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Great quotes while out - part IV - "Was that out loud??"

Having a recovery day at a mates house, all scattered as hell ...

Basically everything that was said on the day was amusing, but things that stood out were:

I look over at my friend who is sitting in a hammock
"Chow, you don't sit in that! You lay in it, that's why its called a Hammock"

We are all sitting there on the front lawn in the sun and one of my mates pipes up
"Who wants to play a game? Stuck in the mud? Redlight?"

and finally ...

I went home to get some spare clothes. As we pulled up at the front (which mum had just cleaned) I turn to my friend and say
"Doesn't the house look cool from the front now! Mum vacuumed the porch and swept the lawn"
purely magic all of you..

gotta love the scateredness of mates when really you are scattered aswell.

one day recovering with friends just sitting around srawing i was using cooured pencils when all of a sudden a mate stands up andtakes the led pencil from in front of me and sits it in the corner. i say "why do that for?" his reply " it was being naughty so it can sit there till it learns to get along with the others" i nearly fell off my chair with laughter

...Somehow I got it in my head that my best friend's goldfish wanted to be a little raver when we crashed at his place after a night out. So we had this conversation:

ME: "When your fish dies.."

HIM: "Don't say that, it isn't gonna die!"

ME: "Whatever...when your fish dies, can we make little tiny glowsticks and stick them to his fins and put him back in the water and take photos? So he looks like a raver?"

HIM: "No. Leave him alone, and stop saying he's gonna die."

ME (after minutes of thought): "I think he wants to be a raverfish. He's already got a memory like a goldfish...and look at the size of his eyes! Can we put some MDMA in the bowl?"

...I wanted to put a glowstick in the tank so he could have a fishbowl rave, but my friend wouldn't let me...so I settled for putting a whole bunch of them around his bowl like Stonehenge. To get him used to them. So he won't be scared when he's out raving. 8) %)

*At a mates 21st party*

Mate: "what time u goin home?"
Me: "midnight, only time i will be able to get home, any later and im screwed"
Mate: "why? will you turn into a pumpkin after midnight aye?"

ok ok doesnt sound funny but it was at the time ok ... also we were all really smashed :)

hmm and when im skattered i always seem to think that those ppl i talk to have one eye bigger then the other, and i always make sure to mention it to bring it to their attention as well. hmmm ...
in a club in melbourne:

i'm wearing plain black bonds top, navy cargos my trusty bright yellow belt and sneakers. this girl says to me (she's wearing highpants, white fuck me boots with a 3 inch heel and a halter neck)

girl: looking a bit underdressed tonight aren't we?

(in front of a whole bathroom of ppl)

me: i'm here to dance, hunny, not to prance

*cue giggles in the bathroom*
Cohaagen at the snow trip last weekend (whilst we were sitting around watching Jackass over dinner):

"But you could die from a paper cut, couldn't you??"
i was driving to a mates house after going out the night before (i had slept, but was fucked) and i swerved out of the way of a butterfly!! not onto the other side or anything...

my friend and i were in the toilets, and her boyfriend sends me and her a message saying 'i need you guys'... we get back to him and he goes 'oh your here too!!' even though we all went together...

me 'they aren't speaking english'
my friend 'yes they are'
me ' NO THEY AREN'T' really loud... they collapsed on floor from laughing; i just stared at them saying you stupid people, the floor is dirty...

then later on i was talking to them in german (my native language) and my friend goes - 'woah you can like speak another language!' - and i replied (in german) 'yeh i can, isn't it cool?? <insert me explaining my language in german to this poor guy> '

not the funniest ever, but they were at the time.
Anyone who knows me has already heard this story, like, maybe a hundred times, but Ill tell it here anyways.

Me and my friend tash were at an event last year and in a swarming crowd of people all trying to push through these small double doors, its at the beginning of the night, and the outside there is just hundreds of people everwhere. Anyway I see the set times for the main room (pre breaks era)
and say to my friend tash who although is just standing beside me, and we are outside i kind of have to yell at her over all the other people
"Hey look at that, Midro is doing opening set, (Jason Midro) lets go and catch it !!!"
Anyway a guy in front of us turns around and says
"Ladies the set is over, you just missed it"
And then I say to tash
"Damn!! I Really wanted to catch that set what a shame !
The same guy that told us that the set is over turns around in reply and says
"I dont know why you would want to see him play, that guy Midro is a fucking wanker, an absolute tosser. He is just a cocksucking k fiend"
As having just dropped I was in PLUR mode(god help us all) and decided to defend Midro
"Hey don't say crap about Midro like that, for your information smart arse he is my second cousin, I won't have you talk about him like that!!(he isnt)"
Tash, my friend, grabs me and grabs the guy that is saying this stuff to us and looks at us both then says to me
"Mel you dick, that is Jason Midro"

Embarressment plus for that effort !:8(
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Similar story...

At the Docks in Melbourne, I think it was Two Tribes in 2000 (could be 99 though) and we all rush off to see David Morales playing in Shed 2. I stand at the front, against the barrier, and he's like at least 15 feet away. Too far to get a decent shot of him with a piddly throwaway camera I'm holding. So I try and get him to look straight at me and point while I take the shot Problem is, he's got his head buried in the decks and he ain't looking up.

candyflip: <yells> David!!
cf: <louder> David!!!
cf: <louder still> DAVID!!!!
Other people standing around me at the barrier realise I want his attention too..
crowd: <very loud> D A V I D ! !
crowd and me: <so very loud now> D A V V I D D D ! ! ! ! :X

He looks up, I get the shot, everyone smiles to each other. We'd won. I go outside later and relate the story to some friends. They ask me who David Morales is?... and it dawns on me.

...we had been watching Roger Sanchez the whole time...David Morales was playing in Spain at the time I believe... 8(

This is going back to last year:

Me and some mates decided to drive to the forest to have a mushie trip before heading abck to see schumacher. Before the trip i was taking some wood out to the car for a fire but my mate refused to let me take it, saying something along the lines of "man we're going to the bush, as if we'll fucking need wood". When we got to the site it was dark so we decided to eat some mushies then make a fire, not the other way round. Everything was wet and half an hour later we were tripping balls with no fire in the freezing cold (it was mid winter). We decided to drive 'down the road' to a different campsite...... after about half hour of driving down this mountain, not knowing where we were going and hardicus in the back flipping out as to where we were going, he turns to my mate and anxiously says

"dude where the fuck are we!"

my mate who was tripping off his head for the first time shouts,


When we all, exept the driver obviously, looked out to the most beautiful nights sky i have ever seen in my life.... like i'm talking shooting stars and fucking nebulas!

oh it was one of the most priceless psychedelic experiences of my life :)
Hahaha, that was really one of those 'you had to be there' quotes ;)

Keep in mind we were in the bush and had NO idea where we were, we decided it'd be a good idea to flag down some motorists to get directions 8)

Ahhhhh memories =D

ps - Breakabeat & Candyflip - PRICELESS!
hehehehe :)


this thread is brilliant. there have been lots of quotes that have brought me to laughter and tears over the years. a lot of them i just don't seem to remember tho... :(

Cosmic Mist : beware the ancient art of origami assassination! :) paper can be beautiful, but it can also be deadly... the pen may be mightier than the sword, but the notepad is mightier than the pen.

weren't there some other brilliant quotes from the party?? :D

hehehe... looking at the sky is one of the best things to do on mushrooms i think... WOW!!! you guys are so cool! :)

while around my friends house the other night, after alot of drugs..
and just being in that messy, messy state..

*friend* 'fuck! I think I'm straight'

*me* 'straight? haha' (followed by a strange look)

*friend* 'oh no your right, Im not straight, Im just so fuked up I think im straight'

*friend* 'oh fuck im so fucked up'
I don't know that this is all that funny...I don't even think anyone other than me found it all that funny at the time...but me and some pals were walking home from an evening out several weeks ago, and we passed some beautician place offering "fruit acid peels". Whatever that is.

so I started telling everyone that I had fully functional flying Astro Boy boots when I was a kid, but would have given them up in a minute if only I could have had a fruit acid peel. And for the whole rest of the day, anytime anyone brought ANYTHING up, I was like "That's all I ever wanted, ever since I was a child...(whatever was brought up) and a fruit acid peel."

I dunno, I thought I was fucking hilarious...I'm surprised nobody strangled me.... 8)

Me: "Wanna know something funny?"

Random hot girl: "yeah, what?"

Me: "I've got my pants tucked into my uderwear."

Random hot girl: "ha ha ha, really?"

Me: "yeah, I keep tripping on the bottom of my pants when I dance, so I have to keep them up better."

Random hot gorl: "well no-one can see, so I s'pose it's a good idea",

etc etc etc. She seemed rather amused, which I might add was the desired effect ;)
hmmm its not really a random quote but its as far as my memory goss for unusual randomness said ...

on the w/e at utopia EMF i was having a chat about god knows what then out of nowhere i start going on about agros cartoon connection for like half an hour .... i wish sumone told me to shut up! haha how fucking embaressing .... all i remeber i was goin on about how mad he was back in the day .... fucking gurner! then also at one stage there was a creek near the car we were at and i was kinda kneeling whilst having a smoke cos it was cold and needed to keep the warmth .... anyhoo cos i was near a creek and kneeling all of a sudden i felt these steve irwin vibes and started going on about the reptiles and shit in the creek with numerous 'crikeys' and 'strewths' how fucking embaressing! whatta mess!
friend Sumante: (big time build up of a super revelation of spirituality, the rest of the group are intensely listening to hear what Sumante has to say)...."AHHHH SHIT, I JUST FORGOT BECAUSE IM STONED".
hehe, ture story...

im sitting in a corner, gooked as all fuck. my mate gos to get a drink, im left sitting by myself. this random guy walks up and tries to start a conversation

r.guy: so, what are u doing with ur life? are u studying?
me: <absolute bullshit, im still in school> yeh, im doing 2nd year of creative arts at melbourne.
r.guy: NO WAY! im doing 3r year! omg, how come ive never seen u areound?
me:becasue i dont exist!
r.guy: laughing- no seriusly, so do u like it?

this proceeds into a compleate 100% BULLSHIT conversation about what i like, what i dont like. he brings up the topic of a lecuturer and i bullshit right along with it! through this my friend has returned back, adn is finding it extremeley difficult to stop himself from bursting into laughter. Finally i excuse yself to go to the bathroom, and he says, well ill keep an eye out for u at uni! "oh, ok. but i keep a low pofile and all... with not existing"

later in the night. i find out that after i had run away with tears of laughter prickling in my eyes, hed gone into some hge rant with my mate, about how he thinks its silly that a pretty girl like that would chose not to xist. he then, he remembered that he had seen me around- id been in some crazy play that the 2nd years had done, and hed thought i was hot then too!!!

absolutley priceless!
^^^ don't you think that's kinda cruel? I mean it's one thing to be silly and mess around but you basically outright lied to him and then kept the lie going when he dind't catch on to your joke.