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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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Thanks :)!
Yeah, everything except the drums, which I made using midi.

Hows everything at the cabin? I picture you surrounded by forest in an isolated place haha. But dont know how far away from a populated area you really are.
Thanks :)!
Yeah, everything except the drums, which I made using midi.

Hows everything at the cabin? I picture you surrounded by forest in an isolated place haha. But dont know how far away from a populated area you really are.

We are surrounded by forest, but there are neighbors, private yard though. We went for a walk along the main road and my buddy brought water in a gallon jug, and the neighbor on the way back in was like "that ain't moonshine, is it? Y'all'll get busted for that stuff around here". People seemed suspicious that you'd be walking around, but there is a lot of forest accessible from the backyard.
Got some 4-Clmodafinil coming which I am pretty excited to try soon. Probably only have like a weeks worth of the Flmodafinil left probably less so knowing I will have something to replace it is nice. Some of the reports I've been reading on it make it sound pretty great honestly, supposedly the most potent of the ~afinil's on the market so 5 grams should last me a pretty long time I would think if I'm dosing once in the mornings.

Been really enjoying the F-Phenibut as well that stuff has me sleeping like a rock and the combining it with ~afinil's is a match made in heaven. The compliment each other so nicely, but once that one runs out I will probably not order anymore for awhile. Have some psychedelics that I need to add to the stash for this winter and that will be my focus from here on out. Will put up a Trip Report on the 4-Clmodafinil here on Bluelight and add to the information pool on the compound, has barely an history of human use.
We are surrounded by forest, but there are neighbors, private yard though. We went for a walk along the main road and my buddy brought water in a gallon jug, and the neighbor on the way back in was like "that ain't moonshine, is it? Y'all'll get busted for that stuff around here". People seemed suspicious that you'd be walking around, but there is a lot of forest accessible from the backyard.

Haha funny encounter with the neighbor. Moonshine is home-made distilled alcohol, right? Is something like that even common over there? Funny anyway. And great that you get to stay there. Imaging it makes me crave going out in nature. Luckily lockdown measures are starting to relax around here. So hopefully soon !!
It actually made me paranoid like people thought we rented the place to make moonshine or something. I think the neighbors are all wondering what's up, we never go anywhere except the one time we walked the highway (which was clearly very strange to them) to get, possibly, moonshine. And yeah moonshine is home-distilled liquor.

I started feeling pretty out of sorts later in the day yesterday, pretty bad place. I took some DXM (150mg) and had a really weird semi-conscious night, very restless but comfortable at the same time, it was weird. While I was awake I felt like an empty shell. I woke up about 2 and a half hours ago and have been reading Pet Sematary, waiting for my buddy to wake up, today is Lyrica day. I am really looking forward to that as I do not feel very good, emotionally.

After today, another day of nothing, then either Lyrica or gabapentin.
Maybe go meet the neighbors? They're probably just curious about you because you're the only form of entertainment they've gotten in the last four-five months. Since it's two guys sharing a cabin in the middle of no where they've probably assumed you're a gay couple.
Going to take this LSD in a hour whens it nearly 11 pm to avoid phone calls etc. I use to drop acid at one point in my life most of the time at 1 am leading to peaking hard every sunrise would spend hours outside winter or summer going on night walks in nature and the park.
The fucking DEA just took away one of the best things to happen to cannabis EVER!!!!
Good bye my sweet Delta 8. I miss you already (even though you're flowing through my blood stream as I type this). One of the most medicinal and recreational cannabinoids in the entire plant. The last few months with you were magical and I will cherish you forever.
There is a weed lab around the corner from where I work that just released THCP. Its supposed to be 33x more potent than Delta 9 THC. I bet they are now going to put that on the back burner till this whole thing blows over.
I'm going to go smoke some weed about it. My heart aches with sadness over this loss.
The fucking DEA just took away one of the best things to happen to cannabis EVER!!!!
Good bye my sweet Delta 8. I miss you already (even though you're flowing through my blood stream as I type this). One of the most medicinal and recreational cannabinoids in the entire plant. The last few months with you were magical and I will cherish you forever.
There is a weed lab around the corner from where I work that just released THCP. Its supposed to be 33x more potent than Delta 9 THC. I bet they are now going to put that on the back burner till this whole thing blows over.
I'm going to go smoke some weed about it. My heart aches with sadness over this loss.
I literally just ordered a 20% CBD/40% Delta-8 vape cart yesterday morning. It's already in the mail on its way to me luckily... damn man, I was real excited to have a legal source for a less intoxicating weed alternative. Delta-9 gets me too bombed these days and I was like, sweet, delta-8 sounds better... c'est la vie.
I found a couple places still carrying it. I’m going to try and stock up.
Same here, never tried it before and this will probably be my only chance. You would think with all the push towards legalization they would leave Cannabis alone. The DEA are such scumbags, always wanna ruin everything enjoyable that comes along. Wouldn't they have to prove that it's addicting or dangerous or something, which they surely couldn't.
Delta 8 is a naturally occurring cannabinoid but the stuff we have been using is made from isomerization of CBD.
According to the article:
"For synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols, the concentration of delta-9 THC is not a determining factor in whether the material is a controlled substance. All synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols remain schedule I controlled substances.”
the stuff we have been using is made from isomerization of CBD.
I've been considering trying this. I have all of this crushed up hemp bud, high in CBD, low in THC. extraction only yields oil which is also high in CBD and low in THC. It's okay in small, occasional doses, but I find too much CBD is like cannabinoid naltrexone.

I don't really like the idea of refluxing oil in sulfuric acid though.. will think about it over the weekend. I have Acacia Confusa to extract too so I might as well just dedicate a day to science and see what comes of it 🧐
No one knew, the news came out yesterday that it was becoming illegal today.
The only thing I can recommend is to stock up while its still around in a few places.
Just ordered a One Gram cartridge of Pineapple Express and a Battery. Hopefully they ship it out A.S.A.P. kinda bummed out I couldn't get more but at least I get to try it out I'm officially broke need to save rest of my money for rent. Heard about Delta-8 a couple months ago but I just never got around to it I dont use Cannabis as often as I used to. Will try and conserve this thing and just use it a few times a week. From what I've been reading about it all day it sounds really great. Are you sure it's illegal as of today or have they just begun the process? Don't we have 30 days before something is emergency scheduled?

I'm pretty sure these places are still gonna ship it my order went through and I got the confirmation email from them...
Fuck the dutch sure know how to lay tabs. Seen some of the craziest shit happen over the last 8 hours trees bending over dancing together playing fucking dj mix sets. Fucking LSD never gets old 250 ug is always some crazy as fuck mind bending shit to spend outside all night now the sun has risen up. Blasting GOA tracks while walking around watching nature bend fucking side ways the sky become a 5d orbital of crazy patterns.
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