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share house horror stories

haha god, good thread! that flatmate of yours sounds like one of my old flatmates footsy. this guy lived downstairs in the 'dungeon' in the converted warehouse i used to live in, his room had no windows, no ventilation and because the toilet was upstairs which was a 30 second walk away he would piss into 2ltr coke bottles (or whatever was around, i saw one of my girlfriends nice wine glasses and a cereal bowl full of piss down there once) and leave them in stacks for literally months until the piss would go red which i didnt even know was possible. i found a futon in hard rubbish and bought it home for an outside couch and he claimed it and slept on bare with a bare doona and bare pillows for about 3 months until my girlfriend bought him sheets as 'present'. he used them which was great but didnt clean them in the 2 years he lived there.
he also refused to wash his clothes, he actually came clean to me once when drunk and said for the whole of 2009 he cleaned his clothes no more than 5 times, he would buy a big bag of socks and wear them until his feet would tear through them when he tried to put them on because the scum from his foot sweat would degrade the material. he would also lay his clothes out on the floor to 'air' and when he had decided they had become too dirty he would throw them into the dirty clothes pile which no kidding turned into a pile higher than my waist and twice as wide and it stunk of death. i swear there were mice living in it.
he also admitted to neve washing with soap, he said he thought it was bad for your skin so just sprayed himself down with water, in winter he would shower no more than 3 times a week, in summer a little more. my flatmates and i were unsure of how to go about telling him to clean up, he was pretty deluded and had some warped ideas on human hygiene so trying to bridge that gap was pretty much impossible, we started out by putting soap and shampoo in the shower for him but that didnt work, the only he used was the conditioner which he used as shaving foam haha. then because i was the only other guy in the house i had to 'have the talk' which didnt go well, he was obviously offended and got defensive and his drinking got worse (he was a borderline alcoholic with anxiety issues, reclusive and shy when sober and really loose and silly when drunk) and he avoided coming upstairs for as long as he could. he did get a bit better over time but it was really fucking taxing, by the end we were so tired of it that being courteous was almost out the question, i used to throw his dirty soup dishes (he had soup for almost every meal) that he would pile around his scummy recliner (honestly the chair was so revolting, it stunk and the fabric was discoloured and actually crispy from his dirty back sweat, you could hear it crack as his sat down on it) onto his bed, food and all. its sounds nasty and i do kind of regret doing it but the guy was so bad nothing else worked, we tried everthing, before that i used drop the dirty clothes he would leave in a filthy pile in the corner of the lounge down the stairs and stack his dishes as obviously as i could in the very middle of the lounge so there was no way he could miss them but he would just ignore them and watch tv.
goodluck footsy, i think you may have to be upfront with the guy, 6 months from now you will be sick of it and you'll alomst certainly be upfront with him by then, you might as well get it over with. its kind of either that or seeth until you or he moves, or until you explode. or you could hatch one of those evil plans that flatmates pull on the one they want to move out, they never go well. keep us posted anyway, i love hearing stories about weird flatmates, theyre better and have more depth to their weirdness than any character on any comedy show, plus theyre real so its all the more exciting!
Haha Cassandragemini your flatmate sounds like a real trial, and fucking disgusting using dishes/glasses to piss in 8( What happened in the end, did he end up moving out? The crispy crackly recliner and big pile of dirty clothes is a pretty funny, if fucking gross, mental imagine. What's wrong with these people!

Who knows what's going on in this guy's bungalow, it might be just as bad! Given he rarely comes in to even go to the toilet the piss bottles are a possibility :|
I was thinking of having a beer with him just to get on his good side a bit, as he's just...creepy and I'm sort of worried about what he could do, and I'm definitely not his favourite person after I told him off the other day, even though I did it as nicely as possible. You really think I shouldn't...? I know he's on a lease and the couple who own the house haven't spoken to me about asking him to leave, so I think he'll be here at least in the short term future. For the time he's here I want to be on as friendly terms as I can be with him.

How did the interviews go today psytaco? Found a keeper?
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Oh you'll get on the good side of some guy who doesn't even shower but I'm not worthy?!
Seriously though, I'd just try talking to him. Find out if he wants to be left alone or not, because if he wants solitude I'm sure he won't appreciate your good intentions when he's agitated by your 'pestering' to 'hang out'
I don't know though, but if you're both happy doing your separate things and not interacting/crossing paths then that seems like it'd work. If you're unhappy, you've got to bite the bullet, have a spoon of cement, and just try to communicate with him.
man, i lived with a guy that was so similar. he never used to come into the house itself (his bedroom had a door that opened into the front yard) and i never saw him come inside for a shower or to use the toilet after the first few weeks we lived there.
it certainly does start to get creepy and i'm the sort of person that can't help but start thinking about what someone like that may be capable of. probably paranoia, but it's a bit too close for comfort sometimes.
the 'barricading' thing - if that was what was going on - sounds kinda scary, and i don't know how much his odd behaviour affects your life or the rest of your household, but the longer you leave it the worse it is likely to get. i felt like i couldn't really relax in my own (shared) home, and that can take a toll after a while.
if he's not affecting you that much - and it's more the creepiness of the situation - then i suppose it is up to the couple that own the place. if someone is living in their own filth like that, it is going to end up being there problem if it continues getting worse. it might sound judgemental to put it this way - and i'm not exactly a clean-freak (but i live by myself so it only really affects me if my house is a mess sometimes) but stinky rooms can be pretty difficult to rid of the stinkiness when they've been lived in 24/7 without the person adhering to basic principles of hygiene.
as for whether to try and make peace with the guy...it's hard to say. not knowing him (or you, in real life) it's difficult to know if it would be worth the trouble, or liable to make things more awkward. it might be worth a shot, or it might not.
in my housemate-from-hell situation, it didn't work at all. but maybe he needs to be reminded that nobody's out to get him, and that you're friendly and not to be feared.
a tricky situation to be sure.
i hope it sorts itself out soon, and that he's actually rigged up and amazing composting toilet with which he is making you an organic vegie patch so the house can be self sufficient? :)
Haha, thanks spacejunk, it's crazy that this seems to be a reasonably common occurrence!

My housemates were telling me about some of the previous occupants - seems to be a sort of trend with the bungalow 8( They actually said after the second to last guy left, they had to spend ages getting his smell out of there, and I reckon that'll be happening again :|

Actually the first time I met this guy, I thought he was high as fuck. His eyes were massively dilated, so who knows, maybe his weirdness is drug induced and we have more in common than it first appears ;)

As for his composting toilet - I will not be happy if he puts any on my garden bed. My plants are special to me ;)
^ i agree with spacejunk and deathd, another thing to do is to see if he pays rent and bills on time without hassle, its kind of a good test of a new flatmate to see if they're going to be a pain in the arse or not.

as for that guy; my girlfriend and i ended up moving out after about a year and a half of living with him. the last i heard he wanted to get a goverment grant so he could bring back the moa like what theyre doing with the mammoth (the moa is an extinct flightless bird in nz). deluded. i see him being 40, living at home with his parents who still make his bed and wash up after him, the guy is from nz, has been living here since the end of 2008 and has probably worked 6 months of the time he's been here, he cant go on the dole so he just sits around watching dr phil and you tube and lives off handouts from mum and dad.

it wasnt just 'the day walking vampire' that made us want to leave that flat, we had a whole run of weirdo's that came and went in that flat. we had a guy and his girlfriend move into the room next to us and they used to have the most psychotic fights i have ever seen or heard, especially when they were drunk. it got to the point where she stabbed him in the back with a steak knife, no kidding, then he pushed her up against the lounge wall and held the knife to her throat one night. fucking crazy. we also had a crazy young lesbian girl who 2 weeks after moving in would bring 20+ strangers home at 5am in the morning on a thursday night. it was fun sometimes if we were partying too and it was a weekend but after several holes in the walls and peoples stuff getting stolen (like my $800 headphones, grrr) and all our wine and other booze drunken without being replaced it got old fast. one night some guys climbed on the roof and frisby'd all of our dinner plates onto all the neighbours roofs and ended up smashing 2 of our neighbours big windows which of course we all had to pay for. haha then we had a crazy OCD girl move in, she was completely batshit crazy. she used to go shopping and then write the total number of each type of fruit she had on post-it notes and stick the note to the actual fruit. she also used to stick post-its on all of her food, even the spices she would buy, she would organise her spices in alphabetical order, stick post-its on the ones with her name, draw a line with texta so she'd know if someone used her oregano or whatever and then she would tape the lids on with a colour coded pipe cleaner sticking out on a certain angle so she'd know if some one had touched it. once she went out drinking and apparently met a boy she liked but he (on purpose im sure) gave her a phone number that was 2 digits short so she went through and actually text every single possible combination of the two numbers - 100 possible numbers. crazy.

after we moved out the house descended into chaos, no one paid bills or rent on time or at all, lawyers got involved, the girl who stabbed her boyfriend did a runner and stole $500 off another flatmate who was in love with her and left them with over $1500 in unpaid rent etc. it finally all came crashing down when somebody left a stolen beer keg and a pillow in the gutter above the balcony and during that big rainstorm we had in melbourne at the start of last year the house completely flooded, apparently water filled up the walls and was pouring out of the wall sockets and light fittings, all the carpets rotted and the ceiling in the hallway and in two of the bedrooms collasped. unfortunately for 'day walker' he was the only one signed on the lease (and of course everyone else ditched him) and got taken to court for the damages. i dont know how it went but im guessing not well.

also im looking for a room at the moment, my girlfriend and i have decided to live apart, its a bit sad but weve been living together for nearly 5 years and we both need a change, we still get along great but to be honest we're both a bit bored and want a fresh start. if anyone needs a house mate feel free to shoot me a message.
8( What a fucking reptile zoo! 8(

We're all responsible adults in this house, tis grand :D
Heh... well... I dont wanna say too much because I share with another bluelighter (plus two long suffering normal people), but... well, I share with a bluelighter.

Nuff said.
^ Depending on the BLer that wouldn't be so bad :) Plenty of killah to be stolen ;)

Those poor other two housemates though :D
I guess I've been lucky, the worst thing was someone stealing a long neck of VB :(
aside from messiness ive only had problems with one housemate before. a polish lad who seemed to want to be the top dog of the house (stupid looking back). generally acted like a cunt, would sometimes run the kitchen sink water when i was trying to run a bath, blast music early in the morning when i was working nights, rearrange the food in the fridge so that his stuff was at the front (i kid you not). but the funny thing was that he was friendly some of the time and then he would just turn into a bellend for no apparent reason. ended up squaring up to him one night over something stupid (think it was me having muddied the floor) and the twat flicked my nose. enough was enough, had a word with a few of the local chavs who threatened him late one night when he was getting back and the tosser called the pigs. they seemed to think that it was some kind of racial motive and filed some sort of special report. the wanker moved on about 6 weeks later.
reminds me that I needed to be cleaner. My housemate has just gotten back from overseas and as I have had the place to myself, i have just left my shit everywhere. Might go give the place a clean now. he's not a particularly clean person either, but I am worse. its not to bad, just some dishes in the sink, floors not all the that clean, plenty of newspapers and work stuff on the kitchen table because I have been working there.

he is working out ok. Just a bit shy and awkward and certainly wouldn't call him a friend. but he pays the bills on time, doesn't fuck his girlfriend too loud, and spends alot of time in his room. Plus he never complains about me, at least not to my face so meh, could be way worse. ie. the complete fucknut I started this thread about.
^ i think we all let things go a bit domestically when we're going through rough times. hopefully any sharehouse frustrations will be forgiven. i'm glad that situation has improved.
To update on my crazy housemate situation...

The good news is he's gone.

The bad - he's done a runner. He's left unpaid bills. All our fears about the state of his bungalow were confirmed and then some.

Found inside were 15+ containers full of urine, including cardboard noodles boxes and the like, which the piss had soaked through onto the floor.

We've been noticing a dwindling supply of crockery and cutlery - turns out instead of coming inside to wash them, he was just collecting dirty plates and cutlery in garbage bags. I haven't dared go right inside but by all reports the smell was intense. There was other garbage all over the ground. A rat has been spotted :|

Edit - curiosity just got the better of me and I stuck my head in to have a smell, it's fucking bad, like a dank, urine filled back alley overflowing with garbage skips.

A few weeks before he left, he hid in the toilet for 2 hours (literally, 2 hours) because my other housemate started cooking in the kitchen and you have to walk through there from the toilet to get out to his room. He's that scared of human contact.

Well...at least he's gone :\
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I made an epic mistake of renting a house with a guy I met at a hospital. Only lasted 3 months and it ended so bad I'll never ever consider living in a share house again. First month or so was okay and then this guy stopped paying rent, started drinking excessively, acting weird etc. I confronted him about the rent and shit hit the fan. Went to the local police who advised me to get the fuck out of there cause the guy apparently had a mile long criminal history and they wanted to talk to him about something else. They escorted me back home to collect the my cat & personal belongings. It was all done in a hurry so I only managed to get the basic necessities. I went back to the house a week later with some friends to collect my furniture and all the stuff. The house was deadbolted and the neighbours approached us telling us something weird was going on in the house while I was away. Turned out the dude lost shitloads of money gambling, went psycho, drugged himself stupid on meth and then had an epic asthma attack, someone called an ambulance and they dragged him out of the house. Had to call a locksmith to get into the house & it was empty, the fucker sold almost everything that was in the house, even the fucking sofa. We packed & loaded the rest. He slept in my bed while I was away and there was cum all over the sheets.... yuck. Scribbles on the walls, syringes everywhere, shit in the toilet, cigarette butts & piss all over the place etc. There was close to $3000 of damage in the house (it was a relatively upmarket house) which I paid for cause I didn't want to get bad rental history, had to buy lots of new furniture, TV, electronics etc, and the idiot took off with my car which was never seen again... think it was about $10.000 this guy cost me. He was in a hospital for a couple of weeks and when they let him go he started threatening me cause apparently I got him into trouble with the police, he got evicted etc. and I had to "compensate him for the damage". The dude was seriously nuts and he kept threatening me until I got a restraining order.
I was 21 at the time, young & stupid... if this happened to me today I'd make sure his kneecaps met with a cricket bat
true story!

In Tasmania, 3 mates and I lived in an ex-Hospital for the old gaol, next to the old Court House. Scary place!
To update on my crazy housemate situation...

The good news is he's gone.

The bad - he's done a runner. He's left unpaid bills. All our fears about the state of his bungalow were confirmed and then some.

Found inside were 15+ containers full of urine, including cardboard noodles boxes and the like, which the piss had soaked through onto the floor.

We've been noticing a dwindling supply of crockery and cutlery - turns out instead of coming inside to wash them, he was just collecting dirty plates and cutlery in garbage bags. I haven't dared go right inside but by all reports the smell was intense. There was other garbage all over the ground. A rat has been spotted :|

Edit - curiosity just got the better of me and I stuck my head in to have a smell, it's fucking bad, like a dank, urine filled back alley overflowing with garbage skips.

A few weeks before he left, he hid in the toilet for 2 hours (literally, 2 hours) because my other housemate started cooking in the kitchen and you have to walk through there from the toilet to get out to his room. He's that scared of human contact.

Well...at least he's gone :\

fuck me that is bad! Jesus. I really don't what to say other than this guy must of had serious mental issues. He was that afraid of running into people that he hid in there for weeks on end and even pissed in bottles and boxes just so he didn't have to use the bathroom. Fuck. Makes me feel lucky to have just a shy housemate.

I have to move in about two months just because I cannot afford the rent and because I am not sure what is going to happen with work for next year ie. where I will have to move too. I guess initially I will have to move into a share house, but it is stories like this and Kitcat's that make me feel fucking weird about living with people I don't know.

its interesting moving in with people through gumtree. you take a real chance and have to judge whether you can live with them based off a very short interaction. I have come to the conclusion that people in general are kind of fucking weird. everyone has their little quirks, but there are some seriously fucking odd people out there and we can all get unlucky and live with them.
psytaco said:
I have come to the conclusion that people in general are kind of fucking weird.

Definitely! This guy, the stories I've heard and the strange people that come for interviews have opened my eyes to just how many odd people there are out there. I guess these are the kind of people you're not so likely to ever meet in public or at work and so on, so they're hidden, until you have to live with them :\