ReDNet 'legal highs' study

I see that the REDNET project is a project by the EMCDDA - Europol framework.

Can you please explain how this survey aids the European monitoring center(EMCDDA) and Europol?
Thank you for taking part in this survey

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Took survey awesome for the cause of harm reduction!!! Was a little dissapointed 4-FA wasn't on the list though.

And aren't MDPV and mephedrone illegal now? As well as jwh-018 and 25?
Survey completed, hope you read my "Any other comments part"
Feel I got some pretty good points across.
Hi all,
Thanks for taking part in the survey. Much appreciated! Apologies for late reply but got caught up with work.

lolfire-> Thanks, will read through all comments.

LOLGan1314 - > some of the substances listed in the survey are now banned but, in order to develop appropriate info about these substances specifically for you guys/gals, we need to have a better understanding of the context (patterns of use, current levels of knowledge) etc. Also, it makes sense to only list more common legal highs and offer an opportunity to list other substances, otherwise the survey would become rather long.

Mander - not sure what you mean that the REDNET project is a project by the EMCDDA - Europol framework. ReDNet project has received funding from the European Union in the framework of the Health Programme.

Any volunteers to take part in an online focus group? Your responses will remain anonymous, we just need your input to help us make sense of survey findings.