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MDxx Pills Disappearing... Piperazine Pills Taking Over?

Theirs been some good ones around lately which is why i have had some for first time since new years in the past month, however the price of larger amounts has gone up more than when their was quality around last year.
Im jus so glad that i can say: ' Back in mi day we had proper pills, not all this pip shit u got 2day!' to all the electro kiddies and im not even that old... lol

Least u can have tha hangover benda feeling from jus 1 pip for a fraction of the price of going on a real 3 day benda!!!
I've definitely noticed a significant drop in quality recently, I had 1 about 5 weeks ago and didn't feel anything, and again last weekend I double dumped (first time I've done this for about 18 months) and it wasn't even as strong a single pill used to be. I really don't use them all that often anymore, in fact I've only had them 4 times this year, but compared to what I got earlier in the year and late last year they're crap.

I can't really see the quality improving anytime soon, I think our market will become more like the UK market, they'll get much cheaper, but also much weaker so it will become normal for people to take 2 or 3 to start the night - even if they don't have a tolerance.

Hi to anyone who still remembers me, haven't posted here for a LONG time!
this below is true price has gone down 50 % in the last 5-10 years and quality has followed closely behind. thank the feds and customs and gang wars buts its mainly the import markets that have gone to shit but sooner or later the goods will come back as that is the merry go round of the drug trade it will probably never be like it was as just like paying higher taxs people get uses to it and why would the manufacturers knock back extra profit if we will accept shit why should they feed us sugar

I know prices can't be stated but since 2002 the prices have halfed at singles and ten packs. They have decreased significantly in larger quantities obviously - but this basically explains why the quality has decreased. Also when there is shit around, you only need to make slightly better shit to beat the competition.
I hoped we'd see a surge of powder MDMA being available on the market as a reaction to the drop in quality of pills, I'd be happy to pay the price of 2 - 3 pills for a point of good, clean molly, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

I guess the most we can do as buyers is make sure we use test kits, try find dealers who you can build a relationship with instead of buying off randoms in the alley outside the club, and refuse to offer repeat business to those dealers who do sell you shit. We can't control the market at large, but hopefully we can at least personally make an effort to not let it spoil our fun, and in some small way maybe make the distributors realise that selling dirty shit just isn't on. All we can do is refuse to buy from dealers who sell shitty pills, and hopefully they'll catch on and refuse to take bad pills from their suppliers, who in turn will hopefully stop importing/making dodgy pills.

I also have a suspicion that there's going to be a direct correlation between the nosedive in pill quality and the prevalence of ketamine/GHB/meth in the club scene. Which sucks, because none of those drugs create the same open, friendly atmosphere that a crowd off their chops on pingers does.
I think the pill market is pretty much doomed to be shit for the forseeable future, too many idiots willing to consume shit pills. Sadly there isn't enough of us educated consumers to change the direction shit is going in.

I agree with crankinit that there will be an increase in the prevalence of other drugs, which I am totally fine with and just hope those markets don't go the way the ecstasy market has. Ecstasy is the only shit you can buy several times in a row and there actually be a chance you will not once have got what you paid for, its fucking shocking.

I like MDMA as much as the next guy but I am so over the bullshit, there are plenty of enjoyable substances out there and the pill dealers will have my business again only when they are selling what they are meant to be.
Their is a serious MDMA drought not only in Australia but in most parts of the world, it's not the easiest drug to make like methylamphetamine is and the precursors are a lot more difficult to come buy.

I don't know how long this piperazine pills trend is going to go on for but I hope it ends soon, maybe somebody should tip off the media and inform them of what these pipe pills do to people when mixed with alcohol or MDxx. I'm sure they would love to throw that out of prospection which might make the government actually start acting in shutting down all the labs in China and god know what other places...
Their is a serious MDMA drought not only in Australia but in most parts of the world, it's not the easiest drug to make like methylamphetamine is and the precursors are a lot more difficult to come buy.

I don't know how long this piperazine pills trend is going to go on for but I hope it ends soon, maybe somebody should tip off the media and inform them of what these pipe pills do to people when mixed with alcohol or MDxx. I'm sure they would love to throw that out of prospection which might make the government actually start acting in shutting down all the labs in China and god know what other places...

Look up the term 'sovereignty,' the government can't do shit to shut down Chinese piperazine labs, and I doubt an article like that would ever be published... lord help us if we support a view which in some way supports legalising mdma!
I know prices can't be stated but since 2002 the prices have halfed at singles and ten packs. They have decreased significantly in larger quantities obviously - but this basically explains why the quality has decreased. Also when there is shit around, you only need to make slightly better shit to beat the competition. People can buy more pills today than they used to for the same price but will need to take twice as many. Experienced users probably wouldn't waste their money on the shit, but when it is all that is around you take the best of what is out there. The pill market will not suffer because the newer generations don't know the difference between fukt and mdma loved up.

I couldnt of said it better!
Back in the day, I had no problem paying top dollar for good pills. I always made sure the people who were taking care of me were well compensated. But the way things are now, I refuse to buy the crap that that is passing for "ecstasy". I'm sure there are lots of people out there like me who would be more than happy to pay very well for good pills. If some of you dealers and chemists out there smarten up, you could find a profitable new market in ppl who know the difference between good and bad pills and who arent buying anything since there arent any good pills around.
Hi to anyone who still remembers me, haven't posted here for a LONG time!

Who are you again? ;) :p

This thread is a copy of so many other threads but if the discussion stays away from availability & pricing, I'm okay with it staying open. I might go and close some of those other threads though, I understand this is becoming a real issue but please stop creating so many new threads about it. :)
The quality will drop along with the price, but what happens when the quality drops to the point where there's no MDxx in the pills at all? Already the majority of pills (like I said 56% of reported pills) are Adulterated / Unknown / Non-active and many people, such as my friends and I, have moved away from pills to other substances already. Producers are obviously realizing they can get away with putting nothing in the pills at all, so they're doing it. Does this mean in the near future when we buy a pill we'll have a 50/50 shot at a MDxx low or bunk pill? Will even newbies realize its not worth their money when there are, what they consider, better drugs that are easier to obtain (meth)? I think we'd better start carving out a tombstone for MDMA.
As I said in my earlier post... just STOP BUYING the crap that they're trying to sell today as ecstasy. As long as you keep buying it, they'll keep selling it. It's the law of suppky and demand. When you stop buying the meth bombs and the pipes, maybe the chemists and dealers will start supplying us with good quality mdma pills again. Until that happens, stop buying crap.
I'm just grateful I was able to have some fun before the market went to complete shit. I feel for my friends who are just hitting 18 and getting into the scene and going out for their first few times and getting dud pills every second party, at least I got to experience the good stuff before it tanked.

I think you have to be careful with that pillreports number, I imagine people are much more inclined to upload reports on dud pills than they are on good ones, so you have to keep that in mind. Just a thought.

Makes me sad for the future of our EDM scene if this continues though, it would be a sad world if you turn up to a party and the entire crowd are wired off their tits on meth or juicing and King all over the place, those drugs have their place don't get me wrong, but the atmosphere of an entire crowd on pills is really something else, and no other drug can replicate that.
Iv found MDMA powder is starting to come onto the market. It's sold for more then a pill but people are willing to pay for the quality. I don't use MDMA or pills anymore but I welcome the move. MDMA powder still seems to be apart of closed circle's but from chats with people it seems to have been opened to 3 different circles of friends all with different dealers, none of which are clubbers.
I just got into pills about a year ago, lukily i had some good connections at the time and almost all of the pills i got except for one or two were med-high dose mdma have me rolling for 2 - 5 hours strong. Since New years i have not purchased any just because of how bad the market is, just been relying on sum i stocked up on :). However lots of my friends are now getting into this scene and have no clue the difference between MDMA and adulterants, the popularity of pills makes them an obvious target for cutting with shit because of the sheer demand for the product and now with younger generations not knowing what proper mdma is, theyll take anything that fucks them up. I cant see an end to this issue any time soon. stick to the natural/legal stuff. Drinkin, chronic and shrooms haha. :)
2009: the year ecstasy died? Exactly two decades on from the emergence of acid house.
2009: the year ecstasy died? Exactly two decades on from the emergence of acid house.

It is ironic really. '69 was the first summer of love, '89 the second, and another twenty years after, this year, should be the third. Hopefully '29 is better.
I'm just grateful I was able to have some fun before the market went to complete shit. I feel for my friends who are just hitting 18 and getting into the scene and going out for their first few times and getting dud pills every second party, at least I got to experience the good stuff before it tanked.

I think you have to be careful with that pillreports number, I imagine people are much more inclined to upload reports on dud pills than they are on good ones, so you have to keep that in mind. Just a thought.

Makes me sad for the future of our EDM scene if this continues though, it would be a sad world if you turn up to a party and the entire crowd are wired off their tits on meth or juicing and King all over the place, those drugs have their place don't get me wrong, but the atmosphere of an entire crowd on pills is really something else, and no other drug can replicate that.

i agree so much with what you said.
people on pills are so much nicer than anyone else in my experience, it would be a shame to think in a year if this continues going to a rave/club and everyone has moved to harder substances or stuck with pipes or duds :(
^ its just a shame those people aren't nice in reality.

I think it's seriously time we started doing more research into the possibility of MDMA replacements in this drought, surely methylone would be a decent step up from the garbage on the streets right now