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Miscellaneous Rants Part V

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ilikeacid said:
You know what really grinds my gears? The absence of a weekly, or even semi-weekly psy event in melbourne! I'm so sick of the regular trance places, and the music ta boot! I WANT PSY! I hate having to wait for earthcore every year, or random events that happen way too infrequently! I feel so oppressed! :(

warning: pointless tirade ahead

AARGH. I am not going to rant at length because I don't know if it would make much sense but if the extent of your acceptance of gay people is that you don't openly vomit when you're confronted with our existence, you're not all THAT accepting, fuckwad.

I'm not the David-from-Big-Brother type of guy who always has a violin playing for him because it's SO HARD BEING A FAG but sometimes it really pisses me off when straight people tell me how they love me and my sexuality means nothing to them, but it freaks them out seeing guys kiss or hug or show any kind of overt homosexuality because there's still that part of them that thinks it's wrong.

Fuck you. I'm not your Uncle Tom. If you think we're so wrong, don't fucking be in my life. If I'm good enough for you, every other fag is good enough for you.


Sorry, like I said...pointless tirade.

this has always really pissed me off...time to rant aobut it now:
people coming up to the counter where I work and wanting to be served whilst talking on their phone!! And since they are busy chatting away they try to order by pointing at things on the menu like I know exactly what they are pointing too argh. Then I have to go "do you mean the... oh the uhhh..." Stand off to the side n wait till you're finished on the fone then take your bloody order so I can understand you and we can actually communiate!!!
Really courtesy and basic manners are getting...eroded with the takeover of mobile phones.....
People who make ridiculously large bids for clothes on ebay. I mean seriously, if you have that much money to pay for clothes/ shoes you can't even try on then go pay retail and leave the scavenging to the poor. It's even worse than Boxing Day sales because I can't accidentally trip you over.
And if you ever wondered why cyclones are always named after women, you obviously havent seen what its like at a boxing day sale.
^ Cyclone Larry was a obviously named after a particularly attractive woman ;)
my mum's name is Larry :(

edit: Larry Chan that is of course!

*waves to kat* ;)
i hate serving people that are on the phone.
i wont do it. its just common courtsey to get off the phone for one minute while you give your money and say thank you.
This pisses me off to no end. When I answer the phone at work:

Me: Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking.

Them: Is this Gastric Delights*?

Wake up and take the cotton wool out of your ears fuckers, what did i just say?? Sometimes i'm just so tempted to say "no sorry, wrong number" and slam the phone down. Dickheads.

Also, my work phone number and a Bank of QLD phone number are almost identical, bar 1 digit. I get at least one phone call per day (usually more though) which starts with me saying "Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking", (which, incidentally, sounds NOTHING like Bank of Queensland) only to be hit with an onslaught of expletives and yelling, because he or she has found that their savings account is missing 50 cents. I'll either wait patiently with the phone up in the air, until i hear they've stopped and are saying "are you there? are you there?" before replying with, "this isn't the BoQ, it's Gastric Delights*, the number you want is xxxx-xxxx". They're usually very sheepish after that and apologise, but the damage is done. All it takes is for people to actually LISTEN and not be so hell-bent on going postal, and it wouldn't even happen.

So yeah, i'll either do that, or i'll yell back at them and slam the phone down, hopefully deafening them. Moreso the latter nowadays.

*Names of places and people have been changed to protect the privacy of aforementioned places and people.
Mrs S, I feel your pain, having gone through similar experiences at the place of ex-employment. Now I just have telemarketers... -.-

You have inspired me to rant anew...

I hate hate HATE it when I answer the phone at work and the fucker on the other end says "are you a computer, or a real person?"

FFS!!!! If I WAS a computer, would I even answer that question Captain Obvious?

So what's the point of asking it!??!?!?!?!interrobang
1: People who abandon shopping trolleys in the carpark

Today on my lunchbreak I ambled over to my car to get some quiet time with a book, some tunes and a comfortable seat away from filthy customers.

Once I got there I saw a bout three trolleys just abandoned in the middle of the carpark. Free to roll down hills into cars. Free to be driven directly into.

For fucks sake these people annoy me. No-one is ever much more than 15 meters from a trolley bay. Put down the Doritos, wipe the cheese powder residue off your fat fucking fingers on your oversized wrestling t-shirt and take a few steps towards accepting a level of responsiblity for your own actions and showing some common basic courtesy for your fellow man.

2: People who drive through serious storms and don't turn on their head lights

Again an issue that came up today, but this time on the way to work... it was absolutely pouring down. Bucketloads.

You know when the wipers are on full blast and they are barely doing a thing? That is what it was like at about 8.40am here in Perth on the road I was driving.

Still, despite the fact visibility is so completely miniscule, people don't even think to put their lights on... No. That would make too much sense.

As a result, any car that is coloured grey, silver or white practically disappears... so you can't tell how far they are behind you or if they are in the blind spot when you are trying to change lanes.

It seems to be these light-coloured headlight free cars that seem to think it clever to speed and tailgate in these situations.

I have never wished hate upon so many people as I did today.
^ lol. i wish i had fat sausage fingers covered in cheese powder, then i too could terrorize the carparks with wanton trolley neglect
miss_goody2shoes said:
this has always really pissed me off...time to rant aobut it now:
people coming up to the counter where I work and wanting to be served whilst talking on their phone!! And since they are busy chatting away they try to order by pointing at things on the menu like I know exactly what they are pointing too argh. Then I have to go "do you mean the... oh the uhhh..." Stand off to the side n wait till you're finished on the fone then take your bloody order so I can understand you and we can actually communiate!!!
Really courtesy and basic manners are getting...eroded with the takeover of mobile phones.....
This reminds me of a sign that I put up at the counter at work

This is a mobile phone free zone. Thankyou for your cooperation.

Of course I get asked a lot of questions about this by people, such as "why can't I talk on my mobile here?" or "do the phones interfere with your machinery?" Most of the time I have to explain to them a little bit of basic mobile phone ettiquite, but well some people will never get it.

If some gimp does just happen to come up to the counter and is rambling on a phone, then I'll point to the sign. If I get ignored, then it's time for me to raise my voice slightly, and ask that person to move away from the area. Thankfully my boss is in full agreeence with this, and probably hates it more than I do.

Oh, and hi Babu. :D
samadhi said:
This pisses me off to no end. When I answer the phone at work:

Me: Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking.

Them: Is this Gastric Delights*?

Wake up and take the cotton wool out of your ears fuckers, what did i just say?? Sometimes i'm just so tempted to say "no sorry, wrong number" and slam the phone down. Dickheads.

Also, my work phone number and a Bank of QLD phone number are almost identical, bar 1 digit. I get at least one phone call per day (usually more though) which starts with me saying "Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking", (which, incidentally, sounds NOTHING like Bank of Queensland) only to be hit with an onslaught of expletives and yelling, because he or she has found that their savings account is missing 50 cents. I'll either wait patiently with the phone up in the air, until i hear they've stopped and are saying "are you there? are you there?" before replying with, "this isn't the BoQ, it's Gastric Delights*, the number you want is xxxx-xxxx". They're usually very sheepish after that and apologise, but the damage is done. All it takes is for people to actually LISTEN and not be so hell-bent on going postal, and it wouldn't even happen.

So yeah, i'll either do that, or i'll yell back at them and slam the phone down, hopefully deafening them. Moreso the latter nowadays.

*Names of places and people have been changed to protect the privacy of aforementioned places and people.

tell me about it. my phone number is 912.
samadhi said:
This pisses me off to no end. When I answer the phone at work:

Me: Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking.

Them: Is this Gastric Delights*?

Wake up and take the cotton wool out of your ears fuckers, what did i just say?? Sometimes i'm just so tempted to say "no sorry, wrong number" and slam the phone down. Dickheads.

Also, my work phone number and a Bank of QLD phone number are almost identical, bar 1 digit. I get at least one phone call per day (usually more though) which starts with me saying "Good morning, Gastric Delights*, Jane* speaking", (which, incidentally, sounds NOTHING like Bank of Queensland) only to be hit with an onslaught of expletives and yelling, because he or she has found that their savings account is missing 50 cents. I'll either wait patiently with the phone up in the air, until i hear they've stopped and are saying "are you there? are you there?" before replying with, "this isn't the BoQ, it's Gastric Delights*, the number you want is xxxx-xxxx". They're usually very sheepish after that and apologise, but the damage is done. All it takes is for people to actually LISTEN and not be so hell-bent on going postal, and it wouldn't even happen.

So yeah, i'll either do that, or i'll yell back at them and slam the phone down, hopefully deafening them. Moreso the latter nowadays.

*Names of places and people have been changed to protect the privacy of aforementioned places and people.

w00t, we have that too! Our number is one digit different from the local pharmacy. Scores of elderly people call us to ask about their medication, and can't hear or don't understand us when we explain that we're not actually the pharmacy. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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