Skydancer -- A Democratic Bluelight *see first post for link to Skydancer's response*

^Ya, fuck this shit. They've made it very evident that they'll never listen and don't give a shit that the people on bluelight are actual PEOPLE, not just anonymous internet personas. Shit, we spend alot of time here, we deserve to have our voice heard.

Catch: If the majority of posters in EDD don't want you to change it, then don't change it. It doesn't matter if it's just a simple name change, you're not a regular in that forum, you're just an outside observer, if that, so how can you have the nerve to fuck with THEIR forum. I don't give a shit who owns or runs this site, it's THEIR forum because they're the ones who use it.

Roger&Me said:
^Ya, fuck this shit. They've made it very evident that they'll never listen and don't give a shit that the people on bluelight are actual PEOPLE, not just anonymous internet personas. Shit, we spend alot of time here, we deserve to have our voice heard.

Catch: If the majority of posters in EDD don't want you to change it, then don't change it. It doesn't matter if it's just a simple name change, you're not a regular in that forum, you're just an outside observer, if that, so how can you have the nerve to fuck with THEIR forum. I don't give a shit who owns or runs this site, it's THEIR forum because they're the ones who use it.


Your post has no meaning, they don't care, because this site is used for communications for something else other than the site, or us.
David said:
Your post has no meaning, they don't care, because this site is used for communications for something else other than the site, or us.

WTF are you talking about ??
xtcxtc said:
WTF are you talking about ??

Invaders of the world!!!!

Nothing really, just blurting out random crap, and seeing what happens.:D
The crap get's posted when you press "post reply".

That's what's happening.
David said:
Invaders of the world!!!!

Nothing really, just blurting out random crap, and seeing what happens.:D

I know your hiding something damnit tell us the truth! :D
David said:
Invaders of the world!!!!

Nothing really, just blurting out random crap, and seeing what happens.:D

keep the inane bullshit in social--er, "the lounge" plzkthx
Originally posted by Roger&Me
^Ya, fuck this shit. They've made it very evident that they'll never listen and don't give a shit that the people on bluelight are actual PEOPLE, not just anonymous internet personas. Shit, we spend alot of time here, we deserve to have our voice heard.

You're kidding right? If I live arcos the street from you, and wake up to see your house every morning, do I get to tell you what color to paint it? Do the homeless people at the soup kitchen get to decide what kind of soup they'll be served, never mind how it will be served?

Do you realize that when you make demands that you have no place to make, you come off sounding like an ungrateful idiot?
SmC said:
I know your hiding something damnit tell us the truth! :D

Yes, I have hidden all of the world's ecstacy, but you'll have to use your skills of detecting them to find them.
proto said:
Spencer said it best:

I think the change to the staff structure that's been outlined will be a great help.

I hadn't had much contact with the admin team before now, but Frizzantik and Blue Adonis demonstrated a great deal of patience and concern for mere "end users" (despite getting blamed for someone else's mess in doing so) in choosing to come into the poll thread in EDD to give us some dialogue with senior staff and attempt to explain matters.

They obviously do give a damn about the little people, and if they're representative of how the administrators are going to relate to and deal with the rest of us then I'm confident they'll be able to handle PR in a much more competent way than was the recent case.

v v good post proto.
I'm certainly not one to step in and stir things up once it appears to be calming down, but I will throw in a few more thoughts.

1) The change of putting an Admin to each forum and working us as a go-between for the Sr. Admins and the rest of our staff/members isn't the only change, nor is it explicitely defined. I can say, that if I were in the Sr. Admin position of trying to keep the hard-side (non-people oriented) running, I'd get overloaded by the soft-side (people issues) quickly and look for simpler ways to deal with things. This isn't saying I'd develope the deaf ear they've shown, but I can very easily see where a deaf ear would be needed or all progress would grind to a halt while people issues consumed *all* available time. By putting the five Admins in this buffer position, the Sr. Admins have to trust our judgement on the soft-side issues and we in turn are obligated to work with the mods on soft-side changes. Similarly, the Sr. Admins ought to give a listen to our Admin input (forum changes and other hard-side issues) which it appears they are willing to do. Granted, SD will always have the ability to pull the plug, it is my impression that they are willing to work with a limited number of representatives (the five Admins) in discussing what changes make the most sense. I'd say this reflects well on them and bodes well for the future of the site, as well as the member/staff happiness (provided the Admins continue to hear the staff/members and represent them honestly).

2) The one thing I would like to see discussed further is transparency. Given the current organizational structure, I understand the continued image that mods do things behind member's backs, and Admins do things behind mod's backs, and Sr. Admins do things behind Admin's backs. And while this may or may not be the case, there are certain changes that can be done or policies instituted which ensure more checks and balances, more understanding of who did what and why. Are there suggestions on this concept? I have a few - some are already in place though not publicized, and some are just ideas I'm pulling out of my shorts. But what are your thoughts?
Transparency is good. It also let's people see things coming. Change can be difficult even if it's for the better. It's all the harder when it's "Bam! Change made, no discussion."

However, I do think there is one concept that needs to be looked at further. That is, Accountability . We posters are accountable to the mods in a particular forum, they to admins, admins to sr. admins. But, who are the senior admins accountable too? Our benefactor? Realistically, that should be the case. Idealistically, sr. admins need to be accountable to the bluelight masses. Without accountability, things will go badly. It's how dictatorships start, and it dis-empowers the masses. The masses must feel they have some say over things. Hence, perhaps we should investigate further how to incorporate some democratic features as xtcxtc had originally suggested.
Originally posted by TheLoveBandit
But what are your thoughts?

with the flattening of the hierarchy - particularly with the increase of the number of senior moderators - what's the thinking regarding the role of moderator (especially in light of recent events in EDD) at bluelight?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. :D
after a 2 year absence FoX is back for only his 6th post in 2.5years.

actually BL has changed a lot since your day. ;)

welcome back. ;)