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Milk doesn't do a body good.

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Roger&Me said:
The hormones in milk are not absorbed by your body. Anyone who claims they are obviously doesn't have very much of a grasp of the function of the human liver--the liver will break down all hormones that are taken orally and they will not be absorbed. Especially not polypeptide hormones like IGF-1. The reason that oral hormone preparations like dianabol and anavar are absorbed by the body is because a methyl group is added to their chemical structure so that the liver cannot break them down--which subsequently causes EXTREME strain on the liver.

So how does it work with birth control pills then? We absorb those hormones...
MynameisnotDeja said:
So how does it work with birth control pills then? We absorb those hormones...

It could work by stimulating the release of hormones.

There are different types of pills so I'd guess this is how it'd work. If you were eating the actual hormone, wouldn't there be one type of pill?

I'm not sure, can someone verify?

Motox786 said:
give me some sort of proof that milk is unhealthy. I'm not talking about PETA funded websites like notmilk.com... I'm talking scientific studies

^^ very good point. (meant for MynameisnotDeja)

but then again- I don't know for sure, EpicureanDream just posted something contra....

I don't believe the liver can break down ALL of the hormones.. if it did it's job perfectly, we wouldn't get drunk... or be able to take other drugs and feel the effects... a hormone can include neurotransmitters, which can be related to psychedelic-compounds, including 4-HO-DMT... which can be called a Neuro-hormone.

Ever ate mushrooms? Think it was just telling your body what to make? (then again, it does increase seratonin production, and other various chemicals)... But then- how did this "hormone" get through in the first place, to tell your body to do that?

If the liver killed it off.. (which it does, just not all of it).. then you wouldn't trip.

motox- give me the study that shows that only 1% of the population is allergic to milk, and I might get off my lazy-ass and try to prove my point.

If milk's so good for us then why are so many people lactose-intolerant

If the protein and CALCIUM in milk is so (Goood!) then why do so many women get osteoperosis in nations where dairy is one of the main products that's consumed.. ?

There's got to be reasons/connections between our high-protein diets, red meat, dairy and all these diseases we get.. or maybe it's just in the air? hmm.

I say don't even try to argue unless you have self-experimented, or known someone-directly who has had relative experience to the subject (but then- you do.. you drink milk and eat dairy- and you're obviously fine). Statistics are bullshit-anyways.... and 'science' is always somewhat biased.

Finally- If you READ THE THREAD, many scientifically-backed articles have been posted in both directions, for and against.. Notmilk is not the only reference I had, either... so don't use the worst one... please, esp after I admitted that it was junk...


I don't completely abstain from dairy.. I still eat cheeseburgers on occasion. Just like everyone says, moderation is the key to anything... so a glass of milk every now and then isn't going to hurt you.. and depending on who you are, you might be able to drink a gallon or so a day....... Not me.

and going with the idea of moderation- you could drink pee and keep hydrated.

Just don't drink it that often.

You could also eat crap and get some nutritional value.. flies do.

Just try to keep it a delicacy.
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I don't know. I could care less if milk is gonna make me die when i'm 60. I don't want to live any longer than that anyways...

All i really drink milk for is the caesein protein that it has in it. I work out religiously and eat very healthy, so i don't care about the calcium in it or any other nutrients. It just contains the best source of protein there is for right before bedtime. Milk also relaxes you and helps you sleep better... I could care less about the negative effects because i won't notice those until i'm old and don't care anymore.
I-too, will die before I reach 60... probably............ most likely.

I'll probably have an Elk fly through my windsheild and get antelors in my head.

But that could happen tomorrow- that is.. if I lived near elk.
MynameisnotDeja said:
So how does it work with birth control pills then? We absorb those hormones...

You absorb those hormones because there is either a methyl or hydroxyl group added to their chemical structure. Since all you're doing is taking enough of them to stop the release of gonadotropin, there's no need for a large amount (hence the new wave of birth control with even lower hormone levels). Since you're injesting just a small amount of methylated hormone, the methylation doesn't harm the liver like it does when people (mainly bodybuilders) take large amounts of methylated androgens.
everythinginside said:
I don't believe the liver can break down ALL of the hormones.. if it did it's job perfectly, we wouldn't get drunk... or be able to take other drugs and feel the effects... a hormone can include neurotransmitters, which can be related to psychedelic-compounds, including 4-HO-DMT... which can be called a Neuro-hormone.

Ever ate mushrooms? Think it was just telling your body what to make? (then again, it does increase seratonin production, and other various chemicals)... But then- how did this "hormone" get through in the first place, to tell your body to do that?

I'm sorry. But you need to pick up a biology textbook if you think that alcohol is a hormone. Maybe it meets at non-scientific definition of "hormone", but I just can't see that mattering--it's obvious that I'm referring to steroid and polypeptide hormone such as androgens, estrogens, and GH-related hormones such as IGF-1 and tgfB-1 because those are the hormones contained in dairy and all other animal products.

Our liver breaks them down in order to keep equilibrium within our bodies...

If anybody cares to refute me, be my guest, but I just don't get how science can support the fact that the human body has the capability of orally absorbing polypeptide hormones.
^^I take it the IGF-1 etc. is not methelated when the cow absorbs it...because it is injected (bypasses the liver?)? If this is the case, why do body builders damage their livers by injecting these substances?

Sorry if I'm missing something, I don't know much about the subject
Roger&Me said:
You absorb those hormones because there is either a methyl or hydroxyl group added to their chemical structure. Since all you're doing is taking enough of them to stop the release of gonadotropin, there's no need for a large amount (hence the new wave of birth control with even lower hormone levels). Since you're injesting just a small amount of methylated hormone, the methylation doesn't harm the liver like it does when people (mainly bodybuilders) take large amounts of methylated androgens.

Interesting. Thanks. :)
1% of the population ALLERGIC does NOT mean lactose intolerant.

Prevelance statistics about Lactose Intolerance: The following statistics relate to the prevalence of Lactose Intolerance:

* 90% of Asian American adults have lactose intolerance (NIDDK 1994)
* 70% of African-American adults have lactose intolerance (NIDDK 1994)
* 74% of Native American adults have lactose intolerance (NIDDK 1994)
* 53% of Mexican-American adults have lactose intolerance (NIDDK 1994)
* 15% Caucasian adults have lactose intolerance (NIDDK 1994)

And to think there's a pill that forces your body to accept this stuff..
Jimmy the Gun said:
^^I take it the IGF-1 etc. is not methelated when the cow absorbs it...because it is injected (bypasses the liver?)? If this is the case, why do body builders damage their livers by injecting these substances?

Sorry if I'm missing something, I don't know much about the subject

As the substances that are injected are non-methylated they do not damage the liver. Oral steriods (methylated) DO damage the liver though.

Anyways as plenty of body builders will tell you- milk is the perfect food.
Roger&Me said:
Please, people. Bodybuilders have been using IGF-1 for many years, and it costs thousands of dollars a month and must be site-injected intramuscularly several times a day. If you could just drink some milk to get IGF-1, everyone would 6'4", 6% bodyfat, and be able to bench 400lbs.

How much would I like to be able to pick up extra hormone enduced cow milk at the supermarket, save a packet =D
everythinginside said:
haha.. ok RC and cool cow...

I suggest looking it up yourself. It's nothing new. Also, you've also been spoonfed to believe drugs are bad, but do you?

Why do you think the United States has higher incidents of osteoperosis?

Milk contains many allergins, bacteria (of which multiply by 2 every 20 minutes at room temperature).

No there are no sites that claim water is bad. If you find one let me know.

No one site won't save you're life, but the information might.

Nice sarcasm.

(also- they say milk builds strong bones, however, it does not. You're stomach can't even use the calcium in milk, for the most part, because it doesn't contain magnesium, which is required for calcium to implement into our bodies. Wanna know one of the best sources of calcium/magnesium?... Brocali)

Milk is just goup... it's nasty.

I used to love it. I drank 3 or 4 glasses a day. I love cheesesticks- they are my favorite snack..

after picking up what I know- however, I am quitting all dairy (besides small amounts of butter)

you know feces is also in milk?

Water is bad too, mkay? Look this website I found proves it! (I'm sure a lot of yall have seen this already)8(
haha, anyways. I don't get it. Although I do kinda. Thanks for dissolving the border. We all die anyways. Yay.
soy milk has phyto-estrogens (sp?) that may act like estrogen supplements. I've been staying away from the stuff..
Proof Jimmy... proof and an explanation why that is bad. I converted to soy milk in the past month or so and I enjoy it very much. Very tasty.... no desire for a glass of milk.
Well I'd rather not have extra estrogen in my system. For a start it will cause bloating and a larger ammount of fat to develop. If you drank enough of it I imagine I guy could start to develop definite feminisation effects (but it would be in the order of a gallon+ a day).

Ever notice that some vegetarians have really high body fat levels with very little muscle, compared to their peers with similar lifestyles (but eat meat)? Its probably due to all the extra estrogen from the soy they eat.
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