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[MEGA] Cannabis Quitting Thread aka I need a break

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I may start my break tomorrow, but it's way to hard. Every time that I have tried, somebody put a fresh bowl in my face. How can I pass the the time?
^Try playing video games, reading a book, or getting some outdoor exercise. I just took a nice bike ride, and it really helped to enhance my drug-free high.

Also, once you're off for a few days, your dreams might become more intense. You might want to try keeping a dream journal, as this will help your recall and may even help you decipher them. My dream recall is already better. I had a nice one last night in which I was pulling huge tourmaline crystals out from the bottom of a creek. Not too surprising, considering my first post to this thread, but cool nonetheless :)

I hope your abstinence goes well! Mine probably won't last too long, but even a few days off the weed is beneficial. I'm starting to think this on/off thing is even better than being off of it completely. It certainly makes life more interesting :D
I love Tourmaline, one of my favorites. Not really into crystals now but I used to have quite a few as well as a massive wire wrap.

Have about a gram left, going to try to finish it by Friday (yes I can make it last this long) so I can take at least a month off. I was planning on doing this last weekend but I had two severe family crises that I had to take care of first. Of course, during a few of those days I bought some norcos and went on a binge (I was still functioning and helping out.. with a smile on my face), and the as I always do I go out and by a sack of herb when they run out to mask any mild WD symptoms (had a bad habit about 6 years ago)

I'm trying to time it on Friday so I can take maybe an extra OTC sleep med if I need too as well as have an extra beer or two. Three days is really all you need to get over the worst of it and honestly its not all that bad. For me the days are not really that bad, its more the nights which is when I usually smoke 5 out of the 7 days a week.

Thing that is difficult for me is I do find some benefit to the stuff and I have so many feelings attached to it (especially it being summer now). Oh well, I'm in my late twenties. Time to get off the stuff. The cons outweight the pros and 95 percent of the time its not really worth it.

Sorry for my rambling, it helps to put things into perspective for me (damn ADD). Anyways good luck to all those on a quit or break. I hope to join you very soon. I have plenty of breaks under my belt, including some that lasted for several months, so I know I can do it.
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only pussies take breaks from the cannabis

You're either a troll or just a total dickhead, or maybe a combination thereof.

As for me, I have to quit (day 3 now) because of a drug test for a job coming up (since I'll be technically a state employee so they don't want potheads) but I know the day I am done with that, I'll be good to go again.

I really haven't noticed much change yet, except my short-term memory is shot to shit still and I'm very easily distracted...more so than usual. My sleeping pattern is disrupted right now, and I usually don't go to sleep until well after midnight (last night, I didn't fall asleep until about 4!) but I'm going to attribute that to a large intake of caffeine and stress over finals. I was tempted to take some nyquil to help me sleep, but didn't do it because that usually just addles my brain the next day.

Although I have noticed a slight increase in drive and motivation, if only I could get my scattered brain together. The thing that's really going to suck is that I'll probably get some buds before I go home since I don't have connections to the drug world there, and I've heard that the usual places people go to get that sell schwag and are hot. The suckish thing for me with having the buds is that it'll become really, really tempting to smoke it, but I think I'll be cool since I know not to smoke any of it until my testing is done.

I'm likely going to have to go clean over the summer since I don't have any connects yet. I know one person who likes to smoke, but I doubt he deals and I really doubt he's going to want to middleman for me. I don't know him that well either.
I haven't blazed the ganja for about 10 days now.....since the lack of money. It's nice though since I haven't really had a break for that long of a period this year! ha. But it will be nice getting ripped off of a few hits when I do!
Bag is getting pretty low... going back and forth between thoughts of just buy a bag and quit next friday and just get it over with. Looking like I may have to throw a small amount out tomorrow. May save a bowl pack for Friday right before bed.

Problem is everytime I've puffed this week, even my small doses, I start thinking about how I have to quit the stuff. Occasionally I am catching myself talking verbally to myself about "just getting it over with".

I'm really only enjoying my last smoke of the evening and thats after I have had 2 or 3 beers usually.

One Reminder to everyone: Remember that each day is a step towards bettering yourself. Eventually, things like appetite and sleep return to a point that they are actually better then when you were smoking.
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Today was my first day off it sucked during my business class I was just thinking of gettin high, I'm goin for a month so not gunna smoke in may...Then go back to usual till sept, Then am goin to India in septmber so might get baked there since it's easy to obtain weed drinks and hash and it's part of the religion(it really is, when I wad a kid my parents used to give me bhang a weed drink, but not enuf to get baked) when I get back to the states I'm done with weed and am enlisting in the USMC so no weed for 8 years. I smoked ciggs today instead of weed nd it helped me not think bou weed.. But not a healthy substitution lol
Break should start today, Of course I wasn't able to finish all my herb so I had to end up throwing out a small amount. Painful and liberating at the same time.

Anyways here goes nothing. I am going to allow myself to buy a pack or two of cigarettes.
phactor, do you already smoke tobacco? I started because I couldn't smoke cannabis. Now I pretty much have to smokes cigarettes :( They aren't compatible with a healthy lifestyle, and with Spring (eventually) coming, getting out on my bike on a regular basis is something I'm really looking forward to.

I ended my cannabis break, BTW. I was starting to feel weird, which has never happened on previous breaks. No change in my dreaming since I sparked up again; I'm still dreaming like normal. Dreamed I was beating the shit out of a bunch of bad guys this time. Very liberating :D
phactor, do you already smoke tobacco? I started because I couldn't smoke cannabis.

I smoked a pack a day for five years, over the last year or two I have only had one or two every once in awhile.

I bought a pack of a brand I do not like. I think after this weekend I will be off them. I do use snus though.

Was able to get to the gym today and lift. Of course I run into my weed guy up there lol.

Slight anxiety, was difficult to sleep last night. Feeling a bit agitated, but I no that usually gets worse after day one or two. No appetite really, just drinking protein shakes.
Ended up able to have a full dinner. Have been pretty damn sweaty tonight, slight anxiety. Just took some Valerian to help with the anxiety and two otc sleep meds. Put down a few brews as well.

Really realizing just how much herb sedates me, which can obviously be a good thing. However, as always too much of a good thing can be bad.
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Feeling much much better today. Anxiety is pretty much gone. I have only smoked one cigarette. No cravings to really speak off. When I do crave I remind myself "you haven't even been enjoying the high recently". No more sweating either.

Sleep wasn't too great last night, however I am not nearly as groggy in the morning. Also, its nice to be able to stay alert till bedtime. I didn't realize just how sedating herb is to me now... I can really only smoke indicas nowadays anyways.

Got in another good workout. Appetite is a little light, but I feel like it should be back in full force by Tuesday.

I really recommend that people time the first 2 or 3 days off to the weekend if you work a Mon to Fri 9 to 5
Feeling even better today. In a much better mood and more focused. Still had some trouble sleeping last night.

Threw out my pack of cigs and trying to keep the beers to a minimum.

This time around was very easy...

I'm wondering if the two weeks I took off before my month on helped.
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Glad your feeling better phactor.

Working out is definitely a great way to help with the withdrawal and to distract you from the urge.
Went out last night, ran into some bud smoking friends. Turned it down.
Turning it down definitely gets easy once you do it a few times. 4/20 was the third day of my break and it was definitely hard to turn down all the offers to get smoked up but I managed to do it. Now I'm on day 21.
Haven't had any herb in over two weeks. Kinda nice to know that I should be peeing clean soon as well. That was always in the back of my mind even though I do not get tested.

Going to be looking for a new job soon, looking to move out of my city. I work with abused children in one of the most violent areas in the US. I have been doing this for two years. I am realizing that I just cannot do it much longer for my own sanity.

Anyways I feel much more on point and am able to wake up much much easier. Drinking less too. Not smoking cigarettes either which is nice.

Seems like I have a triple habit of alcohol, nicotine and herb.
i wrote in this thread a while ago, vowing to stop. i failed eventually. its just too damn hard when you have a roommate who doesnt want to quit and continues to buy weed. i think i could do it if i wasnt living with a stoner. anyways, im on day 3 of a forced break, dont have a connection at the time and the weather is too crappy for a longboard ride to the coffeeshop (thats how ive been getting weed lately). i enjoy not smoking and i dont have the urge to buy weed, although i think of weed 20 times a day. i guess i will break down once my roommate purchases some ganja again.

here are some things i dislike about weed:
- its restricting. when im stoned i rarely pursue everyday activities like shopping, cleaning, talking on the phone.
- it makes me stupid. i am seriously pretty dumb when im stoned. its "ok" when im sober but i know my intelligence is still limited.
- it kills my long and short term memory.
- it makes me antisocial. i find it tedious/intimidating to talk to people and thus have a hard time making friends. even when im sober. i think this may be due to a hightened sense of self awareness
- it alienates me from people who dont smoke. believe it or not, many people arent keen on hanging out with druggies, even if its "just weed".
- it makes me stay at home. why bother with all the hassle of going to a club when i can just smoke weed and play computer with a friend. its just as fun. when i do go out its mostly with people who also smoke weed. because of that i experience less than i could and thus collect less memories to look back on when im old. all those days spent smoking weed are just a hazy cloud of mush. memories of good times are rare. its all just the same.
- it makes me ugly. puffy eyes is the main issue. almost all stoners sport puffy eyes, even when they are sober.
- munchies. its 1 am, im starting to get sober, i need to sleep but i cant because im so hungry. eating snacks never cuts it, i need to make a pizza or something. or go to bed hungry which also sucks.

here are some things i like about weed:
- its fun. getting stoned on a nice summer day with a few good friends is great. playing computer really stoned is great. going longboarding stoned is great. lighting up after an intense party is great.

thats all i can think of thats positive about weed. i have been smoking for over six years.
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