Regional pill discussion : North East

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Red maple leafs (canada leaf)

and orange/peach color Louis Vuitton's both around philly/southjersey

anyone have info?
Vemp, havent seen either one of those but I am from same area and if you see red scorpions or orange supermans they are decent
Peach Omegas North East

Anyone come across these they have score on back.
May be gettin some Mollys this week. Have to determine if they are bunk or not. Don't want to pay like 20 a pill for tylenol. I know it will look much different than tylenol but it seems kinda funny. Well, if it doesn't happen to me that is. The sunflowers I had this year were definitely MDA and not MDMA. Oh, well. A lot of MDA around here in Ctrl MA lately. If anyone has any BOMB shit and wants to share let me know. Joking! Really. Well, maybe not. I've heard of Euro's coming back through but can never really trust that one is like the other so am going to try the new and adventurous approach anyway.

---NUF SAID!---
There are some yellow unicorns around central mass right now that are soppose to be pretty sick.

if you liked the green strawberries then you will love these, MDA i think but i heard MDMA, MDA, Mesculine, and coke
Thx, Endless Night. I appreciate the heads up. Now to find them. Uhmmm...
Endless Night said:
if you liked the green strawberries then you will love these, MDA i think but i heard MDMA, MDA, Mesculine, and coke
I hate to tell you but...

a> the oral dose for mescaline to be active would be a huge horsepill in and of itself. putting mescaline in a pill would be a huge waste

b> coke in pills... think about it. how much does coke sell for? it's not economical for someone to press some coke into a pill being sold as mdxx.

those are two of the oldest pill myths around. please do some reading of the faqs on this site as well as at
i had the yellow unicorns & the person told me they had coke in them as well...i don't know if he just assumed i was stupid or didn't realize himself that there AREN'T pills like that? either way they were great. & i heard mda as the actual content.
light red/pink maple leafs from outside philly (west chester, pa) were a pleasent suprise and VERY clean. Took one at 10pm and another one around midnight and was able to goto sleep around 7am, prolly earlier if i wanted. Not cracked out at all next day.

As far as i could tell a clean MDA/MDMA mix. Unfortunately was not able to test.
just got some more yellow supermans in the NYC area. Very good; very clean. Def. straight MDMA.
I'm in northeastern mass. So far blue naked ladies and orange superman have been bunk shit. Anyone know about orange butteryflys?
Blue omegas I came across today. Tested nice look pretty good. Probable MDMA.
Lil Mike said:
I'm in northeastern mass. So far blue naked ladies and orange superman have been bunk shit. Anyone know about orange butteryflys?

The orange butterflys were actually pretty good, they were goin around for a while but now they've been replaced with the orange superman. Oh well both pretty good.
I think I might have a copycat orange butterfly. I got it from person A, person A is rather sketchy claiming they are "triple stacks" and shit like that. He also gave one to person B. Person B says they "didnt do shit" and person A says that he also tried them and they were weak on him but thats because he isn't strongly effected by E(Is this possible or is he full of shit?). Person A also says that he took them with a "friend" and his friend said they were the best rolls hes ever had(sounds like more BS) So much stupid kiddie bullshit...*sigh*

I didn't personally try the orange supermans, a friend of mine got them and snorted it and there was zero effect.

Have I just been getting all the no good copycats? I need to get a test kit soon. :(
^sounds like it, bud.

I've got some pills, the guy brought them to Philadelphia from Downingtown, PA. Anybody have ANY information on the contents of blue/green PUMA's or cobalt blue Mercedes? Both taste bitter when licked, though I suspect the Mercedes pills are laced with meth; can't confirm that, though.


**Let me provide a better description of the pills because they are both 'different' and can not be found ANYWHERE on the 'net to my knowledge after exhaustive research.

The Puma's merely say PUMA on one side. No score, nothin else really, Just a really light blue to green color.

The cobalt blue mercedes pills I have found on the internet, except every single one's "bars" (that make up the mercedes logo) are indented into the pill whilst mine are raised - thus they are not the same pill.

The search has been very confusing, and if anyone has freakin tried these things, tested 'em, hell even knows somebody who knows somebody who took 1 one time, I dont care. I just need to know what's in these things. I can say with confidence the Puma's are most likely pure MDMA.... but the mercedes had very skewed ecstasy-like effects.
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