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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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~15 g kratom over an hour or so.

@Audiobook - did you get your DXM at walmart too? X)

Last time i tried DXM i was sinking into my lazy boy and thought i was inside an episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
400mgs of Adrafinil
840mgs of Mitragynine
354mgs of 7-OH-Mitragynine
1,554mgs of FAA Phenibut

Kratom alkaloids obtained from a powerful extract, very high right now. Going to stay up through the night and enjoy the Buzz. Do some reading and listen to Podcasts. Don't have to goto work for a few weeks so my sleeping schedule can be adjusted as I see fit. Pretty expensive way to utilize this plant but when dosed in this manner it feels quite similar to more formal opioids.
1 cup strong coffee and that's it. Try'na plan out my day while fighting off the fatigue of waking at 4am due to gut pain.
My gram of hexen arrived, had to be quick before it's banned. Very coke like but quite boring for now, hard to stop talking though =D
Bowl of some dense sativa and Courage to Grow by Rebelution on in the background. I'm pretty stoned. Only 1mg etiz so far today (cutting dosage down every other day) and I think the coffee is still going strong because I feel remarkably social when I'm normally the quiet introvert.
Just found some 99% CBD isolate I forgot I had, took a hit of that, hoping it helps my stomach, fucking hangover. At least the opiate withdrawal feels better today.
Evidently, I didn't have the courage to grow... I snooted 200ug bupre 20 min ago and am feeling real lightheaded already, I know I'm about to nod away the day. Smoking the last bowl I wana smoke, herb during a bupre peak makes me feel sick.
Damn, this racemic amphetamine I have is surprisingly good. On probably 100mg over the whole day now and I've been a machine. Am quite speed naive on the whole, but, this feels surprisingly clean and nice.

About to smoke a joint. Got some surprisingly good weed right now also. Happy days! :D
I took a little propylhexedrine yesterday because stimulants can help with opiate withdrawal.... regret it a lot today, fuck that shit, it has such a gnarly crash. Add alcohol, and it's a day-long hangover with shitty stomach. Meh.
I took a little propylhexedrine yesterday because stimulants can help with opiate withdrawal.... regret it a lot today, fuck that shit, it has such a gnarly crash. Add alcohol, and it's a day-long hangover with shitty stomach. Meh.
I'm saying this as a fellow drug addict and friend... you really needa stop abusing your body with cigs, beer, and benzedrex/stims. I don't know about you but I have heart issues genetically more frequent on my father's side, and stims never do the heart any good. I quit booze... but because of my health problems. Sorry for preaching... and I know it's hard when they're all easily available. Just want you to live to be an old happy Xorky <3
I'm sorry for being a hypocrite too. I'm buzzing real hard off that 200ug bupre. Haven't had too much etiz today so that's good. Not used to opioids right now so the bupe is a bit uncomfortable and I'm finding myself a bit dizzy. I think I'm gonna go and lie down for a while, been up since 4am anyhow....
A ton of Kratom
Corn chowder
blood orange vape juice 6mg

(taking a canna break unfortunately)

dont get my oxycodone till next month, oh well, at least im a little less stressed and paranoid about covid 19

ps new albums by The Garden and CocoRosie are so flipping good! Check them out!
I'm saying this as a fellow drug addict and friend... you really needa stop abusing your body with cigs, beer, and benzedrex/stims. I don't know about you but I have heart issues genetically more frequent on my father's side, and stims never do the heart any good. I quit booze... but because of my health problems. Sorry for preaching... and I know it's hard when they're all easily available. Just want you to live to be an old happy Xorky <3

True that, right now I just want to feel better...when I feel better I can start getting in shape again and enjoy relative sobriety again. I'm getting so sick of the ups and downs. This Coronavirus lockdown is gonna prevent me from going to the gym though, so I'll have to figure something out.
Just do some pushups and sit-ups and squats in the living room man, that’s what I do at home. Not sure what to do about cardio though. Are you allowed to go jogging outside?
^ Yeah man, bodyweight exercises are the shit, it's surprising how much you can do with them. There's quite a few apps and stuff with solid timed workouts of varying levels of intensity. Or if you're not up to that just work on flexibility or something, set a goal like a standing backflip or the splits and work up to it. Two of my own goals I have yet to "get up to"... :p guess it's kinda low priority right now but shoot for the moon and all that. Jogging usually a winner too, I second that, I think coronavirus is not so pervasive that it's truly airborne. Even just short runs anyways makes a massive difference, IME. One of the best ideas I had recently was to just go for shorter runs...

I've taken about 200mg of racemic amphetamine over the course of the day... what I'm really into is the dextroamphetamine, so levo~ is like a necessary, dose inflating evil. I am pretty wired now. I should go to sleep early today but I'm not sure how likely that is now.
2.5mg xan
6g krat


edit: i like "saving" shit as I can feel it later: always tomorrow... so far
40 mg dexamphetamine
20 mg Abilify
The joy of life without the meth monkey on my back (touch wood)
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