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Pride Parade!

Pride in your Sexuality??? I don't get it. That's like me being proud that I can eat or take a shit. Sexuality is just a part of your natural makeup. You may have sexual preferences that the majority doesn't, but why would you want to center a parade around that? If I liked anal sex with women (not saying that I do), would it be appropriate for me to organize an "Anal sex pride" parade? Hell no.
I liked the whole "Don't ask, don't tell" idea. You homosexuals should keep it to yourselves.
Fucking A.
Oh yeah, and don't tell me don't look if I don't want to see it - because what if I don't want my KIDS or my younger SIBLINGS to be exposed to something like that? It's wrong, why are you people standing up for it?
Originally posted by liquidphil1:

"Psychologically it is a good thing for gay pride parade the people who flaunt there sexuality are usually the people who were closeted for so long that this is the only way they can say what they are finally. Its important for the ego to let it all hang out so to speak after keeping it all in for so long. Im here im queer get use to it isnt a rub it in your face thing its an afermation of the right to be who you are in a society that doesnt want you to be anything but the status quo. In america we stress individuality but when that is put to the test we are shown that individuality is fine as long as it falls into a few basic categories. If one out of ten people were straight with teh remaining population gay there would be straight pride parads for in these parads we find a community we didnt know exsisted full of multifacited people who lead normal to exotic lives who are all there to say hey we support you we need to stick together."

So, now that I've thought of a better analogy - maybe you fucking people will understand what I'm saying. If 1 out of 10 girls are ashamed about their breasts - and they decide that they want to live their life under wraps and wear t-shirts all the time, and stuff their bra to hide it, and do all these things....Does it then mean it's OK to have a "small titties-pride parade" and they can flash their small titties around on the floats all day and be proud of their tits because they are ashamed of them and some people will\have shown negative feelings towards women with extremely small breasts? I don't think so - because this is something that is normally veiwed as offensive towards certain people. Granted, no woman will be killed for her small breastedness, most likely, but the same principles apply in both situations.
Do you understand NOW?
[ 04 July 2002: Message edited by: xMemnonx ]
Oh yeah, and don't tell me don't look if I don't want to see it - because what if I don't want my KIDS or my younger SIBLINGS to be exposed to something like that
Ummmm.....I'm going out on a limb here, but maybe, they could not look too? It's one day a year, if you don't want to see it, be somewhere else.
(And how about being more polite when debating on here, please?)
Originally posted by xMemnonx:
Oh yeah, and don't tell me don't look if I don't want to see it - because what if I don't want my KIDS or my younger SIBLINGS to be exposed to something like that?
god forbid they see diversity!
^Exactly. I'm so sick of all these homophobic or over-"religious" people thinking that being gay is some sort of contagious disease.
Maybe I'll fly a rainbow flag on my car to match all these US flags/rebel flags floating around.
Originally posted by xMemnonx:
Granted, no woman will be killed for her small breastedness, most likely, but the same principles apply in both situations.
Do you understand NOW?
[ 04 July 2002: Message edited by: xMemnonx ]

Well, granted no woman will be killed for her small-breastedness and that it is a huge problem for gays to be killed just for being gay... Where are you going with this example, anyway? It doesn't quite work that way.
Gay's have different standards than you. Is that okay that we have different standards? It really doesn't matter if it's okay, or not. I live in BOYS TOWN. This is our ghetto. And no one, NO ONE is going to tell us how to run it. That's what Stonewall was all about. The first Pride event. We took back our ghetto from the homophobes and their night stick weilding cops. Our world!
*starts loading molitov cocktails*
[ 05 July 2002: Message edited by: Blue Lava ]
So the fuck what? Black people feel oppressed too, does this give them a right to go shooting and honkey that drives through his ghetto?
Get fucking real, if something is offensive - it's offensive. Don't make excuses. Fuck, does no one understand?
alright this is the tell tale sign that you stop debating wiht someone on an issue they are not educated enough to debate about. first off equating all black people with the ghetto is not only wrong but a falicy. No one understands you because you are not presenting your case in a logicall well thought out manner. this makes the issue not so much a debate but a brow beating.
"No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments and tyrants and armies can not stand. Our enemies learned this lesson once, we will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousands years we will be free."
i may not agree with what you say but i will fight until the death for your right to say it.
I did not mean to equate all blacks with the ghetto, I was simply using that as an example - had I said white person and ghetto the example would not be as clearly illustrated. You interpreted it differently than I had when I wrote it down, is all.
im not aj. i <3 you.
take pride in teh things you love and love the things you take pride in.
sorry... i was just really excited about it...
i dunno bout this whole heated arguement though.... can't we all just get along... we could have a 'let's all just get along' parade ;)
aj the femme
I went to a White Pride Parade last night. There were 200 guys dressed up in sheets waving around huge blown up pictures of dead ****** babies and dirty ****** sluts being raped. I'm so proud to be white, aren't you?
//last ditch effort\\
By the way, I hope this post doesn't -offend- anyone.
[ 06 July 2002: Message edited by: xMemnonx ]
so now you are equating gays with the KKK?
when was the last time you saw a breeder get lynched by a mob of gays?
do you have any common sense?
you're missing the point im trying to make. are you people purposely playing stupid?
gee, i *guess* the point you're trying to make is that a few "extreme" gay people = a few "extreme" white racist assholes? in other words, you're somehow trying to equate these two groups of extremists, right? one is equally as bad as the other, right?
well fuck you, no. wrong. white racists holding up pictures of dead black people is a WORLD away from certain "flamboyant" gays or lesbians who are celebrating their sexuality!
stop the hating.
[ 06 July 2002: Message edited by: Txteacher ]
Of course it is, but the only way I could make my point is to go to the extremes. And I don't think that just because one is worse than another we should allow one and not the other. Because I could use the same arguements that these people are...stay away from it, don't watch it if you don't want to see it, ignore it, etc.
Maybe these people are just too touchy, I mean personally seeing either wouldn't really bother me but I still have a problem that these double standards are allowed.