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NA/AA/rehab sayings that you like or hate

The worse one would be when you are talking to someone of the opposite sex and some asshole says "men help the men, women help the women."

Total cock block. If I am not doing drugs I sure as hell wanna get my dick wet.

Wow...lame. Probably just trying to give themselves better chances with the girls. I can just picture some middle aged, NA obsessed creeper who pulls off cock blocks like that on younger dudes who are new and chatting up some young lass. Then later on he is pulling the girl aside and asking her to have some creepy 1 on 1 meeting in his apartment after feeding the girl a line of BS about how he sees a lot of good in her and something about her being different than others, yada yada....kinda sounds like the beginning of some CSI:SVU episode, where they find out the guy is responsible for like 8 girls who went missing.

Ugh, yeah I can't tell you how many chics I've slept with I met in meetings. Hah.

Really? I might have to try hitting up a meeting or 2. You make these meetings sound a lot more reasonable to attend.

One of the more comically disturbing things I've ever seen was the run on the coffee pots when we'd have a "on unit" AA meeting at the rehab I went to.
Most the time they'd stock the floor with half decaf or decaf, but for the meetings it was the real shit. Or so they said.
When they'd roll the coffee cart in there would be a crush of people descending on it. Literally a mobs worth of people cutting in front of and/or gently pushing each other. Anything for a slight buzz.
Definitely one of those moments where you realize your life has changed and you have crossed over into addict territory. I was right there with them.

The mental image of this is too funny for some reason. I can must picture some person who is so desperate they just grab a burning hot pot (or "carafe" to the social elite) of coffee and just pouring it in their mouth while it spills all over their face and body.
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I lost my virginity for the first time with a girl I met in a meeting in out patient rehab when I was 13. Ha.
^^You guys are fucked up, I didn't end up in my first outpatient until I was 15! 20 years later, and I literally haven't heard a single new thing! And I have been subjected to it so many times...I could run a fucking treatment center no problem...Just harass people 24 hours a day, make sure they don't leave and push the 12 steps on them!

I personally like:

"You're best thinking is what got you here!"

Old school AA: "Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth!"

"The elevator to recovery is broken, you have to use the steps"

Of course, "I have a body allergy....Once I have one drink, I can't stop!"...."i'm different from my fellows!"

The whole "body allergy" thing is just the biggest load of made up shit! Yeah, I have one drink and I wanna have another one so I can actually catch a buzz, I can eat a whole large piza by myself too...It's not a fucking body allergy....Lack of self-control maybe!

I love it when you try to say that something doesn't apply to you and people say, "Well maybe you're not a real alcoholic!"

I believe "addiction" is endemic to being human...if something feels good, you want to keep doing it! Some people have it worse than others, but there's almost nobody out there that doesn't over-indulge in something!

I lost my virginity for the first time with a girl I met in a meeting in out patient rehab when I was 13. Ha.

Wow. A drug veteran and getting pussy at 13. +1 for Mr Scag.

Where were you the second time you lost your virginity? :)
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I didn't even realize... Thank you, sir.
Only took me 5 1/2 years to get there.
I have a love/hate relationship with NA. I have been going on and off for 5 years. I managed to stay clean for 2 years then relapsed about a year ago. Currently getting clean again.

With that being said.. I HATE "well, if you hang around the barber shop long enough, you're bound to get a hair cut" (in reference to "people, places and things"
and I also hate when someone welcomes a new comer and says "the message is hope and the promise is that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live." It always sounds so....rehearsed.

But I also know that if you can actually put principles before personalities (since there are a lot of fuckwads in NA,) and actually just focus on the message, you can gain a whole lot of knowledge that can help you grow.