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Pride Parade!

I don't know, I just like to argue. I really am more open to gay culture than this debate makes me seem, as in fact I really on your side...I just have heard the point brought to light many times and it's always a good debate. I don't know, really...I'm just barely over the fence tho.
maybe you can show more of your support for gay culture by not using derogitory terms like fags or equating all homosexuals to "flamming" queers. I am non sexual, meaning i find sex with men or women repulsive. yet i find gay cummunities wonderful to live in. low crime better community involvment. And in these communities i have met every type of homosexual you can imagine. the reason why most peopel assume that all gay men are "flamming" is because you cannot tell the straight acting one are gay. i met beachboyty this last weekend at edc and one would never eb able to tell he was gay absed on his mannerisms. You can only tell when hes scopin guys ;)
guess I just see it as gays want EVERYONE to know which way they swing. Even the rainbow emblem? Why must gay people plaster rainbow triangles and rainbow stickers all over their cars and wave rainbow flags from their front porches? It almost seems as if they are saying, "Look at me! I'm gay! I'm gay! I am sooooo open minded". Again, they want everyone to be fully aware of their lifestyle.
i dont remeber who posted this but i would like to relate an exsperience.
when i was living inn the hillcrest district of san diego i was driving by a street kinda at the outskirts of the gay district where i came across a boy running from a group of thugs with baseball bats and steel pipes. he was running and screaming for help but car after car kept passing me buy. he saw the rainbow sticker on my car his eyes grew wide and a look of relief washed over his face. he saw my car on the other side of the street out of his way and back towards the direction of his pursuers. He ran careless of the consequences to get to the safe haven of my vehicle. I pulled over opened my door let him in and sped off. He was much appreciative. he was only 14 and already was being persecuted for the way he was. I dropped him off at his parents and went home {after a fabulous meal the mother cooked}
now this may seem unrelated to what i am saying but that little flag on my car saved that boy that night. it isnt about flaunting its about recognizing someone from your culture someone you can have an instant repore with based on there persecution and unexceptability of lifestyle. At the heart of it, its about family, love, respect for human beings, and a common bond based on sexuality
[ 07 July 2002: Message edited by: liquidphil1 ]
Originally posted by liquidphil1:
maybe you can show more of your support for gay culture by not using derogitory terms like fags or equating all homosexuals to "flaming" queers. I am non sexual, meaning i find sex with men or women repulsive. yet i find gay cummunities wonderful to live in. low crime better community involvment.
I didn't know fag was necessarily derogitory, nor do I think that I used it in a derogitory context...correct me if I'm mistaken. Oh, and you need to stop pegging people for "equating all of such-and-such a group", phil, because that's like 2-3 times in this thread you used those words and they were all off base.
[ 07 July 2002: Message edited by: xMemnonx ]
Someone asked why we have a Pride Day, lets set aside the fact that there are parades or a national day of celebration for every possible ethnic group, nationality, religious holiday, Yadda-yadda, ad infinitum, hell African-Americans have a whole month. Pride Day is a way for us to affirm to ourselves and the world that we will not go back into the dark where so many before us had to hide who they were from the rest of the world for fear of persecution. During WWII, the Nazi's exterminated gays, thats where the pink/rainbow triangle symbol comes from. In the former USSR gays were loaded up and shipped off to Gulags. Hate crimes against gays STILL happen everyday right here in the good ole USA. It's a crying fucking shame when some little girl disappears, or is found dead in her rich parents home ( and it IS REALLY, just giving an analogy everyone can understand, so don't ass rape please), but when a gay teenager is found tied to a split rail fence and beaten to death with a ball bat, thats just another dead fag. Good ridance right? But hey, we "fuckin' people"( I believe thats how it was put a couple of pages back )don't have anything to say, or be proud of. If we DON'T have a parade, a celebration of how far we have come since we clawed and scratched our way out of the dark, everyone that ever died because they were a homosexual at the hands of the Nazi's, Russian's, KKK, or just some stupid- assed, ignorant, redneck hater, died for SQUAT. We're fight for our rights and sometimes our lives and the enemy is HATE and IGNORANCE, NOT straight people. But, it seems we're the only side that has taken casualties. Most of the effort expended is to simply be recognized as having a right to live our lives as WE see fit. Straights don't have to hide who they are, 99% of their lives they're free to discuss with whom ever they see fit. Gays don't have that luxury, because it can have consequences. Hopefully some day we won't have to have Pride Day (at least for the purpose of protesting discrimination )any more and we can just have Diversity Day, a day when we can celebrate EVERYONE coming together in mutual acceptance. Well, we can all dream, can't we.
memex sorry to lump you into a category but i felt {i meaning opinion} as though you were being derogitory. but.....
Oh, and you need to stop pegging people for "equating all of such-and-such a group", phil, because that's like 2-3 times in this thread you used those words and they were all off base.
forgive me if im wrong but didnt you lump all of gay pride as a showy exobitionistic display? just a though.
because I don't want to see a bunch of fags jumping around in spandex and leather s&m outfits
this statement mentions fags in a negitive conotation
I mean, you were born that way right? What is there for you to be proud of, that you can get dressed up really femanine and dance around with a bunch of half-naked guys?
This statement mentions prejudeces {pre-judge. to judge with out knwoledge.} or steryotypes if you will.
Also i liked the post directly above me but i do not argree with the use of the word honky. words are powerful and one would be careful how they flaunt them. all derogatory terms in my opinion should be outlawed from this board.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: liquidphil1 ]
from www.yourdictionary.com
Main entry: 1 fag
Etymology: obsolete fag to droop, perhaps from fag ( fag end )
2: to act as a fag especially in an English public school
Main entry: 2 fag
2: an English public-school boy who acts as a servant to an older schoolmate
Main entry: 4 fag
Etymology: probably by shortening
usually desparaging: FAGGOT
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Noodle ]
Lots of really good points and arguements in this thread. I have to say that xMemnonx did a great job of conveying his POV, as did the "Pride Pack".
Now, just to throw out some issues from a devils advocate stance.
1) Should Anti-Gay, homophobic groups be allowed to march every year?
2) When will White Male America get to march? Should they be allowed? Talk about a group of people whom life is becoming increasingly difficult for.
3) if a "straight" parade contained sexually lewd or explicit acts, in *most* area's (the all important "most" qualifier...heaven forbid I use the word "all") it would be shut down very quickly and not be allowed to continue the following year. Is it fair that "pride parades" are allowed more leeway in these situations?
4) A main point in gay rights activism is to be treated fair and equally. Why then, do "gays" wish to be so flamboyant and outspoken? Why do they have "pride parades" (an activity that would be criticized and protested to no end were "straight america" to attempt the same thing)? If I (a straight "white" male) were to strut around and act in a way that was against "the status quo" I would be labeled and treated differently. Why then, do flamboyant homosexuals feels it is unfair that they are labeled and treated unfairly as well?
5) Regardless of what's right and whats wrong, there are just certain things that *just are* in this world. I'm not gonna walk by myself through a "ghetto" in Los Angeles. If I do, I'm not going to be surprised if I get taunted, harrased, or if I get the living shit beat out of me. Why? Because that's just the way things are. No, it's not "right". It sucks. But just because it's not right, doesn't mean I'm going to go on an evening stroll through Compton. So, while sacrifices must be made in the struggle for equal rights,does that mean "we" should pity people who make themselves martyrs for there cause?
6) Are you offended by "slurs" (i.e fag, dyke, nig ger, kike, cracker, bitch)? If yes, do you use "cuss words" (shit, fuck, cunt, asshole, etc...) in public? Are you "politically correct"? Have you ever stopped to think about how the "slang" you use on a daily basis might offend someone else, even if you think it's a "harmless" word or phrase?
7)In this day and age, "The White Man" is being blamed for, well, just about every groups oppression or hardship. Because of this, more and more people/groups are altering there behaviors/views/policies. If "the white man" is now a group that is becoming more and more discriminated against, and gay rights (or any "rights" group for that matter) want *fair and equal* treatment, then wouldn't they, therefore, be welcoming continued discrimination?
How comfortable am I? I have gay friends. I have no problem with the homosexual lifestyle. However, I am not comfortable witnessing *public* displays of affection, not just with homosexuals, but with straight people as well. I don't cringe when I see two men holding hands on the street, but I would be equally annoyed/appalled/offended if I saw a couple fucking in a park, whether they were gay or straight.
I am all for the *fair and equal* treatment of homosexuals, people of color, women, goats, cheese, air in a can, and politicians. By this, I mean that I have no problem with people that are different from me,but I do not believe they should be able to do things that "the white folk" wouldnot be able to do as well.
Finally, because some people just wont understand the term "Devil's Advocate", let me just say that *my* personal beliefs are not necisarily reflected in the situations I posed above. Some are, but some are just me looking at situations from varying point's of view. Are *my* opinions perfect? Nope. Are some of my beliefs hypocritical and/or self serving? Yup.
But so are yours.
*edited for spelling, grammer, my faulty spacebar, and a rather embarrassing mistake where I typed that "The White Man" *should* get away with things that other people can't.*
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Spencer ]
alright spencer you white devil ;) i will reply to this because i think your points are valid but i think i need some time to give it the respect such questions deserve. look for a post form me sometime tonight.
Some people here talk like their sexuality is their one and only defining attribute.
I'm disappointed. The whole thesis of my original argument has been lost sight of in favor of a juvenile pushing match.
Gay is what you are, among many things, not who you are. Race and sexuality are two things that should be taken for granted. I don't want to be aware of what gender you prefer fucking or what colour your skin is.
The more you draw attention to these unimportant aspects of yourself, the more people will see you only for those.
Originally posted by Kyk:
The more you draw attention to these unimportant aspects of yourself, the more people will see you only for those.
while i gree that this is true for the day to day activities i also understand why one day a year its exceptable to flaunt your sexuality to become part of a culture that is use to fear and hiding. while in a daily life saying yo im gay. hey did you know i was gay isnt a good thing. I can also agree with the need to feel connected to not feel ashamed. while it is inherient with straight people what there sexuality is they dont need that sort of community. But when your gay and it still isnt a very exceptable thing {And belive it or not sexuality is important} it is improtant to surroudn yourself ina loving caring comunity.
^So gay people get special rights because they have been persecuted and hated against? I thought that's what I was arguing against the whole time and you kept snaking out of admitting that was your viewpoint.
So gay people get special rights because they have been persecuted and hated against? I thought that's what I was arguing against the whole time and you kept snaking out of admitting that was your viewpoint.
no never once did i mention special rights. its is the right for any group of people to gather together to protest or celebrate. hell thats why we have kkk or nra. saying that your gay isnt a special privelege because striaght peopel can say they are straight. I am merely saying i understand teh want for such an activity as a parade or the want of a community. please tell me wher ei stated special priveleges. id much rather not have a personal bitch session just an academic disscussion of the topics. if you feel as though i personally attacked you im sorry that wasnt my intentions
Wow Spencer, that is probably the most thoughtful and thought provoking post I have seen you contribute to this site.
Kyk has also made some interesting points, although I still feel that the peaceful gatherings of minority groups is still important, even if only as a show of our numbers publicaly.
I do agree that my sexual orientation is a very small part of who I am, but it is still a very significant problem for many of the people that I have to interact with on a daily basis. That I do not understand, as I am hardly as vocal about it in public as I am here.
~much respect~
^^^^^^^^^didnt even know noods was sorta gay until that ruofa thread, and i met him once.
I'm hardly in anyones face, because I am more than aware that I could get my ass beat by some sociopath.
interesting posts. i particularly think phil does a brilliant job, but that's because i agree with him. :) but, hey, spencer raised some interesting issues and did it in a respectful way.
i guess what i'm interested in is this: why are straight people worried about "flamboyant gays" marching in a pride parade once a year? is this just arguing for arguing's sake, as someone admitted above (which is FINE), or is this something that truly offends you?
the reason i ask that is that the other 364 days a year, gays and lesbians have YOUR sexuality in THEIR face.
before you flame me, think about it. everytime you guys kiss your girls in public (and vice versa), that's sexuality. everytime you talk about the "bitch" you fucked last night, that is sexuality.
it doesn't just take a parade to show sexuality, you know. we all show it every day in some way. it's just that, 99% of the time, gays and lesbians have to repress theirs (unless they live in san francisco or west hollywood or provincetown, etc.).
so give us that ONE day, can't you?
1) Should Anti-Gay, homophobic groups be allowed to march every year?
In my personal belifs yes. they should be aloud. But i know that the pride parade is a celebration of a lifestyle and would do much to damage the vibe. I think the pride parade would do well to have an open pannel discussion every year like we are having now discussing both sides of the issue. knowledge is power.
2) When will White Male America get to march? Should they be allowed? Talk about a group of people whom life is becoming increasingly difficult for.
I also agree about the burden of being the white man. I do not understand the negitive stigma for being proud to be whhite as long as there is no hatred towards other races involved liek neo nazi's or kkk. I belive also in accordance with liquidoceans post that the white man will march when they can get a group of people who are willing to invest time to orginize and fund raise and get there acts together as a community.
3) if a "straight" parade contained sexually lewd or explicit acts, in *most* area's (the all important "most" qualifier...heaven forbid I use the word "all") it would be shut down very quickly and not be allowed to continue the following year. Is it fair that "pride parades" are allowed more leeway in these situations?
This i find to be a falicy. Like several people have mentioned, mardi gras is based on this lewd display. I think that sexuality on display isnt neccisarily a bad thing. But mardi gras is "show you tits or dick and get beads". only about 25% of a pride parad has sexual overtones.
4) A main point in gay rights activism is to be treated fair and equally. Why then, do "gays" wish to be so flamboyant and outspoken?
It is only though our ability to use our minds that we will find freedom. When a population is held down and mistreated for so long based on a small aspect of who they are. are told they are chemicly imbalenced mentally ill, it tends to have a negitive effect on there ego. and it is my feeling that the parade is a way to fight a current system. {i.e. catholic school girls becomming sexual exstravagant after attending strict schools}
If I (a straight "white" male) were to strut around and act in a way that was against "the status quo" I would be labeled and treated differently. Why then, do flamboyant homosexuals feels it is unfair that they are labeled and treated unfairly as well?
Alright while i understand the straight white man is becomming a rarity in america due to immigration and intercultural dating and mixed children i do not feel they are on a level of persecution of that of gay people {i do however feel that they will one day soon be this outcasted group} I think this is more of a question of how society veiws white people these days instead of how a group of gay people veiw them. I think it would be nifty if you could throw a cultural pride day. i attend many pride days of all sorts of flavors. i find culture to be amazing no matter what.
5) Regardless of what's right and whats wrong, there are just certain things that *just are* in this world. I'm not gonna walk by myself through a "ghetto" in Los Angeles. If I do, I'm not going to be surprised if I get taunted, harrased, or if I get the living shit beat out of me. Why? Because that's just the way things are. No, it's not "right". It sucks. But just because it's not right, doesn't mean I'm going to go on an evening stroll through Compton. So, while sacrifices must be made in the struggle for equal rights,does that mean "we" should pity people who make themselves martyrs for there cause?
Alright the some things just are statment didnt work for slavery it didnt work for womens right to vote and it wont work for homosexual rights. Things continue to be "the way they are" because people wont fight for what they belive in. Things where the way the were before homosexuals foudn the courage the voice and the means to defend themselves so that things will never be as they once were. I think that homosexual arent "suprised" they get taunted but rather outraged that such behavor can exsist. martyr si such a weird word to use...... {One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle. } I do not feel as though you should pity any homosexual who gives freely of themselves to further a cause unless it is indicative to your nature. If you belive in a cause than it doesnt seem as if you are a martyr it seems as though you are taking a stand speaking out maybe even doing whats right.
6) Are you offended by "slurs" (i.e fag, dyke, nig ger, kike, cracker, bitch)? If yes, do you use "cuss words" (shit, fuck, cunt, asshole, etc...) in public? Are you "politically correct"? Have you ever stopped to think about how the "slang" you use on a daily basis might offend someone else, even if you think it's a "harmless" word or phrase?
I am offended by negitive connotations. i have heard derogitory terms used in a loving way thats fine. I always hear the argument well gay people can use fag and black people can use the nasty N word but no one else can. This is true culturally, its like taken something negative and making it your own you negate the effects of the term. Again with women and the use of the word bitch. I do cuss and am not politically correct and i alway think i might be offending someone and for that im deeply sorry. i try not to cuss around people i dont know or speak in a pc way around adults that have those kind of belifs. When i slip i say im sorry. So the answer is yes i am guilty of the aformentioned statement.
7)In this day and age, "The White Man" is being blamed for, well, just about every groups oppression or hardship. Because of this, more and more people/groups are altering there behaviors/views/policies. If "the white man" is now a group that is becoming more and more discriminated against, and gay rights (or any "rights" group for that matter) want *fair and equal* treatment, then wouldn't they, therefore, be welcoming continued discrimination?
please elaborate on this statement im not clear on the connection between opressed white people and gay people not wanting to be opressed?
Are you saying that because white people are being opressed and gay dont want to be opressed asking for equal right inherintly makes them ask for the same rights as teh opressed white people?
Most gay activists i have met have been like minded in there want for equal rights true fair constitutionally given rights. They have no desire to see anyone lower than them they want what should be theres the ability to live life as a human being. Also i think its a few years off when the white man can calim prejudices. as of now they rule the world own 99% of the wealth and so on and so forth.
again these are only opinions. if you feel i ahvnt elaborated on an issue please tell em and i will try my best to further my explanationsl. i really like your topics spencehoe good job keeping it edgy yet clean.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: liquidphil1 ]
I think some of you might find these links make for some interesting reading/viewing.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Noodle ]