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Miscellaneous Rants Part V

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I've got no problem with a spontaneous whistle here and there. But that's about where it should end.

And Otis Redding's whistle in Dock of the Bay takes the prize for best whistle ever...
I once saw a busker whistling piano concertos on the steps of the Opera House.

He was telling people the whistling came from his soul. Weird.
+++ Sorry in advance for this rant+++

On whistling... to people who bring there looney tunes plastic dummie whistle to a rave again, I will find you and make you eat it!! :X

What is with you moody fuckers at bubble?! if you don't dance ever, get the fuck out!! (That's to say, if you're not willing to even bop on the floor, smile or at least be god damn friendly!!). Oh, and to the bitch with toliet paper on her shoe, I so could have let you embarassed yourself by letting you just walk on by, but I was a fucking civilized person and rushed over and pointed out... I didn't need a 'thank you' but at least be fucking nicer to the general public and not fucking snear from your little corner of the bar. (*Pulling out the race card*... your fucking segregated nonsense makes me embarassed to be asian.)

To A., your stupid glasses making you look like Velma from scooby doo... and don't fucking say bullshit like "I like little girls", even in the context of you liking submissive girls, of a legal age, eightteen years old onwards... don't fucking say it that way, it makes me feel dirty for liking you and your stupid glasses frames.
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AlexMacktheKnife said:
To A., you're stupid glasses making you look like Velma from scooby doo... and don't fucking say bullshit like "I like little girls", even in the context of you liking submissive girls, of a legal age, eightteen years old onwards... don't fucking say it that way, it makes me feel dirty for liking you and your stupid glasses frames.

Ewww, that reminds me of the scene in the Blues Brothers when Jake & Elmer are at the restaurant and Jake says to the man "How much for the little girl???".
ignore me, im just grumpy and need to vent...

i went into work at 8am this morning and am home already as i had a moral bitch fit at my boss (2ic, im third on the ladder below the md) and was sent home to "chill out and reconsider"... i walked in this morning to find a list of "rules" above my desk stating a bunch of bullshit that any person within a working environment would expect would be standard, and i saw red as one of the rules stated "no alcohol between the hours of 8-5pm"... the only time i have EVER drank on the job was last wednesday when the MD (managing director) of the company took me out for a celebatory drink in leiu of signing up one of our biggest clients on the Gold Coast (granted yes, the celebration lasted from 10am-4pm, with a seminar being held at 7pm for our GC clients, hey the guy pays me each week) ... it was his decision to A. Go out and celebrate. B. pick me up from the office C. Buy me double johnny blacks on the rocks all afternoon until we were legless...

im pished that the 2ic took it upon herself to try and win brownie points rather than approach me in an adultive manner (or better still the md) and discuss this as being a problem (as generally were a very communicative company), and wait for my response... and sadly my response wasnt as submissive as she'd hoped... shes a bigger workaholic than what i am and lives and breathes this job 24/7 (which i respect is her choice and am proud of her achievements) although id appreciate the same respect for the fact that even though i get my job done, im still 25 years old with a partner and a child, and would like a life OUTSIDE of my job...

i went ape shit (can i say that?!) this morning and put in a formal resignation, although my boss was there within 5 minutes begging me to reconsider... thats not what id hoped to achieve, although know im indispensable to this company as sales have gone up 75% and efficiency 45% since ive been there... ive come home and am cuddling up to my birdie writing out the pros and cons of my jobs in hope of a little guidance... im feeling a little lost and down today, but im sure tomorrows another day and another set of dramas...

i hate mondays... hooray for tomorrow...

samadhi said:
That song can eat my arse with a spoon. :| Feel your own fucking Love Generation, Bob.

agreed. everytime i turn on mtv (don't ask) it seems to be playing. it's as though they've just discovered house music or something... shit house music. come to think of it, is there any other kind of house music lately?
i fucking hate love generation.
bob can go and fucking die for all i care.
and damn you sanity for making me listen to it 20 times a day on the playlist.
oh and while im killing people james blunt you can die too.
goodbye my lover. howabout goodbye james?
^^^ Ha ha, my cousin today was like "James Blunt - he really is blunt."

I think she meant bland...

(but yes I hate him too - GOODBYE JAMES *shot gun blast*)
Im having huge issues with lots of things at the moment and since this thread sez rants .... im gonna rant :p

My friends frequent clubs where the quality of people is ... well ..... lets just say not that high AT ALL and they refuse to go to lovely classy places were everyone is well mannered and cooth .... the boys insist on going to pubs and the girls wanna go to skanky places .... what the hell is wrong with you people?! seriously there is nothing wrong with a decent night out on the town

One of my bestest friends is likely moving to Belgium and another set of really good friends is moving out to Seymour - read:the sticks...... the first is leaving for a girl who doesn't treat him very nicely which i think is crap considering he spoils her rotten .... and he can't even see it

i have TWO DAYS left of my job and they are trying to work me like a dog and made me cry lots on friday ..... dont they realise that the horse has bolted?! its too late!

One of my friends is giving me the absolute shits .... soap box wanker style .... seriously, dude, get off your high horse --- i remember a time when you weren't this virtuous and moral .... and you hurt me then too .... so maybe your time has come to get the fuck out of my life forever. My other friends think you are a complete waste of my time .... and im seriously starting to agree with them.

End of rant
Miscellaneous Rants Part 5

what is it with pizza shops???

what the hell is with their strange little charges??

since when did chicken become "expensive"? why do they charge more for chicken?? when you go out to a "normal" restaraunt, chicken is generally one of the cheaper meats...

and that frigging charge for extra toppings..... the other nite, i ordered a pizza, but took off two topings that i didn't want, and ordered one extra one... and they charged me an extra topping fee... WTF??? i just saved them a topping.. and they charge me more???

and half n half pizzas... what, they need to charge a dollar more because they need to educate the staff that there are two halves in a whole??? my mother is allergic to cheese, so quite often when we order pizza and she is around, we'll order one with half no cheese, and occasionally the pizza places will try charge the half n half extra charge... i mean, wtf?? not only is it the same damn pizza, but i'm saving them toppings!!!!!

yes, i know i shouldn't get worked up over a dollar here and a dollar there...

but.. if i don't start making a stand now, we will see more of this occuring around the world... maybe even in a town near you...

anyway, i'm off to lick the cheese off the top of the pizza box.
mmm pizza ;)

1. if you do design your own you don't have to pay extra for chicken (yes, i have only recently graduated from being a scungy student)

2. this belongs in the rants thread, where i will now merge it.

thank-you for playing :)
Haha that pizza rant reminds me of a trip to uni games a couple of years ago. We were all sitting around in the hotel and wanted to order pizza. So one of the guys in the room gets the number and dials, and gets into this long conversation with the girl on the other end about the cost of the pizza. She tells him that a bbq chicken pizza costs $10, but chicken is $4 extra, we were like wtf how do you have a bbq chicken pizza without the chicken??
Anyway this goes on for a while, after about 10 minutes the girl eventually admits that she isn't from the pizza shop, we actually dialled another room in the hotel and this girl (whom we met a few minutes later) was cluey enough to basically string our mate along for about 10 minutes giving him all these bogus pizza prices. Needless to say we rolled around on the floor laughing for a while.
i have noticed an increasing number of third person posts around here lately and aus social went through a huge third person phase a few years ago where we drove the poor moderators bananas. i really hope this trend doesnt get picked up again because it really annoys me and takes the whole conversational clique thing to a whole new level.
Didn't this thread used to have a little angry emoticon on it?

my rant:


If you have a denim jacket, please do not wear it with your jeans.
In 97% of instances, jeans and a denim jacket do not look good together, and that other 3% is reserved for models and movie stars with stylists who can match every part of their outfit perfectly.

If you find yourself considering matching your jeans and denim jacket, I'd like you to ask this, would you wear cordroy pants and a cordroy jacket?
If no, then you have a matching answer for double denim.
If yes, please meet me at Sydney Town Hall steps so I can give you a big-arse slap on the forehead.

I do not claim to be some almighty fashion queen, but if I know anything it's that double denim was created by the devil.

Triple denim however, in certain instances just has to be admired. I saw a little girl once who was wearing denim overalls, a denim jacket and a denim hat. So wrong but so so cute!
Fucking Bitch.

I just called Telstra to get my phone re-connected, because I've been paying off my car and didn't pay my bill. I thought it was a good trade off, no phone meaning I save on bills for a month.

Anyway....the bitch says "This was due on the start of Feburary, thats 6 weeks overdude"
Me: yeah, I realise that, I just want my phone reconnected. I've payed some off it, and I'm paying the rest tomorrow and the lady I spoke to earlier said I had $87.50 to pay for it to be reconnected, and I've already payed that
Bitch: Well you've still got $200 odd dollars owing, when do you plan on paying that?
Me: Tomorrow.
Bitch: And how are you going to pay that?
Me: On B-Pay.
Bitch: You really shouldn't use B-Pay to pay your bills. (WTF?) It takes a few days to come through.
Me: Well that's all I can use, anyway, can I get my phone reconnected?
Bitch: Yes, but first you need to pay the outstanding amount.
Me: And what's that?
Bitch: $200 and something dollars.
Me: Is that including the $87.50 i've already paid?
Bitch: When did you pay that?
Me: On the 21st.
Bitch: Where did you pay that?
Me: On B-pay.
Bitch: You really shouldn't use B-pay.
Me: (getting frustrated) So does that include what I've payed already or not?
Bitch: No, like I said, it takes a few days.
Me: I payed that on the 21st so it should be through, or nearly there.
Bitch: Ok so when can you pay the outstanding amount?
Me: Tomorrow.
Bitch: and how will you be paying this?
Me: B-pay.
Bitch: *silence*
Bitch: Well I'll mark down here, just for you, that it should be here by, say Monday, is that alright?
Me: So when will my phone be reconnected?
Bitch: Well I can reconnect it now for incoming calls only, but this is a once off Ok?
Me: *loaded with sarcasm* that is great, thank you so much.
Bitch: No problems, next time, instead of letting it go so long without a payment, just give us a call and we can organize another option mmmkay?
Me: Sure, thanks alot for your help, you've been really helpful.
Bitch: No problems.
Me: No, seriously, you have. Once again, thanks.
*I hang up*

1) I know my phone has been disconnected and I don't need you to tell me how broke I've been latley.
2) WTF is B-pay for? TO PAY BILLS, BITCH! If I shouldn't use it, why is it still an option? Maybe so you can disconnect me while the fucking transfer is going through?
3) Don't lecture me on how to pay my bills, I have other people to do that.
4) Keep your snotty sarcastic 'mmmkay's and 'just for you's to yourself.
joannie_mhm said:
If you find yourself considering matching your jeans and denim jacket, I'd like you to ask this, would you wear cordroy pants and a cordroy jacket?

If i was auditioning to be the one of the Goodies i would.:D

Now onto more important things......
I made a withdrawal from one of those small atm's you find in a pub, but in this in case it was at a chemist, which just happens to be the only place at my local shops that has an atm or does eftpos. Withdraw $300 ( lets face it if i am going be charged for the transaction i might as well get enough money that i don'y have to suffer this cocksmoking fuck of a charge again) and in return i get $50 and slip saying faulty dispenser..........YOU BETTER BELIEVE THIS FUCKERS FAULTY! Check my bank balance and the full $300 amount is missing from my account.

5 fucking weeks later......after all the phonecalls it took to get the ball rolling about about this in the first place( i was told it could take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to be sorted out) i call my bank today to see wtf is happening. First call goes to the number i was directed to call to lodge the dispute at the start...they give me another number to call.....i am then told " oh that's a short pay issue you will have to call this number", i finally get through to someone who will actually speak to me and all they can do id give me a bit of umming and ahhhing and "we'll have to give the other bank a call as a reminder". The way it came over was as if they had forgotten about the whole fucking thing.

Travelex" transactions processed by the bank of Western Australia"....give me my fucking money back you bunch of fucking thieving cunts!:X
^^^ Fuck banks ! and there transaction fees !

I use to have $200 come out of my pay account into my savings account weekly, by an automatic system

One week there wasnt $200 to take out, so there automatic system spat it and charged me $35 for no having insufficent funds !

Anyways... your opinion please... im having this debate on MSN as we speak...

The definiton of DRUGS :

a drug is any substance that we put into our body that changes the way we function, like water

Do you agree that water is a drug.. what kind of statement is that ?

Do you agree with the statement at all ?
NM: Something happened to a friend once but she was withdrawing $800 [basically the contents of her account]. She then pulled out the receipt before she grabbed the money which meant the machine ate the $800 [apparently it's some security feature]. It was all complicated by the fact she was withdrawing cash from an ATM that wasn't her banks.

In the end it took 8 weeks for her to get hew money back. What fuckers! Surely it can't be that hard to sort that shit out!

I have no rants. I am a very happy person. OK maybe garbage collecters who won't give me a lift when there are no buses. It's a tip on wheels man, I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate.
joannie_mhm said:
Didn't this thread used to have a little angry emoticon on it?

Yes it did! And its pissing me off that it doesn't any more! :X
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