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New Jersey Sucksss

We aint talkin like dudes, we are just keepin it fucking real up here. Plus I didn't realize we were still living in a time where men and women had to act and talk differently... what the hell happened to equality?

And while I am at it, all of those "perfect," pretty, blonde haired, blue eyed, no opinionated "jooo gaaa" girls can kiss my ass and when they learn how to party hard and speak their minds, then maybe we can talk about chillin and havin a good time.

u obviously have never been to ATL homey, and my girl isnt blonde haired and blueyed, she is black and she has brown eyes =D
am i missing something here, whats wrong with pretty blondes?

are they worse then pretty brunettes or red heads?

i like pretty girls. NJ has plenty of them.
Oh my god you dont get my point....i didnt say that guys and girls had to talk differently...all im saying is that I do not find a girl who act like she was brought up in the projects and curses every other word attractive as im sure many other guys dont.....and if my sister was going out with some dude who talked like that i wouldnt like it either....has nothing to do with male or female i just wouldnt want the mother of my kids talking like that.....And so fucking what if some girls dont party like you....does that make them wrong? cause thats sure how ur coming across.....while ur partying they are getting on with there lives and being happy when ur happiness is a front....and u say ur real.....come on....if we all were so real we wouldnt be doing drugs.....but u know what it all comes down to preference....some guys might like the way u talk but like my granmother always said....if u hang out with trash long enough u become trash......(i dont mean u personally)
Oh my god you dont get my point....i didnt say that guys and girls had to talk differently...all im saying is that I do not find a girl who act like she was brought up in the projects and curses every other word attractive as im sure many other guys dont.....and if my sister was going out with some dude who talked like that i wouldnt like it either....has nothing to do with male or female i just wouldnt want the mother of my kids talking like that.....And so fucking what if some girls dont party like you....does that make them wrong? cause thats sure how ur coming across.....while ur partying they are getting on with there lives and being happy when ur happiness is a front....and u say ur real.....come on....if we all were so real we wouldnt be doing drugs.....but u know what it all comes down to preference....some guys might like the way u talk but like my granmother always said....if u hang out with trash long enough u become trash......(i dont mean u personally)

I agree with your entire post except this sentence. Being real just means your your own person and not someone who follows the crowd and your not two faced or a backstabber or anything like that. With that said, you can be a drug user and be real. I use dope and coke like a maniac and still keep it real. I'll leave it at that.
Oh my god you dont get my point....i didnt say that guys and girls had to talk differently...all im saying is that I do not find a girl who act like she was brought up in the projects and curses every other word attractive as im sure many other guys dont.....and if my sister was going out with some dude who talked like that i wouldnt like it either....has nothing to do with male or female i just wouldnt want the mother of my kids talking like that.....And so fucking what if some girls dont party like you....does that make them wrong? cause thats sure how ur coming across.....while ur partying they are getting on with there lives and being happy when ur happiness is a front....and u say ur real.....come on....if we all were so real we wouldnt be doing drugs.....but u know what it all comes down to preference....some guys might like the way u talk but like my granmother always said....if u hang out with trash long enough u become trash......(i dont mean u personally)

I actually do not like trashy or ghetto girls, nor do I consider myself trashy or ghetto. AND cursing has absolutely nothing to do with being trashy or ghetto. I was born and raised in a wealthy neighborhood with the majority of the population being white, Jewish, and well-mannered and I still curse plenty, as do most of my friends.
Even though I may curse a lot or say vulgar stuff sometimes, I don't consider myself trashy because I know the difference of when it is okay to speak this way and when it isn't. Just because Lacey and myself curse a lot on Bluelight (and once again, this is a drug forum... I really don't think watching one's language is a necessity here) doesn't mean one of us would go into a job interview saying "fuck that" and "this is bullshit."

And just because I do drugs, doesn't mean I am fake or regularly lie. I actually consider myself to be quite open and honest and have always been respected for the fact that I keep it real and tell it like it is.
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I did kinda say that wrong...i didnt exactly mean that if u do drugs ur fake....ive done dope for 7 years not recently cause i live in georgia now and its not readily available...but anyway....if u want to be the realest person u can be, not doing drugs would help...i know when i was full out using i considered myself real...but when i think of it the using made me lie, cheat, and steal where normally the "real" me wouldnt...didnt me all addicts arent real.....

now for one more time on the cursing thing....i never said girls CANT curse im just saying whether u like it or not if there is a girl that has a curse word come out of her mouth every other word, she will get judged for that...is it right?...dont matter cause thats the way it is...my ex girlfriend curses but if she talked like some of the girls on bluelight, regardless of this being a drug forum, she would have never been my gf.

and lastly i dont think u realize how contradictory ur being....ur saying that because this is a drug forum its ok to talk like that but u dont talk like that normally...then thats fake....
jbar im with you, I hardly like to swear let alone want my girl too. Screw equality what ever happened to being ladylike. Call me old fashion or maybe just call me a dumbass but i think there is a differnce between guys and girls. Anyway being a drug addict is real in the sence that your really a drug user but you hidding the person you really are behind a facade of what the drug makes you. It mask your true self and shows who your are under the influence of X substance. just my opinion but w.e
WOW thank you nintey....thats exactly what i mean....especially about the whole drug thing....now im a drug user....but the very fact that you use drugs makes u not who you truely are.....so in a sense you are being fake....its something that just comes with the territory...especially with heroin use....i stole 5 thousand dollars off my parents credit card about 5 years ago....would me clean do that....HELL NO...i love my parents...so isnt that not being truely who i am?......and as far as the whole girl thing....EXACTLY.....im not saying girls are not equal...of coarse they are....but there is a certain way girls and guys should act.....

when i first started reading this thread i was a little mad with u nintey....but after i started reading on and seeing how some people acted i could see why you said what you did.....I love love love New Jersey....but thats cause i was born and raised there...if i was born and raised in georgia id love georgia....bottom line...but theres no reason to act like jersey is so much better than every other state....i cant FUCKING STAND how people think jersey is so GREAT cause it has good dope....i now see that if i was born and raisedin georgia rather than NJ my life might have been a shitload easier...For the 3 onths ive been here ive been clean off dope and on suboxone..why would you wanna live in a place where it was that easy to get...those towns (paterson, newark, some of jersey city) are SHITHOLES and should be blown off the planet....nothing good comes from there.....
and lastly i dont think u realize how contradictory ur being....ur saying that because this is a drug forum its ok to talk like that but u dont talk like that normally...then thats fake....

Recognizing that there is a time and a place for something has nothing to do with being fake. When it's appropriate for me to be myself I always am. Just because I act differently in the work place or in a place that I am supposed to be professional absolutely does not make me fake; I find that everyone acts differently when they are at work versus when they are at home or with friends.

Oh and I don't steal or cheat, I am actually very against doing both of those things. I won't say I never lie, because let's face it, everyone lies, but that doesn't necessarily make someone fake, addict or not. There are certain circumstances where I actually think lying can be a good thing.
it does look like its blowing pennsylvania
we may suck
but we never swallow
spitting chemicals into the ocean since 1776
i got me a roll of nj stickers
they are nice lil gold stickers of the state

i got one on my guitar

sharing is caring <3
WOW thank you nintey....thats exactly what i mean....especially about the whole drug thing....now im a drug user....but the very fact that you use drugs makes u not who you truely are.....so in a sense you are being fake....its something that just comes with the territory...especially with heroin use....i stole 5 thousand dollars off my parents credit card about 5 years ago....would me clean do that....HELL NO...i love my parents...so isnt that not being truely who i am?......and as far as the whole girl thing....EXACTLY.....im not saying girls are not equal...of coarse they are....but there is a certain way girls and guys should act.....

when i first started reading this thread i was a little mad with u nintey....but after i started reading on and seeing how some people acted i could see why you said what you did.....I love love love New Jersey....but thats cause i was born and raised there...if i was born and raised in georgia id love georgia....bottom line...but theres no reason to act like jersey is so much better than every other state....i cant FUCKING STAND how people think jersey is so GREAT cause it has good dope....i now see that if i was born and raisedin georgia rather than NJ my life might have been a shitload easier...For the 3 onths ive been here ive been clean off dope and on suboxone..why would you wanna live in a place where it was that easy to get...those towns (paterson, newark, some of jersey city) are SHITHOLES and should be blown off the planet....nothing good comes from there.....

You are talkin about some peoples home when u say shitholes that should get blown off the planet including mine, so i see why u judging the way u are. U obv. may of spent plenty of time around the hood in ur dope habit but how can u talk that way about somewhere u live at, Sure theres problems in paterson and all the other hoods in NJ but theres problems everywhere and u will find good and bad ppl everywhere. Your view of paterson explains your view of ppl from there who "act like" they from there.


Ur Right that in certain situations a woman would not talk a certain way, but, Neither should a man. The poster, I forget his name but he was on some bullshit talkin like a retard about fuckn max b this and that and poppin off mad stupid bullshit , So i take that opportunity to correct him. I aint that aggressive on a person on here 90% of the time but that kid , I gave him a taste of his own medicine thats all.

If someone says some shit like that, This dont mean a person talks that way all the time or that they dont kno the correct time and place for it, u dont talk that way, around kids, elders, etc. But, Who gives a shit about on the internet? Its just a place here to post ur opinions have some fun rant a little thats all, And Trust me when I say I aint worried about if ppl gonna judge me based on how I speak here. Its too bad that you aint able to look beyond that but if you the type of person that thinks its more important wats on the outside, becuz thats the shit that OTHER ppl think about, then there aint nothing i can say . Because you aint worrying about the shit as it relates to you and the person you are with, its just you dont want OTHER ppl to feel some type of way about the person youre with so that gives you the whole " i dont want this, i dont want that, in a person i know, i dont respect that becuz ppl will think ur trashy, et". "Wat will the neighbors say" .

Well, I aint tryna write this forever, I will say tho that Im clean off dope for more than 3 months now and i still love this place so my love for new jerz aint nothign to do with dope. And please remember that not everybody who is a certain way , is "acting" that way. Hiding things or having things to proove?......Ill just leave it at this, U should ask any of the fine folks on this site who have met me and chilled with me IRL, about me. Who i am on here, and outside the web in real life are the same, and i catch alot of shit for it becuz ppl think i should talk or be some other way or like u they think its some type of front, but if you dont like it thats too bad, its who i am, and theres plenty of ppl who do like me as i am so I aint gonna sweat one more person who dont. YOu Might say, why u write back, if you dont care, but Its out of being civil, see i do kno how to do that. I wrote back to you since U took the time to do the same and still mostly showed respect in your posts. We aint all loud mouth gutter beasts out here....:|
By the way, Atlien, that was a quick switch up from how u used to be before with me. Ohh it hurts me so bad wat u said but i think ill recover. u change with the weather boo. first its all type of nice shit and then i tell u GTFO and you start followin me around to talk shit, now somebdoy else comes along sayin some type of shit about me and you ride their dick . Its a shame, atleast this new poster got his own opinions from himself and dont act brand new , u know how u used to be so I aint got to continue.
NEW JERSEY i wouldn't wanna live anywhere else...first of all when it comes to swag, clothes , kicks ...We are light years ahead of anyone in the US...cept NEW york ....ahh there he goes again NJ kid actin cocky...ahh sorry we r bred like that ova heaa....Jersey Shore is popppppin'...and fuck that show ..those kids r whack ....everyone from Jersey knows that Seaside aka Sleaside is alright ..but the real place to be is Belmar or Point Pleasant ...shout out D'jais , Bar A and JEnks...thats another thing clubs ...no other state exception NEW YORK..can fuck with us when it comes to the night life.....Atlantic City...the lost city of Atlantic...man many many nights there goin wild...where i live im 10 min from staten island and 45 min from the city...can't be that ...and also like hr away from Philly.........PLUS.....WE KNOW WHAT REAL ITALIAN FOOD TASTES LIKE...and Pizza....other states stick to Pizza hut , DOminos and Papa Johns...haha...the only problem..is drug prices...[edit] ..that how everything is here tho...expensive ..but there is a reason for that...cuz its the shit.....i need some toliet paper
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Ugh. Typical Jersey bred kid who's probably never even left home. NJ is not the center of the universe. And just because it's next to NYC doesn't mean it's the second most popping place on the planet. I'm certain areas like Miami and cities in CA, even Seattle have far more of a hopping night life than NJ does.
LOLseattle. Na yo. Trust me, One of my closest friends lives out in oregon and has lived all up n down the west coast, washington, cali, portland, salem, etc, and aint shit poppin out there. Hes movin back east where he knows its best, and he aint even a native ;)

Real talk tho, who cares if we think we are the best? If thats wat we like to think whose it hurtin? I love my home thats just the way it goes, i love it here, its right for me n the things here is the things i like so wheres the problem at. Everybody hates on jerz then act suprised when we defend it, becuz we been hated on our whole lifes , and then yall start hatin when we say , F yall, we dont want u here anyways.

Mutha fuckas gettin so serious on this like, ahh yall so dumb, you think NJ is the best just cuz u live there, n so on....Yea, exactly, We know its the best cuz we live here and we love it just like anybody else loves where they from. Or maybe they dont, I dont kno but life gave us high taxes, crazy drivers, mad ghettos, urban decay, overpopulation, the mafia, n'all that and we learned how to enjoy it and look at the Shore, the open spaces that aint been built over yet, and appreciate the good things with the bad, n also turn the bad into good by lovin it instead of hatin. we got madd pride in our state becuz everybody else gives us shit for it but we see things they dont see and never will cuz they too busy judgin.

If yall think NJ and ppl from here so stupid then why do u always waste ur own time out of ur own lifes to talk about how dumb we are for feelin how we do...really wat affect is it havin on ur life if i want to rep jerz where ever i go and talk a lil shit for fun sometimes on a forum. U cant tell us nothing becuz its who we are, u like wat u like, we like wat we like , but I never seen no other state get ppl so bothered just becuz its residents got so much love for it. Its like if ur girl was mad ugly, but u love her to death, would u tolerate ppl constantly givin u shit for it or sayin u shouldnt b with her or tryin to say u shouldnt love her and pickin apart how u could possibly love her?

i think the real reason ppl be gettin so heated about it all the time is that its impossible to argue with somebody when they kno they are right we like it just how it is, and aint nothing else like jerz so that makes it the best , to me, and thats all i care about...