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Great quotes while out - part IV - "Was that out loud??"

Chillin over at a mates a couple days ago we (him and i) were having the usual bitch session about a couple of mates of ours. After a pause in the conversation, my mate rips out this one....
Mate: "Dude, i'm telling you. I can suss people out. I know what they're about."
Me: "You reckon?"
Mate: "Yeah man no shit! You see, I smoke some, and then I think some... and then I smoke some more, and think some more.... "
And that's when I interrupted him with my howls of laughter ;)
"About 4 years ago I .............. no.......... wait................ it was last week!"
Said by Smigglepop, quite stoned while playing Mario 64.
"You know, for a plumber, Mario is quite nimble."
I laughed my arse off.
i <3 threads like this!!
ok, my first time - "man, it's soooo good, i'm never gonna drink again, i'll just do this everyday" (somewhat impractical, i decided :) ).
i posted this in another thread, hopefully not the earlier version of this! - another time, outside the front of a club, looking for my mate, i said "wow, the traffic is sooo cool, i'm in love with the traffic...woooow".
me on 1st pill in the grls toliets talking to a random stranger after my mate told her i was on my 1st pill...
me "wow u r so beautiful"
her all really excited "ooooo she had a good one "
Sitting at a mates house all fucked up and one of the guys who is there has had 2 pills, 2 trips, countless cones, a few lines and (much earlier in the night) 1.5 beers. He finished his billionth cone and had another line and then he ran into the bathroom and vomited. When he came out he looked at us all and said, totaly seriously, "I reckon its the beer thats fucked me up".
we all pissed ourselves..... :)
while lying on apollo's bed, staring at the ceiling after doing AMT for the first time...
totally convinced I said: "I'm on acid, *extremely confuzed expression* proove me wrong *even more confused exopression*"
apollo & plaz broke into laughter and stared at me (or the pretty things floating around me) and waited for me to realise what i'd just said, that in itself took a while because it made total sense to me (doesn't it always?)and was absolutely correct (in my mind).
(wow, i really like using these don't I?..)
(yes, they're great)
[hey look, I bough some new ones!]
transformers go better with milk.
At Sublime last night.
Scene, katmeow, Macksta & myself (as I recall) sitting on the wharf outside Sublime. Kat is attempting to describe where her suburb is.
katmeow : (pointing at the harbour) Imagine that's the ocean right...
*everyone turns and looks at kat*
-plaz out-
1st night of schoolies a few weeks back, sitting on our hotels balcony pilling and smoking
me: hey look! theres a giant conga line on the beach! (all 3 of us procede to stare at this conga line for a minute or 2) no wait, its just the waves.
5minutes later, another friend walks out onto the balcony and proclaims: hey look! a conga line on the beach!
everyone else: hahahahhaahah
drive into driveway about 6am in the morning. me, my friend, two girls in the back of the car.
friend: shit your mums up already. how are my eyes?
me: ah dont worry, its all ok
girls: (thinking)"wished they didnt come home with us now...."
with all the windows down... mum says from the garden:
did you boys drop some pills last night?
my mum is about 4"2 and doesnt even know i smoke...
^^^ HAHAHAHAHAHA...hahaha...heheheee... oh jesus.
That's just beautiful. :)
Mine involves a few mates and me just starting out on an acid trip, having set up the surround sound speakers on the walls. I point at the centre speaker and say:
"Man, I'm glad that speaker's up there."
<wtf? I still don't know why that pleased me so much>
General uproar all round. Or maybe it was just the acid. ;)
One night we're all in a slightly silly head-space whilst waiting for our friend Dave to come around. We decide to hide from him, knowing that he would only be a couple of minute away.
One of my friends decided to hide behind a couch near the back door, with the idea of jumping out at him.
A minute later Dave comes walking in, but unexpectedly through the back door. He sees my friend "hiding" and the following conversation ensues:
Dave: What are you doing?
Friend: Shhhh! We're hiding from Dave...
Dave: Umm... alright... can i hide from him too?
Friend: Sure, but quick! He's gonna be here any moment now...
Dave proceeds to hide. A moment later we hear :
Friend: Dave! WHat are you doing??
Dave: Hiding from Dave...?
At this point insert much pointing and laughter.
*Point in the sky* and say ... "You see that?"
Other person looks up into the sky ...
Then you say "That's the flying fuck I couldn't give!"
Nice one!
Peace out :)
Hmmm. last night we came across a perplexing sentence:
Person 1: I'm not going to argue with that!
Person 2: Well, if you're not going to argue with that, then i'm not going to not not argue with you about that either...
All involved in the conversation: WTF?
Ah me and a few friends were sitting around at about 4:30 AM one morning after a big night out, a guy that i didn't know all that well picks up a box of Friskies GoCat and has a munch on a handful.. No one had realised that he had ate any until he blurts out..
"It doesn't taste like chicken" then 5 minutes later says "Kinda tastes like peanuts..."
Every one in the whole room cracked up and he was so unhappy with him self that he had actually just eaten cat food.
Me and my mates, drinking and having a weird discussion.

Me: I wish we had some weed with us.
My mate: yeah, but its so much easier to grow wheat that marijuana.

WTF? He wasn't even high.
7am ish walking towards the CBD from the tennis center S-C-A-T
apo : "If i had a buck for every building I saw now, I'd have like, 15 bucks, and yet the cost to make a building is so much more!"
lol did my usual thing when leaving a pub full of mates trying to pick up to meet up with another bunch of mates

sitting at table group of guys (2 others) and a nice random girl... pretty loud atmosphere.

Turn to mates when getting up: Id like to stay and chat talking to this fucking hot chick but I have to go :)

Them get uncomfortable as she blantantly heard me... lol me the old cock block.