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share house horror stories

I'm surprised at the amount of people that just move in with people they don't know. I guess some people don't really have a choice, I just don't think I'd even contemplate not living with friends, especially considering i've never lived by myself before.

If I ever did the share house thing again, I would definitely make sure to not move in with friends. It just too often seems to end in disaster.
If I ever did the share house thing again, I would definitely make sure to not move in with friends. It just too often seems to end in disaster.

Yeah, I was waiting for someone to say that.

I'm not for a second doubting you, but can you give me an example of when things turned sour?

A girl I did my cert. 4 disability course with said pretty much exactly that, 'you think you know your friends, it's when you live with them that you get to know the real them.'

I guess this holds out true in some instances. :\
I lived with friends for at least four years and always had fun and we remained good friends since.
Living with friends can be fun and definitely beats living with strangers. I'm still friends with the ones I have lived with but probably neither of us would do it again.

Actually I have lived with the same guy twice.

You do get to see things you wouldnt normally see but hey thats all part of the adventure.

Like towels. Usually around the waist for guys when exiting the shower. But not always. Sometimes over the shoulder seems to be the way.
Living with friends is easy and no different than living with anyone else. Just as long as all parties can maintain respect for each other, respect someone else's property with the same respect you would expect them to give your property and an overall mutual respect for keeping a hygienic and safe household - then all should be fine.

Of course the main deal breaker in most situations is in regards to money, so for Christs sake pay your own way and your own fair share all of the time
I think it's all about different family situations. Think about it this way... when you move out of home, you go with an expectation of how a household is run right?

EVERY family is totally different.

I've lived in probably 15 odd diff places over the years (since leaving the roost) and yet i always wind up back at home... or with direct family members. The longest i last is say 9-12 months in any given place, sometimes a 1-6 months if its particularly terrible..

Where should I start;

15 - moved out of home, into community accomodation with an emo band - probably the most filthy of all the places i lived, total party house in one of the shittest suburbs of melbourne, suffice to say the house was broken into one night and I happily left, minus my old crappy tv and a ps2.

16-17: stayed with the old lady, times were okay, bit difficult, no one really complains bout family life...

17 - Went up to the country to stay with a mate who got HPPD, he was a real good friend before HPPD hit, basically like a brother... We lived in a caravan park with is brother and dad, who consequently are still like family - watching whack shit unfold in that caravan park, and living off maggi noodles and snags. My mate lost the plot a few times, convinced we were all in some conspiracy to do his head in... yeah i left there to live in a fucking refuge..

18 - Mum gets a new place, nice as, near the city - live there until she decides to move, great fun.

18 - Get my own place, yes my own, with another BLer... hhc_king to be exact... Jesus, this guy was awesome, yet fucking insane, a habitual theif and liar, but the kind of personality you couldn't hate. We threw such parties as the great 05' BL Fear and Loathing party... some of you may know of it ;). The house was somewhat messy, and we didn't have a fridge - but we got by okay... Hell the cable internet connection was paid for first ;). Strange experience that much i tell ya... Police raids and what not - my first experience TRULY living on the edge.

18 further... - Moved to queensland after about 9 months with mr hhc_king. Stayed with dad, stayed clean... came back to melb after 3 months or so.

okay lets skip a heap (the great depression etc... yeah some tumultuous times there)

2008, 21: Living with Aus Social Ex Mod Wazza!
Right this was fucking fun as, and to this day he remains like an older brother to me, and a best mate. We had our differences, he was alot older, but shit was okay. As far as he puts it im probably one of the best housemates he's ever had, and he was bitching bout the one after me for some time.. Some shit went down between us at times, but we were quick to forgive and hug ;) (love ya wazza)... Having my first kid made shit difficult, and getting on too much opiates/benzos made it worse.

I'll just chime in here - fuck im ranting.. meh it keeps me occupied. People DON'T LIKE LIVING WITH NON FAMILY. Seeing someone everyday gets fucking annoying, adjusting to someone elses living conditions can be pretty intense, and living with someone, especially friends - can really fuck up friendships because of the different family values we all have. Once i moved away from 90% of these people, our friendships kicked back where they left off and we became housemates... even if it wasn't so bad having them as housemates, and someof them have asked me to move in again - i've said no just to savour the friendship.

Okay and last but not least - the latest saga.. and the only one where im gonna rant about bad shit.

So i live with my brother, in a house we took over hte lease for when my mum bought her own home. We live with Myself, His girlfriend and my brother - we furnished the whole house, nice appliances, big tvs, sick furniture, expensive beds etc...

His girlfriend moves in her bitch friend, this girls bi-polar as fuck, addicted to weed like nothing else, doesn't understand the concept of TIDYNESS - at all.. im talkin bong water spilt, not cleaned, rubbish all over the joint fucking you name it. She slams doors, stomps around when the pot is not up to par (not that its our fault... we hardly even touch the crap) yells at people... Anyway.. one day i get on the G, and decide to fuck her coz it'll be exciting.. 3 weeks later, i havn't cum once.. i let it rip...

anyway after much hassel and bullshit, we find out shes now carrying my twins... i move the fuck away for a while to stay with mum, who is close, and go back there to my room on weekends... cant look this bitch in the eye, whilst i paid for the abortion, and its done - shes screaming at my family telling them she's gonna attack me (and it takes two to tango believe me).. I want this bitch outa my family home, so i have my Bro, Sister-in-law and fucking home/bedroom back... Also make not im not by any means a clean freak - i just own heaps of expensive geeky shit (model kits, ps3s, big tvs, pc's etc... and i share them) this skank doesn't share jack with no one, uses all our appliances and rarely cleans a fucking dish. GRRRRRRRRR
^ wow craziness.

I have few good share house horror stories so i'll try to add more to the thread when I'm not at work.

I'm currently living with a good mate (who I'd probably chose to live with before family if it came to it as my family can be smothering in their concern for my wellbeing :) ), and some American girl he used to work with. It's okay except she's totally straight (doesn't even drink much which is unusual compared to every seppo i met at uni) and well being on bluelight you can probably tell I'm the bent-type who indulges in too much of everything i shouldn't ;)

I've lived by myself before and loved it but it was terible for me physicaly and mentally as I really didn't look after myself.... I've lived with an ex before for a few years too but would be weary jumping into that situation again. Apparently you're legally in a de facto situation if you live together for more than 6 months o_O
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Living with friends can be fun and definitely beats living with strangers. I'm still friends with the ones I have lived with but probably neither of us would do it again.

Actually I have lived with the same guy twice.

You do get to see things you wouldnt normally see but hey thats all part of the adventure.

Like towels. Usually around the waist for guys when exiting the shower. But not always. Sometimes over the shoulder seems to be the way.

Well, I wouldn't say in a blanket generalisation that living with friends beats strangers (in every case). Have had friends as housemates, lately as a few weeks ago that decided that we were friends that I wouldn't mind the 'crap' they did. Left all his junk at our place which I had to pay for to get removed and left with the last month's rent not paid. He is a 1st class alco, drinks 6-24+ stubbies daily and has no ready cash left each week after his pay (2-3 days) due to it all going on alcohol. Which of course is his choice but to f*ck around a mate who has been in top 3 friends class for the past 23 years, well, it was real uncool. Needless to say he isn't a (top) friend anymore.

Also have had some strangers move in, as in people I knew 'just' from forums for a few weeks/months who have become AWESOME friends. But we should never have a housemate again now I think. My wife and I with our child (second will be happening when it happens, no more tho! :D ) will be buying a house once I renovate my beach getaway and sell for good $$$$. At least that's the plan. I've got around 6 figures savings atm, hope to make it an extra $300-$600K when we eventually sell the beach house, all depends how much it costs to renovate (hope that I don't have to use up all of my savings).

I LOVE having housemates but starting a family, housemates just aren't 'worth it' anymore. Either having to put up with 'others' or put our child(ren)s cries etc onto them in my view is not a great sharing environment :) Still, we have 1-2 spare rooms in our current (rental) house, friends are always welcome to stay over, just can't see us sharing anymore.
yeah dude, fuck sharing eh!


sometimes... (cept when its with you hunny)
I'm currently sharing with a bi-polar, post natal mother and her schizophrenic boyfriend with a 5 year old and 1 year old...

Now... I HATE kids with a passion. And this is the first time I've lived with them. But as it was a last resort I didn't have a choice. Moving states was a huge imbalance.

My housemate has no concept of cleaning. Dishes get left in the sink for months, nappies get left in the nappy bin just as long too. We have 5 cats here (2 are mine) and she never cleans after/feed them. We had 2 dogs but they disappeared over New Years. She gets her Grandmother to come over and clean for her.

I also pay for a 100GB internet connection and home phone (as well as my mobile) and our first months bill was $1200. The downloads are all used within the first week of the month, which shits me up the wall.

I've gotten to the point where I'm only at home 2 days a week and when I am, I'm locked away in my room. I never cook anymore (which sucks cause I used to work in kitchens and love to cook) but the thought of facing that kitchen puts me off the idea of food.

I don't get along with her boyfriend. I just want to stab him.

I've put up with it for 8 months now, only because it's not feasible for me to move right now. This is definitely the worst house I've ever lived in.
Oh man, that sounds like my worst nightmare. I hope you can get yourself to the point that you need to be in so that you can move on. It may be tough and hard for you to get out of that place, financially or whatever the case may be, but the longer you stay the experience will be more taxing on your personality and state of mind, look what you have already said about cooking - its just not worth it, get out as soon as you can!
haha came across this thread I started ages ok.

Ah man, i have moved out of that house for over a month now. that house with its fuckhead residents had a huge impact on my mental health. I feel so much better since moving out of there.

Here are some more examples of how the people living there are fucked (one in particular).

1) One night i got lucky and brought a girl back. things were obviously a little loud and woke upthe guy in the room next to me. Instead of doing the normal thing and either letting it go, or talking to me face to face about it, he instead writes a letter to my land lady asking for me to be evicted. Aparrently me getting laid on this occassion disturbs his right to quiet enjoyment of his space. The landlady tells him to stop being a little bitch. And I get into a 2 hour yelling match with him over him trying to get me evicted.

2) same guy calls a house meeting because there were a few pieces of pasta left at the bottom of the sink. No dishes in the sink, it and the kitchen are otherwise clean. I then ask him if he could hurry up and eat the Durian that is in the fridge because it smells. for those who don't know, durian is a fruit from SE Asia that smells like a mix between onions, rotting fish and overripe fruit. Really really strong and bad smell. He then goes ballistic about me not respecting his culture and his love of durian. 10 minute rant about this.

3) same guy tries to charge people $25 a night if you have a friend or a girlfriend stay the night. We collectively tell him to fuck off. Also, tries to make a rule that no girls are allowed in the house.

theres more, but i can't be bothered typing. Anyway, I'm going to be much pickier if I move into a share house in the future. And I doubt I will ever meet with people I don't know again.
^ lol sounds like someone at my work. What a freak.

Ive probably been the bad housemate once or twice in my share house experiences, one thing that's always effected share houses I have lived in is my clumsiness, when I first came to Melbourne I was living in the backyard of a random family I met through my aunty in a caravan that had no floor. Almost every time I went into the house to use the bathroom or toilet etc I would manage to break something the first to go was the 2 clothes horses which I fell on in a drunken stooper after that over the course of living there (6 months) I managed to break 2 windows, uncountable amounts of cups, a window, a chair, a bike and the final straw was the roof mounted light which was one of those chain ones, I think I pulled it a bit harder than I thought and it pulled down the whole light. After that they gave me a week to move out. Where I could I gave them money to cover the breakages but was pretty pov at the time and couldn't always afford to pay for the breakages.

After about 2 months of leaving, I found a new job and went back there and gave them enough money to cover the breakages. Sadly I'm still pretty clumsy, it's an expensive trait lol.
haha came across this thread I started ages ok.

Ah man, i have moved out of that house for over a month now. that house with its fuckhead residents had a huge impact on my mental health. I feel so much better since moving out of there.

Here are some more examples of how the people living there are fucked (one in particular).

1) One night i got lucky and brought a girl back. things were obviously a little loud and woke upthe guy in the room next to me. Instead of doing the normal thing and either letting it go, or talking to me face to face about it, he instead writes a letter to my land lady asking for me to be evicted. Aparrently me getting laid on this occassion disturbs his right to quiet enjoyment of his space. The landlady tells him to stop being a little bitch. And I get into a 2 hour yelling match with him over him trying to get me evicted.

2) same guy calls a house meeting because there were a few pieces of pasta left at the bottom of the sink. No dishes in the sink, it and the kitchen are otherwise clean. I then ask him if he could hurry up and eat the Durian that is in the fridge because it smells. for those who don't know, durian is a fruit from SE Asia that smells like a mix between onions, rotting fish and overripe fruit. Really really strong and bad smell. He then goes ballistic about me not respecting his culture and his love of durian. 10 minute rant about this.

3) same guy tries to charge people $25 a night if you have a friend or a girlfriend stay the night. We collectively tell him to fuck off. Also, tries to make a rule that no girls are allowed in the house.

theres more, but i can't be bothered typing. Anyway, I'm going to be much pickier if I move into a share house in the future. And I doubt I will ever meet with people I don't know again.

Jebus. That's enough to send anyone batty :\

A guy i sharehoused with almost set the house on fire when, after a big night/day/night/day he'd put some water on the stove to boil and then promptly fell asleep. I woke up to a smoke-filled apartment and a warped saucepan - it was on an electric stove top. Yep, coulda died.

The same guy thought that i was recording his conversations in a"tape recorder i'd put in the tissue box" and brought in to his room because he was upset. He also thought I was trying to drug him when i gave him some valerian. Yay amphetamine psychosis. He also perched on the verandah rail yelling out to random cars that they were detectives and couldn't pin anything on him. There was a period where both my housemates were going through it. I can tell you that was a right laugh... no, really, it was.
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This thread is such good timing now that I'm looking for a new house mate as of yesterday :\