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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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Wondering if you guys have experience with any of the mescaline analogues? Specifically Escaline, MAL, proescaline. They have come on sale near me and given the price I’m curious.

Been a while since I’ve read up on them but iirc reports seem to indicate individual preferences vary. Just curious if perhaps there’s a general consensus or (see above lol)?
I've tried MAL and proscaline. Need to try MAL at a higher dose but it's widely regarded as being a very good drug. Proscaline is not too special but I did have one really enjoyable and euphoric trip on it, with fantastic music enhancement.

Going to be getting some AL (allylescaline) soon, which seems from reports to be highly recreational and gentle, and adds amazing aspects to combos with other psychs.
Yes, after doing some reading it seems mal is out in front. And the b&d makes it sound intriguing. Will likely order enough to get a decent few experiments with
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Some oddities I've been looking at.

Trifluoro mescaline:

"Trifluoromescaline was found to be one of the most potent compounds in the series, with a reported dosage of 15-40mg (and 60mg being described as a "strong overdose"), and a slow onset of action and long duration of effects, lasting 14-24 hours or more."

2-bromo mescaline

I don't know anything about this one, but it looks interesting.
I came across mentions of TFM in my readings last night but sadly it’s not available atm lol ... I’ve yet to try mescaline so I don’t have that to compare to. I’m looking forward to trying MAL
someone over at blacklight synthed 2-bromomescaline and i believe 2-chloromescaline, they were both more potent than mescaline itself iirc.
But I can't see machines replacing humans as musicians.
Have you seen Animusic? I have been waiting for the irl version of that for years...

I'm quite certain we're not at a point where an AI can synthesize someone's singing voice
I heard a thing on NPR last year where they could realistically mimic people’s voices with an algorithm. We may be closer than you think, if not already there!
I went to lunch with TheLoveBandit today, he was visiting and we met up. Always nice to meet a BLer. :) Especially when he co-owns the joint.
That's awesome! He helped me immensely with my name change/security issues and we had a few nice PM's back & forth.
I heard a thing on NPR last year where they could realistically mimic people’s voices with an algorithm. We may be closer than you think, if not already there!
I've yet to hear great examples, certainly nothing close to the singing voices in those songs, which were indeed sung by real humans. From what I've heard there is always some combo of spectral artifacts, choppiness, unnatural intonation that makes it obvious. Certainly nothing that captures the nuance of a singing voice emulating a specific singer. For that, you still need human intelligence, for now at least.

Happy to be proven wrong though, and I haven't heard that NPR show.
I like MAL a lot. It's not as safe as mescaline it seems, but neither is it especially dangerous. It's been widely used with only a couple hospitalizations. I think that the recommended dosage is PIHKAL is way, way too high (for once.) You can even tell from the included reports. 30-35mg seems like a safe starting place, no higher than 45mg your first time.

I only tried proscaline once and found it to be incredibly boring. In retrospect, I think I just underdosed at 40mg. If I try it again, it will be at 60, then 80mg the next time if that's not enough.
so who’s into all the UFO stuff going o. Lately? I try to remain skeptic but with the Australian Govt releasing all
That information, and the meteor radar registering some huge object in the upper atmosphere a couple
Times in the last few days, shit is getting exciting! Almost every time I take a flood dose of a psychedelic the aliens are there lol
Interesting, link? Although I do always roll my eyes when aliens are specifically mentioned, the chances are so infinitesimally small
I am not able to find anything about the Australian government releasing info on google with a quick search, but there have been US government documents declassified about unidentified flying objects. Specifically they were unexplained and not something we were doing, and some of them are pretty crazy, but no one is saying specifically that they're aliens, just that we don't know what they are.

I hope there are aliens that have been visiting us because it would mean two important things: one, that faster than light travel is possible almost for sure. And it would also mean that there are intelligent alien life forms that do not wish to eradicate or rule us, but just observe. Unless of course Mitch McConnell is one of them, he does appear to be wearing a human body and seems quite awkward in it. 😁
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