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Great quotes while out - part IV - "Was that out loud??"

the other night my boyfriend and i were at the video shop and were looking at some weekly videos when my boyf said:
"let's go to the new release section, old things are shit"
to which an old man bending down to look at the bottom shelf, stood up and replied:
"i'm old, am i shit?" 8(
^^^^ HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :D :D That's the best one yet :D hehehe!
Originally posted by T_e_ss
...when my boyf said:
"let's go to the new release section, old things are shit"
to which an old man bending down to look at the bottom shelf, stood up and replied:
"i'm old, am i shit?" 8(

that's hilarious :D=D:D
Last night while drinking out, mate while standing on a couple of chairs says whilst laughing "I better be careful or i'll fall of these chairs"

You can guess what happened next.... =D
Off his guts after three good biccies over the last 4 hours, sitting muntedly on the couch, Matt puffs gently on a joint (very unlike him. . .) and says so inoocently like a child (OK, maybe i was off my guts too. . .)

"I had a puff of a joint and suddenly I feel the need to bag snatch old ladies. . ."

hmmm, now I see it written down, it really was a location thing :(
"we've brought with us 86 boxes of bulbs, 3500 5htp pills, you wouldnt happen to know where we could get angel dust from would you?"
said by one of my friends who can do your head in while off guts.

me, my friend, and my other friend (three of us) were standing in the kitchen.
my friend goes " I feel like im on an operating table in a hospital and your (pointing to me) the head nurse"

*followed by alot of stares*

you had to me there, shes a nurse and whens shes fucked she relates everything to nursing heh.
me and my pal... totally our off tits...

me: "hey u know how house in spanish is 'casa'...
her: "yeh..."
me: "and you know how at brumbys they have 'pane de casa' bread..."
her: "yeh"
me: "do u rekon its house bread?"
hehe, there are many many more where that came from...

me: do u reckon that tree would grow in fiji
her: umm.. what?
me: do u rekon it'd grow fiji, i mean like its a palm tree right...
her: no i'd say its more a fern...
me: a what?
her: a fern, like in the forrests and shit
me: what, like a love fern?
her: yeh its lovely and ferny...
On Acid. At service station getting fuel.

Me: Dude, the front of your car looks all foggy. Its really fucking wierd. But really cool.

Bren: Woah, man, I can see it too. Shared halluciations are fucked up.

Five minutes later we realise his radiator was busted and the "fog" was steam gushing out the front of his car. No wonder the service station guy gave us wierd looks.
On K.

'I can't talk now, my brain is over there.' then followed by a point to where the alleged brain was, the scary thing is, we all knew what he meant.

Or my comment at Earthcore, 'My hands are dirty, or that could just be my acid talking'
^^ hehe.....ah K, so bad yet so good :)

Once when out....just dropped a K-Bomb....my mate who had done the same was laying on a small sofa....i was thinking "damn, she's wrecked.....nothings happened to me, i might go dance"....then i thought "hey i'll sit down"....next thing i knew:

"ahh shit i am a lead anvil....i can't move....uh oh"

I have never K-Holed ever, the funniest comment I have made on it though was we were sitting around at my mates house, my first time trying K and I needed to go to the toilet really bad, but my friends parents were home so I didn't want to go up stumbling and the like so I said "Do you think that if I dissasociate myself enough, I can go to the toilet without me noticing?"
friend: can u cut my beanie off.(as in cock beanie)
me: why
friend: i dont like it anymore
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on acid.."poking my boobs is not going to make up for what you just said about dolphins"

GUY: "So... will you sell me some of your acid?"
OTHER GUY: "Sure. Fifty bucks a dot."
GUY: "That's outrageous! Fuck you!"
OTHER GUY: "This is a local shop, for local people."
^^re: your signature....."they were long, they seemed to go on forever...we lived in arizona and there were these little fluffy clouds"

Choice =D