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President Cunt-Trump

The billionaire George Soros is behind a lot of funding into these groups, such as BLM, as well as paying for protesters to start a ruckus in various locations. This man is considered to be one of the most evil men alive and even said that his time working with Hitler was the best days of his life. Why would such a man be funding these groups and adding more fuel to the fire? It would appear that all of this civil unrest is most certainly intentional, but the reasons behind this remain unclear.

Er....what? Soros' time working with Hitler? Soros was born in 1930 to a non-observant Jewish family who changed their names (as did many Jews) from Schwartz. He describes 1944 as the happiest time in his life because by staying in Hungary, under a life that was completely covered up, he was able to witness his fathers heroism in saving so many people, both Jews and non-Jews. So where did he "work with Hitler"? What are you on about?

Paid protestors? Do you know how many demonstrations I've been on in my life? Hundreds and hundreds. I have never known 'the paid protestor' to be anything but a fairy story outside of some of the worst dictatorships in the world. But sure, a fairy story regularly propagated in the western media.

Do you know how much Soros has given to pro-legalisation campaigns? Literally multi-millions of dollars. It's fair to say you would not have legal marijuana in many American states now were it not for Soros. His philanthropy also extends to children in poverty, setting up a fund that guarantees $200 per child to those born into poverty in New York State. With no limit on the number of children per family.

Working with Hitler? What the hell have you been reading? Most evil man alive? Jeez, I know ive only outlined a few of his better points but don't those alone say something to you that just slightly contradicts what you say?

I'm not his greatest fan. But I couldn't let what you stated as truth go by unchallenged. Conspiracy shit that makes no sense. Working with Hitler????????
The above is correct. Somebody's been reading way too many conspiracy theories.

Although it's two heads of the same snake personally after reading some of the wikileaks I feel Trump is slightly less of a raging psychopathic Satanist than Hilary. Puppet elections anyway, it's no wonder the vote for American Idol was higher.
Er....what? Soros' time working with Hitler? .....????????

Hi SHM how are you? - saved me doing that (sticking up for sorros is not exactly something i spend much time doing). I mean neoliberalism is 'evil' if you like, but the most evil man in the world while henry kissinger still walks is a bit much. I wouldn't even call kissinger evil myself (or anyone ("bloody hippy!")), though he did lots of evil - him and his fans think of him as a noble figure prepared to take the dirty choices (eg incinerate southeast asia) for the good of humanity.

(here come the straw men): Some of the people who latch onto sorros as an example of the 'liberal establishment', confuse the liberal in neoliberal with social liberalism and then leap from there into 'the liberal/left wing establishment run the world' and from there to 'if only the right wing could actually take over and sweep away all the left wing overlords' - and then you're in the world of peter hitchens and the trumpistas. Us on the actual left look on bemused, thinking 'somebody could have told us that all these years we've actually been in control'.

Some on the mad right seem to confuse the widespread acceptance of socially liberal attitudes as part of some grand conspiracy forced onto a naturally right wing populace, rather than ignorance being reduced over time - some even waffling rush limbaugh-inspired baroque tales about 'cultural marxism', which noone who's read anything about gramsci adorno etc would recognise (this is that post-truth thing i guess).

Saying that, i agree with spliff politics that there's a conscious policy of division (this is as old as empire) - and that neoliberals like sorros have tried to shape the world with their ideas of mass immigration and globalisation, and new world orders taking over from nation states; and this is what's going tits up now (as is the cynical use of 'identity politics' by these types to split up progressive forces into tiny enclaves and to allow them to pretend to themselves and others that they weren't just nasty capitalists but pragmatic or some such bollocks) - but noone should make the mistake that neoliberalism has anything to do with the left (except where it's parasitised and hollowed out once left parties) - neoliberalism is capitalism, nothing else. The only real solution to neoliberalism is socialism (i reckon).

While trump is making noises that sound like he's going against neoliberalism, it's not likely what replaces is it will be less capitalist-friendly, what with him being literally a capitalist.


This quote from saint noam of chomsky from 2010 is pretty prescient:


“It is very similar to late Weimar Germany,” Chomsky told me when I called him at his office in Cambridge, Mass. “The parallels are striking. There was also tremendous disillusionment with the parliamentary system. The most striking fact about Weimar was not that the Nazis managed to destroy the Social Democrats and the Communists but that the traditional parties, the Conservative and Liberal parties, were hated and disappeared. It left a vacuum which the Nazis very cleverly and intelligently managed to take over.”

“The United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen,” Chomsky went on. “Every charismatic figure is such an obvious crook that he destroys himself, like McCarthy or Nixon or the evangelist preachers. If somebody comes along who is charismatic and honest this country is in real trouble because of the frustration, disillusionment, the justified anger and the absence of any coherent response. What are people supposed to think if someone says ‘I have got an answer, we have an enemy’? There it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants and the blacks. We will be told that white males are a persecuted minority. We will be told we have to defend ourselves and the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. People will be beaten up. This could become an overwhelming force. And if it happens it will be more dangerous than Germany. The United States is the world power. Germany was powerful but had more powerful antagonists. I don’t think all this is very far away. If the polls are accurate it is not the Republicans but the right-wing Republicans, the crazed Republicans, who will sweep the next election.”

“I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime,” Chomsky added. “I am old enough to remember the 1930s. My whole family was unemployed. There were far more desperate conditions than today. But it was hopeful. People had hope. The CIO was organizing. No one wants to say it anymore but the Communist Party was the spearhead for labor and civil rights organizing. Even things like giving my unemployed seamstress aunt a week in the country. It was a life. There is nothing like that now. The mood of the country is frightening. The level of anger, frustration and hatred of institutions is not organized in a constructive way. It is going off into self-destructive fantasies.”

“I listen to talk radio,” Chomsky said. “I don’t want to hear Rush Limbaugh. I want to hear the people calling in. They are like [suicide pilot] Joe Stack. What is happening to me? I have done all the right things. I am a God-fearing Christian. I work hard for my family. I have a gun. I believe in the values of the country and my life is collapsing.”
Threads always seem to make a sharp improvement in interest levels when SHM and Vurtual post in 'em...

... so just to drop the tone a little...

Heh, I listened to this and didn't watch it.

I just remembered how much I love this album haha.
Listening to a bit of that took me back a decade or three. Be an interesting way to relisten to it - i thought maybe a bit depressing to look at trump for that long - then remembered that's probably apt for the album - as is the whole fascist hammers business i suppose. - did you see the geezer saying hail trump and all the salutes - trump has apparently distanced himself from the alt right, but not all that much really

Speaking of depressing (mixed with strangely exhilirating for a fan of dystopian sci-fi) - I saw this article talking about how arctic temperatures were 20 degrees warmer than they should be and it's associated graphs


And then after hearing talk of trump being conciliatory about climate change i saw this one about him cutting all funding to NASA's climate change bit:


If all those potential feedbacks lying around kick off (less ice reflects less heat, water heats-more ice goes and all that methane in the sea and tundra) that film day after tomorrow will seem less and less ridiculous - climate change does seem to more often be nonlinear and quick in the past (like all those mammoths frozen in ice with buttercups still undigested in their stomachs). At worst maybe we go full permian and lose 90% of species, or the full venus option and get sterilised. Have a nice day :)

On the other hand maybe all those unqualified bloggers and trump do know more than science and it will all be fine (i've met a couple of climatologists and environmental scientists and the idea that they're part of some globalist conspiracy is funny (trump saying climate change is a chinese hoax is even funnier))
Trump was a safer choice than Hilary...

Source: wikileaks. Satanist. Mass murderer and direct hand picked by the Rothschilds. Look into it. Hes not a good man either but I was glad trump won.
Trump was a safer choice than Hilary...

Source: wikileaks. Satanist. Mass murderer and direct hand picked by the Rothschilds. Look into it. Hes not a good man either but I was glad trump won.

Let's face it, when it comes to leaders, it's always a case of choosing the best of a bad bunch. They're all cunts. Always have been, always will be...
Trump was a safer choice than Hilary...

Source: wikileaks. Satanist. Mass murderer and direct hand picked by the Rothschilds. Look into it. Hes not a good man either but I was glad trump won.

"He's not a good man either". What? You mean compared with a "satanist"? Tell me how that comparison works. You know. Satanist vs Not good.

Complete loon vs dynastical lying piece of shit. Yeah. Then you'd have had my attention.

However. You lost. My attention. The moment you said "satanist".
If you don't think Hilary is into some fucked up shit you haven't read wikileaks much my friend. The anti media too. Or YouTube. I respect you shm but she is a Satanist and her and bill are very dodgy in terms of their sexual practices

Trump is just a business man saying what the dumbed down public wanted to hear. In terms of ww3 I think less chance of it kicking off with him than Hilary. That is all man.
I was wondering whether 'pizzagate' would start bubbling up here - as far as i could tell it's a whole lot of obvious bullshit, supposition, some admittedly weird instagram photos and misinterpreted conceptual art, mixed with a tiny bit of possible real scandal. But when you strip away the bullshit, the 'obviously a symbol for paedophilia'=table tennis bats, the instagram photos of weirdo goths, (possible) thelemites and (possible) satanists (who obviously run the world i mean look at them), and believing marina abramovic is a satanist paedo-enabler rather than just a common or garden conceptual artist trying to sell her shit (literally) with shock value, all your left with is pretty much nothing. Certainly nothing that actually looks like evidence in isolation. The standard of proof of the average 4chan/alt-right 'investigator' seems to be hundreds of indivdually vague bits of supposition added together=proof, but it seems weak to me. If you've got some links which show more substantial evidence i'd like to see them (though i'm getting a bit weary of reading dodgy blogs waffling around the same stuff.

I'm certain that there is elite paedophilia (eg jeffery epstein who both bill clinton and trump hung out with, plus dennis hastert (and then all the british stuff)), but there are so many other real cases of such with real evidence (eg see threads on here) that the whole pizzagate thing in comparison is just nowhere near. Infact it's so bad it makes me suspect it's a deliberate attempt to discredit the kernel of real scandal hidden among all those emails (whether some paedophilia or just the many dodgy elite connections shown, but this is boring old economics and politics, and so doesn't get the airtime of 'all democrats are satanic paedos'). It all seems a bit one-sided too - if it's so endemic in the elite why don't these 'investigators get on the case with some republicans who are on trump's side (only idiot's would say trump isnt in the elite) to prove it's not partisan? I smell a big old fishy rat. Is this all building up to burst out into the mainstream and then be used as an excuse to 'shut down all the fake news'? (taking decent alt media with it))

None of that's to say i like hilary clinton, and i'd find it hard to chose between them for different reasons (though it seems to me that trump will be the same as clinton but with added fascism), but i prefer to keep my criticisms in the real evidential world, as there is plenty to go on there - the wacky stuff seems like a deliberate dead end to me (sort of like how 'der rothschilds control the world' took over from 'control of the means of production' in so many people's minds).

And another thing, have you met many satanists? because as a rule they're a pretty innocuous bunch really - i mean many of them don't actually believe in satan for a start - the church of satan was started as an atheistic 'religion', which chose satan as a symbol of wild nature (or something) and probably just to get a rise from people. The ones i've met are pretty cosmic hairy druggies (sort of like me really (i'm not an anything-ist, or maybe i'm a nothing-ist (no, i think i am an anything-ist actually)).

But satanism and the occult still has more of a scary resonance with 'normal' americans than here (i mean just look at their horror films) i guess because their more christian some of them literally believe in satan (then blame satanists who don't for invoking him) (to be sure there are probably a fair few satanists who do actually believe in satan (probably got their faith from heavy metal lyrics), and technically, the average chaos magick enthusiast does try and believe in satan if they're doing a ritual invoking him, while they're doing the ritual (or spiderman or cthullu), but they know it's not 'real' (that's what makes it hard).
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I was wondering whether 'pizzagate' would start bubbling up here - as far as i could tell it's a whole lot of obvious bullshit, supposition, some admittedly weird instagram photos and misinterpreted conceptual art, mixed with a tiny bit of possible real scandal. But when you strip away the bullshit, the 'obviously a symbol for paedophilia'=table tennis bats, the instagram photos of weirdo goths, (possible) thelemites and (possible) satanists (who obviously run the world i mean look at them), and believing marina abramovic is a satanist paedo-enabler rather than just a common or garden conceptual artist trying to sell her shit (literally) with shock value, all your left with is pretty much nothing. Certainly nothing that actually looks like evidence in isolation. The standard of proof of the average 4chan/alt-right 'investigator' seems to be hundreds of indivdually vague bits of supposition added together=proof, but it seems weak to me. If you've got some links which show more substantial evidence i'd like to see them (though i'm getting a bit weary of reading dodgy blogs waffling around the same stuff.

I'm certain that there is elite paedophilia (eg jeffery epstein who both bill clinton and trump hung out with, plus dennis hastert (and then all the british stuff)), but there are so many other real cases of such with real evidence (eg see threads on here) that the whole pizzagate thing in comparison is just nowhere near. Infact it's so bad it makes me suspect it's a deliberate attempt to discredit the kernel of real scandal hidden among all those emails (whether some paedophilia or just the many dodgy elite connections shown, but this is boring old economics and politics, and so doesn't get the airtime of 'all democrats are satanic paedos'). Is this all building up to burst out into the mainstream and then be used as an excuse to 'shut down all the fake news'? (taking decent alt media with it))

None of that's to say i like hilary clinton, and i'd find it hard to chose between them for different reasons (though it seems to me that trump will be the same as clinton but with added fascism), but i prefer to keep my criticisms in the real evidential world, as there is plenty to go on there - the wacky stuff seems like a dead end to me.

And another thing, have you met many satanists? because as a rule they're a pretty innocuous bunch really - i mean many of them don't actually believe in satan for a start - the church of satan was started as an atheistic 'religion', which chose satan as a symbol of wild nature (or something) and probably just to get a rise from people. The ones i've met are pretty cosmic hairy druggies (sort of like me really (i'm not an anything-ist, or maybe i'm a nothing-ist (no, i think i am an anything-ist actually)).

But satanism and the occult still has more of a scary resonance with 'normal' americans than here (i mean just look at their horror films) i guess because their more christian some of them literally believe in satan (then blame satanists who don't for invoking him) (to be sure there are probably a fair few satanists who do actually believe in satan (probably got their faith from heavy metal lyrics), and technically, the average chaos magick enthusiast does try and believe in satan if they're doing a ritual invoking him, while they're doing the ritual (or spiderman or cthullu), but they know it's not 'real' (that's what makes it hard).

Excellent post!
I pissed myself at "who obviously run the world, I mean, just look at them".

And in several other places too.

But don't diss (not the Norfolk Diss, you know what I mean) cthullu. Else you'll upset a very good (autistic) friend of mine. I say 'friend'....
Ta both - closest i got was i used to play a bit of 'call of cthullu' (ad+d (or is that ADHD+D) - that's probably more embarrasing than saying you're a satanist. I remember when i was younger and a mate showed me his necronomicon (ooer), telling me it's a manuscript from a 14th century mad monk with all the demon invoking spells, all solemn like - it cracked me up when i found out later that HP lovecraft invented it. But i like the idea of chaos magick, in that it doesn't matter if it's obviously not real, you learn how to believe it for the purposes of the 'spell' (with copious drugs probably) - i haven't got the patience for that shit though (and lots of people who do it seem to go batty (or maybe they were anyway)
ALL Hail The New King TRUMP!!! he WILL MAGA even for us substance users. And possibly expose Pizza Gate. You guys wanted Hitlary? Really?
I didn't notice anyone saying they wanted hilary (i didn't but i don't want trump either), but it seems more and more obvious that trump is going to be the same but nastier - all the stuff he used to entice the poor people (bringing jobs home building infrastructure etc) is all dripping away as he continues to appoint neocons and neoliberals who want to cut taxes for the rich. The infrastructure will end up as Public Private parterships which will rip off the people and make the rich (like trump) loads of cash - see PFI over here. Will the 'it's now alright to be a cunt to people' (signalled by bannon's appointment) be enough to sustain his popularity for long? You can't buy a house with bigotry (though i suppose if you deport someone you might get one).

At best maybe he'll stop having so many wars, but this seems less likely too (the MIC's gotta get money from somewhere, and they're well represented in his administration).

And another thing, (to talk generally) the right go on about the left (they mean right-wing people like clinton) being snowflakes and being obsessed with identity politics, but then massively overreact to basic consideration of other people's feelings, and bang on about the poor oppressed dominant majority of white people who own and run everything. The 'proper' left aren't the ones who used identity politics like that anyway - we always knew that class was the the most important division (but still naturally want to help oppressed people, whatever colour)
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ALL Hail The New King TRUMP!!! he WILL MAGA even for us substance users. And possibly expose Pizza Gate. You guys wanted Hitlary? Really?

Tbh, we didn't want either of the cunts. But for some reason, it's only ever a two horse race in your 'democracy'...
You guys wanted Hitlary? Really?

Hey I see what you did there. Very clever. And obviously so true. Fascist satanist bitch right?

Personally, as the best of a rotten bunch, I thought Bernie the commie social democrat was the pick but then the satanist hell-hole (hey, this bit is true) Democratic Party system did for him. Who'd a thunk it?