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Official Aus/Asia/NZ Choof Recipe Thread

[ 18 April 2002: Message edited by: RuSty ]
BigT and ananda are right on the money!
get a few friends to throw some money together, because there's such a big difference between high dose cookies and low dose.
go the high, you'll be making them again! :)
Eating cannabis will definatly get you more stoned than smoking it. Totally agree with Fry-d-, use heaps of yucky leaf boiled for hrs to make beautiful butter. I make choc chip cookies with it there is no cannabis taste and theyre potent. Be careful not to overindulge its not fun. My ex GF had about 5 cookies which was way to much, she spewed up for an hour and had mild hallucinations, and was mildly stoned for at least 48 hours.
Does anyone know if it is possible to make the butter in a microwave? or does the weed like burn and stuff?
With a microwave, it's hard to simmer the liquid. With continual heating in the microwave on high power setting the butter tends to boil rapidly. You could try experimenting with lower power settings to see if you can heat the butter more gently, and grinding up the choof with a bamix chopper or similar vitamiser (note: if you powder the plant matter it may be difficult to strain properly).
The idea is to have hot oil in contact with the plant matter as long as possible, so the THC can be absorbed/dissolved in the oil. If all else fails and your microwave is the only option, perhaps heating for a short length of time and then stir. Stirring and reheating/stirring repeatedly may work. My only suggestion would be to avoid having the butter boiling for too long in case you burn it. If you're worried that it may not work, and still wish to salvage the mixture, you can add the unstrained butter to a cake/cookie mix, but it will impart an overwhelming taste to the mixture.
BigTrancer :)
Some tips:
For Vegans it's perfectly fine to use a non-dairy margarine, instead of butter, I've used Nutellex with great results.
I often cook pasta with a basil pesto, with the green margarine(instead of oil), I'll post the recipe later.
I find the more water you boil with, the better the margarine/butter tastes.
Cooked up the cookies, they tasted excellent. Except for the fact they were a little oddly shaped, and glowed slightly green if you held them up to the light, i guess they looked pretty normal. Which sadly, led to some *complications* at a friend's 18th.
I don't think we'll ever be welcome in that house again. :)
(i swear it was accidental, i only left them unattended for 5 minutes. I guess the fact they all disappeared in that time is a testament to the tastiness of the recipe)
They have now been officially renamed the 'cookies of death' in my closer social group, due to the number of people who ended up unconcious on the living room floor because they wanted to taste them at the start of the night, and not wait to use them as come-down material.
One friend took 2 home, freshly baked, to 'knock herself out' so she could get a little shut eye. Despite my warning of the potential potency, she ate both at once. Suffice to say, it took her approximately three days to convince herself that she was not a molecule existing on an alien planet, and that the earth did indeed exist, as did herself in human form.
Props to the psychonautical properties of THC when ingested in this fashion. I won't even go into my personal experiences with simply making the cookies, and what i experienced from licking the bowl :)
cheers BT
'cookies of death'

I love it!
Glad you liked em :D It's a favourite recipe of mine.
BigTrancer :)
Originally posted by BigTrancer:
...The $300 turns into a long-term investment... frozen assets? Hehe....

So someone can confirm that freezing the cookies and thawing them works? BT? How do you thaw, just room temp or another method?
With this method, you could make the $300 batch, and last for a year! Many people would save much $$$... CA :) TA
Here's a slightly different slant to things. If you are interested in something made from cannabis which is not really intoxicating but is yummy, check this out.
Take an ounce or 2 of cannabis seeds. For hydro only people this is possibly a tall order. However any seeds will do, particularly the "no THC" legal variety if you can get them. Fat juicy seeds are best though, and its best to discard the non viable white husky types.
Soak em in water until they no longer float. Place in a cheesecloth and twist into a ball. Soak longer if needed - till soft. Then squeeze out the germ through the cloth by twisting tighter. Scrape and mash/whip until creamy. This nutritious extract is delicious as a spread when mixed with normal butter.
Who said cannabis was only good for getting stoned on?
from Jeanne Rose’s ‘Herbs and Things’
Amen to that phase_dancer, I've heard that the extracts of seeds are also some of the best of fats/oils for your heart ect.
Damn! just reading this thread again makes me want to acquire an ounce and start cooking!
I cant think of any reasons why this kind of cookie mixture would behave any differently after freezing than any other dough. I've never tried it though. I tend to make and bake, then worry about storing the baked goods in order to get myself baked at some time in the distant future.
For those not wanting to make 60 Killer Cookies, you can easily scale down the recipe to use a smaller quantity of choof, for example:
Use 1/8th ounce of choof = 3.5g
Use 1/4 of the recipe ingredients
Make 15 half strength cookies.
BigTrancer :)
A good thread BT.
Ananda (Page 3....March 26th )has it down pat.
All you have to use is left over leaf (keep the Buds for other purposes), water, butter then Betty Crockers Brownie Mix
Only have small bites at a time.
You may have to lay down on a soft couch or bed for a while.
this is the maddest thread in the whole webpage!!
anyways, i made ur bikkies, but changed the recipe slightly and made brownies.
i cooked the choof in the oil for like 25 mins..my kitchen, nah my house stank of it....i was gettin high just cooking them!
wen they were done i ate 1...then 2, added white choc chips so they tatsed even better as well...feeling on my way, i for some reason got hungry...>lol<...and desided to chomp 2 more down...20 mins later i was fucked and to my amusment desided to eat another 1 therefore not being able to move, or sleep? for like 13 hours
im here talking to u now, still with my little squinty eyes and my itchy scrot...lol@AliG
neways thanks again BT
The Gman
Damn that was a tasty cookie... Now I want another one...
Oh oh... this could get dangerous...
Will edit in a cookie report in an hour or ten.
[edit] T + 1 hour : Niiiiiiiiccceeee.....[/edit]
[re-edit]T + 2 hours: I don't think I have ever been this stoned before[/re-edit]
[re-re-edit]T + 6 hours: Still stoned as fuck. Goodnight.[/re-re-edit]
MDMA-4-ALL (And THC for my cookies please)
[ 24 September 2002: Message edited by: MDMA-4-ALL ]
ha ha ha...
A friend of mine was making some cookies for the first time on the weekend, so I got him to read this thread, making sure he noticed the comments about hiding them so they don't get eaten by anyone who doesn't realise what they are. Well we had a good laugh at how funny the situation would be, then he went home to start baking....
He had just pressed out the cookies on his baking tray when it was time to take his girlfriend to work(just around the corner, just enuf time for the oven to heat up). 5 mins later he gets back home to find that 5 of the uncooked cookies were gone from the tray, and one very, VERY stoned little dog