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How do we prevent our kids becoming addicts?

Like I've said, I don't give a damn what yall think. I'm doing this 4 Him so he doesn't die. Spare the rod. It actually means you hate your child. You'll say ah hell no I love him. Say that when they have OD. Look at the world. It's a damn mess cuz we have stop disciplining them Im done. Write whatever you want. I won't read shit.
Guys forgive me. I got into it with three roommates last nite so I was going off on everyone. I whipped him w my belt cuz he wouldn't stop burning plastic w my lighter. Look at it thru my lens. I don't want him hurt. My dad beat the hell outta me. What he did wrong was he never talked to me as to why. And then there are sometimes he just beat my ass 4 no reason. I love Joey w all my heart. It hurt me way more then him. Yes I think that if you take it to far it causes damage that can't be help. Joey is fine. That was the only time I did it. Never ever did I hit him after that because it burn me so bad. He's a good kid I miss deeply. MAJOR ADHD and hes medicated but a lot of times he'll act like he took his pill but didnt. He could of killed the whole apartment compkex i was living in. Or at least burned everything down. It takes a lot to get me angry in the right reason. What if he Maria my baby boy Johnathan and Christina all I died. We wouldn't be having this conversation. Love yall.
Look guys. I was about to murder someone last night. I don't get angry EVER!! This dude pushed me over the edge. My two other roommates prevented a blood bath and possible life in prison. So if I seemed harsh which I was beyond that I apologize to all of you. I with Joey. My bambino. Who isn't my real son but my ex's whom I consider my son will never play with fire literally like that again. Now I didn't whip him alot just once. To get his damn attention cuz nothing else was working. Guess what. He ran into my arms and said daddy I'm sorry. I love my children. I don't have the gift of seeing them everyday. I know their family is pumping them up w lies but I pray one day I see all of them. I was just preventing a possible mass death. Sometimes you have too. I don't care about your politics or woke views. His life is more precious then Mine. I told him you will become someone great. You can however cross the line and I agree with yall it's physical abuse which I endure since 7-17.

I'm looking out after him. It's not hatred but love.
I would just be honest and tell them the truth all drugs arent bad. if i had a kid i wouldnt be to happy with them coming home with coke or fentanyl but i would hardly care if they tried shrooms or mdma. Even with so called hard drugs like opiates most of the harm comes from it being illegal anyway. Though i certainly wouldnt wanna kid of mine to go through wd's either id like to think id handle it alot bettter then say my parents did
Pharisaical Christians are those who are rebuked. I love God more then my life itself. Just because I don't agree you call me a hypocrite. Wait for the Judgement we will see everything you have ever done in secret. Judgemental much
I'm allowed to judge you for your proselytizing as much as you're allowed to judge me for not, which you are doing but I'm not the one who is butthurt about it all. Project much? Besides, the "spare the rod, spoil the child" stuff is Old Testament: tales of a vengeful, murderous God. Didn't you know the New Testament wiped all that clean with Jesus's teachings of love, compassion, and the big one.... forgiveness?

Don't take it personally, I rebuke pretty much all organized religions. lol. Having grown up in a Protestant Christian church they're exactly the same, well all religions but one.

Anyways, my main concern is for the well-being of the kids whose asses you talk about beating. I've seen some of your posts about your own addictions. I am not judging you for that but when you stop and think about it, did your dad beating your ass really stop you from becoming an addict? Think about that real hard now.

Believe me, my dad beating my ass over the span of my entire childhood and adolescence didn't stop me from becoming addicted to anything. In fact, all it did accomplish was building up resentment of his narcissistic ass to the point where we haven't spoken a word to each other in several years. Great several years by the way. I only wish I knew about this kind of freedom a few decades ago when I moved out of his house but still kept in touch for some reason.
I'm not into corporal punishment either. I get it, it happened to me as a child and a bunch of other people my age I know (especially among my more religious peers), but...there are just much better ways of imparting things I think
Spare the rod
That isn’t even in the Bible.
It comes from a 1600s poem.

Guys forgive me. I got into it with three roommates last nite so I was going off on everyone. I whipped him w my belt cuz he wouldn't stop burning plastic w my lighter. Look at it thru my lens. I don't want him hurt. My dad beat the hell outta me. What he did wrong was he never talked to me as to why. And then there are sometimes he just beat my ass 4 no reason. I love Joey w all my heart. It hurt me way more then him. Yes I think that if you take it to far it causes damage that can't be help. Joey is fine. That was the only time I did it. Never ever did I hit him after that because it burn me so bad. He's a good kid I miss deeply. MAJOR ADHD and hes medicated but a lot of times he'll act like he took his pill but didnt. He could of killed the whole apartment compkex i was living in. Or at least burned everything down. It takes a lot to get me angry in the right reason. What if he Maria my baby boy Johnathan and Christina all I died. We wouldn't be having this conversation. Love yall.
Man, you need to get therapy and never hit your kids again or you are gonna fuck them up pretty badly and find that they want nothing to do with you when they reach adulthood.

This is coming from somebody who now suffers from debilitating Complex PTSD due to being beaten and emotionally abused regularly by my parents throughout my childhood.

FYI, there is a wealth of research stating that physical “discipline” CAUSES drug use and severe addiction.
You rear them when it's necessary. Say your child is burning plastic from the liter that's yours. You whip them and I fuckin guarantee they won't do it again. Then you hug and hold them. Gently tell them why that hurt you more then them. Tell them they will grow up to be someone great. Be there at all times. Trust you'll know when a drug is being used. Tell them horror stories but not to the point they are traumatized.

I have three kids. 1 baby boy and two others I love just as much as Johnathan. Me and my ex broke up. I look back and see all the mistakes. I have dreams that I'm with them only to wake up and I'm sick to my stomach. It was doomed before it started. I'll tell anyone that if you're internet dating be careful. Not saying my ex was bad. There was just thing I didnt expect.

I told her if we break up I'm done with relationships. Because I told myself I have to focus all my time to ppls souls. Even the worst person needs love.

When you can forgive the man that molested you 3 yr old. That's when you achieved what Christ was talking about love. Love your enemies. Pray for them that they wake up.

I'm not saying those things should be overlooked. That's why we have judges who let the hammer down hard on them. If you harbor hate a lot of times it causes cancer. I've noticed it so much. There is always something similar w all of them. There was hatred there. Love your children. I haven't seen my baby boy since last year. A dealer was trying to set me up to get shot. He caught wind that I told my therapist that I did coke. I said no names but the fuckin hippie doc fucking ran her mouth. I will take her license. Fuck it I'll let God do what He does best. Vindicate me in a way either they end up dead or openly humiliated. The dealer who sold me coke died two weeks ago today. No One threatens God's child. Every person who has threatened me has ended up dead.

Anyways I'm sorry 4 going off a rabbit track. Just love them. Tell them as often as possible because tomorrow is never promised.

This is long, but I'm covering my experience being a victim of DV, my work with foster kids, and some neuroscience here. Please bear with me.

If not, just skip to the last two paragraphs.

Are you going to tell your kids you love them while you beat them? My dad told me he loved me while he abused me (and yes, hitting children for whatever reason is abuse). It kind of made me a bit touched in the head.

Just because I was (mainly) sexually abused instead of physically, that doesn't make physical abuse any more acceptable.

You say you're glad your dad hit you. I've got news for you. If you think you got hit and you turned out okay, you didn't - because you believe hitting defenseless children who made a mistake is okay.

I was 24 years old and staying at my housemates dad's house interstate for an internship a few years ago and I accidentally flooded the laundry when I put my last load of washing in. When his boarder told me. I freaked out and ran behind the shed having a panic attack, getting flashbacks of when my dad would scream into my face and one time held me up against the wall and punched the wall next to my head a bunch of times for something I 'did wrong' (can't even fucking remember what it was it was probably that stupid) and I was so scared I fucking pissed my pants as a 12 year old. I grew up with him screaming at me while I lay in bed for 'talking too loud' with my brother and he would slam doors so loud the glass shattered and I constantly believed the next time he would actually hit me. If I got that fucked up from not even being hit, I can't imagine what actually being hit constantly would do to someone.

And so when this happened, the boarder found me crying behind the shed saying my housemates dad was going to kill me and I made him so made and ruined everything on my last day there and he would never want to see me again and would be furious he ever let me stay. She told me he was nothing like this (she had lived with him for around 2 years) and convinced me to come inside when he got home. When he dad, and asked why we were both standing there, I couldn't even get the words out to explain what happened but when she did, he just went 'okay let's clean it up' like that was it. I was shaking. I thought I was going to at minimum get screamed at. But I didn't move when he gestured for me to come with, until he came back and was like 'whats wrong' and I went 'im sorry I fucked it all up I ruined your house it's my fault everything is my fault I should do it myself I'm a fuck up sorry sorry you should yell at me' like literally grovelling to try and avoid repercussions because I learnt from my own sperm donor if I said that stuff about myself, he wouldn't say it. He would just nod and tell me good work for saying it for him.

And people wonder why that sort of behaviour damages children and creates damaged adults.

He asked if I did it on purpose, I said no (a drawstring from a pair of shorts got stuck in the door was all) so then he was like 'then I don't see why I should yell and be mad at you, it was an accident. You didn't floor the laundry on purpose. Go get some towels'

When I still didn't move, he asked (because my housemate had given his dad some sort of warnings about what my childhood was like due to the impact it could have on my behaviour at times which he had to manage a lot back then before I got treatment) whether this was an example of something my dad would have screamed at me for, and threatened to hit me over. I just nodded. He said that he didn't believe in hitting children ever because he was hit as a child and it made him resent his father, and it never made sense (I'll get to this point in a moment). So he told me again to get towels and I did. He said he wouldn't ever hit or yell at me knowing what his son told him about my life, and I deserved people who could act in parental roles in my life without harm.

And honest to god? Here's something for you - I *wanted* to help him. I *rushed* off to get towels. When he corrected what I wasn't doing right to fix it, I rushed to copy him. It was like two decades of an emotionally absent father got replaced with my housemates dad and I was so eager for his approval, I wanted to do everything I could to fix what I'd unintentionally done. And then he took me out the back and showed me how to work on my car as a reward as he's mechanic, since he had asked all the time I was there if I wanted to do that with him but I said no cause of being scared he would yell it I did something wrong while doing it. After that, I knew I was safe.

Afterwards I called my housemate to ask if his dad ever yelled at him and explained why. He was incredulous that I was even worried that would have happened for the laundry thing and said they never got hit, they only got yelled at if they were actually in physical danger.

I've worked with foster care kids for 9 years. I have first hand seen the effects of parents who beat their children and it is not good. High rates of cPTSD. High rates of self harm. Low self worth. High rates of substance use at young ages. High rates of suicide attempts. High rates of other severe mental health issues. For girls, extremely high rates of ending up in intimate relationships where they are again abused, perpetuating the cycle of violence in their life which then goes on to impact their children. Also higher than average rates of going on to themselves become abusive. For boys, much higher rates of becoming perpetrators of domestic violence towards partners and children (are you seeing the pattern here, my friend) or themselves being abused.

Not just that, my work as a mentor and a sometimes pseudoparent to probably a hundred or two hundred foster kids on weekend camps spanning a decade has exposed me to the gamut of out of control behaviour. I'm talking kids strangling eachother, hitting eachother with two by fours of PCV piping, running at eachother with knives (admittedly dinner knives, we aren't stupid enough to leave the sharp ones out), and extensive property damage. I have NEVER raised a finger to harm a child, never hit them, never raised a fist nor even threatened physical violence.

Why? Think about it. Why did most of them end up with me? You'd think if hitting these kids worked they wouldn't be behaving more and more erratically right?

The absolute MOST I have ever done, was when a child who I luckily had a strong connection with was about to run past me, dinner knife held up screaming about how he was going to stab the kid behind me for riling him up. The CEO of my volunteer organisation had drilled us in physical restraint, but it's done in a specific way and for the least amount of time needed, and only in exceptional scenarios. One look at her was all I needed to know this was one of the only times I would ever need to do it, because of him carrying a knife. She held his legs to the ground, I held his arms by his side and hugged him from behind. He screamed for a while to be let go, he did mention that he couldn't breathe but I told him to notice my arms were nowhere near his neck, and I was just just enough force to pin his arms. We both reassured him we would let him go as soon as he let go of the knife and said he was okay, and honestly within a minute he repeated he was okay a few times and we let him go, and asked if he wanted to go walk in the normally out of bounds area away from other kids to calm down more.

I stayed away from him for a while, even though the entire time I had been telling him he was safe and he was okay with us, because unsurprisingly, these kids don't love being restrained. That's why we avoid it, and if we do it we have to log it as an incident report. So I went and did that. He'd sat next to me the prior night at dinner as on the first camp he and I met, he wanted me to be his buddy - I was in leadership the following one so that couldn't happen (but tbh I wish I was, this kid was hilarious. But it was better that I wasn't his buddy for the purpose for restraint). But even still he walked up and asked if he could sit next to me for dinner. I said of course, he apologized for getting angry, and he said he was going to ask to be shifted out of the kids dorm who kept riling him up because he couldn't stay calm.

That kid had a propensity to go from 0-1000000 in no seconds flat as I saw, but he wasn't mad at me after he calmed down.

And.... I didn't. Need. To. Hit. Him. Only because he was likely (genuinely likely) to harm another child did I need to use any kind of force, and it was purely for the purpose of stopping him, in a safe way. He may not have enjoyed it, but we weren't harming him and we were making sure he knew he was safe, which he was. But you can't hit a child and say they're safe, and we reported the restraint as a critical incident as we are legally obligated to do.

That is the only time I have ever used any kind of force against a child, and the circumstances where it was necessary. Each and every other time I have intervened by removing the item they were going to use to hit another kid (if you try to take a knife of a kid they may stab you, but you can pull a two by four out of their hands very easily), or I use body position with another volunteer and we move ourselves between the two kids who are going off after detangling them and we just walk them backwards gently with maybe a hand on their shoulder or head to sort of guide them, and we block them from going back around.

And these are foster kids. Their behaviour is... At times remarkable. But they're also remarkable children and I remember each and every one of them I ever formed a connection with.

When you talk about hitting a child, that is child abuse. Hitting a partner is spousal abuse. Generally that is frowned upon. Hitting old people is elderly abuse, hitting disabled people, abuse of vulnerable people. Both also frowned upon.

But child abuse is actually worse because it's perpetrated during years of critical brain development and it fundamentally alters the DNA and brain makeup of a victim. If you whip your son and call him over to say that you love him, he has a good chance of developing what's called a 'disorganised attachedment' where he doesn't view you as a safe person who is meant to protect him - and you're trying to protect him, right? Because he did something dangerous you don't want him to get hurt playing with fire.

But instead of getting hurt by the fire, his dad hurt him. Now he learns that his dad is not always safe, but he wants love from him. Disorganised attachments fuck kids up. They can't get close intimately to anyone. Perpetual relationship problems. Ever watched Good Will Hunting? That. Good portrayal.

Secure attachments mean your kids know they can go off and make mistakes, learn from them, and come back to you with your arms open, and waiting. That doesn't mean they will disrespect you. It means they trust you.

I'm using the royal you here btw instead of saying 'if one.'

I suggest reading a couple of books if you are absolutely intent on raising your children with violence, just so that you're aware of the future negative health (physical and mental, and not just regarding substance use) which await them in their future.

- The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel Van Der Kolk)
- What Happened To You? (Dr Fred Perry, a neuroscientist who has studied the impact of trauma on developing minds)
- Brene Brown - Daring Greatly (researching shame and its impact on child development).

I won't debate so bye

I'm not going to debate this much either, I'm just stating my experience, and some scientific facts which are backed up by neuroscience. I understand that's probably talking to a brick wall but these are concrete, measurable, observable facts regarding brain changes we see from neuroscience.

I'll leave you with this. Not a debate just a question, and then a statement.

If it's okay to hit your kids, do you agree it's okay to hit your spouse if they do something wrong or disobey you? Or a grandparent? A disabled person? For me it's a no across the board. Interested to know if you disagree and why with children it's different even though they're a legally protected class.

My statement -

If your child does something wrong and is old enough to understand reason, then reason with him. If he isn't old to understand reason, *he will not understand the reason you are hitting him.*
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I think it's hereditary honestly. It skipped my mom and dad, but my great aunt died from alcoholism, and there are others in my family that died from alcoholism.

I grew up with a mentally handicapped brother and got bullied in school, so when I had my first drink, dear God what is this stuff?? This was like grade 5 . Then slowly started hanging around the potheads, and did my first shot of dope at 16 and it was off to the races.

Now I'm no rocket scientist, just a junky alcoholic in recovery, and from what I hear in the rooms is resentments were what made the men and women in the rooms drink. Like how I dealt with being bullied, I was mad but wouldn't fight back because I was a coward, then the drinking came just as quickly as it sounds.

At least that's my take on it. 🤔
@sonicwhite If you take anything from this discussion, it should be the following:
I've worked with foster care kids for 9 years. I have first hand seen the effects of parents who beat their children and it is not good. High rates of cPTSD. High rates of self harm. Low self worth. High rates of substance use at young ages. High rates of suicide attempts. High rates of other severe mental health issues. For girls, extremely high rates of ending up in intimate relationships where they are again abused, perpetuating the cycle of violence in their life which then goes on to impact their children. Also higher than average rates of going on to themselves become abusive. For boys, much higher rates of becoming perpetrators of domestic violence towards partners and children (are you seeing the pattern here, my friend) or themselves being abused.
But child abuse is actually worse because it's perpetrated during years of critical brain development and it fundamentally alters the DNA and brain makeup of a victim. If you whip your son and call him over to say that you love him, he has a good chance of developing what's called a 'disorganised attachedment' where he doesn't view you as a safe person who is meant to protect him - and you're trying to protect him, right? Because he did something dangerous you don't want him to get hurt playing with fire.

But instead of getting hurt by the fire, his dad hurt him. Now he learns that his dad is not always safe, but he wants love from him. Disorganised attachments fuck kids up. They can't get close intimately to anyone. Perpetual relationship problems. Ever watched Good Will Hunting? That. Good portrayal.

Secure attachments mean your kids know they can go off and make mistakes, learn from them, and come back to you with your arms open, and waiting. That doesn't mean they will disrespect you. It means they trust you.
When you talk about hitting a child, that is child abuse. Hitting a partner is spousal abuse. Generally that is frowned upon. Hitting old people is elderly abuse, hitting disabled people, abuse of vulnerable people. Both also frowned upon.

But child abuse is actually worse because it's perpetrated during years of critical brain development and it fundamentally alters the DNA and brain makeup of a victim. If you whip your son and call him over to say that you love him, he has a good chance of developing what's called a 'disorganised attachedment' where he doesn't view you as a safe person who is meant to protect him - and you're trying to protect him, right? Because he did something dangerous you don't want him to get hurt playing with fire.
I'll leave you with this. Not a debate just a question, and then a statement.

If it's okay to hit your kids, do you agree it's okay to hit your spouse if they do something wrong or disobey you? Or a grandparent? A disabled person? For me it's a no across the board. Interested to know if you disagree and why with children it's different even though they're a legally protected class.

My statement -

If your child does something wrong and is old enough to understand reason, then reason with him. If he isn't old to understand reason, *he will not understand the reason you are hitting him.*
He said that he didn't believe in hitting children ever because he was hit as a child and it made him resent his father, and it never made sense
That isn’t even in the Bible.
It comes from a 1600s poem.
I know the poem you speak of, which was inspired by a few verses in Proverbs (13:24, 23:13, and 29:15).

Not trying to argue, just want to clarify. The "spare the rod" part is in the Bible. It's the "spoil the child" part that is not and both phrases were included in the poem you are referencing ;)
That's a tough one. There's really only so much you can control and so much you can influence. after all you are only two people as parents. Kids are influenced by a lot more then their elders and school friends nowadays.
I know the poem you speak of, which was inspired by a few verses in Proverbs (13:24, 23:13, and 29:15).

Not trying to argue, just want to clarify. The "spare the rod" part is in the Bible. It's the "spoil the child" part that is not and both phrases were included in the poem you are referencing ;)
This is a drug forum not a church prayer circle they need real advice
I know the poem you speak of, which was inspired by a few verses in Proverbs (13:24, 23:13, and 29:15).

Not trying to argue, just want to clarify. The "spare the rod" part is in the Bible. It's the "spoil the child" part that is not and both phrases were included in the poem you are referencing ;)
Thanks for the education.

My family was never Christian and I have yet to read through the Bible myself so my knowledge of Christianity can be lacking at times.
This is a drug forum not a church prayer circle they need real advice
Tell me about it. lmao. Maybe read the rest of the thread before making ignorant comments. I guess you missed my previous posts in this thread :oops: :
Be careful talking about "scriptures" in the same breath as calling other concepts "bullshit."

I'm allowed to judge you for your proselytizing as much as you're allowed to judge me for not, which you are doing but I'm not the one who is butthurt about it all. Project much? Besides, the "spare the rod, spoil the child" stuff is Old Testament: tales of a vengeful, murderous God. Didn't you know the New Testament wiped all that clean with Jesus's teachings of love, compassion, and the big one.... forgiveness?

Don't take it personally, I rebuke pretty much all organized religions. lol. Having grown up in a Protestant Christian church they're exactly the same, well all religions but one.

Anyways, my main concern is for the well-being of the kids whose asses you talk about beating. I've seen some of your posts about your own addictions. I am not judging you for that but when you stop and think about it, did your dad beating your ass really stop you from becoming an addict? Think about that real hard now.

Believe me, my dad beating my ass over the span of my entire childhood and adolescence didn't stop me from becoming addicted to anything. In fact, all it did accomplish was building up resentment of his narcissistic ass to the point where we haven't spoken a word to each other in several years. Great several years by the way. I only wish I knew about this kind of freedom a few decades ago when I moved out of his house but still kept in touch for some reason.
I'm sorry if you think I did something wrong. I wasn't raised right. I was 35 just trying to keep him from killing or hurting himself. Nothing was working. At all period. No talk time out even when I would hide the lighters I would forget sometimes that he would do that. Yes I'm emotionally petrified at my Dad yelling. I hope Joey is fine. Remember that I waited till I was 35. I didn't have experience so it was so hard. I mean hard.
You whip them and I fuckin guarantee they won't do it again. Then you hug and hold them. Gently tell them why that hurt you more then them

this guy is publically admitting to child abuse. when someone tries to off themselves, we try to get their location to the authorities. maybe in this case we should do the same?
Oh whatever. Child abuse my ass. Hiss ass was just whip w a belt. You won't fund me I guarantee you. I'm tired of this damn woke generation.
You disregard the whole context of this convo and spill your idiotic opinion. I'm done with this convo cuz no matter what I say someone screams murder. He could of killed himself but your woke views are more important. I know who I'm voting 4 2024.