be reunited, though.
To those I met mid-day on another run to God-knows-where, I truly apologize for not getting to know you better:
Dakeva, fizzygirl, Spencer (I have nothing against short people, I just thought you might've been one of them ;) ), and Crow.
Speekah Phreekah—I'm glad I got to finally meet you. It's nice to know there are some genuinely good people in this world. I look foward to spending more time with you at the next party.
Glow Worm—You go right along with Teddy. One of the sweetest chix I've ever met. I don't know what happened to you after you bailed on our trip to the field. I was looking foward to shootin' the shit some more. Keep in touch.
To all the people I met at the grassy knoll I will continue my line of apologies for the brevity of my stay.
THE WOOD, SgtD82—it may have only been a meet and greet, but I'm glad I at least had the chance.
Bi KaNd*E* RaVeR—The pics page does wonders. I wouldn't have caught you as we were leaving otherwise. You're not as hardcore as you think, you're cute as hell.
princess lolita(I'll see you around NY, anyway =P), E-girl (So we finally get to meet and I gotta be all NY-shady and run, right?), candygrl66 (another sincere apology for not chilling more. You were chill when I first met you in Poughkeepsie; you haven't changed),
Mr. Sticky and aly—It may have been for only a few minutes, but those few minutes, closed a chapter in my life. Hopefully you'll be recurring characters ;) .
~*JungleFaerie*~, buzzy—It's always nice to see your faces. How did I miss you the whole time? Again, it was nice to at least catch a glimpse.
Lastly, Squeaks—I didn't meet you, but I passed you 8923759823745968274395 times that night and had no idea. Hi!
I want to thank you all for making this a great day/afternoon/night/morning. I came to Starscape for that reason and y'all didn't dissapoint.
Other than getting blocked in at the end of the night, everything went off without a hitch. Y'all don't know how much it meant to me and that makes it that much more special. This event will be in my heart forever.
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: gmni13 ]
I have my pics up in a undislcosed website for those who went to the party and wanna see em send me an IM RainforestRoller or an email: [email protected]. I just dumped the pics in so I know there are a couple that have to come out before they go public :)
Originally posted by alykitty:
[QB]BTW, BKR, When did all this spanking take place and why wasn't I invited ;) It was so good to see your cute self this weekend...I'd missed ya and
Shaddow :) :) :) always a pleasure to see you again...and you know, BKR, was do get better looking every time I see you :) Hit me up anytime, you still owe me ;) [QB]
aly.. you video taped Teddy spanking me.. and if you were in our hotel, you would have DEFINATLY been part of the rest of the spankin!! ;)
and Shaddow.. when you hit that, i BETTER be involved!! shiiiit!
and aly funnier then your freestying is you screamin.. "DAAAAAAAAAAAYUM HOMEBOY GOT SKILLS DAWWG!!!" during jay's lightshow.. lol
everyone was like who's big mouth was that?!? lol
Erik! hehe.. i am too hardkore! i was just being nice at the moments u cought me! *lick* :D