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melbourne vs sydney

This argument looks like this:

Melbourne is better because {insert list of reasons}.
Sydney is better because {insert statement that "it just is}

Reasons are good! :D

Plus, it seems that people that are from other places will choose Melbourne over Sydney far more often than not. It's almost like you have to have grown up in Sydney to be able to put up with it. Probably because people from Sydney just don't know any better... ;)
^ Maybe it's just that Sydney et al are bored of these types of threads which, as katmeow pointed out, have been done 15 million times and really don't need to be debated again.

Sydney is prettier.
Sydney has better weather.
Sydney has nicer beaches.
Sydney has better restaurants. http://www.smh.com.au/news/World/Sydney-best-place-to-eat-LA-Times/2005/09/26/1127586779109.html

Sydney and Melbourne are both pretentious, just in different ways.

Melbourne has more affordable living.
Melbourne's cultural scene is much more lively and varied.
Melbourne has a lower crime rate.

Sydney having more assholes? Debatable. If only because BL proves otherwise. ;)
Heh, don't worry, I've had my share of rants about these types of threads. As far as pissing contests go, we're up to our necks in this one...

Savour that thought if you will... :D
Pfft, I would hardly call Sydney pretty and the good restaurants are few and far between. I love the city but I disagree with those points.
^ Yeah, well that's the point. These threads are entirely subjective.

And as for the restaurants thing, I was only quoting that article from the LA Times -> SMH which claims it's the best place to eat in the world. Not saying I agree with it necessarily...
You know what? They both suck. ;)

I heard this analogy though a while back, Melbourne & Sydney are like twin sisters, Melbourne grew up proper, married right, and lives a quiet respectable life, and Sydney's the wild one who got knocked up in High School & still has her legs in the air. ;)

Anyhoo. If there's one thing that craps me its how the whingey cunts from that rainy hell-hole to the south constantly moan on and on about how much better Melbourne is than Sydney, I've noticed that Sydney people in the main don't really feel the urge to pay out Melbourne unless Melbourners say something about Sydney first, I presume it's the quiet confidence of living in city with a decent climate, where they have an average of 1 season per day as opposed to the 3 you get in Melbourne. It always comes down to this idiot bitchslap contest where its *whack* we got better nightclubs *whack* but we got better weather *whack* our living standards are better *whack* the atmosphere is better *whack* ... ad nauseam.

While it might be a smelly, sweaty humid and polluted city, with a heart as black as the tar you could drain outta your lungs after breathing there for a day, I'll say this. Sydney OWNS summer! There is no fucking contest. Melbourne might own winter, that's fine, they can have it, its a shitty season anyway. Anything said to the contrary is just silly nonsense.

In the end though, I much prefer living in Canberra. Lets face it, now that we've exported Muzby to the south (biological warfare at its peak), we've got better people. =D

[/end drunken rant]

-plaz out-
i will have to agree there, i have just gone thru the thread again and it has made me laugh...

I dont think we really attack melbourne much till it comes to when they attack us... or try to steal stuff from us, like Raz

I think the only enemy Sydney has, is QLD due to sporting codes...

that is all, this is a worthless reply...

Sydney sucks, for fuck sake why cant you fucking people design parallel streets, what with this over abundant living in crescents shit??
up all night said:
^ Yeah, well that's the point. These threads are entirely subjective.

And as for the restaurants thing, I was only quoting that article from the LA Times -> SMH which claims it's the best place to eat in the world. Not saying I agree with it necessarily...

I agree, ... and I wouldn't put much faith in SMH ... or international travel publications (there are just so many of them!).
*spits toothpick out from mouth*

"Flo, stop kissing my brother and fetch my shotgun, while I start the tractor. Muzby is coming to town next month,.... we can hear squealing again"
*waits for keej to launch in to tirade about hook turns*
[QUOTE='lil leecie]*waits for keej to launch in to tirade about hook turns*[/QUOTE]

firstly, it's "into". dam sdneeysydars hoo spel good not.

secondly, at least we can turn right in our CBD... not like sydney... you have to drive for 3kms to find a street that doesn't have a "no right turn" sign.
Raz said:
Why do you think I'm moving back? ;)

Now that was FUCKING funny.

And YAYAYAYAY we get raz back! (even if we do have to lure him with penis)
sorry but sydney gets my vote all the way.lf I wasnt married I could fuck some random tourist every damn night, lol
I cbf reading the whole thread, so sorry if this has already been posted. I am from Melbourne, and I love Melbourne and think it's way better than Sydney.

However I think that Melburnians generally have this massive chip on their shoulder/inferiority complex about Sydney, and constantly feel the need to pile shit on Sydney to make themselves feel better about Melbourne. A lot of the time it's Melbournites that start the 'Melbourne vs. Sydney' discussion, hoping for some good Sydney bashing time. A lot of the time the Sydney people just go 'meh' about the whole thing and go back to their daily business, (ie being wankers =D ;) )

Btw, Melbourne rox and Sydney sux!!!
I live in Brisbane (don't hold it against me ;)), but have been to both Melbourne and Sydney. My choice isn't based on specifics, it's based on, to quote Dennis Denuto from the movie, The Castle; "The Vibe". ;)

Seriously though, i prefer the vibe of melbourne alot more than sydney. When i was walking through Melbourne CBD, people smiled, they didn't seem SO intent on getting from A to B that they completely blocked everything else out. I've never been pushed and shoved out of the way before like i was in Sydney CBD. It was borderline surreal! Sydneysiders NEEDED to get somewhere, and they didn't give a fuck who they had to pummel to get there. ;)

It's personal preference really. I don't like that vibe... some people do. If you do, don't, for the love of God, come to Brisbane. Up here, we're so laid back, you'll ask someone for directions, and you'll have found the place before they get around to answering you. ;)
Sydney only for for coke and work opportunities

Melbourne has better everything else.