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Great quotes while out - part IV - "Was that out loud??"

Mates and I were at a club event some where. The song that samples the matrix is playing: "Take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill...."
I turn to this girl I was dancing next to and she goes "Fuck it! Take them both!"
Went down to melbourne last weekend and was having this convo with some random guy:

Random: so wots the sydney scene like?
me: alot differant to this!
random: hows that?
me: well no one dresses up like the people in here for clubs. and we also hear alot of hardcore at events.
random: wots hardcore?
me: do you know wot happy hardcore is?
random looks blank: no idea
"I think the Berocca is trying to communicate with my mind!" said by wHiTeBoY to a fizzing berocca he was holding in his fingers.
^^ haha mad as!

while out on the weekend and speeding majorly on e, i grab smokin joe byt he arm and say:

Me: Dan, is everyone laughing at me?
SJ: haha nah man, you're cool, no one's laughing at you.
Me: *slams hand down on table* Dan! tell me the truth!!

hehe =D
miss slingshot said:
"I think the Berocca is trying to communicate with my mind!" said by wHiTeBoY to a fizzing berocca he was holding in his fingers.

bwahahhahaahhaha! man that was the funniest! hey Caz we had a quote book for the night, do you know where it is? theres were tonnes in it i think
tee hee dont know if ive already posted this but at an event last year at about 3am it was time for passouts, everyone was lined up at the door eager to get to their cars for "top ups", this guys standing next to us goes "fuck im almost straight c'mon let us out!!!!" and we keep talking for a while and he goes "wouldn't it be funny if someone had a paper bag and put dog shit in it and put it on the floor, then everyone would step in it....." *lol* and then he goes "fuck i dunno why i said that?" (mmmm yeah he was almost straight riiiiiiight)
Losing track of the others at Livid after some reasonable-sized K bumps and suddenly realising we have no idea where we are. Conversation is proving difficult, not to mention distracting.

SMSing the guy walking next to me "LET'S JUST NAVIGATE, SHALL WE?"

Hmm. Had to be there, maybe. But given that I'd just nearly fallen down the stairs at Rod Laver Arena, it seemed funny at the time.
My mates little brother, first timer, said whilst licking his lips retardedly, eyes rolling everywhere, speaking with massive hand gestures in the air. . .

"XTC really brings out the nicedness. . . doesn't it?"
my friend on her first time was saying random things all of a sudden. Like when laying on the bed she said "cat"....just like that, and her bud was like "umm, what?!".

also she said "oh, she's not going to work tomorrow is she?" out of the blue...."who???" hehe....ah tina haha :D
"i should be in a maccas commercial"

said by me, after pondering silently the amount of times i had said "im loving it" during the night, everyone around me was like WTF!?
^^ haha...this happened while myself and bloss's friend were out jogging, cause this was apparently a great thing to do to relax in the middle of a rave....
again, WTF!!!!!

Oh, and same night, me to a pretty girl who was giving me a cigarette, named Nina: "Hey, i've got a real thing for hair...and you have real nice hair"....fucking E love drug shit :D
"I didnt feel that acid I had last nite. I swear it didnt do a thing"

And the same person was mooning all the cars as they drove past her that nite.