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organ donation (do it!)

probably not, i wouldn't have a clue really. With or without a licence i would still be one though , maybe i should look into it :)
^^^ here ya go :):

Originally posted by Strawberry_lovemuffin
And, guys - in case you didn't know, you can register online.


Click on "How to Register".

Here's a few more interesting facts from the Red Cross about Organ Donations.


Did you know you have a ten times greater chance of requiring an organ donation as becoming an organ donor? Less than 1% of deaths occur in such a way that is medically viable for organ donation. We need every one of those 1% to count though.
Nope, I won't be donating any of my organs.

The world is far too overpopulated as it is.
^^^ that is an interesting point of view. do you think you would re-consider things if somebody close to you was dying, and required an organ transplant to live?

i actually see where you're coming from though :)
i am definatley donating my organs when i die. i wont be needing them any more..kind of like hand me downs, or donating clothes ;)

even if the world is over populated...i think everyone deserves a second chance at life
i'm an organ donor and proud of it. i signed up when i was about 14, and i could only donate specific parts without my parental consent, so i wrote a letter to them asking why i shouldnt be entitled to say i can donate everything i want because its my body blah blah blah...i think i was in a *stage* then where i had a MY BODY MY RIGHTS sort of complex. but i re-signed when i turned 18 so now i am donating anything/everything that is too fucked up when i die. i think everyone should be given a second chance. i spose thats what happen when you are a die hard ER fan and you see the dramatisation of people "needing" a specific organ. *lol*
onetwothreefour said:
^^^ that is an interesting point of view. do you think you would re-consider things if somebody close to you was dying, and required an organ transplant to live?

i actually see where you're coming from though :)

I'm not entirely sure what I would think if I found myself in that situation. I don't think that you can truly answer that without being there. There are a lot of factors which would need to be taken into consideration.

However, I do disagree with the way that humans are forever trying to prolong their lives, and how in countries like Australia, the life expectancy keeps going up and up. In many instances these people are not enjoying quality of life when they become insanely old. My Nanna has just been admitted to a home because she has dimensia. She has been telling me for the last ten years that she has done everything that she wants to do in life, and she can't understand why God hasn't called on her yet. I do not believe in prolonging life just because we can. It just isn't worth it.

I also disagree with the way humans are effectively destroying their own environment. Populations are esculating world-wide, and to a certain extent, modern medicine is having a profound effect on this. In years gone by, people would have passed away, rather than being saved by somebody elses organs.

I believe that every species on this earth has the right to be here. And I believe that humans need to stop destroying the place before it's too late. Which brings me back to the point - I won't be donating organs because I don't believe that every human life should be sustained by any means. The world is already too overpopulated.

Hmm... hope all that makes sense... it's late, and it's been a long day.


pinkness said:
However, I do disagree with the way that humans are forever trying to prolong their lives,

Odd, I find it too.
Bit scared of that grinning skull arn't they.
Sometimes you gotta try something new.
Or old.
Or however it works.

Pathos-Rubbin' Scientific Materialists.
I don't hate on you.
I Lovits You.
But Your Fear Of Death is Unfounded.
Unless you've been bad
and then you'll go to hell
and burn in eternal fires
of damnation
& ever.

Organ Blood and Bone Marrow

I was gonna start a thread to ask this exact question, but through the power of search I found this one... Yay! Go Search

Anyway, enough of the drunken ramblings... on to the issue.

I'm down as an organ donor, for any useful part of me that they can find. I Also donate blood every 10 weeks, I asked last time I visited about donating plasma, which you can do every 2 weeks, and they told me that my blood had been designated Phenotype Reserve, and was therefore more valauble as whole blood.... I felt special =D But they actually told me about Platelet donations, (platelets are the part of your blood that clot and forms scabs to stop bleeding) which is more valuable still, so I'll probably be signing up for that.

The other donation I'm on the list for is Bone Marrow... I dunno if anyone else is listed for this, but basically you will only ever be called up if you are an exact match (which is a pretty slim chance). If you do get called up there are two different methods of donation, which they use is decided by the doctor.

The first method involves a course of hormones which stimulates Stem Cell growth, then your blood is collected and seperated (like a plasma donation), you get your blood back minus the stem cells, which are pumped into the patients bones. The side effects of this can be pretty nasty apparently, but from reading though it, the worst of it pretty much sounds like a wicked bad comedown... I can handle that.. %)

The second method involves (if your squeamish stop reading now) them going in via your hips, and actually scraping bone marrow from inside your hip and thigh bones. This method doesn't come with the nasty side effects, but does include a general anaesthetic and a whole lot of pain apparently.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm both drunk, and feel quite strongly about this kind of thing. I know it's not for everyone, but if I can offer the chance of saving someones life for temporary unpleaseantness of my own behalf, you'll find me at the hospital ;)
All of them - Why not.. what use are they to me dead! :D - and I'd donate spare ones for living members fo my family to save there life. I love the people in my life to much to be so greedy as to keep what is not needed mine.

what happens if one day someone invents a cure to bring people back from the dead.... sure you'd be alive but you've got no fucking eyes and you can't see.....

someones gonna have to go and kill little timmy from Penrith to get your vision back....
What a lucky man whoever is sucessful enough to take my penis organ! :D
who would want something so small?

then again, it's had little use so it's still in brand new condition

guys: feel free to post random shit in the late night and drunken rambling threads, but keep the serious stuff serious, or i'll actually have to do my job and moderate this bloody place.

and as i'm sure you're all aware i'm lazy, and would prefer not to. so let's all just keep each other happy, eh? ;)
I will donate whatever is useful. What is the point in going into the ground with all these organs when you aren't going to use them? If u kept them, someone else would also be going under. The only difference is, u have the organs, they dont. I would love to go to my grave knowing that when I do I'm going to give someone the oppurtunity of living. As long as they stiched me up properly, I wouldnt have a problem with it. Well done to all u guys who are going to donate :D
bwahahahaha i wasn't looking very clearlyand thought this thread was 'would you donate an orgasm'

um that's all.
I thought i was an organ donar, but i just looked on my drivers license and the little thing that says "organ donar" wasnt there.
I might enquire about re-applying to be an organ donar.

i pity the guy that gets my liver.