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MDxx Pills Disappearing... Piperazine Pills Taking Over?

^ At least it somehow, remotely resembles MDMA. I'd prefer to not take it, but I'd rather mephedrone than BZP.
It may resemble it somewhat, but when you're paying for a product, then that's what you should get...
Of course, but realistically, if the market can't consist of 100% pure MDMA pills, I'd rather the common adulterant be something that's at least recreational.
Yeah but when you get people pressing pills that don't know about their product and give you Meth + Mephedrone you could be in a whole lot of trouble.
I guess something else to consider is which of these 'adulterants' is going to have a greater impact to your ongoing health. :\
Very much so. the cardio-toxicity of Mephedrone probably means that it will lead to a greater risk of heart problems as you get older, especially with heavy use.
Not so good for the people who use pills weekly.
The other problem with mephedrone being pressed is if they put something in there to fool the tester it's harder to distinguish from a pipe pill. That said... does anyone know how hard it is to 'fool' the testers like this? I know mephedrone has no / little reaction to marquis & mandelin so they would need something.

Also I remember reading some government propaganda poster listing grey shaped diamonds as MDMA + 4-mmcat (mephedrone). So it has already been used to some degree as an adulterant.
The other problem with mephedrone being pressed is if they put something in there to fool the tester it's harder to distinguish from a pipe pill. That said... does anyone know how hard it is to 'fool' the testers like this? I know mephedrone has no / little reaction to marquis & mandelin so they would need something.

Also I remember reading some government propaganda poster listing grey shaped diamonds as MDMA + 4-mmcat (mephedrone). So it has already been used to some degree as an adulterant.

It would be enough just to add a tiny amount of safrole to fool testers. U wouldnt need much or even roll the pip powder in a used mdma container or whatever.
Thats right. It has been used. I think even MDMA and 4-MMC would be a dangerous combo as well, although not as dangerous as meth and 4-MMC.

What about 4-MMC in combination with piperazines? I'm guessing that would be highly dangerous combination as well.
Thats right. It has been used. I think even MDMA and 4-MMC would be a dangerous combo as well, although not as dangerous as meth and 4-MMC.

What about 4-MMC in combination with piperazines? I'm guessing that would be highly dangerous combination as well.

Dude whatever u do dont combine them with anything, not even alcohol. The short or long term effects arnt known yet. Relatively safe doses of 4mmc is ok as long as u dont abuse it.
I'm not saying I am going to combine it with anything, but if it starts getting pressed into pills heavily, there is going to end up a few Piperazine and 4-MMC combinations which could be highly dangerous.
If this becomes more of a reality then it looks like a bleak future for pill poppers.
^ It already looks like a bleak future for pill poppers.

What I find is the weirdest thing about pills is how popularity is increasing now that pills are shit from what it was when they were good. It doesn't make much sense.
I've had a point of meth with 4-mmc. Didn't notice any bad effects really.
What I find is the weirdest thing about pills is how popularity is increasing now that pills are shit from what it was when they were good. It doesn't make much sense.

Not really... pills have been mainstream for a long time now.
^ It already looks like a bleak future for pill poppers.

What I find is the weirdest thing about pills is how popularity is increasing now that pills are shit from what it was when they were good. It doesn't make much sense.

The MDMA scene has died. When i started popping pills none of my mates even knew what it was onlyt a few people in my town took them. I think the quality and availability determines the popularity of pills. When theres good gear theres alot of people hooked on it. Take a look at H now, it picked up pretty nicely.
It would be enough just to add a tiny amount of safrole to fool testers. U wouldnt need much or even roll the pip powder in a used mdma container or whatever.

Yeah the point I was trying to make though is if you get sold a pip even with something to fool the tester you can tell it's a pip from the taste, yellow discolouration of water, etc. but if it's 4mmc it becomes harder to differentiate.
ahhhh....i remember mentioning a drought a while back...enjoy the 2 week reprieve starting this whknd w/the psychotherapeutic grade crystal in VIC, after that - its back to dry as for another 2+ months. and amsterdam hasnt sorted itself out yet...
ahhhh....i remember mentioning a drought a while back...enjoy the 2 week reprieve starting this whknd w/the psychotherapeutic grade crystal in VIC, after that - its back to dry as for another 2+ months. and amsterdam hasnt sorted itself out yet...

No Nano No, we need it back ALL OF IT.

Bring back the MDMA!!!!!
I wasn't going to post in the Pips thread but considering the amount of this crap around i thought it would be appropriate.


Of particular note is: "Police warn ecstasy users of dangerous pills - ACT"

Police warn ecstasy users of dangerous pills

ACT Policing is issuing a warning to the public after two separate seizures of ecstasy, which were analysed and found to contain a dangerous mixture of substances.

The tablets were found to contain Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), Benzylpiperazine (BZP) and Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP)."

Batman Pills circulating around Canberra:

