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Pride Parade!

i <3 noodle. Quenton Crisp is by far one of my favorite writters and John Waters has made satyrical movies a well respected genre of its own.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: liquidphil1 ]
Christ alive, liquidocean, you've been on my back for quite some time now, whats your problem with me? I got views and opinions on this stuff just like everybody else, and because I raise the question "Is history months and black entertainment television racist in itself?" I get the badge Racist, Homophobe, Hater, etc. Fuckin A, cut me some slack, it's just a discussion. I dont expect everyone to agree with me, and thats cool, really. I love debates! But as far as white's organizing parades, and straight people getting their "shit together" to do a celebration, they dont because they dont feel the NEED to. It's not necessary to tell the whole world, "Look at me, Im straight AND I'm white!!"
Basically what Spencer said..
That pretty much sums up what I feel. As did xMemnonx add some of my ideals as well. I still can't understand why gays have to plaster rainbow triangles all over their cars, and hang the flag from their porches. Why is that such a big deal? Is there such thing as a "straight flag"? It doesnt really *bother* me, I just think it's uncalled for.
Why must they announce their sexual preference to the entire world? I'm certainly as proud as they are, but I dont feel the need to hang banners from my house to pronounce my profound love for the female gender! Can't a person be proud without adorning the rainbow and marching in parades?
And by no means am I saying they should keep to themselves, behind closed doors or anything. They play a very active role in society, and the work force.
This is a good topic, I'd like to see it continue in another thread as it is getting past the 100+ mark..
It's harder to hate people you know. When you know I'm gay you are less enclined to support hateful views. I hang my Pride flag to let people know we are in the neighborhood. It's no longer a 'them' it's someone you know. It's your neighbor, it's your on-line buddy, it's your friend that is being denied. With other minority groups it's easy to see. A black person is black, a hispanic is hispanic. You can't tell a person is gay unless they say something.
BTW - Someone saw fit to come unto my property and remove my Pride Flag. They are fortunate not to have been caught messing with my stuff.
Just as an aside:
Where I used to live Peurto Ricans would adorn their cars with flags of pride, as did some African Americans and I have no problems with that;
Would you?
My boyfriend actually removed a rainbow sticker from the car that we share, because after a few conversations and comments by me, I think he realized that it actually made the car more of a target for closeted homophobes and other malicious malcontents.
I will agree that it doesn't make us any less or more gay, but only marks us as different and to some overly-sensitive and conservative straights, higly undesirable.
This is certainly a cold hard reality that I am perfectly aware of.
The world is changing people,
with or without your consent or moral approval.
So either get over it, or move out of the bigger cosmopolitan cities and isolate yourself in the many remaining bastions of staunch conservatism.
Because the ball is rolling and you all ain't going to stop us now!
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Noodle ]
I guess I wouldn't have a problem with it if a Puerto Rican or other ethnic group put a flag of their birth-place on their car\house. You want to know why? Those groups aren't really segregated or descriminated against - why keep the 'us' and 'them' thing going? Why not help us move into a new era of freedom and equal rights for everyone - by marking our differences once a year or once a month or for 1 month a year we are simply holding ourselves on the track of segregation and prejeduce.
Lately I've really been digging deep into my pysche, really stripping away all the outer layers of "self" so that I can listen to my spiritual conscience without "static." I've learned a lot this way; or rather, I've learned to acknowledge that my spirit does know right from wrong even if my material self sometimes distorts that message with physical lusts and wants and so forth.
One of the things that I have acknowledged: my conscience tells me that homosexuality is wrong. Even after THROWING AWAY all social and religious arugments for and against gays, my ROOT response is that homosexuality is a perversion. Every time I think about it, I feel dirty. I've tried being friends with gays, I really have, on several occasions -- my fiancee's brother is gay and I treat him like any other human being -- but I just don't like the way they behave. They are almost always crude, darkly sarcastic, immoral overall, and use body language that somehow bothers me. There are straights like that too, and I don't like them either.
Gay people demand that straights accept them. This is not possible. I cannot accept as "normal" something which I feel at my root to be morally wrong. I CAN accept your right to do as you wish in private. But YOU (gays) must accept that it is my right to oppose something which makes me feel spiritually dirty. Therefore, please do not actively engage in flaunting your lifestyle in these gay pride parades and other such venues.
The Sydney Mardi Gras is a wonderfully vibrant and alive festival. One of the few times a year the streets have a little soul. It's lewd, it's bright, it's beautiful, it can be crude but it's completely harmless.
It's one night a year. Anyone who doesn't want to see it doesn't have to watch it!
I don't know anything about the American Pride Parades but I think one of the best things about the Sydney Mardi Gras is that while it is about gay pride, it's a party for everyone. The whole atmosphere is just about fun, craziness, and acceptance. Some people take it as a 'look at me in all my gay glory' parade but I really don't think that's the issue.
This is how the gay community wants to express itself and I will happily celebrate with them in one of the best street parties of the year.
I disagree.
Puerto Ricans, African Americans, and other non-whites are descriminated against, as well as gays.
That is the reality.
I don't believe in choosing camps either; I do however believe in tolerance and understanding.
Not being able to tolerate someone because you can not or will not condone their obviously non-violent behavior is a form of prejudice.
In my mind there is no real justification for that kind of subjective passing of moral judgement.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Noodle ]
I do recognize that you don't have to accept us. And... I don't have to accept you. That's exactly why this is a battle. No, we are not going to stop marching, or holding hands in public. We are going to live our lives in the public just like you.
*waves GAY PRIDE FLAG in the air*
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: Blue Lava ]
Originally posted by Torque03:
I've tried being friends with gays, I really have, on several occasions -- my fiancee's brother is gay and I treat him like any other human being -- but I just don't like the way they behave. They are almost always crude, darkly sarcastic, immoral overall, and use body language that somehow bothers me. There are straights like that too, and I don't like them either.
Putting ALL of ANY group into ONE category can be found under:
BIAS—A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
Originally posted by xMemnonx:
I guess I wouldn't have a problem with it if a Puerto Rican or other ethnic group put a flag of their birth-place on their car\house. You want to know why? Those groups aren't really segregated or descriminated against...
That is the funniest thing I've read all day. And if you honestly believe this statement than anyone involved in further discussion with you is wasting their time.
Originally posted by Torque03:
Gay people demand that straights accept them.
No. Gay people demand that *people* tolerate them.
Accepting means receiving with gladness or approval; it means regarding as proper, right and true. No one is interested whether or not you approve of their actions regardless of what that action is. To recognize and respect these actions is tolerance. Allowing without prohibiting is tolerating. Not much more is asked for, let alone demanded.
[ 08 July 2002: Message edited by: gmni13 ]
BlueAdonis, i'm just tired of hearing you whining that nobody's waving your "I'm straight, white, and proud!" flag for you. If you want to wave it, go ahead. Nobody's stopping you. Don't be jealous or envious of minority groups being able to do it; they've usually had to pay a stiff tax of displacement, disenfranchisement, and prejudice.
I don't see why we have to lock this thread right now, but let's wrap this debate up with some salient points.
*sigh* This is a war you cannot win with people who arent willing to listen, on both sides. Im a happy person by nature the people who know me know that i have a constant smile. The things i have read here today have at time made me sad and at others broken my heart. I remove myself from this thread. Good luck debating this issue i hope both sides find happyness.
Originally posted by Noodle:
I will endure.
So... just how long can you take it sweetie? :eek: Oops, was that a pass? Don't wanna give our friends the heebeegeebees. ;)
(Liqphil... you da man!)
phil I don't think it has so much to do with listening as to do with differing opinions. It isn't about winning, it's about debating and maybe changing someone's vantage point - but really this isn't like your crusade for gay rights - it's a difference of opinions on how far those rights should extend.