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General Heroin Discussion 20 v. Walking Around in Women's Underwear

Yeah, I just don't find heroin to be particularly addictive honestly. There's a certain group of people which the drug almost immediately snares, and then there are those who can take it or leave it...I belong to the latter group.

That's not to say that I'm immune to addiction or anything, just that heroin (and "downers" in general) aren't my DOC. Stimulants are my problematic vice...I love the feeling of being "wired" and 110% awake, not nodding out heh.

With that being said, a little H now and again is certainly relaxing and enjoyable. I just HATE, FUCKING HATE nausea. Almost more than physical pain. It just debilitates me, I don't want to move around or do anything except lay in a horizontal position. I grew up working on the ocean and being seasick was always the worst aspect of that lifestyle for me.

No worries, they are in 50 mg capsules but I don't IV drugs, heroin or otherwise. Thanks for the input!

forgive me, but you sound kind of like a smug ignoramus. .. . you do not belong to any "special group" ... just because you've started of lightly , doesn't mean you won't end up a junkie like every other junkie....

i was a similar story... i liked my adderall and stimulants and psychedelics ... but opiates/heroin, only when I was coming down.... i did tons of research to avoid getting hooked on heroin... **laughs** like a fucking research paper can keep you from getting a serious habit going outta control. . . Anyways, i made it about a year of using infrequently enough to avoid bad physical withdrawal... after some years, eventually got a really straight legit connect who was convient and lived near me and thats really all it took to start getting out of control to a sixty dollar a day habit. and i don't have a classic "addictive personality / alcoholic" thing either.... you don't have to - to still manage getting hooked.... good luck
Yeah, I remember a few years ago on the original SR there was a vendor that was always stocked in the HMT heroin dots. I'm sure you could find more info online but they were pharmaceutical-grade heroin pressed into little 40mg dots. No filler, nothing, the dot was actually actually a biege color. I never tried any but I thought they looked pretty damn cool.

you can still find those on many of those pakistani online pharmacies today.
forgive me, but you sound kind of like a smug ignoramus. .. . you do not belong to any "special group" ... just because you've started of lightly , doesn't mean you won't end up a junkie like every other junkie....

i was a similar story... i liked my adderall and stimulants and psychedelics ... but opiates/heroin, only when I was coming down.... i did tons of research to avoid getting hooked on heroin... **laughs** like a fucking research paper can keep you from getting a serious habit going outta control. . . Anyways, i made it about a year of using infrequently enough to avoid bad physical withdrawal... after some years, eventually got a really straight legit connect who was convient and lived near me and thats really all it took to start getting out of control to a sixty dollar a day habit. and i don't have a classic "addictive personality / alcoholic" thing either.... you don't have to - to still manage getting hooked.... good luck

LOL yes, because EVERYONE who uses heroin eventually becomes addicted. Oh yeah, that's actually not true at all. 8) What's the actual number? Somewhere around 25%?

YOU sound like the smug ignoramus because you assume that just because you got dragged down into the opiate pit, that means everyone who dabbles will eventually be down there with you. You're universalizing your experiences when that's not warranted in the slightest. People react differently to different drugs...you like heroin, I like crystal meth. Deal with it.
Well according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (lol) 23 percent of individuals who use heroin eventually develop a physical addiction/dependency to it.

Now using the NIDA as a source is kind of sketchy but you wouldn't expect them of all people to calculate addiction figures DOWNWARD, would you?
23? whatttttttttttt.. I would think its way more than that, especially nowadays. when was that last updated? because now its around 99.9.. or at least around the Boston area.
Nah, I think 23-25% is a pretty reasonable figure. Most of us, being junkies or former junkies, and having hung out with a lot of junkies by virtue of that fact, probably are less familiar with those people who can take it occasionally and put it down without going full degen. I know I knew a lot of those people in high school and college, mainly having graduated from pain pills, but some of them managed never to catch a habit, let a lone i.v. and the whole lifestyle. See also: the famous study about soldiers returning from Vietnam.
25 percent seems really high to me. I always thought it was closer to 10 percent. I have known plenty of people who tried it once or twice.
I live in Ohio, in a part where the Mexicans reign supreme - so I only cop tar. it's usually pretty damn good

however, about once a month some Dealer goes on and on about how they got that "pure China white powder"... and that you just gotta try it ASAP. I used to live in the North-East, so I know quality China when I see it

before today, 100 percent of the time those said Dealers were bullshitting. sure, it was China, but it was of horrible quality. and to make things even worse they jack up the price "because this shit so fire." so I stayed away, until last night my new thuggish ruggish Dealer gave me a sample of some stuff "straight from New Jersey"...

and fucking WOW! finally some real talk product! he didn't have the quantity I wanted (I buy big) but he still cut me a deal for $10 cheaper a G than normal (since we can't say prices, I'm sure ya'll can surmise the approximate price from that statement tho). this stuff packs a stinging punch like a bee, then makes you float like a butter-fly, and it even kinda Fs you up so much when you nod you are kinda hallucinating - like you're seeing Muhammed Ali??

I am quite happy. check it, before I fucking wreck it:

^^ haha, I've been doing so well then I read what you had just wrote and it makes me wanna float on those dope clouds. would be very, very nice but I guess I gotta stay clean and do this life thing right. lets hope no one around me is using or I read what you have just wrote again, ha.

good stuff, bud. you enjoyed that one.
any Jersey folks around? wondering if fent-dope is still floating around. haven't used much lately (just moved back here from midwest) and just curious about the quality here...wanna stay away from any hot shot stamps. also anyone know about the scene in plainfield? that was my old go to spot.

furanyl-fentanyl from China circulating, more widely since new RC ban.


α-Methylacetylfentanyl recently identified in a south Florida drug seizure.

regular fentany preposterously cheap, I mean really preposterously cheap.

αMF probably around too.

All sorts of other weird and untested novelties.

... coming soon to a bag near you.

Mixing it in pure form into nasal spray is cute enough, but mixing it into fentadope without industrial pharmaceutical experience is homicidal.

Be careful, bros.
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I got some bags that were definitely cut with fentanyl today

I shot one up about 15 mins after I grabbed it in my aunt's car and she said I didnt just nod out but my face was like straight purple

I just chalked it up to being really strong shit

so fast forward 2 hours and I am at the hospital visiting my grandfather who was there to get fluid drained from his lungs.

I go to the bathroom to shoot up after saying goodbye and I'll see him tomorrow.

shoot up like normal

fast forward a half hour later and I awake to myself lying face down on the floor with a pool of blood around my head. I also had passed out on top of my arm so my arm was completely dead.

So im like half sitting / half laying on the floor of this hospital bathroom with blood everywhere and a gash on my left eyebrow. Im assuming I hit either the sink on the way down or just gashed it when I hit the floor

It took me like 15 minutes just to clean the blood up and my eye wouldnt stop bleeding so I just put a paper towel over it and walked out of the hospital. One guy asked me if I was alright and I just said I had a headache and power walked away from him.

I know it was fent because there wasnt a rush at all and it was really clear dope in the syringe, and straight white as a powder.

I still remember the dealer saying "yo youre gonna like this shit man"

what the hell am I doing with my life

and now I got this song stuck in my head lol

Just took 2 hour bus and walking trip just to NOT get my dope $, while kinda sick and hoping it'd be resolved quickly, and missed an opportunity because of it. I'm sooooooo fucking sick of people, but it'd take a 16$/hr job just to keep the same habit and live in the same shithole. No degree, ran out of loans, never made that much before. They're skimpy with the pay here, didn't even make that before moving here either. Back when I'd had a recent job. Just paid off my credit 2 days ago after like 3-4 days of not with a partial tacked on top. Will he do it? Will my phone die before I'm there? If it happens, will I end up asleep all day and scrounging all night just to get a half, smokes and food maybe, not enough for the day¿ and repeat! Fun stuff to wonder while traveling from the shithole of north vegas to the shit end of the "ho stroll" in one of the most notorious weeklies I can adapt to, bf bitches about wanting to get out, not that I don't want that but whatever cash isn't spent on my dope, his meth, basic necessities, alllllll gets thrown in the goddamn slot machines, then I get bitched at for now much $ goes to my dope.. A physical necessity -_- 70 in a day at most, better than throwing hundreds into slots I'd think. Dude opens in 4 mins but not gonna grovel on the bus. But whatever, I only hate how shit is if I don't have any, and so ends the self pity.
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Just took 2 hour bus and walking trip just to NOT get my dope $, while kinda sick and hoping it'd be resolved quickly, and missed an opportunity because of it. I'm sooooooo fucking sick of people, but it'd take a 16$/hr job just to keep the same habit and live in the same shithole. No degree, ran out of loans, never made that much before. They're skimpy with the pay here, didn't even make that before moving here either. Back when I'd had a recent job. Just paid off my credit 2 days ago after like 3-4 days of not with a partial tacked on top. Will he do it? Will my phone die before I'm there? If it happens, will I end up asleep all day and scrounging all night just to get a half, smokes and food maybe, not enough for the day¿ and repeat! Fun stuff to wonder while traveling from the shithole of north vegas to the shit end of the "ho stroll" in one of the most notorious weeklies I can adapt to, bf bitches about wanting to get out, not that I don't want that but whatever cash isn't spent on my dope, his meth, basic necessities, alllllll gets thrown in the goddamn slot machines, then I get bitched at for now much $ goes to my dope.. A physical necessity -_- 70 in a day at most, better than throwing hundreds into slots I'd think. Dude opens in 4 mins but not gonna grovel on the bus. But whatever, I only hate how shit is if I don't have any, and so ends the self pity.

damn that depressed me! but doesnt seem your habit is too bad, right? not even using daily. do you want to stop? is it hard w/ the boyfriend there and smoking meth!? gotta do what you gotta do; you could be a degenerate gambler instead and not ever feel nice, ha.
hey guys. so...uhh...im still alive!

after a radical shift in my friend group for the better, a 6 week long psychadelic detox (copious amounts of lsd, ketamine, mushroom chocolates, dmt, and mescaline), and a month at my new job that i fucking LOVE (i now work in a headshop full time. my job description is 1) be high 2) sell bongs, bowls, vapes, and ecig shit) I have JUST done dope for the first time since that began.

i was doing really well and only got some because a good friend of mine was really sick and i got a huge comission check from work this week so i split a bun with him. one bag has me itching like fuck and a little noddy (from the little tolerance break + massive quantities of ketamine that ive been consuming)

im not sure if im going to keep using after today. i wont be sick from this one day, which is also my only day off this week, i have access to subs and ketamine, and my life has been going great since i stopped.

oh well. i was just letting y'all know that im still alive, not incarcerated, and doing well.

this massive j of chocolope and line of dope is for you guys
nice to see you, jeebis. I also work in the head shop industry as a distributor. it's a great way for folks like us to cash in on life

damn sub - be careful. I am thinking with SKL's post that all "china" is cut with fent or a fent analogue now? I don't mind it, as I have a monster tolerance

man I am sitting here waiting on my band's royalties to drop in my bank account from London. getting paid very handsomely. gonna get fucked up... wish the couple Ohio BLers that used to kick it here were still around, I'd show em a good time for a night or two
BostonBrownTown, if you don't already know about this, you'll get a kick (or something) out of this ...

Man had more than 2,500 grams of pure Fentanyl, AG says

That's about 53 million standard NYC bags according to my quick back of the envelope math.

Wouburn, MA ... not that far from you, right?

This was back in June. To judge from your posts fentanyl in your area hasn't really been hit hard, am I right?
yummy! Woburn is about a half hour or so away. I been to a clinic over there a few times when my methadone clinic wasnt serving for whatever reason that day or if I was just closer to the clinic that morning; my counselor was also out of the Woburn methadone clinic.

so happy not to be on methadone anymore. not happy to see all that fent taken away; such good times! sad that it killed so many, tho.. but only brought me some goooooooooooood times!