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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Couple puffs of weed
4g kratom
300mg pregab

so not high (perspective) but able to go back into the "real" world inna bit to do money stuff. Hope a MF don't try me today....
Actually Phenibut in general is rarely the same as it once was for me now, I'm not sure why, maybe just burnt out the receptor pathways that Phenibut acts on, which I understand are not, in fact, from direct GABA activity which is often assumed but moreso to do with voltage gating in some channel or other, can't remember the specifics, someone please remind me if you can.

Phenibut is both a voltage-dependent calcium channel blocker, like gabapentin, as well as a direct GABA-B agonist.

Man I am really anxious today. I've been iboga microdosing for 11 days now and it was keeping my mood really good, but today that is not the case. I am really struggling to not take gabapentin or phenibut, I am concerned I've caught dependence again because of past dependence and an every 2-3 day thing it lately.
Black seed oil... thinking about phenibut or gabapentin. I am experiencing a resurgence of mild opiate withdrawal, day 11... sick of it. I'm a little nervous tthat this may actually be withdrawal from gabapentin, or even etizolam, but it's very unlikely to be etizolam because although I have taken it most nights to sleep out of the last 11, I have also taken days off in the middle of that. Last night I could barely sleep, didn't take etizolam though. I'm just ready for this to be over. I really hope it's residual opiate stuff, I was doing poppy tea so it would make sense it would last this long. It's certainly a lot better but it was also better than this a few days ago. Then again I took gabapentin, so... hard to say.

I'd take some loperamide, but it wrecks my stomach and esophagus, dries it out so and I get severe pains all down my esophagus and in my gut, for days. It really sucks.

Yeah... me too. I have greatly reduced to once a week or less but fuck, I got drunk last night and regret it now. So bad for you.

Be careful, it produces withdrawals, don't take it too many days in a row.


sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well.
It will happen.
Just give it some time.
I know it seems never ending and you are tired. Exhausted,

Just take it easy today.
watch some comedies to help you laugh.
Laughter is the Best Medicine.

It could be the gabapentin.
gabapentin gives me horrific withdrawal,
so does clonazepam.

Be careful.
I hope you feel better soon.
Phenibut is both a voltage-dependent calcium channel blocker, like gabapentin, as well as a direct GABA-B agonist.

Man I am really anxious today. I've been iboga microdosing for 11 days now and it was keeping my mood really good, but today that is not the case. I am really struggling to not take gabapentin or phenibut, I am concerned I've caught dependence again because of past dependence and an every 2-3 day thing it lately.

It's probably just a combination of all of the above. Your body is just used to the suppressant effects of all those different substances and with prior issues your gonna experience some rebound especially only 11 days clean from long acting opiates. When I come off of an opiate run now my sleeping and discomfort levels will cycle in waves for weeks after the acute withdrawal.

As I age and my mind has become habituated to a wide variety of substances I find that the rebound or negative after effects of most drugs are much more pronounced.

I actually just placed an order for 120g of phenibut and just reading this has given me pause and a great sense of precaution in proceeding. I had been able to cut my dope habit out several months ago and my life has improved exponentially but I made the mistake of dosing 35-50mg of methadone every Friday for 3 weeks in a row and I can even feel what I call the bends or that negative shift in perception that happens around the 4-5th day when most of the methadone would have cleared and my body begins to anticipate more. I am definely cutting out that habit. I just have to be cautious not to let the phenibut get me. I've been semi dependent before after periodic binges but I have a long history of mostly controlled use with phenibut lasting 5 or so years. I will admit that I have never had large tubs of phenibut sitting around my house before but the town I just moved from had a headshop a few blocks from my house that stayed open till midnight and sold phenibut capsules. I'm actually excited about my phenibut order and it's immenent birthday weekend arrival.

Wishing us both the best my brother. Addiction is a sneaky an insidious foe who loves to back door it's way into life when I let down my guard so best to remain aware and on my toes.
Phenibut is both a voltage-dependent calcium channel blocker, like gabapentin, as well as a direct GABA-B agonist.

Man I am really anxious today. I've been iboga microdosing for 11 days now and it was keeping my mood really good, but today that is not the case. I am really struggling to not take gabapentin or phenibut, I am concerned I've caught dependence again because of past dependence and an every 2-3 day thing it lately.
Aha, thanks, well I've burnt out some calcium channels and GABA-B stuff perhaps. Benzos still seem to work but that seems a darker road, for sure. Sorry to hear of your anxiety - have been pretty off myself of recent - and self medicating with benzos, lol. Been doing too much damn modafinil too, but... I need it to be able to be an economically functional member of society right now it appears. Hoping to break this GABA-cycle with some kratom and good old weed very soon, never been the most frequent weedsmoker but it does keep me off the harder stuff...

What type of psychedelics you into. To clear out the cobwebs.
Am I alllowed to say all of them? :p LSD or some kind of tryptamine would probably be my go-tos, although I find the latter a bit better for cobweb clearing, so to speak, but I also find them a bit scarier. I'm a bit wary of all psychedelics really even though they're my favourite drugs. I also do find them to be a pretty big commitment and I always seem to be stressed out recently about work shit or something. Might just take an impromptu week off to get some good tripping in soon...

Today - +1mg more etizolam and 1 more cigarette. Bleugh, literally don't know why I keep on smoking these damn cigarettes, benzo disinhibition and minor nicotine withdrawals from my brief vape escapade a few days ago I guess.

Actually cut out at 50mg line of cocaine jjust recently. Feel a bit better now. Debating doing another. It is Monday evening but after today I'm gonna be visiting family and shit and not doing any hard drugs. I guess a line here and there can't hurt...
Made the mistake of time locking my cigarettes that I've been bitching about all day before getting out the cocaine. Should have put the cocaine in there too in retrospect, but predictably broke open the box shortly after and smoked a fairly expensive cigarette since I guess I'm gonna get another of these time lock things now. I think I'm at 5 or 6 etizolam today... maybe about 200mg cocaine now. OK, detox from tomorrow. Got no more etiz and might be smart to hold off getting any more for a while. I did get a fair bit of shit done though workwise, cocaine is a damn good focus enhancer. Maybe would be smarter to look into a more basic amphetamine in future though, toxic, expensive, pointless shit that cocaine is. Good night everyone!
Just took 1,330mgs of FAA Phenibut Sublingually and I'm sitting back with it under my tongue and waiting for the relief to sweep over me. Last dosed on Friday so I gave it 3 days in between which is less than I wanted. Have been physically dependent in the past and it was a real bitch to come off would never start taking it daily again. But being cooped up in the house like this gets pretty boring and in hoping I can catch some good sleep whenever it is I decide to take it down. I believe that 3 days is enough room to avoid dependence but a week would truly be more ideal.

I can relate to what your saying about it losing magic the first time I took some again after a years hiatus I felt very intoxicated from one gram in a similar fashion to that of a benzodiazepine but since that day when I took it again it was quite a but milder. But still very relaxing and enjoyable none the less. Been dealing with some heartburn the last couple days so I'm thinking of doing a bit of an experiment and spitting it out after leaving it under my tongue for 30mins as a means of minimizing the possible irritation to my esophagus/stomach.

Thinking that by raising the dose a bit it will allow enough to still get in my body, hoping to have some success with this experiment. Had to stop taking the HCL completely last year after running into problems with it causing severe heartburn. But as some of you may understand I love what the drug has to offer and choose to come back for more. Dont see why this wouldn't work...
Y'know, that reminds me, I have read before that phenibut is actually insufflatable and active in that way at far lower doses than the typical oral route... not sure if it was concerning FAA or HCl though, thinking about it... usually does need to be a salt I think for mucosal absorption... man, I can't believe anyone could bring themselves to snort the HCl, if that's what actually happened... sounds like the worst... maybe plugging could work if you're into that though? Not too interested in that road myself just yet but would be very interested if anyone tried it.

But, yeah, something's changed in my brain I think it used to be stimulating, motivating, pro-social, now it's alright, but, the expectation is often better than the reality, I almost just take it habitually sometimes I think. Weirdly, sometimes it is still stimulating but it's actually a kind of anxious restless stimulation like I would never expect from it... or maybe the novelty has just worn off. I did actually used to much prefer phenibut to any benzo for stimulant comedowns or even just general recreation but that seems to have reversed now which is maybe a bit of shame since phenibut is surely the more benign of the 2, except for the huge doses needed and seemingly common stomach issues.

LOL, didn't end up sleeping, did a little more cocaine and took a few valium to take the edge off... valium right now seems a bit more effective than etiz in countering my solo coke anxiety... bout 300mg of the white stuff this time I think... surely will go to sleep soon but gotta stay awake at least an hour or so just to tell the guys at my work I'm not coming in and just in case there's some shit I need to deal with... made some good plans I think though, I do seem to make a lot of good plans on drugs... some of them anyway.
Morning blue world

.5mg alzam
Few bong hits upon waking

Later I scored some H and booze.

Feeling good but paranoid at the same time but that's brought on by the corona virus..

Anyhow, feeling good and happy except for the fear I'm feeling..
I'm in quarantine because of the virus, this could last a while... Currently working from home and at least I have everything I need (for now). Managed to buy some weed yesterday, also have enough kratom and even some meth haha.
Just missing some benzos but I should be able to get them soon. I'm not dependent on them so I don't really care that much, but it would be nice to have them.
I've been up for 32 hours now for some reason, after taking probably 30mg valium and 5mg etizolam, 300mg cocaine, and finishing with 75mg diphenidine a few hours apart, maybe not quite in that order. I also finally got my hands on some weed and right now I think diphenidine might be one of the best drugs I've ever done. There seeems to be a real sweet spot of functional dissociation which I have never hit before with anything else. I don't know if this will make sense when I read it back but I just had the most random funny conversation about AI with a coworker I'd never spoken to before and was trying to sort out some weird software problem remotely, I'm genuinely pretty spangled so thank fuck for remote working, I can't figure out the problem right now but it feels like literally the best time of my life.

Actually just to add after my first 75mg dose I immediately cleaned up my flat, went for a fucking run, got some weed, came back and, fuck, man, I'm just rocking it, this shit is great. I thought no dissociative could hold a candle to ketamine, but, this might be the one. Oh and I did another 75mg when I got back. That's when things really kicked up to 11.
Yeah Vastness I definitely recommend not getting any more etizolam for a while, as you know, benzo addiction is no joke at all. I have been taking etizolam frequently for sleep, sometimes 3 days in a row with 2 days off, or every other day, because of opiate withdrawal, it's the only way I can sleep at all when in withdrawal. It makes me paranoid though because I know I'm riding the line with it. I'm also riding the line with gabapentin and phenibut, it's possible I am experiencing gabapentin withdrawal instead of lingering opiate, though it's been under 2 weeks since I last had an opiate and it was poppy tea and suboxone I was using (though just every few days). This coronavirus lockdown is giving me a lot of extra anxiety because I hate being a shut-in, and I have 2 bands I'm in and my bandmates are like yeah we're still having practice, but my girl is feeling sick and is scared and asked me to not go this week... I think she'll ask me not to next week too, I dunno. I mean I'd just be going to a friend's house for it. Anyway the prospect of not being able to leave the house is really shitty for me, it's hard for me to handle not seeing other people for too long. And not doing music...

Y'know, that reminds me, I have read before that phenibut is actually insufflatable and active in that way at far lower doses than the typical oral route... not sure if it was concerning FAA or HCl though, thinking about it... usually does need to be a salt I think for mucosal absorption... man, I can't believe anyone could bring themselves to snort the HCl, if that's what actually happened... sounds like the worst... maybe plugging could work if you're into that though? Not too interested in that road myself just yet but would be very interested if anyone tried it.

I have heard the same, I would NEVER snort the HCL though, good god that sounds awful for your nose and terribly painful. I read that phenibut HCL has a pH of like 2 or 3 or something, it's super acidic. You can plug it, you should use as much water as you can because I have plugged it with minimal water and it BURNED. But more diluted would be more manageable. It comes on faster and is more potent. I used to prefer plugging it but haven't done so in a long time.
Yeah Vastness I definitely recommend not getting any more etizolam for a while, as you know, benzo addiction is no joke at all. I have been taking etizolam frequently for sleep, sometimes 3 days in a row with 2 days off, or every other day, because of opiate withdrawal, it's the only way I can sleep at all when in withdrawal. It makes me paranoid though because I know I'm riding the line with it. I'm also riding the line with gabapentin and phenibut, it's possible I am experiencing gabapentin withdrawal instead of lingering opiate, though it's been under 2 weeks since I last had an opiate and it was poppy tea and suboxone I was using (though just every few days). This coronavirus lockdown is giving me a lot of extra anxiety because I hate being a shut-in, and I have 2 bands I'm in and my bandmates are like yeah we're still having practice, but my girl is feeling sick and is scared and asked me to not go this week... I think she'll ask me not to next week too, I dunno. I mean I'd just be going to a friend's house for it. Anyway the prospect of not being able to leave the house is really shitty for me, it's hard for me to handle not seeing other people for too long. And not doing music...

I have heard the same, I would NEVER snort the HCL though, good god that sounds awful for your nose and terribly painful. I read that phenibut HCL has a pH of like 2 or 3 or something, it's super acidic. You can plug it, you should use as much water as you can because I have plugged it with minimal water and it BURNED. But more diluted would be more manageable. It comes on faster and is more potent. I used to prefer plugging it but haven't done so in a long time.

I'm with you on the gaba withdrawal man I've been hitting the Lyrica daily for a bit and I might have a bit of a gap between the next time I can grab more. Ironically I was going to use it to get off kratom. I can tell my tolerance is ratcheting up and I'm having what I feel like is withdrawal when I wake up in the morning. Hoping this little bit of phenibut will help me out to just stay out of wd. Lyrica really helps my anxiety though and I especially like that it's not a benzo and isn't detectable, so I'm conflicted.

OT Boofed a nice dose of O-DSMT and working on my second canned whiskey lemon tea. Definitely getting my boofing technique dialed in because this dose really hit me nicely.

I think the O-DSMT is becoming a bit of an issue too though because I've been getting real fiendy with it (obsessively dividing doses, entertaining the idea of shooting it). Gonna just use the rest tomorrow to stop those wild obsessive thoughts and hop back on the kratom train.
1.5g phenibut
300mg pregab
~6-8g kratom throught the day
couple hits of good base for my afterwork decompresion....
fuckin pheni qnd pregab are synergizing like a.MOFO!
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