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President Cunt-Trump

I think what made me the most angry was indeed that even early on, the polls showed that the only candidate that was going to stand a chance of beating the Manipulator-in-Chief was Bernie. Hilary Clinton is finished and that is the only good to come out of this. There is real energy right now however to take back control of the democratic party by ousting the powers that be--those that thought they knew better than everyone else what was good for "us" have been outed as the ingrown, corrupt, scheming group of centrists they really are.

And for the record, I am not arguing that white men were not Trump's biggest group of supporters (so were working class women), just that we need to be aware of how easily brought into the madness were all the other groups that we would not have expected. Like the depressing number of university educated millenials they interviewed that reported voting for Obama before ("he didn't change anything like he said he would") and now voted for Trump. How is that even possible?
he did lie. a lot. and people did eat it up.

i voted for bernie sanders in the ca primary. what could have been...

I found the bit after he'd been told all the secrets quite fascinating.

Around the 1 min on mark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvqgvWx_l8g

A change in usual body language, hunched forward repeating difficulties twice in quick succesion. He does look befuddled.

Love conspiracy theories and boy does the US fuel the fire by telling everyone that they have a meeting to basically tell the poor chap what the actual truth is now they have the job. Imagine that applying for a position to then be told the actual position.

And wtf is with camera noises? Do they really need to have the clicking noises on?

Back on topic - I'm just glad that some other nation has at least gone the same path we did. I don't feel so dumb and lonely anymore and the yanks I know can't keep laughing at me. Thanks US it's appreciated. We are in it together now thanks to "the voice of the people". Lol US going to have urgent talks with UK. No shit the rest of the playground won't come near either of us now except the two bullies (Russia and China).
From an outside perspective, Americans seem to think they live in a TV show sometimes. The whole world looks to the USA and discusses it like it is a TV show.

This is going to be the best season of America since the extended Bush season.

Especially civilians from the middle east love that show. They are even booked as extras without ever applying for it. That's awesome. Must be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many of them.
I wish we could rename this thread Excrement-in-Chief Trump or President Cunt or anything at all besides President Trump. The two words just don't belong together.
Especially civilians from the middle east love that show.

For them it's not really like sitting down on the sofa to watch it with a spliff though.

It's more like TVs regularly fall on them from the sky.
the one good thing about the impending destruction of life as we know it is i can now go ballssss deep into my overdraft without fear of reprisal
the one good thing about the impending destruction of life as we know it is i can now go ballssss deep into my overdraft without fear of reprisal

How can you have an overdraft and not ALREADY be balls deep into it? :?
After all, 'tis what overdrafts are for... =D
Trump is awful - the alt-right that he's enabling are even awfuller - making racism/fascism trendy using the internet - it's like my whole early life where we were taught to suspect all signs of fascism never happened. First they came for the mexicans/muslims/feminists...

I think trump is not quite the unwelcome shock to the entire 'establishment' that is being made out - maybe he's just the convenient excuse they can use to pull back from the decaying international order that's been running since reagan/thatcher and everyone could see was on its last legs after 2008. The talk has long been of the dollar losing supremacy and the whole petrodollar system wasn't going to survive the brics sorting their economic shit out either. What it gets replaced with is the question (but i'm sure we can guess whether it'll end up being good for the non-rich people (and non-white people))

And also, just how useful is it to the elite to have a canned 'revolution' to avoid a real one, that just happens to revolutionarily support cutting taxes for rich people making the poor people hate/fight each other. It's not like this stuff has come from nowhere - the rabid/alt-right and nuttier libertarians have been being stirred up for decades with copious billionaire funding. It should be remembered too that the establishment isn't some monolithic group all chanting round giant concrete owls - there's all sorts of groupings and factions interwoven and vying against each other - the nutty fascists have been there all along (at least from when they funded hitler and that fascist plot in america in the 30s (the business plot))

If trump was allowed to even get to the last bit, let alone win, someone among the groups who are more powerful than the president wanted it to happen - as proven by opposite case Bernie Sanders.

(haven't been in for a while - hello :))

[that's not to say hilary was yada yada - a different sort of nuttiness/fascism i suppose - it would have been great if the 'establishment' was really defeated, but as in the old anarchist adage - it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always wins]
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Hello back at ya, Vurtual.:) I agree, this "revolution" is just what the big guys ordered.:(
Heh, president 'Cunt-trump' =D

I'm gonna call him president 'Fanny-Fart' from now on...
Trump had a nightmare the other night
^ :D

Watched a load of Trumpy documentaries recently. Here's a couple of examples...

Notable for taking a conservative/right-wing viewpoint rather than the usual (and so obvious it barely needs reminding) liberal/left-wing approach. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the reasoning is broadly similar only with more emphasis on the idea that Trump's success could split the American right so severely that it will ultimately remove them from power for a very long time. One can but hope.

Rather good look at Trump supporters (and a few detractors) all of whom are kinda scary. There's the obvious "They took our J-O-O-O-B-S!!!" brigade, the oldskool conservatives who just seem to have been caught up in the excitement of walling off Mexico, and, of course, the True Believers who appear to see him as some kinda messiah.

Hehe. I'm very partial to a bit of John Oliver (no, not that bit - that bit is, however, glorious <3). It's hard to get his full shows here (that one is blocked in Blighty but I managed to catch it a few days back whilst it was still up) but they're always worth watching. He always manages to make even the most seemingly dull topics both fascinating and entertaining. That last post-election episode was particularly good.
I think it is really quite clear with what is going on in the U.S recently. All that seems to be happening is different groups of people being pushed into hating each other. Everywhere you look, there's one set of ideals/group of people vs another.

You've got BLM movement, the LGBT debates/arguments, women vs men, Republicans vs Liberals, mass immigration, middle-class vs low-class, pro-gun vs anti-gun, the whole SJW and PC bullshit and to top it all off, a president that divides and infuriates people like none before him.

The billionaire George Soros is behind a lot of funding into these groups, such as BLM, as well as paying for protesters to start a ruckus in various locations. This man is considered to be one of the most evil men alive and even said that his time working with Hitler was the best days of his life. Why would such a man be funding these groups and adding more fuel to the fire? It would appear that all of this civil unrest is most certainly intentional, but the reasons behind this remain unclear.

Arguments between these groups seem to take up the vast majority of comments sections/forums. Everyone just need to stop fucking hating on each other and let people get on with their own shit. Is it really that hard?

I mean, is it really not clear that whoever is president, really doesn't change anything? Trump is just like the exact opposite of when Obama was first elected. So much hope and joy, yet things only got worse. We see so much despair around Trump, but is he really gonna change anything? Well, according to recent history; most certainly not. I believe any actual power the president has is massively overstated.
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