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Great Movies That Most People Haven't Even Seen

Straight to Hell, with Joe Strummer.... I don't know if you could call it a great movie, but it wasn't bad, IMO... Different, that's for sure.
Originally posted by jpgrdnr
Dark City
Alphaville (mondo bizarro flick)
Solaris (Russian orig)

all awesome unseen films :)
Crash by David Cronenberg.

Released in 1996, the movie was largely surpressed by the likes of Ted Turner and others. It describes a cult like ensemble of people who have a sexual fetish with car crashes. On a deeper level, it's a very different angle on the popular theme of humanity & machine/technology.
City of God


8 1/2


Bottle Rocket


Man Bites Dog

Wild Stawberries

Human Nature


Max Dugan Returns-One of Mathew Brodericks first movies. Pretty funny little flick!
Don't know if this counts, but I'd put "Cry Freedom" up there. It's one of Denzel Washington's great early performances.

Let's not forget "The Right Stuff."
Cult Classics

Equalibrium (1984 meets karate meets intense gun play. Destined to be a cult classic)

Valley of the Dolls (I second this this one)

Mommie Dearest (biography of Joan Crawford's abuses)

Exerpt from Mommie Dearest:

Joan Crawford: No wire hangers! What's wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you no wire hangers?! EVER!!!! I work till I'm half dead and I hear people say she's getting old! What do I get ? A daughter who cares as much about a beautiful dress I give her as she cares about me. What's wire hangers doing in this closet?! Answer me! I buy you beautiful dresses and you treat 'em like some dishrag! You threw a 300 dollar dress on a wire hanger! We'll see how many you got hidden in here, we'll see! All of this is coming out! Out! Out! Out! Out! We're gonna see how many wire hangers you got in your closet! Wire hangers. Why? Why? Christina, get out of that bed! Get out of that bed! (picks up hanger and begins to beat Christina) You live in the most beautiful house in Brentwood and you dont care about crease marks from wire hangers, and your room looks like some two dollar unfurnished room in some two- bit backstreet town in Oklahoma! Get up! Clean up this mess! Did you scrub the bathroom floor today? Did you?
Sean Penn was great in The Falcon and the Snowman, and Christopher Walken was wicked in At Close Range.,..