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share house horror stories

im currently living in a share house with 6 other college kids, working out pretty well.

The place i lived before moving in here is another story.... it was with one college kid and a 30 something dude. I met the guy, seemed nice enough and the place was cheap, my room was pretty big, so i said yeah ill take it. Anyway i found out why it was cheap was because the older dude was living in the kitchen (and it wasnt a big kitchen). Not only that but he was a methhead without a job, he hardly ever left the house and cleaned incessantly. Not only that but whenever i left my room he would want to talk endlessly, i basically locked myself in my room when i was at the place. He would flip out about random shit, and then an hour later profusely appoligize, worst living situation ever. lasted 2 months.
Maverick..............was he well known by any chance? Ohh and did I read correctly that he was afraid of cheese wrappers???? how does that work? Do you think that he was once attacked by one?? I dont get it.

Dayson...........you say he lived in the kitchen..........I hope you mean figuratively speaking.........surely he didnt actually bed down in there to.
nope, he LIVED in the kitchen, his bed was in the back of it, seperated by a blanket hanging from the ceiling... and due to his meth use he would usually be asleep (or whatever he did in there) during the day. meaning i had to be quiet when cooking... in the beginning at least, once i got sufficiently pissed at him i didnt care how much noise i made.
Wow. some of these stories really put things into perspective for me. That last one and Sun's story in particular. I don't think my living situations are that bad now.

I've come to the conclusion that people are strange. And you wouldn't really know it until you have to live with them.
Well when I moved in with my bf he had one of his friends that happened to be a girl and her bf who happened to be an illegal alien living upstairs. We only have one bathroom in the house and they had to come through our bedroom to go to the bathroom. Talk about a total pain in the ass. Since I moved in the bf has decided that we won't be renting out the upstairs until we we have a bathroom up there.

Also, in college I was "house mother" for a house full of guys. I was always doing the dishes for everyone cause I couldn't stand it. Cleaning plates with a inch of mold on them is kinda icky.
Here when I moved in the bf's fan was growing fun and I'm allergic to dust and stuff so I had to do a lot of intensive cleaning before I could really be in the living room and bedroom without feeling ill. But its all neat now and I tend to keep it that way
Mazdan - Hahahaha I know.. Sounds seriously mental but he was absolutely terrified of the plastic wrappy things that pre-sliced cheese comes in. He had a panic attack and started to cry when he had to unwrap a cheese slice for his little nephew.. I felt sorry for him but it was hysterically funny! And yes, he's well-known in the MMA crowds, haha..
When I lived in Tokyo, I shared a place with Sri Lankans.
The shower was basically a toilet. 2 of the male residents took pleasure in defecating while showering and mashing their shit through the drain hole.

Needless to say, I didn't last very long at that place. :\

Did they tell you all about it? How else do you find out about such things? Was there shit in the drain afterwards?

Mazdan - Hahahaha I know.. Sounds seriously mental but he was absolutely terrified of the plastic wrappy things that pre-sliced cheese comes in. He had a panic attack and started to cry when he had to unwrap a cheese slice for his little nephew.. I felt sorry for him but it was hysterically funny! And yes, he's well-known in the MMA crowds, haha..

OMG, I sooo want to fight him. A few seconds in I will hold up a cheese wrapper.

lol, it sounds like a really bad wrestling gimmick. Not so long ago a wrestler had a gimmick where he became superman when the bell was rung and a dunce when it rang again. Not so far removed from your dudes real life.

How bizarre, I wonder what the background story was...........lol.
Bah hahahahahahahahaha!!! ^ ^ Raped with a cheese stick, fucking hilarious psytaco!

Hmm yeah I've no idea what his issue was, lol. I just know that my cheese consumation was negatively impacted, which made this little Mav very unhappy :p Haha.

Mazdan, are you into MMA?
A lot of people have a phobia of cotton wool. The sound or something. Maybe it's similar.
I find the texture of the yellow foam in some mattresses and couches absolutely revolting to the point where it makes me feel gross even watching other people touch it and I can't touch it myself. I have one of those egg cup textured foam things over my mattress and when I change my sheets I have to wear something on my hands to move it back into place.

Same goes for velvet and the shitty carpet some places like Big W and K-Mart have in the electronics section: I can't walk on it with bare feet.
Im into it as in I watch it and enjoy it. But not as in I do it.

I really enjoy Muay Thai specifically but cage is great also.
I find the texture of the yellow foam in some mattresses and couches absolutely revolting to the point where it makes me feel gross even watching other people touch it and I can't touch it myself. I have one of those egg cup textured foam things over my mattress and when I change my sheets I have to wear something on my hands to move it back into place.

Same goes for velvet and the shitty carpet some places like Big W and K-Mart have in the electronics section: I can't walk on it with bare feet.

Ever since I was a little kid I hate the feeling of stockings. I can't even handle to watch people touch them in anyway. The same goes for watching some one put stockings on or taking them off; just can't stand to watch or look at it.
I was sharehousing in Nundah (QLD) in th late 90s and witnessed a MASSIVE fight between a guy and his girlfriend. They had both been drinking and she had a decent dose of the crazy. They were yelling in his room and suddenly they both started screaming. She walked out of the room wiping her mouth and in a matter-of-fact way, said "sorry for all the ruckus". It was seriously creepy. I heard moaning from the guy's bedroom, so waited until she went outside, and then went to his room. I saw him laying on his mattress, with blood all over his face - pooling in his eye sockets, holding his nose. I went over to him and pulled his hand away - the crazy bitch has BITTEN OFF THE END OF HIS NOSE (the tip was hanging by skin).

I grabbed some gauze and cotton swabs, wrapped his head up and took him to hospital. She had actually driven off, drunk as she was (i said she was crazy). We never saw her again, the doctors were able to reattach our friends nose tip, and they broke up. It actually healed quite nicely.
Woah! Bit the tip of his nose off! Ouchhhhh! Yeah she sounds 54 kinds of crazy, lol..
the doctors were able to reattach our friends nose tip, and they broke up..

For some reason I just find the obvious connection in that part so funny!

In all honesty though, she sounds like Ted Bundy or something
I'm still living at home with my parents, but mates & I have been talking about moving out together just recently. Reading all this makes me not so sure now though. :\

I'm surprised at the amount of people that just move in with people they don't know. I guess some people don't really have a choice, I just don't think I'd even contemplate not living with friends, especially considering i've never lived by myself before.