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President Cunt-Trump

Meh, how bad can he be.
he's a lying, bigoted fool who's bragged about sexually assaulting women and who was endorsed by the kkk. he's insulted and abused veterans, women, the disabled and almost every ethnicity you can imagine. he can't be trusted wtih his own twitter account let alone the nucler codes.

how bad can he be? the worst.

From an outside perspective, Americans seem to think...
if this election proved anything it's that you can't say anything about all 'americans'. the country is more divided than it has ever been.

Thinking about it now, I reckon this result was a foregone conclusion as soon as the campaign began. Let's face it, there's no way the puppet masters were gonna let another pesky democrat into office after that liberal minded pussy Obama sat by and watched several States legalise murijewaana and openly stated he wasn't against it. Mass legalisation would pose a very real threat to the booze, fags and pharma companies who like to have politicians in their pockets. Then there was his crazy views on the gun laws - less guns instead of more? The guy's a fuckin lunatic! Finally, he also seemed to be capable of independent thought and displayed tolerance.

Yup, Hilary's fate was sealed yonks ago. The FBI hammered the final nail in the coffin by announcing they were reopening the Clinton 'e-gate' investigation, then stating they were taking it no further only a few days later. Since when has any government agency reached a decision about anything, ever, in only a few days?? It was a very shrewd move because on the face of it, it looked like that decision would give her the advantage. But no, the damage had been done by planting the seed of doubt in the 'minds' of the undecided.

Trump is the perfect candidate to be nurtured by the truly powerful - he knows fuck all about politics, he's a bigoted imbecile and filthy rich to boot...

RE your marijuana analogy or whatever its called...I feel compelled to point out the following. In referenda, the following states all voted as follows yesterday.

California - it's legal today. 6 plants, one ounce and 8 g concentrate
Massachussetts - legal 30 days after governor certifies results of election. One ounce (10 oz at home!!), an 1/8 of concentrate and six plants
Nevada - legal on January 1st, 2017
Maine - legal on December 15th

Massachusetts. That's just legalized dealing. Yay for them.
RE your marijuana analogy or whatever its called...I feel compelled to point out the following. In referenda, the following states all voted as follows yesterday.

California - it's legal today. 6 plants, one ounce and 8 g concentrate
Massachussetts - legal 30 days after governor certifies results of election. One ounce (10 oz at home!!), an 1/8 of concentrate and six plants
Nevada - legal on January 1st, 2017
Maine - legal on December 15th

Massachusetts. That's just legalized dealing. Yay for them.

Was just bout to post bout this, 4 states just voted to legalise
Well I've been telling you to do just that for aaaaaaggggggeeeeeeessssss now but would you listen? Oh no. Let's all keep voting while we could have got a head start on the cunts.


You and I need to have a word xx
Yeh, I read about that - they're obviously getting it in before Trump brings in death by crucifixion for smoking reefers...

Lol whatever happens, it sure will be interesting to watch, makes me glad to be living on this boring little island!
As a bit of a staunch republican "type" voter I'm saying America is fucked.
Some compare Trump to Boris as they're both to utterly baffoon remarks.
Boris imo is the good type of nuts, a bit OTT, but he's ok in my book.
Fucking Trump on the other hand is the very wrong type of fucking nuts.

But this is now, just look at what and others have said about Obama when he got elected.
I'm sure it's pretty safe to say all sides were a bit wrong about him and I think the same is going to happen with Trump, well hopefully...

and yeah if Clinton would have won I'd have been saying the exact same thing right now.
How does a complete asscrack of a person like Donald trump get in the position he's in. Fucking mindblowing.
^Please, could I have about four of those?

Don't think I have ever felt this depressed over the state of the country in my life. And that includes when Bush got elected for a second time even after it was common knowledge he had lied to the voters about WMDs in Iraq.

But I just read the exit polls and you can't pin this on one demographic as the media is trying to do. Depressingly, Trump voters crossed racial, gender, class, political party and education lines. And for a glimpse into just one surprising voter's mind, read this: (8() I am a Muslim Woman and I voted for Trump
Yeah, I guess what I was getting at is that the same smug, out of touch media talking heads and political pundits that proved they could not tell the difference between their asses and their elbows for the last year and a half are now playing 'expert' and telling us how Trump got elected. The only narrative they seem capable of is the one that paints one convenient group of Trump voters: old white men. In truth, people from every walk of life voted for him and that is exactly what is so depressing.:(

Anyway, it's day three and I've got my mojo back. Day one was numb. Day two and three were full of anxiety, despair and defeat. Day three I'm energized by how pissed off I feel.
Apparently his surprise victory is being compared with Brexit. I reckon it should be called 'Trumpet'...
Some of us are old enough to remember living in fear of World War III. It nearly happened a few times, and was only averted by insubordination. (You think "neun und neunzig luftballons" was just a song?)
In truth, people from every walk of life voted for him and that is exactly what is so depressing.:(

Is it really anymore surprising that a Muslim woman voted for Trump? I mean, we know morons come in all shapes and sizes :\

What you both say is true but at the risk of repeating myself from CEP, the following is the bigger picture.

Of the 250 counties with the most white people, Trump won 249 of them.

Of the 250 counties with the most old men, Trump won 241 of them.

Obama's vote 2008 = 69.5 million, 2012 = 65.9 million

Hillary's vote 2016 = 59.8 million

That's 10 million Democrat votes lost in 8 years.

So did Trump pick up those 10 million? Did he fuck.

Republican losing vote 2008 = 59.9 million. Republican losing vote 2012 = 60.9 million. Trump's winning vote 2016 = 59.6 million.

Trump won with less votes than his previous two losing Republican candidates.

Clinton actually won the popular vote by 200,000 (your electoral college, like our representative first past the post, is fucked). But she didn't get 10 million people out to vote that Obama did. That, plus old, white men, is where she lost. And the 10 million didn't come out to vote for her because the entire world knows she is a crook. Sanders would have walked it. Fuck your Goldman-Sachs collaborators (and ours too).

Anyone else notice the media saying "Duh, Trump may deliver his message bad (meaning embarrassingly) but the message (jobs etc) was good". Anyone wanna take a bet with me this is NEVER heard said in favour of Corbyn when its our turn?


Burn it down.