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General Heroin Discussion 20 v. Walking Around in Women's Underwear

WOOHOO!!! After months of ehhhh DDs or TakeDowns, I've gotten hold of some Blue Magics!!! Yeah I can hear you guys sayin' those suck azz just like the others but the guy I see told me "got these BMs and I was like ehhhh and he cut me off right away by sayin: these aren't the same BMs...these are really good!! I'm like whatever and bought me a half and went home...threw 3 in the spoon like usual and after pullin the rig out I sat and waited...didn't have to wait long!!! Eight secs and I felt something I haven't felt in a looooong time...creepin up like I was getting dipped in a warm bath, then WOW!!!! Felt like the old days when bags were three times the current but you knew you were gonna get that coveted warm rush every time!!! Called him back and he said "told ya", haha...bought more and had an awesome time this past weekend...just hope it lasts; but as we all know as soon as word gets round, the quality goes "PPPPPPPPPPPPPFFTTTT!!! :p:p:!
man I'm so disgusted at the sorry state of dealers in my State...

like there is this downtrodden punk rock girl (cuz of that I'm partial to her) that admittedly has the best stuff lately... and she fell on hard times and asked for a front of money and I gave her $500. she said she would pay me back in 2 days, it took a week, but whatever...

I told her I would but to do this I expect better pricing on bulk deals. fast forward 1-2 months later and not only have I not received better bulk pricing, she gets pissed when I bring it up?? never helping someone out again...
Well there's a lot of stuff us women can say about you dudes....

So in the first 18 hr of trying to kick I got 4 separate phone calls from different guys that Id cop from over the years but some I haven't fucked with in over a year. The odds of this happening is statistically impossible.
They have to have some like ghetto sixth sense. rope her back in, rope her back in. Don't let her get away...
I broke down today and did 3 bags trying to get high. Of course the methadone dulled most of it. So now I feel like shit about using and I didn't even get high. Ugh shitty day
I broke down today and did 3 bags trying to get high. Of course the methadone dulled most of it. So now I feel like shit about using and I didn't even get high. Ugh shitty day

I had to mix a bunch of Dilaudid with the dope to even barely break through around 100 or so mg's (220mg peak).
I'm talking like wait 36 hours after last dose of done, 1/2g good dope, half dozen D4's and a point of raw coke.

Shit was far too expensive to maintain when you doing $100 shots.
The final boot in the ass it took for me to get my shit together once and for all is awful. Not many close to me even know about this, just those immediatly involved.

This was the last time I died and the last time I smashed a speedball, June 23, 2012 (chipped a few times since, not at all recently and can count on one hand).

Here we go...

Got up early that morning and smashed the last few points of dope I had left to get me well and keep me happy for my trip to the dopeman's to re-up. Swallowed about twenty 10mg V cuts and was out the door. Dude had a new batch of much darker dope, almost black so I only grabbed a couple grams instead of a 1/4oz. to try it out before I commit to it as there more dudes with good dope. This dude the easiest to deal with and always have good dope so I stash my dope with the pistol under the truck (was slingin coke in weight hense the Sig P220 .45) and head home.

I get home and my gf at the time
(wife now) had to go somewhere in a rush and left me with our 3 year old son at the time, jumped in my truck and buggers off (I had already removed my dope & gun from trap under truck). My son was watching TV so I hit the basement to boot a ball, this is where shit starts to go south as you can probally guess...
Anyhow, new batch so I do a 1 point test shot to gauge strenth, very good but not abnormally strong. Now I proceed to bust off 3 points of dope and 1 point of coke, combine & fire away.
The coke was raw off the brick shit so it had me yakked the fuck out for the first few minutes, long enough for me to collect my son and one of my large guard dogs, Elmer a 140lb. American Bulldog and head for the park around the corner. Not long after we get out the house and start walking I started going to shit...
The coke had wore off and the dope was under full control now and I was some real creaper shit, much stronger then the previous batch plus the 200 or so mg's of V didn't help matters. We just barely make it to the park on this hot summer day and the last thing I remember I saying to my son "I have to sit down, I'm tired" and then sat against a tree and fell out...
My son watched me turn blue and fucking die that day.

The rest here I was able to put together from what my wife, EMS & Police told me...

The park was full of people that day and somebody saw me slumpped over and my son & dog freaking out.
The problem here is that my dog will kill somebody if they even look at my children funny and was keeping everybody at bay except for one young woman that somehow managed to approach and check my vitals to which she found no breathing or pulse. My wife found us after blowing up my phone to no answer just seconds before fucking EMS got there. If she didn't get there when she did EMS never would have got to me in time as Elmer (my dog) was guarding my son, me and the woman that somehow manged to appoach and call 911. I still dont know why Elmer let her in, but she was the only one and I'm glad he did. He was growling & barking at everybody else that advanced toward us.
My wife called off Elmer and he went and jumped in the back of the truck just as EMS arrived. They wouldn't let her go with me in the ambulance (my neigbor came and picked up our son) which convinced her that I was done for this time and was loosing her shit.

Four shots of Narcan, a few whacks with the defib and hooked up to artifial resperation and I come to somewhat for a few minutes then fall out again.
Two more shots bring me around for another 10 minutes or so then I again I start to fall out. One more hit of Narcan for total of 7 to pull me outta that shit, my previous best was 6.
Any dope user know that a 7 Narcan shots reqired OD somes serious shit.

There it is...
The worst day of my life and the last day bangin dope & everything else.

I'll never be able to forgive myself for the damage I caused my son...
He still remembers, but dosn't know I was dead.

"Remember when you fell asleep on the tree at the park dad?"

I now have another son as well, he's 23 months old.
These two boys mean the world to me, I will never do anything to risk loosing them again and havent since.

I know I did a horrible thing and now my family and I have to live with it...

The worst day of my life by far!
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Damn Gibby I am glad you are still with us bro! 200mg of valium is no joke you must have had a hell of a benzo tolerance.
Hey does anyone here use hydroxyzine to counteract opiate nausea?

I'm an infrequent heroin user (usually buy it once a month or so, 1-2 points) and the stuff I recently bought is really strong. I've been getting opiate nausea from it lately because my tolerance isn't that high. Anyway, I have a lot of hydroxyzine sitting around that I haven't had any sort of use for up until now, but I've heard that it can be used to counteract opiate nausea. Is it pretty effective? What would be a good dose to take?
It might work but it is also potentiates opiates so you would do well to be careful with dosing. It is pretty good for nausea at 25mg titrating up to 100mg if necessary. It is also not too bad as an anxiolytic as it's not only an antihistamine but a 5HT2A and α1-adrenergic antagonist part of why it is useful as a sedative too. But like I said it's worthwhile for nausea but it also potentiates opiates, so be careful. Also, never never never i.v. it, although formulations for i.m. use exist (but never i.v. a solution made from pills, of course.)
Hey does anyone here use hydroxyzine to counteract opiate nausea?

I'm an infrequent heroin user (usually buy it once a month or so, 1-2 points) and the stuff I recently bought is really strong. I've been getting opiate nausea from it lately because my tolerance isn't that high. Anyway, I have a lot of hydroxyzine sitting around that I haven't had any sort of use for up until now, but I've heard that it can be used to counteract opiate nausea. Is it pretty effective? What would be a good dose to take?

god bless you people who can actually use 1-2x's a month, tops! I dont know how you do it, man! but either way, be careful. I never thought I'd be a raging junkie for so many years and so many dollars spent; sickens me to think of it.

and the hydroxyzine wont play that big of a role; you can take it at the recommend dose on the script. I was never one to get sick from shooting dope but I've been scripted the hydro for other reasons.
Yeah, I just don't find heroin to be particularly addictive honestly. There's a certain group of people which the drug almost immediately snares, and then there are those who can take it or leave it...I belong to the latter group.

That's not to say that I'm immune to addiction or anything, just that heroin (and "downers" in general) aren't my DOC. Stimulants are my problematic vice...I love the feeling of being "wired" and 110% awake, not nodding out heh.

With that being said, a little H now and again is certainly relaxing and enjoyable. I just HATE, FUCKING HATE nausea. Almost more than physical pain. It just debilitates me, I don't want to move around or do anything except lay in a horizontal position. I grew up working on the ocean and being seasick was always the worst aspect of that lifestyle for me.

Also, never never never i.v. it, although formulations for i.m. use exist (but never i.v. a solution made from pills, of course.)

No worries, they are in 50 mg capsules but I don't IV drugs, heroin or otherwise. Thanks for the input!
I am in Las Vegas, where Mexicans run delivery service for tar, call the guy and he dispatches a delivery driver to you (8am-8pm for mine, some start at 7am, some close by 6pm, and it runs every day except Xmas & New Year's Day.)

My guy has had one driver ever since some theft issues with driver(s) a couple of years ago. This particular driver has driven for him for about a year and a half. He wants to quit working for the guy, for various reasons, and start his own deal. (It would be great to have more than one source. I've had the same guy for the entire 7 years I've been here. When there have been days he closes early or opens late (alcohol binges typically) it's hard for me to figure out something else.) I tried his shit, supposedly uncut (I can believe that he isn't cutting, but I don't think that means it isn't along the way) brown powder with hard little rocks, and the first shot (typically a third or so of a half gram... I'll split them into 3 but sometimes the last one is small haha ) knocked me out all night, and the second for most of the following day. It allowed me to cut my habit in half. I had to start buying from the other guy at least a bit, but mostly stuck to that for a couple of weeks. And then... His source started getting flaky. He has been out since the 20th. Unfortunately by then, despite getting some nod for every shot, I was accustomed to it and it was a bit difficult to go back to the other stuff- which isn't bad by any means, the random stuff I've done here and there does not hold me that well... And one guy in a previous apartment complex who was undesirably put on to me, and was annoying- well I, or my bf, cut his shit to hell with burnt sugar (the only person I've done that to) and he still loved it and came back. Anyway, it's really annoying, every single driver who's quit and tried to branch out on his own has not been able to keep it going due to supply issues. It really sucks this time because the quality is so much higher. Well, at least this driver didn't quit beforehand, so good for him! :p
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With that being said, a little H now and again is certainly relaxing and enjoyable. I just HATE, FUCKING HATE nausea. Almost more than physical pain. It just debilitates me, I don't want to move around or do anything except lay in a horizontal position. I grew up working on the ocean and being seasick was always the worst aspect of that lifestyle for me.

It doesn't happen a lot but I have on occasion blew chunks after doin strong dope....once I had just withdrew the needle and in a matter of seconds, RAAAAAAALLLLFFFF!!!!! Like the Exorcist...all I needed was for my head to spin around so I look like a carnival game, hahaha
Hey everyone! just wanted to stop by and sat hello. I think this thread will always feel like home in a way. Well after the slip I posted about I have been doing better on the heroin front. I aint coming to gloat its been fucking rough real tough actually. I cut my arm up the other night pretty bad. I've been smoking copious weed. Took Xanax and even some speed. I mean its worth it though I was really tired of doing heroin. Don't get me wrong I couldn't have done it without methadone though. I am really lucky to have great family support it makes a big difference sometimes. But there are those times when its just me and those demons. I got no answers for real on that subject.
With that being said, a little H now and again is certainly relaxing and enjoyable. I just HATE, FUCKING HATE nausea. Almost more than physical pain. It just debilitates me, I don't want to move around or do anything except lay in a horizontal position. I grew up working on the ocean and being seasick was always the worst aspect of that lifestyle for me.

It doesn't happen a lot but I have on occasion blew chunks after doin strong dope....once I had just withdrew the needle and in a matter of seconds, RAAAAAAALLLLFFFF!!!!! Like the Exorcist...all I needed was for my head to spin around so I look like a carnival game, hahaha

LOL in contrast me and my junkie friends used to say we "caught a puker" and this generally meant we got some quality dope and were in for a good nod. A few moments of unpleasantness we mostly considered worth it :)
"There's no such thing as a 'painless overdose.' The pain was experienced in all the years of drug addiction leading up to the overdose."

47 days clean.. No suboxone, methadone, not even alcohol. Even cut down my caffeine to about one cup of coffee in the morning. (and I've never been a cigarette smoker, so nicotine-free by default..)
This, after over 20 years of substance abuse. I think I've had enough. I have an opportunity to live a better life, and I think I'm finally ready to take that turn and let go of the past.
Wish me luck! I'll check in every so often to report on this whole "sobriety" thing. ;)
Be good, kids... And treat yourselves well.
Treat ourselves? Isnt that what gets us in trouble? OHHH treat ourselves WELL... Whoops i read that the way i wanted it hear at first glance. Ha