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[MEGA] Cannabis Quitting Thread aka I need a break

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20h without weed but imma light up anyway ill start weed break 2moz
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I notice that if I wait a whole day to smoke I get marginally higher than if I would've wake-n-baked that day, but 24 hours is not adequate time for a tolerance break. A week or two AT LEAST is what you need.
You'd need at the bare minimum a week. 24 hours isn't going to give you a noticeable difference.

I use to smoke about half an oz a day between me and two other friends and I quit for a year and a half. Now I get high on 3-4 hits LOL
merged with [MEGA] Quitting Thread..

but to answer your question, 24 hours will do almost nothing :\
After reading some of these posts, it seems like if you are very critical of yourself and how others view you.... Then weed is not your drug of choice.

definitely true for me. i am so self critical and spend a lot of time just thinking about myself and how i am viewed by others. weed just enhances that by making me more self conscious. i havent smoked for four days now and i enjoy it. i think about weed everyday though but i dont have strong cravings. its more like i anticipate smoking and then think "oh yeah, you dont have weed...". i told my roommate that i will move out if i will continue to buy weed. its rough, but with the current situation its impossible for me to quit.

i want a more active roommate anyways, his passiveness is killing me. the guy hasnt been outside for two weeks unless i dragged him even though the weather is beautiful. i need to live with someone who has a life besides watching tv shows and computer games. its depressing.
What are you guys talking about? 24 hours will do a fuckin' lot. I'd recon after a 24 hour period I could get baked off my ass of off my usual amount -- sure it would take more, but I could still get high as a kite.

Longer breaks produce better effects, thats for sure, but thankfully you can re-dose MJ pretty quickly unlike a LOT of other similar drugs. That said, aiming for the long breaks JUST to catch a better high isn't usually the best mindset to enter the "take a break" game. Set a date and keep it, that's all.

First three or so days are bad sleepy and grumpy, but that's around it.
Except for a 5 month break in 1987, and a few week or so breaks, I've been a daily smoker for 36 years. I'm on day 7 of my first break in years. I'd like to be able to pass a piss test if I decide to take a new job I've been offord. And I need a break anyway. Great thread, good luck to all us quiters.PEACE
I don't usually think about weed at all if I'm doing something productive like working or studying, the major problem pops up when one of my old bonghead mates rings me up, like "You wanna go pick up some budddd??". Seriously, my social interaction and co-ordination goes down a fair bit when I'm stoned as fuck, it's gonna be the exact same effect when I blow that billy out that I've had for the past 2 or 3 years and I honestly don't see it as a state which I find enjoyably intoxicating anymore - why do I say yes? Then when I do I found that I missed hanging out with someone else because of that, and I feel bad saying no because I contradicted my efforts to not smoke last week by smoking the last day or 2. Then we go organize more, end up having a few left over and the cycle continues... sometimes I feel like picking the phone up, yelling 'FUCK OFF CUNTS I WENT SKITZO' and throwing it at a wall.
What do people get out of a bong? For me, it's a rush to the head after ripping it similar to chugging down half a cigarette in a minute, a bad taste in my mouth, a need to sit down and spit out my now tainted saliva, dizzy feeling, tingly feeling where my brain should be, some CEVs and minor shimmers around lights when I'm truly smoked out. I don't get the giggles or anything, I find the idea of cunts pissing themselves at a Vegemite jar like in the movies to be inaccurate and completely exaggerated, in fact most people I know just sit there staring at a television. So how do I smoke it? I just can't say no if it's there.
after dropping a tab yesterday, I felt disgusted knowing that I have been burning at least a gram of "fire" for the past 6 months.

I have been burning for four years, it's really hard to stop when you wake up at 6 in the morning, bust your ass for 8 hours, get home knowing you have a fat sack you can hit up but you don't want to for whatever reason.
Lets say your used to waking up, taking a rip, wait 2-3 hours, rip again. you kill 1.5grams in a bong when the day is over.. a few weeks go by and your like fuck "constant burning has me letharging" so you decide to taper and only smoke once a day, yet you still feel the slug inside of you . This makes it hard to quit, because once your tolerance goes down a few hits have you feeling like you been chiefing all day, I used to be a wrestler and after practice I would take ONE hit, And get all the negative sides; So it's like FUCK even one hit is too much
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as of late, i notice that every time i get high w/ the ladies, my overall capacity to be flirtatious disappears and i essentially became asexual for the duration of the high. has anybody else experienced this?
i want a more active roommate anyways, his passiveness is killing me. the guy hasnt been outside for two weeks unless i dragged him even though the weather is beautiful. i need to live with someone who has a life besides watching tv shows and computer games. its depressing.

story of my life, my german brother.
having a stoner roommate is cool to an extent; i almost never paid for weed =D.
however, he would not even want to go for a walk. he'd spend his time on the computer just like your roommate. even living with him, i managed to stop smoking weed daily. now, it's more of a weekend habit. and i'm fine with that. i started hanging out w/ people who quit smoking weed for the same reasons as the people here, but they still enjoyed indulging in psychedelics and the occasional amphetamine. i really found myself much happier with them.
Bought a bag of some bud after three weeks off. Not really enjoying it as I keep feeling guilty... I think I'm going to end up throwing it away in a day or two.

It was not that hard to quit for me... I'd imagine that its going to be even quicker since I have only smoked for a few days.
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After reading some of these posts, it seems like if you are very critical of yourself and how others view you.... Then weed is not your drug of choice.

It gets to a point (especially when you are older) where habitual use often doesn't really fit in ones life anymore... that can bring about some feelings of reservation or guilt when high.
My break started in March.

I'm not sure it's a break. I think I just might have quit for good. You wouldn't want to do it my way, mind you.

I was having two big things happen when I smoked. The first was a racing heart. Pound ! Pound ! Pound ! Especially at the end of the night...and sometimes long after I went to bed.

The second was more disturbing. On a handful of occasions after getting high, I had thoughts of hurting myself. Nothing I acted on. It wasn't a 'voice' in my head, but another presence, like a challenging force that suggested....'what if you did this ?'

When that happened, I steadied myself and observed the conflict. In those moments I thought this must be what it's like for people who get serious suicidal thoughts, but for them it's even worse. After a time or two of this happening I learned these ideas would go away after I came down. And of course, the logical thing became not getting high at all because I did not want to see that develop into something else.

I've been smoking on and off for about 35 years. By the end, I wasn't smoking much at all - 2 hits off a joint would do it. Since I stopped, my overall mood has improved. I have fewer moments of what I would call depression. I'm more focussed in what I do. I'm making better use of my time and taking on more challenges. I find I'm able to process much more daily life...which means things are a bit 'flatter' but that's not so bad.

The pounding heart stuff is pretty much over. Stopping smoking and doing regular exercise have it more or less sorted. Heart rate is way down, however there is an occasional arrhythmia that needs to be explored.

In the past, I've gone years without smoking. This last go around though, say the past 7 or 8 years, lasted longer, and most of it was on my own. Not smoking the heavy stuff and never smoking a lot...but it was daily and there was always something in my system.

What I'm finding now is that no matter how hard i tried to imagine it...I would not have been able to appreciate the difference between being a smoker and having gone even three months without. I'll never forget how good music sounds when I'm high, and how much easier it is to WRITE music...and how I get some really fun and warped ideas. The tradeoffs now though are too big. Apart from having some thoughts of self-harm....being single and older and smoking was taking me a little too far into a world of my own. Fascinating in some ways, to be sure. But not sustainable. And I was at a point where I had to make some big changes.


* Do not be around something to smoke. That might be much easier for me than most of you since your friends are probably right into it and I would have to find that 'certain' crowd...but there is no better away to get a break. Some people have mentioned not buying any. For years, that was what I did and it worked very well. It wasn't until I was in my 40s that I started buying. Bad move. I always smoked it if it was around.

* Get more focused on the life ahead of you. If you've got something important coming up you are almost certain to do it better straight. Why not take a two or three month run at it ? I'm still not clear yet of the effects of smoking for a long time, but I can sense the difference. I've got extra patience and an extra gear or two for difficult things. Before, I might not have been as tough. Set a goal or two. Aim to do something that is really meaningful to you and also really hard to accomplish if you're always getting high. And if you're not able to find something, be honest about why not.

* Be ready to change friends. This one is probably a non-starter for a lot of people but here is how life is going to go: friends will drop out of your life along the way. Some will be gone when school is done. Others will drift away once they get married. If you're still smoking and drinking and partying hard etc. well into your 30s, you and your buddies are enabling each other. In the end, you'll do whatever you want to do, but if you want to get clear of something, you'll have to have the power to pull away from bad situations.

I'm just about viceless, but I never think I'm that far from slipping back. Stopped tobacco ten years ago. Quit drinking two or three years back - turns out it was not my DOC. I'm leaving one thing in play: psychedelics. And maybe just mescaline. That is bound to be only once or twice a year, tops.

Anyway, that's the plan.

Take care.
now i dont wanna catch any shit for this, im well aware of substitution of drugs and how it isnt a good thing to do. But whats an ideal drug i could take to minimize withdrawal period from weed? Night sweats are a bitch, if you can even sleep(my personal experience). I have been smoking since i discovered i could live like that, and that really is more hindrance than good at this point.

I was thinking kratom maybe? or would like xanax or something benzo-like work better? the prob with benzos is i know not how to obtain...
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