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Miscellaneous Rants Part V

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preacha said:
a) most people catch public transport NOT by choice, but rather they just can't afford personal transportation. point: money issue
b) most people catch public transport so they can earn enough money at their job to afford personal transportation.

Most people around my area catch public transport because it's an absolute bitch to park in the city. Judging by the flash cars in the bus parking lot money aint an issue... :p
iamtha1 said:
Sick people on public transport!!!!

If you're sneezing, coughing and snorting away then you shouldn't be going to work! Is that so hard to understand?

Maybe they work casual jobs.

*Edit* About a thousand people (not real figure) beat me to the mark there...
^^Then demonstrate some self-control and save up for a car, lostpunk. We all know shitty casuals get paid more because they don't get sick pay!:p =D =D

Hey - you know i don't mean that - I just wanted to say a special hello to you.;)
Haha I have a car :)

How you doing slut? Long time no conversing... Glad to see your face (username) back around these here parts
^ Yeah - i thought it was about time Mr Slut made a reappearance on the new and improved (?????) Bluelight. Only now everyone shall know I am male.

ps Is that quote from Down and Out in London and Paris?
up all night said:
:p at all of you! Some people don't earn money if they don't go to work! It's not like they're licking your face or anything.
Very true. They should all be like me, When I get sick I wait till the person is asleep, then I lick their face.
Anyone woken up with a wet face before? It was probably me (or your new wierdo girlfriend)

Real estate agents
*politely waits for UnSquare to stop convulsing*

(I dont like them)

You start out simply wanting to rent a place, you end up wanting to do some kind of realestate agent racial purging

Oh .. if anyone is in rental realestate reading this: Im Sorry, and, fuck you very much

*kicks a cat on the way out*
please ignore this embarrassing outburst, i just need to vent to someone, anyone!! (ha. eat it bluelight)...

ive bitten off more than i can chew...
im angry at myself for taking on a job that has no outside values whatsoever... my job expects that you eat, sleep and breathe it, and as much as id love (as a single person without children, which i classify as neither of the above) to offer 24/7 dedication, i fecking cant... and my boss wont let go of me as he knows he cant live without me, because between the hours of 7am and 4pm im the root that holds most things together, but i cant offer beyond that... im in that rock and hard place that people decide upon when up shit creek, and still have no fecking paddle... i love my job but cant do what i want to, need to... and too i have a MAJOR worldwide known client to attend to at 10am tomorrow morning and even though i deal with large corporations every day, ive never dealt with any to this criteria and im fecking nervous as all hell as ive got to convince them that by advertising with us, they are going to up their sales margins by 75% and 95% (on my behalf) is false bravado with a fuckload of pushing and shoving behind it...

our two best friends are going to be here to visit us from melbs on monday and will hate who ive become (and i dont blame them, im now a workaholic), im prepared for the knockback, although hate to disappoint them (and myself)... i miss me :( how em0ti0nal...

hehehe m4ddog....I agree.....Real Estate agents are the scum of the earth. Its like you're a second class citizen if you want to rent a place instead of handing them a nice fat commission for an overpriced city house. Fuck buying man....I'm not gonna be tied to a bit of land for 30 years....No matter how much it grows in value. I wanna be able to move wherever I feel like it. Bah to the real estate market!!

Hehehe. I can rant about anything, even if it doesn't have any relevance to my life today. :D
Just found out my work mayt, stole a $27 000 deal from me, i spent 3 seperate days and hours with this like client, i had a day off on monday , He came in asked for me, but the other sales rep signed him up.

Technically it has to go to me, but because i resigned yesterday..........the bosses dont care and said i must sort it out with him, it almost ended up in a fist fight, and i dont condone fighting.....................and im sitting here typing this and the fuck head is getting away with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i mean for fucks sake, i get 3% of that deal whcih should get me about $800 bucks.........il sort him out
Dear annoying people,

Please stop being annoying.

Please refer to points [1] and [2] in this post, directed at christmas shoppers. In particular, people who should pay close attention are the people who stop in places where those behind them are not able to stop as well. Good examples of this are going through the gates at a train station at rush hour, or coming off an escalator.

Also I'd like to address those of you with mobile phones capable of playing music and/or video. Just because this device can play stuff really loud so an entire train carriage can hear it doesn't mean you have to. There is a reason these things come with earphones- SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SHITTY MUSIC ALL THE WAY HOME FROM WORK! And if you're going to be annoying with shitty music the entire train trip, do not fucking get off at my station and then walk half of the way home behind me whistling some dodgy tune!

people who whistle PERIOD can shut the fuck up, particularly if it a recognizable tune, that you are bastardizing with your irritating habit.

i was at the qantas club once, and this fucker who was on the shuttle bus while the radio was playing, then proceeded to follow us into the qantas club, WHISTLING what he'd just heard on the radio, and then seemed to follow us everywhere we moved :X

i was going insane and literally just kept running away from him it was so infuriating.

I remember one of those TOday Tonight style shows had this "big story" a while ago about an old man who was told to get out of a store because he wouldn't stop whistling.

The story was all in that wanky one-sided typical slant...

*cue film of subject walking in park and getting excited over television sports*
*begin voice-over*

Gerald Montgomery is a former digger who helped his beloved Australia in a variety of wars. When not supporting his mates in the trenches, enjoying watching his favourite team - the mighty <INSERT AFL SQUAD HERE> or having an ice cold beer while viewing the cricket, he does have a favourite pasttime.

This old digger just loves to whistle.

*cue close shot of subject*

"It's just unAustralian it is. A man has to be able to whistle."

*continue voiceover*
And whistle he did. But on the afternoon of April 2004, Gerald was blah BLAH BLAH BLAH

Frankly I was stoked. The old whistling bastard. Anyone who gets that much pleasure out of making noises from a hole in their head should simply be left in a 4x4 cell and covered in honey and ants. Digger or not.
^ Too bloody right ;)

Passive whistling is almost as damaging as passive smoking I think :\
If i hear one more person whistling the fucking whistling part to Bob Sinclair's "Love Generation", i'm going to challenge them to a duel.

That song can eat my arse with a spoon. :| Feel your own fucking Love Generation, Bob.
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