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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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Just got my BOD and 3C-E, really looking forward to trials with those guys soon. But I think I'm going to be taking Shrooms this monday when I trip I'm semi-worried about them going bad. Will probably take 2.5 grams and be left with the same amount to take another week. They are in chocolate so I'm probably fine but regardless the Phenethylamines are shelf stable and I should use them after. When I do break into them I will take the BOD first and go for like 30mgs I'm thinking and make it count. It seems like lower doses of that one aren't so great and all the higher dose reports sounded much more rewarding.
I was kinda broke on the peak of my RC interest, which maybe was for the best, otherwise I would have thrown a lot more money on it haha. I think that is kinda what prevented me from getting everything I had an eye on back in the day. Also, I have to buy this stuff in euros, and the change doesn't favor me very much. So I've acquired my stash at a slow pace.

Nowadays my interest in new RCs kinda dwindled a little bit, and I'm taking drugs in general a lot less often than 2 or 3 years ago. Still some stuff catches my interest here and there: I'm very much curious about MXiP, for example, and will probably get it when I get the chance. Others have been on my bucket list for a while, but are now virtually impossible to get, like 2C-T-4, for example.

I haven't ordered anything since before I took my long break from tripping. Started tripping again around 1 1/2 years ago after a multi year break. Glad I was to get some extra samples before I stopped and no longer could get anything.
Pretty much just have a bit of some 2cxs(mostly 2c-b), 4 hits each of lsd/al-lad, and tma-6. Still haven't tried my tma-6 only have enough for 2 full trips and going to put away my last 35mgs of mxe away for a long while and maybe split it into 2 doses and take it with some 2c-p.

Really going to miss that stuff when it's gone. Really interested in trying some of the newer dissociative but probably would be a bad idea to have allot of that stuff laying around.
Got a little too used to mixing dissociatives with pysches. When I was tripping allot I didn't smoke regularly since my pm doc drug tested me and I didn't have mmj at the time. Would usually take at least a tiny bit of ketamine with my trips. Miss being able to easily get consistently good crystals; would have a better collection of other stuff if it wasn't for that

Didn't do any mxe or oil(since I was on a thc break) the last time I did 2cp. Was a very nice smooth trip. I got to bed very late but fell right asleep. Really regret not buying allot of this stuff when I could got maybe 70mgs left of the 100mg I recently opened. Really love 2c-p it has a nice spiritual edge to it. I enjoy 2c-b allot for what it it but is but it's missing something that say 2c-e, or 2c-p has.
It's the 5th day, 4th whole day. Yesterday was Lyrica day and it was really fun. Today is back to withdrawal, but it's definitely less than it was 2 days ago. I did take just a little loperamide but not much (10mg) this morning which probably helped a little bit. I think we'll do the rest of the Lyrica tomorrow, or maybe gabapentin.

I finished reading Pet Sematary today, and got on my keyboard rig and did some stuff, I also recorded it, I haven't listened back but it felt incredibly cathartic and was definitely very good. I don't have the necessary sized USB to transfer to my computer though. But I want to share some stuff. The past 2 days I've been playing really well and doing a lot of loop pedal stuff to create a many-layered thing, in lieu of playing with multiple other people. My friend jumped in on bass at the end. Yesterday some really great ones went into the aether but it's cool. I haven't felt like writing much, I'd rather memorialize this experience with music.

Ultimately I've had a good day so far even though I'm somewhat uncomfortable. It's bearable though, and I feel quite inspired.

Maybe go meet the neighbors? They're probably just curious about you because you're the only form of entertainment they've gotten in the last four-five months. Since it's two guys sharing a cabin in the middle of no where they've probably assumed you're a gay couple.

We did meet them, before that, on the first day. They have the cutest dogs. I'm probably just being paranoid. But yeah I fully assumed we would be mistaken as a gay couple before I even did this, haha.
Fuck the dutch sure know how to lay tabs. Seen some of the craziest shit happen over the last 8 hours trees bending over dancing together playing fucking dj mix sets. Fucking LSD never gets old 250 ug is always some crazy as fuck mind bending shit to spend outside all night now the sun has risen up. Blasting GOA tracks while walking around watching nature bend fucking side ways the sky become a 5d orbital of crazy patterns.

This was on a single blotter right? Nice :)
I'd never believe it if a dealer said that they were laid at 250ug per
This was on a single blotter right? Nice :)
I'd never believe it if a dealer said that they were laid at 250ug per
yeah a single blotter its been a long time since i found a proper 250 ug laid on a single tab after my old plug left the game. smoothest come up with zero body load and smooth come down. Just hit 12 hours now ultra lucid reality mind bending visuals peak lasted a long time the shit i was watching all these trees and bushes morph animate and completely saw into alternative universes. Hit me harder than taking two tabs of my usual stuff i had lying around before i got rid of it.

The last time i took dutch acid was years ago and almost forgot how ultra clean it is compared to other European tabs that come from like poland.
Got some phenibut for the first time. I see why people like this stuff. Going to wash out that vial tomorrow with my friend and see if it goes anywhere. Should be a fun time.
one of my rye substrate jars got green mold contamination :< ... hopefully the rest will be good :D

Psychedelic Bacon, Egg and Cheese 🤩
Today is Lyrica day #2, the only other Lyrica day there is. It's starting to come on, we each took 600mg. I loved the 450mg dose the other day, it reminded me of a psychedelic quite a bit. We were going to take 450mg again and save 150mg ech in case we felt the need in another few days, but my buddy saw the 2 150mg pills I had set on the table for us to redose after the first 300mg, and took them, thinking he forgot to take his original dose, due to THC edibles consumption. So to be even, I redosed 300mg also. Better that there isn't any left anyway, this is day 5 of withdrawals (day 4 if you count the single suboxone dose when we first got here). So the peak of it should be almost over. Yesterday wasn't so bad really, though I used a small bit of loperamide. We still have some gabapentin if needed.

Been working out a lot, and recording a ton of music. This isn't so bad, I'm looking forward tp when we get cars back because we're right next to so much awesome nature I've wanted to see for many years.o
Wife and I went swimming. It was a bit cold and rainy here, irksome, as it had been 100 degrees F plus daily for a while... oh well. Water is always a hoot.
Going to get some hash brownies once they are baked probably tuesday expect to be sent to the moon its hard to estimate the dosage once its made from oil guy said i shouldn't eat more than a half since he bakes them and eats them daily for his tolerance. But i will eat the full one because i want to see cannabis visuals.
Almost a week at the detox retreat now. Had Lyrica yesterday and today I feel pretty good. I think we're approaching the end of acute withdrawals. I've recorded a lot of music which is awesome, overall it's been quite bearable. In another week or maybe less, we'allow cars again and we can go explore the millions of awesome places around here instead of hanging out at the cabin all the time.
Just got the 5-Br-DMT, gonna be waiting to try that one tho I have some other ones lined up in the meantime. Next thing on the menu is Psilocybin and I cant wait honestly, Shrooms make me feel so fucking happy like some other level stuff. The moment it hits I permagrin and it lasts all day. I remember when I was a kid and started Shrooming I'd always have good times but it wasn't like an ecstatic sorta bliss like it is these days.

Think I'm going to buy a glass spoon and layer up the 5-Br-DMT and vape it that way. Might buy some mullein and use that for this and the DMT for the meantime until I invest in a Glass Vapor Genie. Kinda too broke for that at the moment, not going to be taking it for a little while I plan on doing the BOD soon tho like maybe a couple of weeks from now after I trip on Shrooms twice. Really wanna get some DCK but I'm semi-concerned about its effects on the immune system considering we are in a pandemic and all.

Any of you know more about that?
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No, I remember when it was first making an appearance, people were saying it might have strong antibacterial or antifungal properties or something. Haven't heard anything about that since.
Scratch the Mullein gonna just buy an Ounce of CBD buds. Might as well be smoking something that is worthwhile you know. Also if I buy some regular Flower with THC I could use it to roll up the joints and do a 50/50 ratio and conserve the stash hella long like I used to.
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Excited to see how a straight hash made edible will hit me hopefully tomorrow night. Planing my next trip for probably mid September will either do like 150 ug still very strong but i think i shouldn't take too many more trips close together where trees start bending over and dancing even though i find 200-300 ug really fun i start to prefer the trip over real life since its so mind bending and amazing. By going back to lower doses for a while then one day going back to a large dose it should blow my mind even more instead of getting use to constant large doses.

really hoping this chemist in our country pulls through with making a few 2c-x analogues haven't seen much updates in a while so hopefully he doesn't get busted.

Will be starting a new chapter in life next year start off with a post grad diploma in chemistry and see how it goes reading up on pdf textbooks basics of 3rd year again. Will quit using every other drug and probably take a years break from psychedelics before revisiting them in 2022. But for the time being im going to have my last bits of fun for the rest of the year.
If you can get 2C-E I would go for that first. I have like 25mgs left and I'm going to eat that all at once maybe in a month or two. Just go out with a bang with that one until I meet it again hopefully someday. I'm sure 2C-B will be there but that Ethyl is the Unicorn of the series IMO.
I believe this guy is working on making more 2c-b and 2c-c and 4-mcc and was looking into getting supplies for 2c-d and 2c-e as alot of people want them here. Had his 2c-b before and it was super pure. Some people also make DOM here. I really want 2c-e so i hope the universe aligns and this guy manages to pull it off.

I also want 4-ho-met but alas living in a country with the strongest customs in the world has very limited the RC scene from taking off here golden days before everything was banned was good pre 2014 could get alot of things in headshops unknown substances could get AMT pills way back in 2011 then public backlash banned any psychoactive substance including alot of my lucid dreaming herbs which fucked me off big time.
I'd gone through periods where I only used natural psychedelics, they do have a certain spiritual component to them that's hard to dent. Though I do find that in one particular synthetic Trypamine as well which is 4-AcO-DMT. That is one of the most powerful drugs around and the best anti-depressant/anti-addictive substance for me. Yes I can gain the same benefits from Mushrooms and I do but its deff there in that drug in spades. But yeah some of the other ones I can see as having less impact in that regard and can be easier geared towards recreation. But I've also had some extremely powerful and beneficial trips on 4-HO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT that left me with significant afterglow and helped my mental illness for weeks after the drugs effects worn off.

I feel like the Trypamines in general are more geared towards spiritual sorta epic journeys for me and find alot of the 4 subs to be useful therapeutically. All that said I am very drawn to trying Ayahuasca at some point in a ceremonial context or sounds like a really rewarding experience. I'm not sure about going to the Amazon or all that but I'd certainly like to do it in a group going in with set intention and what not. I've gotten off my blood pressure pills and may have to stop my lamictal for a period to avoid interactions, the later is what's been holding me back from an oral DMT trip but I wanna try it so badly it sounds like such a healing experience.

I don't think it's worth it to go there to take ayahuasca. While there are some good people involved in the scene it's filled with lots of sketchy people that only care about the money and don't take proper safety protocol as well as some that straight up rob naive tourists. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable doing it in a group of strangers in an isolated spot in a foreign country far a away for an actual hospital that most likely wouldn't have good sanitation/safety standards and wouldn't take my insurance or have access to my long list of medical records.

Really got allot allot out of my last few 4-aco-det trips. Was a nice surprise when I found that 50mgs that I assumed I had run out a few years or so before. With the last of it plugged 25mgs of the 4-aco-det with 25mgs of mxe. Had a deep dreamy spiritual journey that was allot like what I hear an ayahausca. Got some very immersive realistic cevs when ever I closed my eyes. Taking good strong dab of some distillate really helped send me deep down into the abyss. Really miss that stuff very interesting trip goes great with mxe and 4meo-pcp.
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