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Milk doesn't do a body good.

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HigherWisdom said:
I haven't had dairy products at all for about 2 weeks now. However, I am not getting much calcium:(. I didn't plan this out wisely. I just eliminated dairy without concern for how I'm going to get calcium and vitamin d. I take a multivitamin but that's not enough.

How about soymilk? Made from soybeans, not a COW. Will a glass or 2 a day give me enough calcium?

You'll need to find calcium-fortified soy milk. The natural calcium is soy is nowhere near the levels required.

Oh and Cryus... bug off if you're not interested :p ;)
im interested :p I just dont see the point to the belligerent arguing.

either way, vitamin d is basically supes up the absorbtion of calcium, from what i understand.
Milk may not be needed in 3 really tall glasses a day, but dairy does have its ups and downs is what we could presume.

if people really wanted calcium, they could take supplements most likeley and avoid milk (and any other vitamin providing drink or food).

milk tastes good though; look at ice cream and milkshakes. Yes, not the best food to refer to in a health forum but... damn this strawberry milkshake tastes good...
ADHD symptoms from drinking milk? You are seriously a dumbfuck.
This has been a big debate ever since the start of PETA. They tend to stretch the truth and make people beleive that any product made from animals is harmful. They are a bunch of douchebags.

I like dairy products before i go to bed because they are quite relaxing and are one of the only sources of quality caesien protein which is excellent for weight lifters. It also aids in fat loss. There are many other benefits of milk, but none that really apply to me because i get all the vitamins found in milk from other foods also.
^^ I'm pretty sure that natural animal products would tend to be far less harmful than hormone-pumped, antibiotic laden ones we encounter today. Also, don't you think that pus and blood from an infection is harmful for consumption?

I'm not saying that there aren't health benefits in milk, because there are (the protein, for one), but you must also weigh in the flaws associated and see if it's right for your consumption.

You say PETA tends to stretch the truth, but what you overlook is the government telling you that milk builds strong bones when the opposite is true. Is that stretching the truth or blatently lying?
>>1. Milk is a great source of nutrition.. for calves and babies! Nature intended for this drink to be consumed at early stages of development, where the calcium taken in would not be leeched by the protein. So check with your nutritionists first before assuming that it's right for you.. but if you do, by all means indulge.>>

Many cultures including various northern europeans and tribal africans have drank milk for a thousands of years (including the adults). As a result, people with said genetic inheritance have an abundance of lactase (the enzyme that digests milk) and are adapted to consuming large amounts of dairy products. For these people, consuming organic, truely freerange dairy products through adulthood is normal and healthy.

Also, in the book, "Becoming Vegan" the author claims that the protein content of milk does not significantly decrease calcium absorbtion, and that dairy calcium is very bio-available. Milk alone can build strong bones.

I completely agree that the modern dairy industry has some fucked up practices and reckon that synthetic hormones, puss, and blood are indeed not good to drink. What alarms me even more is the moral implications of "dairy farming" in general. Locking an animal up only too force them into stressfull lactation and an early death is sad and unnecessary in a society with the scientific capabilities required to stop it.
HAHAHA (not meant for jimmythegun)

read the thread before you post- or not.. maybe I'm just grumpy.
Regulus said:
ADHD symptoms from drinking milk? You are seriously a dumbfuck.

Be nice now. :p ;)

I found thissite to be interesting. Lots of listings of different foods and the calcium they contain.
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ahhh... reading this thread made me crave a nice, cold glass of milk. Haven't had one in ages. This is good stuff.

Olive oil on bread is the best. I have in on my toast instead of marg. Tastes great with honey. Try (this is similar to the 'Italian sandwich above) olive oil on bread, the squeeze tomato juice on it. Sprinkle oregano on it and salt and pepper to your liking. Then sprinkle fetta chese on it. yum yum. The Greek way!

I too believe moderation is the key. I occasionally will have a cup of warm milk before sleep(contains melatonin), but I avoid it during the day. I also may resort to a slurp of milk if I have indigestion....to neutralise those acids...Not too much though.

Here's an article I found on milk and hormones (My 2 cents worth). I hope this does repeat anything previously included in this post.

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Milk can't possibly be that bad for a person... I drink at least 1/2 gallon a day and i am in great shape. So what are these hormones really doing to people? nothing major... Humans are extremely adaptive to different substances or chemicals, so i don't think a tiny amount of crap we consume through dairy is going to affect anyone in any major way.
Bottom line is: many people are allergic to dairy and they don't know it. This is why there's such a movement of people saying that all dairy is bad for you. It's bad for some people, but not all.

Although milk may be a good source of calcium, it is surely not the best. The best, most bio-available source of calcium is by far leafy green vegetables.
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Motox786 said:
So what are these hormones really doing to people?

The hormones in milk are not absorbed by your body. Anyone who claims they are obviously doesn't have very much of a grasp of the function of the human liver--the liver will break down all hormones that are taken orally and they will not be absorbed. Especially not polypeptide hormones like IGF-1. The reason that oral hormone preparations like dianabol and anavar are absorbed by the body is because a methyl group is added to their chemical structure so that the liver cannot break them down--which subsequently causes EXTREME strain on the liver.

Please, people. Bodybuilders have been using IGF-1 for many years, and it costs thousands of dollars a month and must be site-injected intramuscularly several times a day. If you could just drink some milk to get IGF-1, everyone would 6'4", 6% bodyfat, and be able to bench 400lbs.
Here is a link that shows even some more benefits of milk...

I think it's safe to say that milk has many many more benefits than people realize.
Try goat's milk or sheep's milk if goat's milk is a bit strong for you in taste . . . way easier to digest. best if you can find it fresh, but I guess pasteurised is how most people can find it unless the friendly farmer lives round the corner . . . make it organic and, possibly, NOT homogenized as this will make the proteins chains even more complex and harder to make use of for the body.

Oh, and I can imagine all kinds of behavioural/mood disorders when one consumes stuff one is allergic to . . . why not ADHD?
less than 1% of the population is allergic to milk. I wouldn't reccomend it for these people... otherwise there is no problem whatsoever.
give me some sort of proof that milk is unhealthy. I'm not talking about PETA funded websites like notmilk.com... I'm talking scientific studies
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